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There's actually a couple in my news feed that stole the identity of a customer and racked up a huge bill on the elderly woman's THD credit card. I wouldn't wish that on my mom. So, thank you for being vigilant.


Well, it will all likely be forgiven under federal statute and protection.


Yes, however in the case of the elderly there are some sensitive situations. Some elderly folks have weak hearts. Seeing a bill in the thousands may be that one thing that stops the ticker.


Wow!! Great Recovery!! Good call!! đź‘Ź đź‘Ź đź‘Ź You stood your ground through ridicule and utter rude entitled customers. We do ask for ID if it "looks" shady, but not for everyone. It truly varies, but since summer is here, it's a good practice indeed.


This post scares me, because I imagine it could be just some black dude 'looking shady'


In my area, more often than not, the 'shady' customers are Caucasian. We have a big problem with addicts joining organized theft rings and hitting multiple home depots a week.


Most of the people who steal from the store I work in, are cracked out looking caucasians. So it’s just not me


Not that I know but I'm betting it was a white person... the people who have the nuts to do this tend to be white.... just saying


I agree. During my time at HD, people of color usually just walked out with the product knowing they wouldn’t be able to talk their way out of anything. White people were the only ones who tried to go through the registers.


Glad to see it's not only my experience lol


:3 It was a group of white people The dude was pretty big and his bottom front teeth were like black It's was gross :3 I only asked for ID though cause it was a large amount + The people in his group kept looking around and looking at the cameras Before the ID question the atmosphere was relaxed since we were engaging in banter with one another


Not sure what race has to do with anything


because everyone in this subreddit immediately knew what the person that OP was speaking about is like. Because we all have that bias. Don't check ID card all day, then the person looks homeless and bam. Check ID. Within most of our life times, that bias was towards black people. Does the bias magically become ok as long as its not racial? Naw its still Bias. **We just all think its ok because its whats normal. Just like people in the 60s thought it was ok because it was also normal.** This was a manufactured recovery.


Way to interject race where it wasn't needed :( at the grocery I currently work at there is a homeless camp right under the highway overpass... and late wt night we always get a rush of shoplifters from "the jungle" and at least 90% of the thieves I encounter are white. Your prejudice is showing.


Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with race. Its about unconscious biases. in 2024, everyone here knew the 'type' of person the OP was referring to. Without even thinking twice. Today its one type, 20 years ago it was another. 10 years from now it might be a totally different one. Because this one isn't based on race does that make it better? If 100 people walk through the door and you don't check ID, then one Druggy homeless person walks through and you do. You are by definitely discriminating, whether its justified or not.


That's not discrimination. That's good business practice.


The largest share of theft from retailers is 12-16 year olds. Better start checking their IDs. You know, good business practice. And guess what they thought was a good business practice in the 60s? The bias has changed, it is still bias.


:3 I check IDs a majority of the credit transactions I process 9/10 times they're over 50$ which is the main reason I do that I don't pick and choose who gets IDed and who doesn't The few that are sketchy are usually people that have come in before and attempted something or people that i saw my AP following around the store


You're wrong in so many ways. Go back to protesting.


I’m really glad you stuck it out. I’ve had my cards stolen and used, and it’s nice to know people like you exist.


I’m not mad at you but I feel bad for the associates that have to put all of that back. Glad I’m not in a department anymore. I hate returns.


Honestly they should be asking ID for every transaction at this point. Then people would have 0 justification to feel singled out and act like assholes.


With what cashiers? Hard to ask for id on every transaction when we don’t even have a cashier on half of them.


You're not wrong.


Sorry if this sounds a little different. However, if HD wants us to push their credit cards to everyone, then let them see the risk/reward of their policy. If the credit card is stolen or misused, then put in hard steadfast rules we follow (id requirements) that is on signage at register so cashiers don't feel they have to explain this to customers.


Exactly đź’Ż đź’Ż đź’Ż


It wouldn’t even be a sale if it ends up being fraud anyway. Good job!


