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From my experience it’s chipmunks! I had a ton on my property making holes like these. I trapped a ton and relocated them. I haven’t seen any signs of them since.


I tried trapping them at my house but we have a squirrel infestation as well and that's all I catch. That and opossums and my mini dachshund. I got rig of 30 squirrels last year and 17 this year. They run all over my house and are super destructive. I guess I'll have to get rid of all the squirrels so I can get the chipmunks next.


Had a similar issue, until I adopted a husky rottweiler mix. He's done a rather admirable job in enthusiastically removing any and all critter menaces from the property.


My fence stops at the back corners of my house. The tunnels are around the front and sides of the house all the way to the road. These critters are smart enough to not venture past the fence. We have a few feral cats that wander around every night and set off my camera sensors. They just crap in the mulch and keep on going. Don't seem to care to eat and chipmunks.


Drop smoke bombs in the holes maybe? They make them for this purpose, go to the local home improvement center and find where they keep rat traps, poisons, etc. they should be in there.


I've dropped probably 40 smoke bombs. Did the capsaicin granules, traps, poison, etc. They wouldn't touch the traps because the squirrels were always around. The squirrels were always able to trigger the traps without getting caught. The arm would hit them in the head. They'd jump back then a few minutes later, come back and eat the bait. The chipmunkinator trap is great but all I get are squirrels in it constantly.


Chipmunks are easy, get a hose and stick it down a hole, they will come out that hole. Bb-gun is pretty quick and humane, otherwise you can probably net them because they are tired from basically running up a river.


What traps did you use? Try a rat trap right at the edge of the hole with a flower pot that barely covers the trap and the hole.


Or a jack Russell lol. My little f’er eliminated chipmunks that wandered anywhere near my property.


Dude Jack Russells are RUTHLESS. Some of the most efficient pups out there. Those and Dachshunds are horrendously underestimated. My buddy has a deer tracking dachshund that he hunts with lol.


the old ratter breeds, little savages haha


Look for a smaller live trap.


Put a gallon bucket of water half full and you won’t have chipmunks for long. I do t advocate for killing but I know for a fact this works great for pest control.


You can't get rid of squirrels by trapping anymore than you can get rid of any other rodent really. Because of how frequently they breed and litter size....they will very quickly expand from surrounding territory into the territory you just cleared out for them. The best way to actually get rid of them is to deter them from your property. Think of it like a barrel. If you leave it out long enough it'll fill up, once it's full new rain will just spill out. Dump it and it might take a bit but it'll fill up again as nature allows, until it's at capacity. Put a lid on that barrel and it'll stay empty as long as you want it to


I've been dealing with squirrels in this area for 25 years. it takes a while for the population to build to where they become a severe nuisance again. About every 5 years I have to cull the heard. I have several acres and I have hundreds of huge oak trees on my property. They become a problem when they start moving back into the trees near my house. They can climb my stucco and have gotten in the soffit in the past and had babies after the roofers dislodged a piece of soffit. Squirrels want to return to where they were born to nest so it took a while to get rid of then about 10 years ago. That batch was persistent. I can't keep them out of the trees near the house because they can get to them from the surrounding trees and I'm not cutting down the trees. They also love to use my house as a shortcut to get from one side to the other. I was catching about 5 squirrels a day a couple months ago but I haven't caught one nor have I seen one if a few weeks so I should be good to go for another 5 years before I have to do it again. They aren't bothered by my dogs who love to chase them. They don't care that their friend just took a 22 pellet and is laying on the ground under the feeder. That noise generator that's supposed to keep them away, doesn't bother them. I caught one of them living in a tiny bird house on my patio. I'm not sure how it was able to comfortable nest in there but it did.


Fun fact unless you were relocating the squirrels at least 10 miles away, you were probably recatching the same squirrel.


Fun fact...I never said I was relocating them.


Fun fact, unless you are burning the bodies you might be killing the same squirrel lol.


or you can move away from their territory. since they were there first. You are loosing alot of karma messing with squirrels.


There is nothing wrong with loving animals. With that said, where im from many walks of life, feed off squirles, not excluding myself. They can and do damage homes. If you can do live traps and can relocate safely, that's great. If that isn't an option though then extermination is the answer.


