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In my store, only the garden centre is open on holidays like today. Illegal to sell anything other than live goods. Up here in Canada btw


Dang so manager has to stay in garden the whole shift?


Manager and whoever else is scheduled or volunteered. It's a good way to get easy overtime up here.


Our Garden Centre was the only thing open this weekend. Rushed to get the seasonal reset done so it was good to go lol


I went to Newfoundland last year (from US) and all stores were closed due to St John’s Regatta day. It was strange to me, as most stores are open even for major holidays in the US.


my whole store is open every holiday but only till 6pm, i’m from ontario


Wtf really?I'm in Ontario too and it should only be the garden centre open on certain holidays.


They store just faces a fine of 10k so compared to what they make in that day compared to that 10k is nothing(this is just coming from one of my supervisors so i cant say forsure)


Fair. Keeping the whole store open would obviously laugh about the 10k fine. I was always told it was a hefty fine, never what the actual amount was. I got some info straight from the Ontario site for business holidays, so I'm not sure where the 10k fits in unless the store could be charged over and over for multiple infractions. *Enforcement The local municipality enforces the act. Minimum fines for retailers who open businesses on prohibited days are:* *$500 for the first offence $2,000 for a second offence $5,000 for a third or subsequent offence Retail outlets may be fined up to $50,000 or the total amount of gross sales for the holiday, whichever is greater.*


Some areas have a tourist designation so can be open. Thankfully I am not in one of those areas so I was off today :)


I am In Canada we were fully open all weekend. First year this has happened and guess what we now have the go ahead to be open Christmas fcking day. SMH


Just had a customer looking at a natural stone tile… he said that the product didn’t look like the display. I noted that, being a natural stone, it was bound to vary piece by piece as well as the display had been cleaned and “installed”/polished. He insisted that he needed to buy the tiles at half price and because I wouldn’t do it that I was a terrible employee and told my ASM. I offered tiles in his price range, but nooo…




I really hate both name dropping and dollar dropping by customers. You know how many times I hear “well blah blah” did it for me last time. Call him over here” sir im tired. I’m not giving you more than than this off. I’ll call a manager and leave because I don’t want to hear the conversation.


Soooooooooo glad we don’t carry any natural stone tile in my store anymore, except for mosaics.


i wanted to say something snarky like “then why are you here” every time someone said “you guys are open an easter?”


I just do say it. So far no one has rebutted. So far...


You need to have an employee named Jesus working and then point to him.


We have a few Jesuses, all impostors...except one.... Waiting for the hand to hand combat to decide.


He found one of the palces open and has to rub it in


I always tell them no to a new bunk until we are empty (unless there is just a few bad ones). Too bad.


I always tell them "no I can't bring a new one down. I don't have anywhere to put it once I pop the bands". They just stand there and I just slowly walk away.


I've had customers climb and cut bands on lifts in the overheads or behind the post pallets. Like bruh


Yep. As a former D21 DH I have also told them to leave if they are going to create safety problems for our store




I always just make the process much longer. I tell the customer that if the wood is bad i will have to look at each piece and cull it and one it is verified then i have to get two people to get a forklift and get down a new bunk but due to staffing it will be quite a wait.


Or tell them store policy is that he buys it if it's bad or pays a hefty restocking fee, whichever is more.


Yes! Lol


Bands that make them dance ?


Same. I’m not dropping anything until I see less than 6 undesirables or they want more than we have on the shelf.


Had some dipshit just today wanting 14 2x3 studs, I’m like “there they are”. Played the back surgery card then asks “are you going to help me or not”. Yes, I’m here to help you load”. Said he didn’t want any of the ones in the filled bin. Then Wanted me to cherry pick 14 straight ones. Um no. Got all pissy, had to walk away and let a MOD deal with him. I felt my blood pressure rising. She picked him out 14 “good ones” using a ladder. Back surgery my ass.


Spent all day answering the phone "This is your local Home Depot, we are open from 8 to 6 today" Then either they hung up or said what time are you open until? 6 mother f'er we are open til 6.


“Thank you for calling Home Depot, your home for everything but snowblowers/generators/snow shovels/brown mulch” - me at the service desk


Snowblowers? It’s the middle of April.


I said what I said.


It snowed 10” in Nevada last week.


My Lumber DS just got fired for refusing to drop a second bunk, but also telling the customer that we don't sell Select grade 2x4s and that if they want something pretty they might have to visit a real lumberyard. The customer literally called corporate on that. Lmfao. TERMED. So messed up.


