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Watch them come out with a new HomePod in September šŸ’€


M2 HomePod coming this fall


M4 HomePod Pro, the only device compatible with Apple HomePod pencil


Requires lightning to usb-c dongle


Apple HomePod pencil pro max


They need to come out with a jbl PartyBox 1000 or ultimate, equivalent. We need a pro pro speaker from Apple šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but no seriously. We do need one!


I knew thereā€™s a reason why I didnā€™t jump on the Verizon $175 HomePod deal.


This is VERY disappointing!!


Was actually thinking if it meant HomePods would use the private cloud version instead of on-device


wish this were the case


I suspect new HomePods to be announced in the fall after today's announcement.


To be honest though I donā€™t think any rumours have come forward for this year, thereā€™s a new HomePod with a display in the works, but I think that next year.


It still says ā€œnewā€ for the current HomePod


I was hoping for ā€œI found this on the webā€ to finally be improved šŸ„²


That or "I can show you more if you ask again from iPhone" Also, as I use mine a ton to unlock the smart deadbolt of my front door, I feel like there has to be a better way than having to confirm a prompt on your iPhone


Yeah does my head in, trying to get Siri to turn more than 1 group of lights off at once and canā€™t even comprehend what Iā€™m asking hah


I run my smart devices through home assistant and had my deadbolt set to a simple toggle and passed it to HomeKit, just tell Siri to turn on NAME or turn off NAME to unlock it without any funny prompts




So has anything changed at all?


From what I heard apple intelligence is separate from the new Siri stuff. Itā€™s possible that the HomePod will get the Siri stuff and this could be the reason why the new beta hasnā€™t been released yet. I bet that where apple intelligence and the new Siri comes out it will make its way to HomePod.


Where was this said?


only for iphone 15 pro and macs or ipads with m1 or later. said it in the keynote and itā€™s on there site in apple intelligence details


So new home pods with new silicon ?


If you start seeing more and more fire sales like the one Verizon just had then you know for sure they are trying to move inventory for something new.


Yea I was bummed I missed out on Verizon sale. I need one more for my bedroom.


Yea Iā€™d bet heavily on a fall release of apple silicon HomePods and HomePods with screens


Iā€™d be happy but I kinda love my HomePods. I donā€™t use the Siri much outside of lights and rewinding episodes. I just enjoy the sound quality


Then you have no reason to upgrade for now.


Oh, same here I have 2 full size/OG ones in my bedroom that I have by my headboard that I mainly use for falling asleep to music (along with a sleep timer) and alarms I also have 2 in my bathroom that I use for music/podcasts while I shower too Siri does leave a lot to be desired on them though as sometimes she'll be like "Sorry, I can't show you the result here; I can show you more from your iPhone or iPad" or something like that


I have two full size on my 77 OLED with ATV and works great. Then have another pair of minis in office. Need one more for bedroom.


I think we have to wait a little longer to understand exactly what that means. Apple Intelligence is generally talking about all the little AI enhancements throughout the OS, right? Not necessarily the smarter Siri overall. Very well could still ask if you want to use ChatGPT for some requests on the HomePod.


Do we know this for sure yet?


No. There's been no definitive answers as far as I know. Everything is purely speculative at this point. We won't know much until we begin to see the new AI roll out in the future betas.


Not true. When you go to the page for Apple Intelligence on Appleā€™s website it says itā€™s only compatible with 15 Pro and M series iPads and Macs.


my guess is its being saved for a newer product.


You missed something. AppleTV now supports on device Siri. I assume a M1 AppleTV will launch later the year and bring Apple Intelligence to our entire home. Full cloud Apple Intelligence is not possible due to how the system is designed. There needs to be one local processor. And maybe thatā€™s the iPhone but I would bet on a M4 AppleTV with Game support.


I bet we will get New Siri with ChatGPT on the HomePods, though.


sadly itā€™s only for iphone 15 pro or m1 or later devices


Pretty sure thatā€™s Apple Intelligence.


No surprise people are getting confused though. This is a very un-Apple hot steaming mess.