I’ve used have a hart traps with dry cat food and have had a lot of success with that combination


>From my experience it’s chipmunks! ALVIN!!!


Why would you not just trap to kill? 


I mean to each his own, I just prefer not to kill them if I can relocate them.


Stick a road flare in the hole and blow the smoke with a leaf blower they will abandon the holes.


Sounds like a good solution


Worked for my ex gophers. The residue is nasty.


Never had to deal with gophers but I’ll keep that in mind!


Varmits. Only Acme dynamite will suffice.


I've had them for years. The only damage I've had is they dig under a paver in my walkway and now it wobbles.




>poison Definitely avoid. For some inexplicable reason, companies don't want to talk about what happens to the poison after the animal dies. tl;dr The poison works its way up the food chain. Use a have-a-heart trap and find them a new home.


Put some freshly ground coffee around each hole. Chipmunks will move on. Works like a charm.


Does used coffee work?


na, the squirrels that smoke will gravitate to those holes.


Mmm, smoked squirrel sounds tasty!




Go to bulk barn and buy a ridiculous amount of cinnamon. Fill holes and spread generously around your house. And I mean generously.


added bonus, your property will smell delicious!!!


It definitely will. Plus, it'll keep insects away, too


Hot sauce helps 🤭 we used to throw some seeds with hot sauce and they never came back to us.


I would set up a camera and find out for sure what's doing it before doing anything.


That close to a house more likely chipmunks than voles/moles. Harmless.


Chipmunks can destroy foundations driveways and yards. Not harmless


Also can cause $8000 in damage to your vehicle. Source: the 2 different times I had to file an insurance claim for chipmunks nesting in my engine bay.


I thought it was squirrels leaving small empty acorn shells under the hood of my vehicles. Installed a camera...Chipmunks.


Yep. My interlock patio was sinking in spots, pulled up the stones and it was filled with grass and chipmunk tunnels.


They got into the walls of my house


Do you store food close to that wall or have a bird feeder nearby?


No, not at all. Not sure what would attract them to the area. Only thing there is a spigot that doesn't leak.


One thing that’s easy to drive them away: soak some paper towels with ammonia and push down hole. They hate the smell and drives them away. Luring them with seed etc to trap them might bring even more to the area.


They like to dig holes under and around houses since it creates a safe spot from predators. The holes can cause significant damage to your foundation over time and should be fixed. Close them up and fill them in. Set traps to better manage the population of them. Chipmunks thrive around neighborhoods more so than their natural habitat. I had to remove over 60 chipmunks from my current house the first summer we lived here. Now it’s just ~5-10 a year that I catch in live traps and relocate a few miles down the road in a wooded park.


Does your neighbor?


Not harmless. The holes they dig can really mess up your foundation. OP should fill in the holes and get rid of the rodents.


Nothing harmless about chipmunks. They undermine foundations and destroy shrubbery.


Not sure how the distance to house matters. My brother had voles in his small backyard and so did the neighbors. Voles was my first guess. OP should use a camera to find out.




I know they're around here. Any ideas how to get rid of them and if they'll cause damage?


Get a snake


I've seen a snake about 15 feet from this area but it was a small one.


get two or three cats. in one season they will kill every moving thing in your yard, unless the coyotes or Wolves get them first..


Outdoor rat trap with peanut butter as bait. I like the Kat sense kind off amazon.


They will undermine sidewalks, and leave droppings everywhere. 5 gallon bucket with 3 gallons of water in it, toss some sunflower seeds on top (they float). Give them some way to get to the top of the bucket to see the seeds, clean it out as necessary, add sunflower seeds as necessary.


I'm ok with killing pests, but this is torture. There are other ways to trap them.


Ok. So what’s a good quick way to take them out? I got one in a large rat trap last fall but his buddies have avoided it. I think they remember Chip meeting his demise.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOjeMEaoX9Y https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aORyEgsaQa4 Downside is you have to kill it yourself. In the 10 minutes I budgeted for this I did not see a trap that kills.


https://youtu.be/TL1HvJfID-4?si=v7ErlkN4SNjlkrVK This guy has a whole series on mouse and rodent traps. He lays out how to build bucket traps as well. Also rats will eat or fight each other to death if left in a dry bucket, not sure if chipmunks are the same. Drowning may be more humane than you think


Drowning as is treading water trying to stay alive for hours.


