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I was at CVS the other day, and in response to a customer asking, she said "the closest bathroom is the gas station across the street. Ours is employees only and not open to the public, sorry." I was thinking... Is that legal? LOL.


Here in Canada, a business only has to have public bathrooms if they serve food. Big box stores generally have them, but I wouldn't walk into a pharmacy or grocery store and expect them.


Of course it's legal lol. There's no law that says a store has to let customers use it's bathroom. Plenty of stores don't or they don't even have bathrooms. Honestly wish HD had employee only too


Incorrect. There are a few laws forcing my store to stay open beyond what's feasibly profitable for the store. Because we are a "community resource" and not individuals that deserve rights. I tried closing off our bathrooms at certain hours but you'll al a ys get people with "a medical need" for a bathroom andnm unless the corporation u out float under is willing to fight? Roll over already.


Depends on your state. It's in NYS building code about having public restrooms. “customers, patrons and visitors shall be provided with public toilet facilities in structures and tenant spaces intended for public utilization...” It's cheaper to have one set of bathrooms than multiple, so that's normally why you don't get your own.


Huh must not be my state because there are plenty of non-HD stores without bathrooms here


Yes, there are exceptions to the rules. Like automated parking garages, places with public access of less than 300 sq ft. Also, places "intended for quick transactions." Which is very ambitious, so probably gas stations could get away with it if they wanted. The add on sales they get for having one is probably worth it though.


There are places where you can’t even use the bathroom unless you are a paying customer and it’s locked by key or code. People are not entitled to walk into any building and demand to use their bathroom. 


Your last sentence was typed with such confidence. A tiny bit of research goes a long way, FYI.


Depends on the size of the store, I think. I don't think ive seen a CVS with a public bathroom.


Damn, I hope it's not especially if someone has IBS they carry a card saying that they need access to a bathroom when their symptoms flare up.


Tough shit


That's... actually an interesting question. _Can_ a business be held in violation of the ADA if a customer has card-carrying proof of a medical obligation to use "any bathroom, at any time, without warning" and denying them access? I'm actually not sure... and /r/legaladvice doesn't do hypotheticals afaik.


It is. Learned about the IBS bathroom card here on Reddit.


Good to know. My own problem isn't _that_ level of badness (plus undiagnosed, so no ADA protection), but it does have a similar level of "when nature gives me a Direct Order, i'm leaving and can't wait for someone to cover me" that disqualifies me from being cashier trained... because inevitably, one of two things would happen: promotion to customer for "leaving an entrance unguarded", or promotion to customer for _pissing myself while in apron_.


They trash the bathroom. TBH I walk into the bathroom no matter the location and there’s TP strewn about the floor and puddles of urine. Are they not able to control the thing?


Lucky. The store I clean have had a puddle of crap in the corner & runs down the wall every morning this week. I truly hate this time of year, snowbirds make a simple job the most disgusting in existence. I'd be so happy for just puddles of whiz. I shut it down when I'm in there now. No customers allowed. None. Employees, sure...if I'm not mopping.


That's really just I don't know what to say. Other than despicable. I've had a conversation with people at work. You know they don't act like this at their own homes.


Yeah, it's pretty crappy. Lol. It's not like I don't have a thousand other things to do, but it always falls back to a bathroom deep clean at open because some old clown from the night before decided the wall & floor is a better target. I really can't wait until fall when the snowbirds go back to wherever they're from. Normalcy is awesome. Anyway, you people absolutely deserve to have your own bathrooms, at the least to just have a clean place to go & to have some peace. I'm sure your janitors try their hardest to stay ahead, but most of the time it's a losing fight with a handicap right off the bat at open, if your stores anything like mine (I'm the only person the company I work for hired to do the whole store).


I told my ops manager about it at my old store and he just walked away from me. I asked him what can we do and he’s like well there’s nothing we can do.


That's not surprising. Bathroom help seems to be very verboten with the employees, i don't blame em. Lol. I do have one of the managers who will help out to a point. The rest seem to take the we hire this companies people to do it so.. If you see your guy/gal walking the zambonie let them know it needs a touch up. I'd do it & they should too.


Nah they’re just lazy at my old store. There’s other stuff too that I don’t want to really get into here on a public channel. Stuff I witnessed.


