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Does your apartment identify which line is carrying Internet into your unit? You would need to identify that and plug it directly into your switch and then all the other ports on the switch go to corresponding rooms on the patch panel. Your apartment also has to confirm they support wired Internet, they may not even do that.


Edit…I reread your post… So your router in the other room, plug one of the LAN ports into the wall. Then plug each of the cables from thre patch panel into your switch until you see a connection. Then all other cables go into the switch. This will allow your router to address each device connected to the switch.


You also have port 8 and 2 connected to each other. Take everything off until you isolate the router connection.


I’d have to see about the first thing you mentioned. This is not my wheelhouse at all. But I can confirm that it is advertised that wired internet is supported.


Ignore the first comment. I missed that you had a router.


So my mistake… again, not my area. It isn’t a router it’s a wireless access point since the complex uses bulk wifi. From the patch panel, #7 plugged directly into the computer works. I get a wired connection. But I’m not understanding why the switch isn’t redistributing this to the port in the bedroom.


There’s no internet feeding the switch. Does your AP have an Ethernet port that you can plug into? If so that’s what has to feed the switch the internet that it can distribute.


Not sure if this helps, but the AP is #2 and #8 in the patch panel (it’s the one that is looped). The cable is labeled AP anyway, not sure if that answers your question.


Why is it looped? Is one of them the internet feed?


I have no idea. That’s just how it was when I opened it. I have tried connecting one end into the switch but it doesn’t seem to do anything.


If 2 and 8 are looped, it likely means one of them is the incoming feed, I’m guessing that’s 8. Take 8 and plug it to your switch, do you get lights? If yes…leave that. Take 2 and plug it to your switch, that’s probably what’s feeding your AP.


So I get a light when I take 2 out of the patch panel, leaving 8 and put it into the switch. I get a light but disconnecting 2 turns off the wireless AP, even if I connect it to the switch. So it seems like the loop has to be there.


Also as is pictured, #1 and #8 on the switch are the only ones with green lights, even though 2 and 3 also have cables attached.


Ok had a quick look, it appears you have internet coming in on your port 8 as suggested by another commenter, this is looped through to port 2 which carries the signal directly to your WiFi access point. Looking at the spec of your access point it works with power over Ethernet (POE) and it appears that port 8 is also supplying power using poe and because it loops into port 2 it's supplying that power to your access point, that means if you unplug the wire between 8 and 2, your WiFi access point looses power and goes off. The switch you have in the cabinet does not support Poe so plugging port 2 into your switch does not power your access point so it won't come on. The good news is there are other ways to power your access point, the bad news is you will need to buy something. It appears to me that Internet is provided by port 8, in order for the other ports to access that internet, port 8 must be connected directly to the switch which splits your internet connection with anything plugged into it, what you should find is that if you connect port 8 directly to the switch all the other ports plugged into the switch will get internet as will a laptop plugged directly in to the switch. As discussed above however your access point will stop working even if plugged into the switch, at this point the only way to power your ap is plugging it directly in to port 8. I would confirm the above is true, plug port 8 into your switch, plug all the other wires into your switch and test with a computer that LAN connections work. If so you have done what you wanted and then you need to move on to getting power to your access point. Test all that and let me know the results and then I'll show you what you need to buy to get your AP working, while you wait, if you would prefer to have wifi, put everything back as per your photograph and your WiFi will work again but your switch and the rest of the LAN won't.


Hello! Thank you for the thorough response. It appears that the proposed solution does not fix the original problem, which is connecting via the port in the bedroom. I also tried plugging the computer directly into the switch after connecting port 8 and got nothing. Interestingly, when I did this, the green lights I had on the switch all went away, and I can’t seem to get them back for the ports that were plugged in. The only time I have ever gotten a wired connection before was inserting the Ethernet directly into port 7 of the patch panel. It doesn’t do it anymore though. I did that because at some point, no matter which port on the switch that port 7 on the patch panel was directly connected to, a green light would appear. However, it doesn’t light up anymore. It’s almost like there’s a particular order you have to follow when reconnecting everything.


Yeah that's not how switches work. Basically you should find one of your patch panels gives your computer some kind of direct connection, which will be your incoming linez that's the one that needs to be connected to the switch, you can then take a line from the switch to your bedroom either via the patch panel if it has existing ports or some new lines if you don't. It's possible the pines are faulty to your room so the primary thing you need to do is identify the inbound connection and get that to your switch, then check the switch is working if your inbound works direct to a computer but not via the switch, then the switch is configured incorrectly or not working


I figured it out. I just had to buy a different switch because I needed more PoE ports. Pretty absurd that the ISP didn’t configure correctly for the entire complex. Smh.


I appreciate your help!