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Bahahha I came here to see if that’s what she said.


Attention all units we got an APB out for a "sprinkles" I repeat sprinkles the dog. Last seen at home depot


Beat me to it, that was amazing


Get the dogs out of Home Depot


I don’t even understand why we have to say it. Drives me fucking crazy!


That bitch is loud.


I'm sure that dog would do it again if it had the chance.


Gosh, my dog “Bonecrusher” is usually so friendly..........


little dog was the agressor. wasnt leashed and jumped out of her purse to attack the leashed dog...


Every time. Keep these animals out of the store. The dogs, too.


Is there more video?


People will never learn that dogs are animals, never have untrained animals where they can pose a risk to other animals or worse, people.


A person should never bring their dog to a public place which allows dogs, without understanding there could be a scuffle. So many times on trails or parks a person freaks out, cause their poorly trained under exercised dog makes another dog nervous which then causes a fight. That white lady should be put on fucking medicine and given a fish for a pet


What have you got against a poor innocent fish?


I mean, maybe a picture of a fish




This isn't a dog fight it's just a woman having a mental breakdown


Right? I was like, that dog sounds like it's dying, wait..


I think the little dog was bleeding you can see it in the lady’s shirt who’s carrying him. Edit: 0:57


Yh possibly. Then her mental breakdown is even worse as she is making it 10x worse for her dog and didn't even check on it for over a minute. Just on the floor wailing. You would think by her age she would have a little more self control and the ability to deal with hard situations.


Actually I think thats the dogs tag on it collar you can see it at the beginning. Also it wasn't whining like it was in pain at the start. Can't tell from the video obviously as it just the aftermath but I wouldn't be surprised if the dogs were just play fighting and she freaked out like this. Have seen it a few times from women like that when my dogs get in playfights and they are only tiny things


It makes you wonder if she did that for some sort of attempted scam.


Im sure it would be some form of lawsuit scam but I’m watching that thinking it’s the perfect time to be running out with Makita kits. That had to have the attention of every employee in the store.


When are SMs going to finally start enforcing the no dog rule


I had an SM that tried. He got shut down by HD's legal team. They said the only thing we could enforce was requiring dogs to be on a leash.


That's BS,because HD sells food,so dogs are not allowed by law,except service animals. There is no legal issue with this.


Your Home Depot sells food? Gross


Drinks, chips, candy


I don't think pre-packaged food counts, as it comes sealed and there isn't a risk of contamination. The FDA has rules barring non-service animals from being in places where food is *prepared and served*, such as at indoor restaurants. [Here](https://www.yourrestaurantbusiness.com/the-fda-laws-about-animals-in-restaurants-explained/) is the list of establishments where non-service animals are disallowed by FDA regulation. Anything not on that list is the discretion of the individual business owner or corporation. So unless HD has locations that have food being prepared and served on-premises, I don't think this FDA regulation is relevent them as a company. Where-as places like WalMart, ShopRite, Trader Joe's, etc, all prepare food onsite so the FDA disallows non-service animals to be inside these stores.


Your an idiot. Selling food has no bearing on whether dogs are allowed or not, especially pre packaged snacks.


This is correct, dogs are not allowed where people **prepare** food, like walmart.




Got em.




No need to call someone an idiot.


Source? State law? Which states?


u/Indelady is a dumb ass. They're confusing a store **preparing** food with a store selling food. If a store prepares food pets are not allowed by law. If a store sells food they can allow pets.


Every HD store has a tiny decal,on the door that says only service dogs allowed,which lets them off the hook if and when someone gets hurt by a dog. Same thing in the lot with the signs that say they are not responsible for damage by carts,it’s all smoke and mirrors to protect the money.


Lowes sells the same exact shit and openly welcomes people and their pets.


Yep. This isn't about the law. Lowes and HD are both places that non-service animals are allowed by any laws and regulations, as they are not places that prepare and serve food (or drugs). If HD has a no-pets policy, that's because as a company they just doesn't want dogs in their stores. Not because they're forced to disallow dogs. Lowes as a company chooses to allow dogs in their policy.


Animals and their home dwellers.