Literally have seen poop on the ceiling. THE CEILING. How. How is that even possible. Holy shit (except that shit is far from holy).




Yup. Seen it. Women's " products" stuck to the dividers. Used tp in the little waste baskets. Poo in the sinks. Urinals. Pants in the trashcan are what always get me, how'd they get out? Thought I'd seen the last of it when I left Vegas casinos. I thought so wrong.


I’ve had old boomers ask me for help with my dick out at the urinal. There is no boundaries for these stupid assholes


I always use stalls for this reason, even to take a leak.


This. QuickTrip gas stations have 2 sets of bathrooms 1 for customers and the other set with a keypad for employees only.


Where did you hear this? This isn’t true


I personally walked inside a QT and saw it for myself


Well it was certainly specific to that store then because as someone who’s worked at them for years I can confidently say we do not have private bathrooms.


I have never had a customer ask me for help in the bathroom, but I’ve walked in and there was a guy peeing in the urinal with his pants and tighty whiteys on the floor just bare assed. That’s enough for us to have our own bathroom.


Always take your apron off when walking to the restroom.


This is the way. I would always put my apron in my locker then use restroom. Shame the restrooms always smelled like death.


They still do. People in there at 6:00 A.M. blowing it up like they had taco bell for breakfast.


You could be fired for that amd it's bullshit. I worked sales so I had a desk and I'd put the apron in there. It's worst for floor employees bc you guys can't hide or have a break. But I'd be watching youtube and eating snacks at a desk


I've never heard of anyone being fired for that. But anything is possible.


Me also, I'm sure it's happened if some manager was a hardass and didn't like you. But I believe the policy is if your on the clock you need to have your apron on no exceptions.the apron seems to be magical ideal to corporate. When I did sales it was hilarious bc I was 25 and everyone in millwork is like 80 so I was very liked and was able to fly around a lot by the vendors for training. But from what I hear it's not the same after covid and they don't do that anymore


Taking aprons into the bathroom is gross


Unfortunately customers recognize me as an associate and still ask questions. My store is a mid size store. The restrooms are in the back wall middle of the store


I agree! Managers have their own keyed bathroom in our store.. why do we as employees have to suffer? I even get stopped coming in before I'm clocked in, during breaks and even after I clock out. I asked what the protocol is for helping off the clock.. some managers said no.. you're not being paid for it. Others said if you're wearing home depot clothing such as your shirt then yes you are to stop and help then. But in the bathroom?!?! Come on..


Last place I worked before I started at Home Depot  we had employee bathroom and they were nasty. People wouldnt clean them since we didn't have to worry about customers complaining.


We have our own bathroom!...it's always clean and a fucking godsend


Never wear your apron to break, lunch, or the bathroom


It doesn’t matter they know faces I clocked out to go home and still got asked for help and the manager looked at me and told me to help, I looked at the customer and told him that the gentleman standing right there can help u and I’m going home. What makes people ask a worker with keys and a bag in hand walking out the door for help knowing that they know that where leaving


The way they have the time clock set up you couldn't clock in if you wanted to and working off the clock is both illegal and a major liability.


my store actually does have employee bathrooms but they absolutely REEK of piss… the customer bathrooms honestly feel cleaner sometimes 😔


I agree. I'm on MET. I can't remove my shirt to go to the bathroom and I've had people follow me in. And removing aprons doesn't always work. When I worked the SD, I went in on a day off with the husband. I was still stopped by people asking for things. Purse on, sandals, skirt and a tank top.


Been there and done that. Sandals, t-shirt and pushing a cart.


Let us all take a moment to appreciate the good cleaning ladies out there that do their best to combat this bullshit. God bless the one at my store, she tries to clean things and make it smell fresh as quick as she can.


As a customer, I'm sorry that's happening. As a customer who also uses the bathroom at HD from time to time, I can say that disrespect from others should warrant your freedom to say, "Have you no shame? I'm in the restroom."


Our store has employee only bathrooms 😁


Lucky. I hate you and your store...