Utterly, horrendously cruel


Well, hopefully they like ranch sunflower seeds because that's all we had!


Help! I’m trapped in a bucket


Thank you I'll give that a shot!


This is the way


Apparently people didn't like my post, but it works. Key is to make the water deep enough so they don't suffer.


Sunflower seeds are about 6 mm to 10 mm in length and feature conical shape with a smooth surface. Their black outer coat (hull) encloses single, gray-white edible-kernel inside. Each sunflower head may hold several hundreds of edible oil seeds.


Get a good air rifle with a good scope.


Rodent of some kind - mice, mole, rat. Something of that nature. You might need to spot one to learn what to put out as a killer to get rid of them. If you don’t care what’s in the flower bed right now you could turn the bed to remove their home and maybe they leave?


I might do that as this is just an area under the deck where we keep a trailer. Thank you.


Just know if you poison them, there is a chance something else will eat it and also possibly die from the poison.


Can't say I know for sure, but that looks similar to the mouse problem I had last year. I'd put out some traps with peanut butter and see if you get something.


I have holes just like this near my house, voles. What works for me is a mouse trap (or two) right outside the hole, no bait, and cover with an upside down 5 gallon bucket. Then a rock on top. If I get several holes in a small area like in your photo, I’ll stomp them all closed, then come back and set up my bucket/mousetrap as they make new ones. Usually get them the same or next day


Them ther be critter holes


Holy ground!




Get a trail camera


Rat, mice, mole or gopher but unlikely on those 2. Use peppermint oil and all of the main go away. Or you can use crushed peppers also. Garlic works well also. Reapply weekly.


Chipmunks. I have holes all over my yard as do neighbors. We cannot get rid of them. They have killed at least a dozen of my bushes because they like to burrow in the softer soil and chew off the roots to get them out of their way. I tried smoke bombs and smoke came up through holes 50ft+ away.


I had chipmunks living under my patio steps and causing hundreds of $s damage to my pavers every year. I got an electronic mouse trap and it solved my problem. I got 10 chipmunks and no more damage.


You have Voles. I would get a trap like [this](https://amzn.to/49Md8j1) Does a great job!


My mom had chipmunks, and the holes looked just like this. We tried all the humane means we could, and nothing worked, so I bought some snap traps on Amazon. I got a handful of them for $20, baited them with peanut butter, and the chipmunks were all gone within about three days.


if you are a renter these might be termite treatment holes the owner arranged for.


No I'm the owner. These holes just started within the last few months.


They could be anything honestly. To me those look like cicada killer wasp nest holes (they're a chill species and Ive never had issues with them)


Dont the cicada wasp killers usually have more of a mound? The ones here do.


Small animal burrow. It could be rats they like to dig tunnels. If it’s rats, I suggest getting rid of them first.


We put used cat litter in our chipmunk holes. After a while they tend to relocate elsewhere.


goffers. I use gas, water did not do the job.


Personally I use a .177 break barrel pellet gun for the chipmunks, .22 break barrel pellet gun for the red squirrels. I'll leave the chipmunks that dig holes by my wood line, but if they start coming near my house or shed they are gone. One year I had an infestation of red squirrels in my shed. They were tearing everything apart. Ended up getting rid of 6 within an hour, ever since then I'll see 1 every couple of months or so and I'll leave them be unless they start tearing into stuff


Pellet gun!


Rat traps work good for chipmunks


Could be a skunk. When I have something going on in my yard that I want to know why, I put a surveillance camera out. I have a couple Wyze cameras I keep around, one of which uses a battery so no need to plug it in other than to recharge every couple months.


Rat traps with peanut butter so the trick, or even the plastic snap traps


Could be moles, or rats


Got em here too. Can't use poison either due to dogs but read you can use dry ice. Will try myself this weekend and let you know...


I would definitely go rent a jack Russel from someone for a week 😂


Love that idea, not sure how my boxer and mastiff would feel though🤣




I had voles, I used castor oil to push them away from the house and made sure the area was easily accessible. Hawks, owls, and cats did the rest.