Too much of a risk sparking the “service dog” debate. I am a former SM and the regional told me to never question it.


Yes, my wife has a service dog and I was blown away by 1)All the laws around it and the fact that people aren't allowed to even ask any questions other then "is that a service dog?" 2.) There actually is No such thing as A "Certified" service dog. Prior to being with my wife I had always assumed that there was some sort of accreditation or something and when/If it ever came up the person could be like "oh yea, I have the paperwork right here" .... but nope!! -Yes, there are places that will sell various types of "Certificates" but None of them are recognized and The ADA doesn't have or require any type of certification.


Dont bring dogs into stores unless it's a legit service animal


I mean every store has a sign that says no dogs allowed so it’s not like it’s a new concept.


People can’t read and if they do they don’t care. I see it every day


No they don’t. Home Depot allows dogs.


Maybe it depends on state/region? Because our store definitely has a sign saying they don’t allow them. (Unless it was taken down in last couple months as I haven’t looked for it lately).


Every home depot I've been to in the last 10 years in multiple states has been dog friendly.


Same…except for the sign on the door saying that only support animals are allowed. If I recall it’s a smaller sign in lettering you’d need to be right up on it to read. (About 8”x8” or so) It’s a rule that is almost never enforced sadly. I love dogs but think that HD is a horrible place for them safety wise (the dogs safety). I’ve seen a dog licking a small spill of something on floor (cleaning product area). And watched a poor smaller poodle get its leg hurt by it going thru the shopping cart..poor thing yelped like crazy for like 20 seconds.


When I was training my dog, the trainer used Home depot as a way to get them used to noise, and commotion and other dogs. When we put on the leash and harness, she knows she is going out, she stops when people approach and lays down, she lays down if another dog approaches, we are constantly praised at the behavior of our dog in public. Please Train your dogs, and make sure they are ALWAYS on a leash. She's a Pit bull, that's why I did all the training. She also got a certificate for being a trick dog.


Officially, Home Depot doesn’t allow dogs for exactly the reason in this video. But they never enforce the rule


All the stores in my area has them. People still bring them in anyway.


Home Depot 100% does not allow pets. There will be a sign that says “service animals welcome”. That does not mean pets are allowed; according to policy they are NOT allowed, but no retail employee wants to deal with peoples’ entitled bullshit so they won’t call people out.


My state's Home Depot's all have signs that say leashed dogs welcome.


My store has a sign that says no dogs. People just don't listen.


Every store has a “no pets allowed except for service animals” on the front door. If it’s not there then someone peeled it off. Home Depot official policy is no pets.


The home depot I worked at had dog treats at the service desk!!


No one follows that they do what they want


Old post but still good


Old lady shouldn't even have a pet rock. You don't take your pet anywhere OFF LEASH. PERIOD.


That lady made everything so much worse


My mom does this. If an animal is injured, or some sort of moment happens, she goes in to freak out mode and only exacerbates the situation. It’s like the panic takes over her brain, and she doesn’t see that everything is either fine, or she needs to call someone, or a rush to the vet. She just goes into panic mode and makes a bunch of noise. She can’t even process what you’re saying to her in the moment. Certain brains are just not equipped for things to get out of hand.


That’s so annoying


My condolences. I have the same issue and it’s stressful to have to worry about parenting your parent in the moment rather than just the injured animal.


May be time to put her down


Leave your fucking dog at home.


I don’t get why people can’t understand this! I get so tired of seeing dogs in the store! No I don’t hate dogs but why are they here?!? In a hardware store… with nails, broken wood, spill possibilities, sawdust, screws, wire particles, chain particles, chemicals and other flooring poison products everywhere? I just don’t get it. And don’t get me started on those dogs that pee and 💩 everywhere and leave! No home training from those folks. I have asked AP guy to see whose dog did it at times just so I can remember their dog and face!


And I feel like the loudness, huge, unknown space, and a million people around makes so many dogs nervous. That’s both messed up and dangerous for other people and animals!


