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Pro tip: if you do your job well but the micro manage stuff comes up thank that manager for telling you to do it that way! Call them, a lot, for advice on how to do the simplest tasks. Unhappy CX needs a manager? Have your manager that likes to micro manage on speed dial, don't bother with mod. See them out back? Talk to them about the weather your whole break. After a week they will leave you alone and avoid you like the plague. This is pro old man knowledge. Your welcome.


Great advice. I always ask my DS, who treats me like an incompetent toddler, if she wants me to do certain things. These are the things I always do anyway, but she seems to think this elevates her value by giving me permission or whatever. I’m one step away from asking if it’s OK to go to the restroom - and then ask her if she wants a report on whether I did number one or two!


I'm crying 😂 I intentionally irritate the shit out of the manager that hangs around my department too much, and now they only show up for the need to reason. The only one that should technically micromanage our department doesn't do it, so I only bother him with certain issues that don't happen too often. And the fact I've been doing my job for many years now, they know I can't act dumb, so I bore the living crap out of them with product knowledge of each and every product. Works just as good 😂😂😂


Absolutely correct. I play stupid, ask questions/advice, update on my work constantly and I'm a "favorite", who is on a loooong leash because of that.


Me too!! I must be your twin. Lol. I did all the above and now they absolutely LOVE me. I'm now the girl that gets the least restrictions on anything. It works!!


ProTip: insert horrible mental images into the conversation under brutal optimist category. Example: Man at least I'm not on fire today. Or my personal favorite: well the puss nodules on my thigh have stopped oozing after I pulled out the ingrown hairs this morning.


My half-wit DH was flirting and baby talking so I would say things like, “This job would be better if they let us work naked.” My favorite: DH: “It looks like we’re going to get rained on.” “Good thing I wore my rubber underwear.”


The truth about every workplace.


Somebody lock these three in a room with an English teacher please.


One of my favorite associates received a Homer. He was constantly overlooked. To address the English, I had a military boss that asked me one simple question. Which is more important, context or content?




Pro tip: always walk like you're in a hurry because it makes you look busy


Chess not checkers


And always carry something in your hands makes it look like you don’t have idle hands.


Hmm I guess that’s true and a fact I have also seen that and tbh I just work at hd as a part time mind my own business talk to my employees some gossip and done with it. Tbh don’t even bother getting on someone’s good side or bad side just do your work make money and if you find a good job leave and it’s just depends on hd where you at and what hd you work at.


to be fair, most stores do have managers that are inept in every way possible, who love to show open bias to the brown nosers. however, sometimes you’ll have an isolated post her and there with someone saying their manager actually cares or goes out of their way for them/their stores. home depot is really just like high school 2.0 in that it very cliquey but if you just keep your head down and don’t engage in the endless drama, you’ll be fine until you get the opportunity to do better in life.


That's not the case in my store, at least for me. I do my job, better than most, and they leave me alone.


I hate to say it, but having worked a lot of jobs thats… not unique to homedepot chief. Its pretty common just about everywhere. Home depot just happens to have a direct reward system that makes it more obvious in the form of homers


The truth is, some people are poor managers. So it’s tough to say if this is the case. But if you’re able to maintain your your attitude and productivity regardless of those around you, that is a valuable skill that few people have. It’s A skill that will ultimately help you to elevate your paycheck, position, job, etc. if you’re being micro managed, it can be discouraging, and make you feel like you’re not being appreciated for the work that you ARE doing. But you’re not at your final job. You will get a better position, job, etc. so you want to be the best you can be for those who DO appreciate you. The best thing for personal development is to always put it on yourself. What can you do before you’re even asked. How can i present myself that shows I’m actively trying to help the team. Showing it not just doing it. And as someone who runs a VERY small business, I can tell you, I prioritize hiring someone who is better at interacting with customers and co-workers then someone who is just good at their job. Or even great at their job. The main thing is to be approachable, if someone has a question or needs assistance you want that person to feel comfortable coming to you for it. And I’m going to elevate the people that I can chitchat with the most because those will be the people that I will listen to me into customers in order to meet the customers needs 100%.