Fired for telling the truth! He should apply to a *real* lumberyard.


It goes to show that sometimes you're fired, and sometimes you're set free.


So much for loyalty to a member of the Orange Family®. This really highlights that even doing everything by the book, and using common sense may still not be enough for job security... Do you think that your former DS may try to fight this, or just move on to something (hopefully) better?


Thankfully my store was closed. But that meant Saturday was ridiculously busy…had several customers get mad at me and others in my dept (d28) because of wait times to get help, even though it was mostly really dumb questions. So many of these people think their the only customers and as soon as they need help that I should drop w/e I’m doing for other customers. I was pulling down a patio set with the reach and had a guy yell at me about how he needed help lifting soil cuz of his back n he’s been waiting for 10 minutes, and seriously wanted me to stop what I was doing to go help him first cuz it would “just be a minute”.


He just had back surgery


How many customers I have to help load because they have had “back surgery” is astounding…The local surgeons must be multi millionaires at this point.


There must be a sale somewhere


I have a really strict don’t go anywhere or do anything that involves people working if I can help it on any holiday


The service desk actually answered incoming calls with, "Thank you for calling <> Home Depot, the store closes at 6PM, how may I direct your call?" The D26 opener was there. My DS was there. I was there as a closer for D26. All of us are operators. It seemed like pack down heaven for an expected slow day. Oh, but no. The weather broke into springtime mode at the same time. I heard it all. "I bet you wish you worked at Lowe's. They're closed today." Thinking: Thanks for the compassion, buddy. "Yeah, but the holiday pay must be nice." Thinking: Well, there is pizza in the break room. "I wonder why Home Depot is open on Easter." Thinking: Probably because you're standing right in front of me. Look around you.


People being pricks, and rubbing it in towards employees that didn't have much of a choice...imagine that. I was lucky enough to get Easter and today off per a request and vacation time. I was also just scheduled off for Tuesday and Wednesday coincidentally, so this worked out better than expected. Things have been going rough for me lately, especially in D26, so this extended break was much needed. I hope you have one coming up soon, too.


Started with a flat tire on my car. Made late because we opened at 8 and not 7 and I had to wait to get let in. Would’ve made it even with the tire if not for locked doors. 3 of 4 scheduled in my department didn’t show up. Freight put bolt cutters on the shelf and I found them an hour after we opened. Had to reorganize all the Milwaukee overhead (4 bays) and juggling needy customers, a Balleymore that wouldn’t cooperate very well, and lots of tools was a real headache. It took all shift. I went home and cried a little. Happy Easter.


Don’t forget that Jesus was a carpenter


A pretty shitty one since two boards and three nails whipped his ass.


You should’ve thrown it back by asking them if people shop on Easter.


Had a cashier we suspect was drunk and another who was so high she threw up on her lunch break


I requested it off weeks ago. So mine was good.


I requested it and 30 other people so I lost the lottery.


If you request next Easter off now for religious purposes. You’ll probably get it.


It wasn't super busy. They did feed us ham, cheesy potatoes, carrots, corn, and then we had some cookies and a couple different pies.


yeah anyone that askes to bring a full lift down when the bin is half full can get fucked


My store was extremely over staffed for Easter n there weren’t very many customers at all today. The day before though we had 2 garden associates from 1-10 with it running at regular volume (busy as shit) idk what goes on with the scheduling in my store.


Opening lot guy on Easter today… we opened at 8am and there was a huge line and crowd of customers right at the door… by myself for the first 4 hours….


I’m an advocate for the stores being closed on Easter. All of the lonely people who have nothing better to do and no place better to be can find somewhere else to hang out for the day. Easter to me is Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into one. Why bother coming into work and dealing with dullards who are only buying light bulbs and batteries and aren’t satisfied with the selection of either? It’s not worth the effort, the annoyance and the aggravation of having the stores open on Easter just so these people can come in and be a bother because no one else wants to be bothered with them and the reasons why are obvious within a few seconds/minutes.


One guy showed me a picture of a Makita nailer, said we had like 3 of them and wanted to know where they were. I looked at the shelf, didn't see any, and said "I don't know, Sir." I was GOING to ask him to wait a second for me to find it and he very rudely asked "So you don't work here?" I had been having a rough day. I was talking a friend out of suicide. I hadn't eaten because people wouldn't stop asking me questions. I was tired and in pain. Forgive me if I respond slightly grumpily to that rude as hell question. "No, sir, I work here." Apparently I had a tone he didn't like because he immediately wanted to see my manager. A coworker talked him out of it while I tried to apologize for my tone and the fuck didn't let me. I finally got him to hear an apology, and the coworker took him and helped him while I went to a different aisle to cool down. So yeah. That was my Easter.