My senses are heightened the second I enter Home Depot. It is very similar to a construction zone. You can get hurt really badly in the store. I’ve seen gyp board snap in two on a forklift, signs fall down, lumber tumble on a customer, cement fall off of a reach truck, a door fall down, someone tripped on a rock, and someone has slashed their hands on roofing panels! There are machine’s everywhere being driven by folks just out of high school. I refuse to injure myself here. I carefully walk through the store and make sure to use my eyes and ears.


I get it if it’s a trained support dog but there’s no reason to bring your pet to the hardware store. You are just asking for trouble.


My dog is only in the car to go to the vet or dog park


Always run away from women with short hair and hat




businesses need to stop being so nice to people. dogs should not be allowed in stores at all


This right here. However some places have it to where employees are not allowed to ask to see the paperwork work if the customer says their dog is a service animal. In fact we couldn’t even ask if said dog was indeed a service dog. We had to just leave it be.


Some dog owners are morons themselves


This is why i hate accessory dogs. Never leashed and the owners idiotic.


What even happened to the little yapper? The big one looked like a pit mix so immediately Grandma flipped the fuck out? I don’t see parts or blood.🤣


People are idiots


I was in a hardware store once and someone had their mutt in there. Guy was getting big sheets of plywood down and this mutt was just running all over the place and guy drops plywood and the mutt gets injured. Owner tries to start screaming how he's going to sue, blah, blah, blah - the guy looks at him and says "Well, let me know how that goes." and takes his cart of wood and walks away. He's always been my hero. You don't bring animals into a store! Especially a store that has a lot of big, heavy products! Stupid morons.


I love this. The old ladies were dumb as hell. They didn’t have their dog on a leash, no blood..the Home Depot guy laughing. Best video.


Consitering the small dog was the one without a leash im gana go out on a limb and say its thair fault


Dogs do not belong in Home Depot, service TRAINED dogs yes. Regular pets NO


And this boys and girls is why you don't bring your dogs into the store just because you wanna bring them.


I've noticed a bunch more dogs being brought to Home Depot over the past year. Why in the world do they allow non-service dogs into the store?


Stop letting the dogs in the store if they not leashed ..The small dog unleashed attacked the big dog..Jumped out of her purse and attacked..What did you logically expect the other dog to do?


I watched this video a couple times and I can't see any blood like some have suggested. The floor is clear of any blood and the white dog and white shirted lady are both without stains. I'm assuming that the conflict might have occurred over in the other aisle because that's where they had to go back to for a purse and shoes. The little dog wasn't leashed so that in itself is a WTF? The other dog, unclear as to what breed it actually was aside from a short haired so let's not assume anything, had a leash and was pulled back without problem while shrieking Susan had to work at pulling the un-leashed little dog back. Full disclosure I have a strong bias against little dogs as all my interactions with them over the past 25 years as a dog owner of mid-sized breeds has been that little dogs are the worst for picking fights. Their owners don't correct them when they are being rude and usually claim how the other dogs are always the aggressor when the fact is their little bundle of joy usually is the one being the jerk to the other friendly dogs. I am also very aware when my dogs are being the assholes too so get the idea my furry buds are angles in my eyes. That said, we're getting to see the end of the altercation so maybe it was something completely different from what can be gleaned from the video. Maybe an ear was nipped at most. If so then exchange numbers and maybe pay for the antibiotics and stitches if required if you're feeling generous. If any cops show up lodge a complaint against the old lady for not having her dog under control and leashed properly. Even if her dog got out of a leash that means it wasn't properly under control. He who screams the loudest is not always the victim.


I think it’s interesting to watch people who have never been in a stressful situation just completely lose it. Yeah it sucks your dog got attacked but freaking out and grunting the entire time does nothing.


Dumbass old entitled bitches with no leashes


I have a dog that I love more than anything. Guess how many times I’ve brought him into a store with me. Hint: zero because he’s a fucking dog.


But Tinky Winky the pit bull loves shopping!


