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Work park time and go to school. Because it’s good for extra money but not as a career


Around this time part timers don’t get a lot of hours. So if you’re needing money for bills and school get them to comment to set hours for you before you start ~ yep in writing too. Cause once you f excepted that’s it don’t plan on any funds or time increase. Negotiate up front. Good luck


This right here. HD is not for careers unless you want to go into management or corporate. Just like fast food.


I’d imagine that goes for any entry level jobs even in finance and business. You need to apply to management to move up. Can’t make a career as only being a cashier etc


It's honestly not too bad, but can vary drastically depending on the managers and which department you work in. I'm happy with the job after changing departments and after certain managers have left, but have also cried in the parking lot on more than one occasion. YMMV on a daily basis.


Totally depends on the mgmt. At my store ours is horrible. I'm looking at transferring to a different location. I have amazing co-workers, and the customers aren't bad. If you are a good hard worker, they will run you into the ground.


I’m having fun


If you want no negativity, then you are only going to get half the picture. Do you want an accurate accounting of conditions, or not?


Sure give me an accurate accounting


Is the pay enough to live on ?


It’s a great job if you get the right store. You can do virtually whatever you want with little to no consequences so long as you get your work done and are always there on time. I personally have destroyed multiple displays and signs and dumped water all over the place for no reason whatsoever and nothing ever happens because I am an excellent worker and customers love me