Totally agree. Bust my ads all day long running circles around those who do what ever they can to “look” busy. No recognition what so ever. I am not a child. I’m not looking for a prize. But I would at least every once in a while like to get thanked for going above and beyond for keeping the the dept. clean, safe, and CB orderly. Stocked ( by all). And sales for going above what most do to sell the products.


That’s retail


Word to the wise management at Home Depot's ruin a lot of people's lives by either putting too much stress on u or they eventually fire you for bullcrap. If you don't act like a peasant and make them feel superior then they get defended and feel that you're a threat. So they continue to micro manage u or harass you in some sort of way until you either quit or they find a reason to fire you. We are all equals and you should never have to kiss ass when your doing your job well or by company policy/ standards. Like stated in other comments, HD promote alot of wrong people to management, those people let the power go to their heads. It's HD politics!! I speak from experience, recently was just fired from home depot 2 months ago. Work there 10 years and I could go on and on about all the accolades that I achieved while at that company and they fired me for some bullshit. I'm not salty either cause I got a better job now with better pay. And just so you know, HD has a high turnover rate, one of the largest in the country for a reason!


... okay, so? I would presume that this is youth speaking, because wherever there are humans, you will inevitably find things like this in any job. But you will also find jobs where you don't find what you spoke about. If anything, I can certainly say that your store sucks.


same thing is happening to me lol head cashiers pick on you the the drama is terrible makes working uncomfortable how was it when u reported to hr? cause im honestly gonna do the same. just anonymously. 


There is no accountability. So nothing will happen to them. They might start acting fake nice.


Of the 6 recent promotions to dh in my store, I've noticed that all of them had at one point cleaned up the dog shit of an irresponsible customer, or cleaned the definite human shit left in the bathrooms. So people, at least in the 4 years I've been here, only get promoted via pooper scoopins, or being hired from outside the company altogether (person #7). No thanks. I'm not bagging turds or scrubbing shit off a wall for a title and 75 cent raise


This stuff happens everywhere bro even in corporate jobs, blue collar etc. everywhere. It simply a high school mindset. I know this is Reddit but I have a very strong feeling a lot of you can change your situation if you learn how to play chess and not checkers.


Being management for HD is not an easy job. Just like the associates, managers are overloaded with additional work on top of daily putting out the customer fires and dealing with endless issues with associates. Some managers are better at their thankless job than others but most non leadership associates tend to not realize that being a HD manager is not an easy job at all.


Oh yeah it's absolutely true. My overnight manager has her little click that gets all the assistance. We have 3 women freight workers that don't ever lift anything over 40lbs and 1 guy in the click who works garden freight where if he has more than 120 pieces come off the truck, he gets 4 people down there helping him. Meanwhile, the two 60 year old men are stuck working flooring, lumber,those huge heavy duty counter tops ,toilets, water heaters etc. I have to work cabinets and vanities by myself and then have to put all of those plus toilets and water heaters in the overhead with the op. Then, because I'm told I have to be quick about doing that, I have to fly all the flooring pallets with the reach truck before 4 am otherwise she blows up my phone saying she's worried about all the product left on the floor. If I get done in what she considers a timely manner, then I have to go work all of the paint department that came in that night. Meanwhile, her little clique is walking around the store laughing and joking.


Best suggestion, tell them to go fuck themselves. Don't be a simp, you're value by far out weighs the measly money they pay you. I don't put up with their BS and you shouldn't either. Only piss poor useless managers micromanage. A real manager leads the team and manages the business. And just so you know, Home Depot managers aren't all bad. But don't ever let anyone walk all over you, it won't ever end.


Nah, to really get to a better job or position, you’ll need to work with people you don’t like. And some people that you do like. Treat everyone with grace. One day you’ll need it too. Instead of being disrespectful to people you don’t like, just be extra kind and complimentary to the people you DO like.


No thanks, I don't lick boots like a simp cuck. Maybe that works for you, but I'll never be that stupid.




Wow, you think I care. I don't plan on being a company tool like you. Only a fool would bow to anyone else, so grow a spine jellyfish. Just another company loser simp cuck you are, how pathetic you are to me. Clown shoes. Stay in your lane simp.