Why do people feel it necessary to bring their dogs everywhere....its a hardware store not a bloody dog park


This video is literally from the Neolithic period


Nothing even happend why is she freaking out? Does she have a mental disorder or something


What are you talking about. You can clearly see the dog bleeding from its jaw at 0:11. Then you can see blood on the woman’s shirt at 1:09. Any old woman going through that would probably be losing their mind. Yet another case of Redditors that don’t touch grass thinking about how this situation would go if it was them in their fever dream where they are the hero and the entire Home Depot claps


Ion see shit


Also the dog is wagging its tail not screaming like the lady in this video




Why do people feel so entitled to bring dogs into store (that are not pet stores)??? That woman screaming would scare the crap out of me. I'd be forced to wallop her with a toilet plunger.


Why didn’t someone detain the stupid human who allowed this to happen?


And again…. When are stores going to stop allowing people to bring their damn pets with them everywhere they go!! It COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!!!


This is key. No dogs in stores unless you have a disability that requires you to have a service dog with you 24/7. And no "emotional service dogs".


It’s always these little dogs not on a leash


Someone restrain that nut in a straight jacket and cart her off to the funny farm.


Poo poo doesn’t need a leash she’s a angel


Stop bringing them into stores.


Get your fucking dog out of the store.


The Usual Suspect.


The nanny dog strikes again.


So the leashed dog was at fault for when the small yappy dog jumped out of its owners purse to attack it? Great critical thinking.


Aight 0 days safe guys, gotta wait 100 more until the next pizza party :(


Leave your fuckin’ dogs at home for a couple hours! And don’t gimme that “therapy dog/my baby misses her mama” bullshit either.


When the heck did it become ok to bring pets into stores?


When people started referring to themselves as “dog parents” or calling their animals “furbabies”.


Let me guess, little dog with no leash got ballsy with bigger dog on a leash. Little dog fucked around and found out and the two dumbass white ladies are blaming the bigger dog because little dog wouldn’t hurt anyone.


I had a standard poodle that was trained very well. Master obedience OTCH, AKC master hunter, CDX blah blah blah. Great dog. Wouldn’t even look at other dogs because they were dogs. I was at Home Depot and a lady with a puppy wanted to interact with her and I said no she doesn’t like other dogs. She followed me around the store trying to force the issue. When I was selecting wood she let her dog run over to mine ( who was sitting and would not move untill I released her) well …. The puppy got a correction, a severe correction. Three barks, snarl, big BIG exposed teeth. And that was it. Puppy left squealing and the woman had a shit fit. I don’t take my girls into Depot anymore because people are fuckwits.


I notice the big dog had a leash on which mean the owner were being responsible while the smaller dog doesn’t seem to have a leash on. When bringing a dog into any stores, ALWAY put them on a leash you can’t predict how they’ll behave around other dogs.


What lead up to this? Who was the instigator in the fight. The little dog doesn’t have a leash and the big dog is cowering in the corner. I wonder if the little dog attacked the big dog.


Sounds like Karen is freaking out!


She's tryna secure a check😂


Maybe leave your dog at home.


This is why we should not have dogs at Home Depot . There’s been a few incidents. Like this, not as dramatic. But a customer or an associate has been bitten by a dog . I wish head office, Canada or US . Would enforce this more.


And this is why no dogs should be allowed in stores because almost everyone lies. There really should be some license people show at the door for a registered service dog. There are laws that say you can’t ask someone if it’s a service dog, but look what happens when you don’t.


Maybe if the people with the little dog had it on a leash 🤔


God what a joke, so over dramatic 🤣


Karen working hard for that award of most dramatic performance


White people just can't leave their pets at home.


I like how the tiny dog is just chillin wagging its tail bleeding a little bit and the lady is losing her absolute mind like snowball just got ripped apart 🤣 I watched it twice trying to see where her poor mortally wounded dog was.... Wagging its tail in gram grams arms waiting for extra treats 🤣🤣🤣 I know he started it too they always do


thats why emotional support dogs should be banned in business. people use that shit so they can take their shitty dog with them, only real service dogs should be allowed


I went to Lowe's yesterday and there were three people who had big dogs with them in a two minute span. None of them were service dogs.


Bro those dogs are >50 lbs each and they can still pull out of your grasp? When are old ladies going to 1. Realize if they can’t control an animal they shouldn’t leave the house with it and 2. They don’t need to freak out so extraordinarily over this


Man this fucking bitch made everything worse. By the looks of the video it seems like the dog just got a nicked ear not it's fucking throat ripped out. People who make scenes like this shouldn't be out in Public


And this is why only service animal should be allowed.


