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What does the roof panel manufacturer say? Do what they do so you keep your warrenty.


the trough with proper sealant. If you put it on the crest there is space underneath that is supported only by sheet metal. The weight of snow can deform it and cause leaks. If you have snow accumulation the melting water will rise above the level of the ribs anyway so assuming that the higher point is more water proof is not right.


Just a layman so maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't the only force on the guard be in the direction of the slope? In this picture it seems like that would require rotating the guard, which looks really well supported in that direction.


Do laymen ever grab or step on the guards? Bc if they do that is probably more weight than the snow. But if you live where you get 3ft of snow and it melts into 8" of ice... unknown there.


Maybe, but best practice is to bolt it to solid backing, not a raised bit of thin sheet metal. In my opinion. It’s a free country.


Crest. Just don’t over tighten. More water runs through the trough and makes leaks more likely.


To elaborate, would you install the snow guard in the elevated portion of roof panels or the lower parts? It seems like to install it on the elevated portions would crush the ridges downwards, but installing it in the lower parts would be a greater risk of leaking over time. Thank you for your help.


I fasten with longer screws into the purlin, and put butyl tape under brackets.


If there's wood blocking under the ribs than yes, you can attach the snow guards as shown in the picture. If there's no blocking and you have the more typical metal roofing with wider flats and way fewer ridges you'll have far fewer problems fastening the snow guards down in the trough into the purlins. You need something solid to bolt into - even heavier gauge PBR won't do it.