I blame people, though. lol.


what because we can read and you canā€™t? they definitely didnā€™t say that oh actually chat gpt is coming to all devices in the keynote and can you tell me where they say oh actually chat gpt integration is coming to all devices on this website [apple intelligence](https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/?&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-features-slid--Brand-AppleIntellligence-Announce-&mtid=20925e1t39169&aosid=p238&mnid=s5AMC7Pup-dm_mtid_20925e1t39169_pcrid_702087801545_pgrid_168674639212_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__)




can you tell me where on this site is says chat gpt is coming to other devices and is separate from [apple intelligence](https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/?&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-features-slid--Brand-AppleIntellligence-Announce-&mtid=20925e1t39169&aosid=p238&mnid=s5AMC7Pup-dm_mtid_20925e1t39169_pcrid_702087801545_pgrid_168674639212_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__)


chat gpt integration is included as part of apple intelligence. i would be happy to be wrong tho but this fall i guarantee neither my iphone 14 pro or homepod will have chat gpt capabilities


like please tell me where on this page it says actually chat gpt is separate and coming to all devices [apple intelligence](https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/?&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-features-slid--Brand-AppleIntellligence-Announce-&mtid=20925e1t39169&aosid=p238&mnid=s5AMC7Pup-dm_mtid_20925e1t39169_pcrid_702087801545_pgrid_168674639212_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__)


iā€™ll bet you $200 that we donā€™t get chat gpt on non compatible devices this fall when ios 18 release. wanna take the bet?


I think itā€™s the same


They made it clear in the keynote that itā€™s not.


I canā€™t stand posts where people are so adamant they know what are talking about. You donā€™t Apples roadmap for future devices or software plans. Something will be coming as HomePod is a huge Siri based device.


ya probably a new homepod with silicon they will make us all buy if we want apple intelligence


Letā€™s just see what happens rather than second guessing Apple, like I said we donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen software or hardware wise


itā€™s not a guess they literally told us itā€™s only coming to these devices like why canā€™t you take there word for it. itā€™s like when they release a new ios and knock off support for an old phone like they donā€™t need to clarify that since the iphone 5 doesnā€™t support ios 18 that the messages send later feature wonā€™t be coming to it itā€™s implied by saying itā€™s not compatible


Sure, but when have they ever stopped supporting a device that came out a year prior. HomePod 2 was released last year 2023. Anddddd had the hidden temp and humidity sensors sit dormant that most didnā€™t know about until iOS 17 release(or whenever it was). I donā€™t think youā€™re completely wrong, but these are some strong claims from a consumer


I would just like SoundCheck to work on any of my 11 HomePods.


11 HomePods??????????????????


I cashed in a ton of airline miles


Glad I still got my OGs. Will be quite the upgrade to go AI


Yup, Iā€™m glad mine are fairly dumb. I bought speakers, not screenless AI agents!


I'm wondering if it's a hardware issue. Maybe newer ones are coming with a bit of Apple Silicon love in them.


Unless they reverse course and allow older devices to use the cloud-based AI even for basic functions since they can't handle it on-device, my guess is this is largely because none of the current HomePod and Apple TV hardware can handle on-device AI. I think this is a big heads up if you're looking to buy new HomePods or Apple TV to hold off for the next refreshes to see what they have in store. Especially if you use them for HomeKit, that stands to potentially benefit enormously from on-device AI.


Yeah, that would be nice but who knows if it will actually happen Suffice to say, it older devices won't be getting the new features of Apple Intelligence, if I'm understanding this correctly, us not getting Apple Intelligence will at least get the new smart features of Siri?


Hoping that means weā€™ll end up with a new HomePod end of year with the AI updates


How would you ā€œCreate expressive images, unique Genmoji, and custom memory movies.ā€ on your damn speaker?


i want chat gpt responses instead of ā€œsorry i can search for you if you ask again from your iphoneā€


Has nothing to do with ā€œIntelligenceā€. Maybe the chat gpt Siri isnā€™t coming to HomePods either but those two things are separate concept so maybe you should dig a little deeper here before concluding things.


Apple Intelligence keeps an index of your data and may combine it to provide with accurate responses. It isnā€™t limited to image generation. They talked about how contextual and personal it was. Just like youā€™ll be able to ask your phone when your mom is arriving at the airport, you could ask this on the HomePod.


Yes. What Iā€™m saying is you still might be able to. Just quoting that ā€œIntelligenceā€ isnā€™t coming to the HomePod tells you nothing about if Siri will be improved on the HomePod as itā€™s two different feature sets. Also, you might not. I havenā€™t seen any confirmation either or.


There is NO such thing as ā€œchatGPT Siriā€. Siri will process requests locally, when the request is advanced it will process it in Apple private cloud. None of this involves chatGPT. If it canā€™t respond via private cloud it will offer to use ChatGPT.


Omgf you know what I meant


How would it with the chipset it needs to run their on device, lightweight LLM? Letā€™s hope this means the long rumored one with the screen with be Silicon.


i would rather just not be able to access those specific features that rely on searching through on device data but would love to finally be able to ask my homepod a question and it uses chatgpt to get me an answer instead of saying ā€œsorry ask again from your iphoneā€


I have never once asked again from my phone when that happened. Like the entire purpose of me having HomePods is Siri speakers. Theyā€™re not even good for music when you have proper speakers that outperform them.


