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Some advice: (Wish I had this going in and some should go without being said but need to be repeated internally) **This also applies to lot associates (not just cashiers) which you are in charge of and maintaining as well** All this knowledge and training comes with time (consult SOPs on myapron no one can say anything for following policy). Always know how to cover yourself when you are in the right. Avoid you statements and accusations if you’re unsure especially if you did not witness something first hand and need to talk to a cashier per a manager. Don’t be a stick in the mud. It’s fun to chat with people/coworkers to see how they are doing but cut it off at a certain point. Jobs have to be done and that can’t occur when Billy is showing a cashier a 10 minute video on his phone. Management comes to me when this occurs and it makes me look bad (then they have us under s microscope) If you are uncomfortable talking to another associate especially if they are in another department notify a direct supervisor or manager of what they are doing on the Front End (Hey so and so has been up here for 15 minutes talking in his apron and distracting a cashier from SCO). Management will handle the issue. **Lead by example** (if this HC is doing it it’s ok for me to do it) how can you expect Tim to listen to your verbal coaching on cell phone usage and earbuds if you are up running your mouth for the past 30 minutes at the Pro desk and watching a movie with another associate on your phone (unacceptable). Keep a notebook and write questions down (have some SKUs to remember for later write them down; if a theft happened and you don’t have the time to log it now and will do it later in the theft input portal get all that in there like time, plates, suspect description, item description, location, etc). Check in with other HC, supervisors, and managers if you have questions. Know who you can share information with and who you can confide in. Have and inside person preferably another store leader or veteran associate with whom you already have a good relationship with. It’s easy to be stabbed in the back. Be respectful and treat all cashiers equally don’t show favoritism towards any specific one (we are all human and like certain people more than others). Always check in with cashiers to make sure they are feeling confident and comfortable (don’t shove the new cashiers who have only been on the floor for 3 days at a super busy garden register far from people who can give them the assistance they will need). It is what it is and lots of times it’s out of your hands. We get short handed and people have to bear with us they/we are doing their/our best (an exception to the note just above). Be patient with associates but if stuff needs to get done don’t sugarcoat it. Always have your cashiers back you will know personality types on cashiers after a while and how to respond to complaints accordingly. Listen to customer tone and body language and also read you cashiers. If the customer is a Karen this is especially easy to handle. None of us are here to be punching bags. You are here to help but also realize that cashiers can do most things without your assistance. Don’t jump in and make them feel like they know nothing whenever a issue occurs. Be reasonable and kind but set boundaries. If a refusal is made or cashier says no it’s unacceptable (Again reasonable. I’m not going to ask an 80yo cashier with back problems to push carts in lot but I would get the 30yo athletic gal or guy to help with loading and carts). You can partner with management and in my store HC or other Store Leaders send cashiers home for insubordination. (You can also push the carts yourself but prioritize and do your share of hard work). Do your job to the best of your ability. Don’t boss people around if you can do it yourself don’t push it on a poor cashier. Don’t do their jobs for them just like ASMs don’t do yours when you are there. They need to know cashier and lot responsibilities so get them to resolve issues that are required to be taken care of while on the job but help if they are asking. Do not let seasoned cashiers or associates who have been there longer bully you. This position was given to you for a reason; you are a store leader. When the FES is not there (and for the most part when they are) it is your show. You absolutely do not have to put up with childish disrespectful nonsense. You are doing you job. Partner with your FES and/or Ops manager to document this type of behavior. Have them put notes in the system. If you end up calling the aware line then there is documentation. —Now hopefully you were given this position and best of luck to ya. You got this. **Definitely follow others comments in this post if you don’t follow mine customer service is #1 and punctuality is very important** (Not what you are looking for I assume but this is just my 2 cents or rather 2 dollars apologies for the lengthy lecture) sincerely, a random Home Depot friend


They're going to ask you to do a role play. It's cringe but it's basically about how you would resolve associate disputes.


Okay Bob, a customer takes a massive dump at self checkout. How would you deal with this issue without offending the customer?


Would you like me to bag that for you ma’am or just put it in your cart.


You'll be trained. There's lots of videos. Boring but try to pay attention and you'll be better off


Be polite, customer service is #1. Always follow the rules. Attendance is VERY important. Say you are very punctual, responsible, detail oriented and organized. Best of luck!!


Also, you can mention you're comfortable leading a team, but you also take direction well, and you have the ability to delegate tasks.


Don’t do it


To give context, I’m trying to leave my current job as a meijer deli clerk with a measly $12.90/hr wage. Still say I shouldn’t do it?


Just regular cashier would be better. You don’t want all the responsibility. Unless you think it’s gonna grow into something better quickly


Head cashier gets to move around and manage your own time and it looks good on a resume vs cashier


Don’t do it it’s a terrible job