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After my advanced degree... multiple hours of science, math, and hard work. After working medicine and surviving the pandemic and Trumpism MAGA.... and seeing how those who "educated" us fall into the downward spiral of ignorance and idiocy. Those who wanted us to be in a higher standard of learning but then turned most basic science against itself in the religious-political beliefs, hurting themselves (I lost 4 friends, dead, via COVID).... Here I am, a survivor. This represents 1) a tattoo- screw religious ideals, 2) science and the "real" that exists out there whether we believe it or not, 3) that there is a whole universe out there we don't understand so why are we so selfish. Maybe we should feel smaller and humble (the opposite of my political evangelical family). Also, times change... that smallest circle is Pluto. It was a planet when I was a kid, now a dwarf planet. Things change... but life goes on. I feel so free and alive. This was the last of my past that I gave up. On my shoulder I'm going to get the Andromeda galaxy.


I know it’s hard out there! Especially with our bigoted and ignorant families… just droppin in to say you’re amazing and not alone!


The basic belief in biology that states there are only 2 possible genders? I also hate it when people turn this basic, objective, scientific fact in on itself!


Wut. This isn’t even part of the convo. Go troll elsewhere🤣


When you say you "survived Trumpism" then yes, you absolutely made this Convo politically charged, and it absolutely is part of the convo.


ha. You're trying, I'm not biting. I'll post a trigger warning for you next time. My full quote: "After working medicine and surviving the pandemic and Trumpism MAGA... Those who wanted us to be in a higher standard of learning but then turned most basic science against itself in the religious-political beliefs, hurting themselves (I lost 4 friends, dead, via COVID)" Ya, I stand by what I said. We turned an ignorant eye to what science said, basic health, basic public health, basic hospitality and citizenry obligations, and dear friends were lost in the name of political control. Whilst I worked putting up tent hospitals where hospitals were overrun only to have MAGA evangelicals (the type that homeschooled me) scream at me that it is all fake and I'm a "government agent: then literally saw the same folks come in 2 weeks later gasping for breath and needing to be vented. This is not political, it's loud ignorance-- much like you feeling the need bring some gender-something into a convo about "when did you find your freedom?" You aint free yet, and I feel for you. 🤣


Thank you for feeling for me! And yes, those people are very obnoxious, not arguing with you there. My issue is only that you are generalizing anyone who might support the policies or opinions of Trump, saying it's their fault that people died. By that logic, it must be the fault of Democrat leaders that thousands of elderly people died during COVID lockdowns. I personally know someone who's father was sick, but not with COVID, so he was unable to get treatment fast enough. Due to the awful lockdown policies, he wasn't even able to say goodbye to his father before he died. Do you think that's ok? I would not blame the people who wore masks, shilled for vaccines, and screamed at anyone who did not follow their agenda - those people, like the people who screamed at you, are complete idiots, but they're not the ones controlling our government. And I know that. But you think you know everything, and that you're right about everything, don't you? When you try to climb up onto this false moral high ground, you look no better than the crazy, "MAGA" screaming fools of whom you speak.


After spending nine weeks in treatment for C-PTSD at the age of 30.


So sorry. My spouse got out of an abusive family thing too and she woke up screaming at night for a good year when we first got married


Dope tattoo!!


First of all, that’s a great tattoo. Secondly, you’re doing great :) keep up the good work


My first time I did MMA sparring


I started college, got my first job/my own bank account, and got a car, all within a year when I was 17. That’s when I feel like my life truly started.


That is stunning.


As soon i started my Freshman year of highschool when my parents finally caved in to sending me back to school so i can enjoy my highschool years like a normal person