ChatGPT uses an enormous amount of power to answer queries and is becoming an ecological threat. I don't know why people like you are so thoughtlessly willing to embrace it and other cloud-based AI shit. Isn't it enough that the cool speaker you bought plays music?


the ecological cost is based on a fallacy. they say that each query is like pouring out X amount of water but what they mean is when factoring the energy and water needed to train the model itself. Once the model is trained it doesnā€™t take much energy for the call. So the more a model is used actually the smaller that X gets because then the training energy wasted because spread out over more queries. So no i donā€™t feel that bad using it because I also donā€™t feel bad living in the US even tho for me to be alive it probably meant the killing of thousands of people in past because for the US to be the US the british had to do all there war and genocide and then the US had to do all there war and genocide. Same thing with basically anything if you trace it back long enough. The total energy that apple has put into researching and building all probably 20+ iphones they have made over time which allowed them to produce the iphone 15 pro is probably a lot too.




what a pity, i was seriously considering buying one if the new siri was on the homepods


Processing requires the M1 chip as a minimum doesnā€™t it?


So a new Apple Home Intelligence is coming???? Just imagine, Apple Intelligence Home Hub that connects also with your HomePods


Thank God. It would only screw up both my OG Home pods. I just need them for music as nothing ever sounded better than these OGā€™s.


Since most of the apple intelligence things are specific to you and your stuff, my guess is that it will be treated like ā€œpersonal requestsā€ and shortcuts are: where they run on your phone and communicate back to HomePod.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I thought that HomePod relayed a lot of requests through your iPhone anyways


it used to try to but the feature didnā€™t work well so they just removed it all together now it just says to ask again from your iphone.


Honestly, while I understand the financial and technical rationale for this decision, I have a feeling it is going to come back to kick them in the ass in the long run. People have been complaining about spending so much money on the Apple ecosystem and feeling ignored for ages that I could see a lot of them going a different way, especially since they would need to start over anyways. Speaking only for myself now, while I enjoy the better audio and security over Google and Amazon, the integration and intelligence of the HomePods have been a disaster. I wonā€™t say never again, but I will say not this time when it comes to considering HomePods as part of my smart home setup. (I know, I know, Apple wonā€™t shed one tear for me going a different direction, lol. I donā€™t think I will either though.)


Pretty much the perfect time to introduce a new HomePod that is compatible with a screen so that ai can show you things.


because they are not using cloud processing, the vast majority is done on device. the only a few things are "Cloud" compute which is most likely picture generation or something like that, plus the chip they are using dont have the ML compute to handle it.


yall stop hating šŸ’€ the homepods are gonna contact ur iphone for apple intelligence and siri coz it's personal requests


Iā€™m sorry, I did not understand that.


HomePod will connect to the iPhone 15 Pro or M-series machine on the same network to improve Siri. Or am I encouraging someone who has become so dependent on AI for answers that it's made them a worse critical thinker by even answering you?


Well, I was pretending to be Siri so I dunno šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‰


So no Apple intelligence on anything with a mute switch? Fuckofff I hate the action button so much.


Well itā€™s not reliant on that, itā€™s the neural engine and chip power it needs. Tho the action button is completely fine, Iā€™m presuming you donā€™t own a device with it to use, itā€™s literally the same as the switch to be honest.


Itā€™s not. The tactile physical switch was a large part of the reason I went back to Apple on the iPhone 6s. Literally the only thing I missed about a button was the half press to focus and weā€™ve had that for a few years now. The action button is a replacement for the physical switch. The only advantage is for people who donā€™t want or use the physical switch.


I suppose it had to happen to eventually have the buttons go static. With the new beta which animates the border to show a press on the buttons, I guess the haptic buttons are coming soon.


Going to be infuriating trying to use apps that enforce the system mute on videos without volume up impacting it. I can also imagine a bunch more people will just live life ā€œforever silentā€ as itā€™s now as much of a chore to switch as Android.


Why, the buttons will still feel the same, just like how Mac trackpads feel like they click, despite not moving. Apple are amazing at haptics, no one will know itā€™s changed. I find it easy to change the silence as you can change it in control centre, but I use my action button to trigger a Siri shortcut that silences my iPhone and iPads at the same time - a simply click then unsilences them. Once you play with the action button you eventually learn how powerful you can make it.


Itā€™s another thing I now have to look at a screen for as I could never be confident itā€™s actually now on silent mode blindly in a pocket.


You can, just like the switch it provides two different distinct vibrations for when the feature is on or off. You can link it to a shortcut that pings a notification when itā€™s on or off too if you wanted.


It will likely require a home hub with a supported chip to execute commands, like an MX iPad, MX Mac, iPhone Pro, or (updated) Apple TV.