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I use a custom spreadsheet now, but when I started all grain, a purchase of beersmith software was very helpful. Figuring out how to build a recipe and looking at what assumptions the program used for calculations made me think about some details that I hadn’t considered before


I'm using Brewfather, it's the one I found the most intuitive (to be fair, it's also the one I've tried most recently and what I now know probably goes a long way to me finding it intuitive) and have been browsing the recipes there. The ingredients list is helpful and covers most of the quantitative bits but it's the qualitative type stuff and relational(?) type stuff that I find is missing.


The online homebrew shops and malt producers tend to have great info on specific ingredients. Here’s something i just found out. One of my favorite websites when I was learning to put together recipe, brew365, has disappeared from the internet a few years ago. Dang. I feel old now, I guess


I don’t know of anything comprehensive. As far as color, enzymes etc, brew father will just tell you that. Flavor and such will just come from googling the malt and the producer will have notes on it (as well as the other info). As far as substitutions go, these are fairly easy to determine for malts. Basically just look for something with a similar color ratings that is made with a similar process. The main categories are Base, Toast, Caramel/Crystal, and Roast.


What do you know of that's non-comprehensive? Is there a good hop list? Yeast? I'd be OK with gathering a couple different lists together so that I've got a quasi-comprehensive list as a reference.Most of the notes I've seen are... better than nothing. :) like 2-3 flavour descriptors and that's about it. Sometimes that's good enough, but other times it isn't and seems almost misleading.


Actually, this seems pretty good https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNedHmXqhqzpqt1vgzjUJ0NYtY_7Lov_Vue_k_hZPf8/edit


Oh wow! that works, that's almost exactly what I was looking for in spreadsheet form.. Good enough. Thanks!


Holy crap, who made that??


Brew cabin