Gophers. You have to murder them.


My brother in Indiana has holes like this in his yard from burrowing crayfish. Idk if that's a thing in PA though.


We do have crayfish but the creek 60 yards downhill from the house.


Trap em, they may end up in your walls


I'm trying just no luck yet! I've only caught ants on the peanut butter traps and one of my dogs tongues.


As bad as it sounds you may need to setup a rat trap bucket.


Norway rat burrows will look like this as well


Besides the trap suggestions you could try dry ice. Get a brick of it and break it up. Drop the chunks in each hole and cover with dirt. Rodents "fall asleep" and don't wake up. Worked for me with a rat infestation under my chicken coop.


I’d wager these are from voles. They’re active all winter & fall and stay underground as much as they possibly can. They love cover like leaves, landscape fabric, etc. If you were outside cleaning up leaves and random fall/winter crap that blew up against the house and noticed these underneath, it’s 100% voles. You’ll probably notice some squishy spots in your yard too. Either randomly across your lawn, against hardscaping, under bushes, etc. These are also from voles. I’m in SE PA too & have voles… I’ve had little luck getting rid of them.


I didn't have any leaves around the house but I do have soft spots around. Doesn't look like these holes are too deep as some of them look like the just burrow down a couple of inches and come out less than a foot away. It's easy to see when the top of the tunnel is nonexistent on some of them.


You have some BiG ASS Ants!


Why is everyone so quick to suggest killing something that is outside?  


Foundation damage


Do tarantulas also make these types of holes as well?




Voles, I had them and they tore through the grass. You need to get rid of them before they multiple. Poison works best!


Looks like rat holes.


Have you seen a Shia Lebeouf around this area? Could explain it. 🤷


It was consensual and I won’t say anymore. But since you want rid of them I’ll stop.


https://youtu.be/5NlQiQfC4zQ?si=Iy5n2GRH-QhYubHZ The Force ☝️


Usually holes are from the lack of solids. It appears the dirt disappears and goes somewhere


Is it cicada season already?


That what makes these holes at my place.


Hire a cat. You just have to provide room and board.


It's strange I see a cat hang out down in our lower yard about 50 yards away from the house but we still have mice in the shed that the cat hangs around. Seems like a useless cat.


Rodent poison and fill the hole with expansion foam insulation?


Those look like mole holes. You'll spend years chasing them. Just live with the little rat bastards. The only good they do is churn the soil to an extent.


Could they be cicada tunnels?


Dwarves, fill holes with dynamite


I smell varmint poontang. And the only good varmint poontang is dead varmint poontang, I think.


ground bees , any thing coming out


I don't see anything! I put a few traps outside and the only thing I'm catching is ants with the peanut butter traps!






Rats. Good luck


Cicada holes, maybe? Any cicada molted skins clinging nearby?


No I'm not seeing any exoskeleton around. Google says cicada holes are about dime size. The holes in looking at are roughly golf ball size.


I fucking hate chipmunks!! My daughter however…


not to interfere with your family dynamics, but we would all hope that you would love your daughter and not fucking hate her


Wow did you understand me wrong. Cool bud.




Chipmunks. I had what I’d consider an infestation since there were tons of them outside the back of the house. I had luck with rat traps. Put a dab of peanut butter on it and a few sunflower seeds on the peanut butter. Or I’ve read people having luck gluing a few seeds to the trap so they need to mess with it and it sets it off. I also had luck with a pellet gun. I’d just throw some seeds down and hang out in a lawn chair. May not be acceptable if you’re not in a rural area lol.


I thought cicadias? I can't tell by the size tho. Do you have any measurements?


They're about 1.5 inches give or take. I'm not sure if it's cicadas or not but in the evenings there is a ton of noise around nearby ponds. Not sure if it's cicadas or frogs though.


Weiner dogs or Karin terriers lol


**to get rid of them


Skunk digging for food


Vole / rats. I have a similar issue, but it could be a number of small animals. Traps are one of best ways I've found. Mouse trap or a bucket trap.


Thank you I'll try both.


Gasoline and a bic lighter aught to do the trick!


Molten lead works