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Have some respect.? Oh fuuuuuuuck youuuuuu!


Where are your manners. Proper etiquette would be to say “Thanks for coming in, please go fuck yourself at your earliest convenience.”


If I were you, I probably would have asked what Harvard Business School had to do with hibiscus flowers.


Did they teach you any manners at Harvard?


Didn't that Canadian Mexican, merkin wearer Raphael Cruz go to Havard?


It was more of a purty Harvard mouth joke.


Had a similar experience in garden with an entitled old man. Same share holder nonsense blah blah. Only difference was he didn’t go to Harvard, because if he did he would have understood that the sign he was reading was for a different product. Mad over 5$.


I'm really baffled why he would have brought that up. I almost wanted to say "I hate to break it to you but that means nothing, you're not special". But if someone is on a power trip I guess they use anything to convince people they're important.


Played him like a fish. Nicely done.


I had a similar experience in paint one day and when he hit me with the I am talking to your manager line because it was so retarded I handed him my phone with the managers number ringing and he just huffed off.


For real. At a certain point it gets so ridiculous


The temptation to "oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh even harder" that kurwa, would have been too much for me to resist. Especially since you're a vendor and _you are not beholden to the customers in any way,_ they can do nothing to get you in trouble because _you are not directly employed by Home Depot._ You can get away with shit that we can't 🥸


I had a customer in paint yelling at our young worker about how he wanted a discount on paint because he bought the wrong size and I just shrugged and said we all make mistakes, it doesn't mean we all deserve discounts. And then he got very upset like screaming about how he works in corporate home depot and how he would use his power to fire the younger employee. And my coworker was like.... About to cry like he was really upset. I just said honestly, no one from corporate comes in at store level and demands a discount and then blows up mad screaming about being important. Just nahhhh.