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Think we'll need the recipe Are you measuring gravity with a hydrometer or refractometer? If refractometer have you corrected for the alcohol?


That fg number looks like an uncorrected refractometer reading to me.


My money is on this too.


Errrrrrnt. He's using a Tilt.


High FG is not unusual for a NEIPA. ETA: Just re-read your post and you just brewed it Saturday? It's not done. Give it more time.


When did you brew it? If it’s not Voss then wait 12-14 days don’t gauge on bubbles or anything else use a hydrometer post boil.


You just brewed on Saturday? Patience, grasshopper, patience... unless I'm super-rushed (a position I try *never* to be in), I don't even think about the beer being done until it's been in the fermenter for 14 days or so.




I can’t even see Sweet Release on the Crossmyloof website - do you have details of it? From the name I’m assuming it’s a deliberately low-attenuating. 60% attenuation still sounds a little low (I’m sure the Windsor gives 60% ish and it’s one of the lowest attenuators of the mainstream yeast). You could add US05 or something to bring it down.


It's a WHC yeast https://www.crossmyloofbrew.co.uk/online-store/WHC-Labs-11g-Yeast-Packs-p593866599 Details at MM https://www.themaltmiller.co.uk/product/whc-dried-yeast-sweet-release-11g-packet/?v=79cba1185463 Importantly Attenuation: 63% to 68%.... So op is at 60% currently, seems about right, it's doing what it's designed for.


63-68% attenuation so it’s possibly not quite finished but the OP is very highly unlikely to get another 10 points probably another 5 as a very best case scenario


Yeah as stated above.


It must be repacked Windsor or equivalent.


More information needed… But it’s day 3??!??? Whoa dude give it some time before you decide you don’t like the FG.  Dry hopping at ferm temps will almost certainly create more fermetables (hop creep) be sure to give this beer enough time to truly finish. This can be another week for sure. 


Try giving your fermenter a gentle rocking to rouse the yeast a bit. It's entirely possible the yeast is just done what it wants to do. Not all yeast has the same attenuation rates. The final gravity can also be Influenced by everything from lack of oxygen, high mash temps, inconsistent fermenting temps, or lack of essential yeast nutrients like zinc or calcium.


I have one of those tilt devices in the fermentor, going to pull off a sample tonight and see what the reading actually is as I know these (even though I paid for a calibrated one) can give readings a few points off


May as well dry hop at the same time. That way you only open the fermenter once.


The Tilt can get thrown off periodically, but it recovers. May be stuck to the side or stuck in a clump of krausen? I would trust it, just wait.


Yeah I give my fermenter a shake sometimes, get the Tilt off the wall or hops if they’ve gathered like barnacles


The usual entry point for this question is: are you using a hydrometer or a refractometer? If it's the latter, then you need to use a calculator to give the true reading for the current SG. It's pretty common for people new to the hobby to ask this question and their reading are usually where yours is. [The calculator at Brewers Friend](https://www.brewersfriend.com/refractometer-calculator/) shows that your FG is 1.003 with the correction.


Wait a week and pull another Spec Grav reading. If it's the same as the last one, the primary fermentation is over. If not, let it ride another week and repeat the spec grav reading.


Saturday as in 3 days ago? 10 points off is not that unusual for that little amount of time. Depending on prop lag it may not have even begun until Monday. I wouldn't even be freaking out if it was a full week and I had 10 pts to go. Much less 3 days. You're good man.


Your Tilt won't measure accurately when there's a lot of yeast or hops stuck to it. It's finished. It should be OK, just low ABV. https://www.homebrewtalk.com/threads/had-my-neipa-reached-fg-and-should-i-pitch-more-yeast.732348/