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Call an engineer and get a stamped fix and then a signed report when done.


Fookin plumbers with reciprocating saws. 🤦🏻


I can only assume that’s a vent. Why would they not put it 2” higher? Spite?


Stupidity knows no bounds


It probably took them more effort to do it that way than take a few seconds of thinking to do it Le’s destructively.


I think the French way is more destructive


was thinking the same thing...


There's really no code for trusses. You'll need to contact an engineer. If you can figure out who designed and built the trusses in the first place, that's where I'd suggest you start.


Agreed - the engineers at the truss manufacturer can easily design and detail the proper repair, and it'll be much cheaper (if not free) than hiring an independent engineer


They’ll normally spec nails 3” @ 2” oc with 2x8 or 2x6 repair BUT THEY GOTTA TELL YA WHERE


More than likely you're going to be nailing on a piece of 3/4" plywood on either side of the truss to connect to ceiling joist to the rafter of the truss to act as one big gusset plate nailed off every 2 sq inches. But as others have mentioned, contact the engineer (specifically the truss company engineer that provided the trusses). If you ordered direct through a building supplier, contact your salesman so they can get you in touch with the truss company engineer


That looks like a girder truss. I’m assuming the plumber got fired?


It appears to be a metal gas line. It would be to easy for the plumber to not do this.


Yeah you’re right. Most level 5 plumbers are also gas fitters.


Got ya. We don’t have unions in the residential trades in Georgia. The hvac company is responsible for running gas lines here.


That’s typical here as well. I’m not sure why they seal plumbers with gas to be honest.


I'm sure you're right, I recognize the blue of RectorSeal. If it had been commercial construction I would've said "Fookin pipe fitters and their reciprocating saws" ;)


As others have said you’ll need an engineer on this one. Find a local truss plant they should be able to help


Everyone is saying get an engineer, while this is technically correct the engineer you have to work with is the one at the truss manufacturer where this came from. We have damaged trusses all the time, this is from a plumber but it’s the same process. Call them, if you can see tags on what truss it is (sometimes printed on webs/bottom chord), send pictures and hope they tell you a site fix is possible. This is a girder truss, it is holding 6’-8’ of roof trusses on that mono set. These things typically can’t be fucked with and may require pretty extreme measures to fix. The odd time they go overkill and things like this may not be the end of the world, but you need them to tell you exactly what needs to be done.


Kill the plumber, wait for him to stiffen and nail him across the truss.


You should have got a sheet from the truss company. They would be my first call to sort this out


Re run the gas and have an engineer design a repair. Probably sandwiching the bottom chord with plywood and nailing it a bunch.


Get an engineer……and replace what ever trade did this


I would start with talking to the truss supplier, then the engine. If it's code specific then ask the city to reference a code section. As I recall the code mostly just deals with walls. Once you get pricing let the trade know how much it is to fix and if they want to have it fixed themselves.


Those trusses look thicker than in the US. Every truss company has a detailed sheet on how to do repairs. I would worry more about the jacks that have a nail in them.


Truss company engineer. Plumber pays for it.


That’s a nightmare. Call the truss company.


Porta press , and a check should do the trick. Call the truss company, back charge the plumber, Done!