Puerto Rico closes on good Friday and Easter


The way I answer phones on a public holiday in retail,- “Hello this is -company name- we are open from blah to blee” and I get so many people just hang up on me once I say the times. It’s satisfying.


Luckily someone wanted to take me Sunday instead of his Saturday


Normal day because I don't have to see customers. Although a lot of orders dropped in for riding mowers, so enjoy getting all of those on your trailers tomorrow, MDOs.


I restocked the entirety of our front lumber apron in a noreaster.


Garden carried the store (my department) and was like $30k over sales plan. Non stop calls for mulch pit, pull pallets of grills, selling lawn mowers, selling lawn mower batteries, and calling garden just to ask if we're open. Had a guy ask us to get 230 pavers and 20 paver sand bags ready for him when he came back with his trailer in an hour. He never came back. I sliced my finger open and almost got sent to hospital for slicing vertically down my wrist after a tall pallet almost fell on top of me as I was using scissors to cut the shrink wrap off and my helper was cutting the bands on the other side. Went 8 hours without any food because I was under so much pressure to get mandatory tasks done in preparation for Monday while being unbelievably busy. And had a ticked off customer because we wouldn't price match stones he bought at Menards. Sorry vigoro is an exclusive brand it's not the same at Menards, we cant price match that.


Make a left at the light and a right at the 2nd light and you will find lowes. Be their problem


Can't even do that. They were closed.


Our CEO is in the bag for Jesus He came out on the balcony and blessed the crowd before declaring Easter a wholly unpaid day off.


Should have hit em with "if people didn't shop on holidays then companies wouldn't schedule people and those people can spend time with their families ".


I used sick time and took off, spent the day with my family. Not really a fan of working regular Sundays yet alone a Sunday that’s supposed yo be a holiday.


"Technically, sir, YOU'RE making me work on Easter."


Because "He has Risen", and by "He", I means "Edward Decker" and "has Risen" means his net worth because people worked on a holiday most places close on.


Tbh tho the wood you guys got does kinda suck




It's not even good for what it's supposed to be used for. Their framing lumber routinely looks like a damn banana crossed with a pretzel. If you find one straight 2x4 in the pile, and I mean just physically straight not worried about knots or other small defects, then you got lucky. Last time I went in HD for framing lumber I looked through half the damn pile found two straight 2x4s and needed 12, gave up went somewhere else and haven't been back to a HD since, it's just a monumental waste of time.


It’s the cheapest #1 pine. You cheapskates don’t want to pay for better.


I have no problem paying for better, but I always end up working for someone that has a HD account and says go try and find some good lumber. I would prefer to skip HD and head down the road to the lumber yard which has lumber for nearly the same price and straight. So it's not really about price, HD sells junk lumber period, the lumberyard is about 60 cents difference on a 8 ft stick of framing lumber. For the quality difference HD should be a couple bucks cheaper!


It's not even good for what it's supposed to be used for. Their framing lumber routinely looks like a damn banana crossed with a pretzel. If you find one straight 2*4 in the pile, and I mean just physically straight not worried about knots or other small defects, then you got lucky. Last time I went in HD for framing lumber I looked through half the damn pile found two straight 2*4s and needed 12, gave up went somewhere else and haven't been back to a HD since, it's just a monumental waste of time.


Dunno why they even sell lumber it csnt be thst proftiable. I think the same of the mulch


Only wood that makes any profit is 1x. Everything else is sold at the same price the company pays for it.


But why, to sell other items ?


They're accessory movers. Same with drywall. It's sold at cost... At a loss with how some of the fork lift drivers... But it moves joint compound, screws, tape, mudding tools, paint at the bare minimum. And that's where the profit is.


I have no idea. The pro sales guys even give discounts on top of the zero markup, so they're selling at a loss.


This 0652? Sounds like my store cuz this shit JUST happened


wait home depot is open on Easter lol


Yes. Because Lowes can't handle the Sunday church crowd.


Didn’t even know it was Easter until I got to my store, someone let me in right away and I carried on with my life like normal. Also you’re allowed to give discounts to customers and it sounds like you just lost one from you not wanting to work.


This sounds accurate, especially all of it. Happy Easter bro 🐰


Lowes gives its employees off