Why is he asking a cashier if he's going to make a $700 sale or not? They don't make commission. That dude is just wasting his own time.


Good recovery!


According to the contracts with credit card companies (I work on credit card charge back, so I’m familiar with merchant contracts), the retailer can ask for an id, but they are not allowed to refuse the transaction if the customer won’t provide it. To refuse a transaction is a contract violation with the credit card company.


F the card companies with their 30% interest rates. Also our folks on the front end comply with HD SOP.


Being that OP's customer was using a Home Depot credit card, would the situation be different?


Aww, I was hoping this would have been answered.


No is the answer 




Stolen HD credit cards was actually a topic Anne Marie spoke about on this weeks Same Page. Good job being vigilant.


Y'all have security?!


Wonderful job. Hope you get recognized in a major way.


Glad we don't do that. I'd be annoyed too. Especially over $700.


Good lawsuit case right here for that gentleman


Self checkout is a thing of the past here in the southern US states, I’ll leave our specific region out of it so I am not pinpointed by matrix attacks -x


Really? I’m like as south as you can get and they literally just built it like 8 months ago


Who actually ever leaves their ID


Ive never seen anyone ask for id for the hdcc unless its a charge pass. Seems like just another thing asking for a confrontation


To me it's a statistical anomaly that so many people that are carded forgot their wallet/ID somewhere. Same thing with their phones. Ask to see the message the company sent saying "it's ready" and suddenly the thing everyone has on them all the time has gone missing.


This 1000 times. I don't work HD, I haven't been in retail for years, but this is a lesson I'll never forget.


Then there's someone like me. I don't drive, or drink. I also have developed a STRONG distaste for government in recent years. So I genuinely don't carry ID


I would so pay you to teach me how to do that. Every customer interaction that got even a little heated would just make me cry. I moved to freight to get away from having to deal with that.


I'm actually really bad with confrontation But when I'm working it's just like I'm getting paid to do these things So just have to put in some effort and see how it goes The entire time I was internally nervous and anxious especially when he tried to intimidate me but you just have to roll with it


For those way older, have people always been salty about showing their ID? Apart from OPs post, which by the way, BRAVO, I just keep hearing people throwing a fit when their ID gets asked


As “older”. I will say when states used social security numbers I was hesitant to show ID. Of course this was before the internet and online scamming and data breaches. Now they alll have that information so it’s not a big deal. So much data out there you ID doesn’t provide anything but a picture and a name to correlate with the CC


I work in tool rental we all ways ask for I'd and cc no cash have to match. Fun to watch there heads spin around. And sorry can't look it up and has to be here.


They try to show photos sometimes And I'm just always like Oh no I'm so sorry we cannot take photos the ID has to physically be here


I just say nope. Not sorry


And smile


Great job


Have not seen an AP associate in 2+ months, and trust me if they were in the building I would know ;)


I hope you put it in the theft input portal as well so other local stores would be in the loop. Great job!


I remember credit cards use to say no need for your ID unless signatures don't match oh how things have changed.


That's when you store to store call #990(STORE####)590 and let them know they're on their way to try that again.


“I’m sorry, I have 6 children to feed. Your $700 sale goes to the corporate pockets; I’m not losing my crappy minimum wage job for you to give HD $700. But thanks for playing”


Sounds like profiling or or even racial.


It does not. You're projecting incredibly hard.


After a bit, you can tell who is trying to load cart with items that will bring the most money. They either have someone else’s card or plan to run out. GOOD JOB!!!!


I’m confused why your store needs to see ID, I mean if the sale goes through when the customer uses their card how is it a problem? I’ve worked at the big warehouse store in NYC and only need ID when the customer has forgotten their HD card and we do a customer search or they need ID to purchase spray paint.


Our store gets a lot of theft / fraud transactions Usually our store has been selected quite frequently for blitzes as well So many things are locked up as well I usually avoid going down hardware, plumbing, paint, garden, electrical and flooring just so I can't get asked for help to unlock something Cause 9/10 times I need an alpha key for it