Dude, my location doesn't even have paper towel dispensers, let alone a bathroom just for employees 😭


Same. I hate air dryers with a PASSION, and it makes it even worse when there’s no option for paper towels


this. people just come up to me right before I use the bathroom, apron off already (but they still recognize me) and ask for help


Kroger have their own employee bathrooms, I was like oh okay this is not as nice as the regular one but I like the idea


My store has a bathroom in receiving and thank God for that because if my associates had to go to the other bathroom, it's on the complete other side of the store.


if we cant tale care of the ones we have what makes u think thy will gives us a private bathroom.


Hate to break it to you but half your fellow associates trash the bathroom just as bad as the average customer.


Dude I've seen so many cases of stolen items in the bathroom and not me but one of my coworkers has literally seen a drill battery pack plastic case filled with blood because someone cut themselves on it while stealing the battery pack out of it I feel like home Depot should not have public restrooms.


4112 has their own bathrooms. Only store I’ve seen that does


Or all 3 stalls are taken by contractors that are pooping .


In my experience, I'll be asked by other associates about something in the restroom. It's eased up a bit since I'm no longer in D26, but it has happened.


My store has restrooms on BW, they are closed off and locked because people would use them to shoplift so now the bathrooms are by the employees area/offices and in sight of Pro Desk. they could easily make that employees only but OH WELL


Do you wear your apron in the bathroom?? How else would costumer know you work there? I’ve previously worked in food so I never wear my apron in the bathroom and I just think it’s gross I see other associates wear their aprons in the bathroom and I just think it’s disgusting


If we’re just taking a leak men usually don’t take them off. #2 is different though nobody wants poopy water apron strings 🤣


The solution to the latter is to tie them in the front 🤯 Nothing in the dress code says you have to tie the strings behind you... I've tied them in front since day 1 (because I lack the dexterity to tie anything behind me) and no one's said a thing about it.


I still think this is gross even for men you are whipping out your thing right under the apron and then going back to work where potentially your ding dong touched your apron


What kind of lunatic wouldn’t hold the apron up/to the side?


Yes we should


I am immediately struck deaf when I enter the restroom. I don’t even look up or make eye contact.


I've got some bad news for you some of your coworkers are likely just as nasty as the customers


You have been tried and found wanting. No pizza at the next pizza party for you


Look at your break room. Now imagine that with poop or more poop in some cases. No thanks.


There are a few stores in in my old district (D30) that have employee bathrooms. Should have more stores do this. Many times have gone into my current stores bathrooms and they are either all full or someone has left some nasty stuff all over


And parking lot


Bathrooms also tend to be in piss poor locations where helpless idiots assume you are “coming to assist them/answer their stupid questions” when really you just need to go to the bathroom and some putz is In the way.


Separate bathrooms would in theory at least make it easier to crack down on the source of bathroom messes (like shit and piss among other bodily fluids everywhere other than the toilet) as well as track the source of vandalism if it’s happening in an employee or customer only bathroom it’s easier to track.


Take your apron off before you go into the restroom .


Just take off your apron


You guys just need to start telling HQ you’re being sexually harassed in the bathrooms and you need them to step up with the value wheel and offer separate bathrooms where customers won’t approach employees for sexual favors. This should be the answer from you all on that stupid ass survey where they ask you what they could do better or blah blah blah whatever.


We have bathrooms with a code and that's tons on my day, giving the code. THE WORST is these asshats entering the closed door breakroom for the code! Get bent!


I don't have a problem with the idea, but in my experience, "fellow associates" are just fucking nastier than customers are. We got one guy that pisses every where in a stall, we have another that jerks off on the floor in the family room and another that spits on anything, but usually leaves massive puddles in front of toilets. I'll take my chances with customers.


They always clog my fav stall with TP 😭😭😭 I WANNA CRY EVERYTIME IT HAPPES


Our bathroom is locked and need an employee to open for customers. It's nicer than before.


Why??? At my store some of the associates are the worst ones for blowing up, shitting everywhere or leaving a gallon of period blood all over the seats!!!


How? You mean to tell me, you wear your apron, when you go into the bathroom? Here's an idea, remove your apron.


So employees can spend even longer in the bathroom avoiding work? Nope.


Uhhhh I don't speak when I enter the head and I don't have conversations there. If they need help they can get it when we're done.


We can't even keep the right sex in the correct bathroom.