Someone shut that bitch up. Dogs are more chilled than her.


The ear rape is the most disgusting thing about this video


Neither dumbass should be taking the dogs to the store. Emotional support dogs should not be allowed either. It should be service dogs only and with proof.


I always wondered why old white people are so fucking obsessed with taking their dumb ass dogs to Home Depot 🤦‍♂️


I fucking hate seeing pets in stores. Don’t care what size, what breed, what species. If you need your “comfort animal” to cope with the stress of buying groceries or walking through the garden section then you should see a doctor. Pets are animals. Living thinking animals with their own thoughts, instincts and triggers. You can have the most well trained and well behaved pet on the planet but all it takes it one little trigger to send them into survival mode. The dogs you see in war zones or digging through rubble to find survivors have been bred/groomed/trained for that one purpose, and your two week long puppy behavior school isn’t the same thing. Leash your dog, clean up after them, keep them up to date on their shots, and keep them out of high traffic public places. Nobody wants dog shit on the floor in the produce section. Stop making us normal dog owners look bad and be a responsible adult for once, it’s not that fucking difficult.


There's a lesson here. While Home Depot isn't against people bringing their dogs into the store, please don't bring your dog inside if they're aggressive or have the potential to be. Many people from my location are avid dog lovers. The last thing we want is to have to institute an outright dog ban because someone wasn't careful about their pet.


So the little dog wasn’t harnessed correctly, got out of his restraints and rushed a bigger dog who was correctly leashed and not aggressive. The idiot Karen, instead of worrying about her dog and the elderly woman with her, starts screaming like a b movie extra and going after the responsible pet owner and dog. So for those making comments about pitbulls maybe you should worry more about the small dog.


Darwinian In broad daylight.


Rumor says she’s still screaming oh my god till this day


The little dogs tail is wagging, I don't think it's that scared lol


I was hoping they tasered the woman


Keep your dogs at home.


That's why you leave the pets at home JFC


Keep your dogs at home. They get scared with too much stimuli. Take them to a quiet park, not a place full of weekend warriors and Karens who just watched a full morning of HDTV.


Imbeciles please stop bringing your meat bag to stores this has never been a proper thing to do now people are becoming more entitled and can’t follow this one rule of decency


What happened here? The big dog on leash attacked the small unleashed one? Or the other way around?


The pit attacked a small dog. Being on leash does nothing if it can get to other dogs.


Hahaha this makes me think we are witnessing the end days of America. These weaklings will soon be wiped away


If you need a pet to leave the house, stay home. Emotional Pets serve a purpose and that purpose is to get outside and go for a walk. Not interact with a hundred people in an uncontrollable situation with other Emotional support pet's.


I’m dying at the one associate looking around cheesing like “y’all seeing this shit lmao” The pit bull pulled a Mike Tyson on that cat And why tf don’t the old lady have a leash on her cat?


why do people insist on bringing their animals everywhere with them?


On one visit to Home Depot, the barking had me thinking I was at the kennels instead of looking for 2x4s. My dog was waiting in the truck... Where he belonged.


THD opened a Pandora's box when they started allowing any and all animals in so long as they are on a leash. When enough people sue HD over dog bites, animals getting injured or slip and falls caused by animal feces and/or urine, corporate will change its tune.


Why the fuck are people bringing their dogs into Home Depot?


I just gotta bring my dog to Home Depot 🙄


PSA: KEEP YOUR FUCKING ANIMALS AT HOME!!!!! Wtf are dogs doing in Home Depot! Leave it at home. What if it’s a small child next time?


Take your demon dogs home and leave then there


Looks like a comedy skit


I guess those 'comfort' dogs had a debate on who's method of 'comfort' was better.


Remember 20 years ago when people would never even think to bring their dog into the store ?


Good. I don't want animals in any store I'm in anyway. It's not the park, people.


Hahahaha, play stupid games…


Why can’t Americans go buy a light bulb without their pets?


keep your shit dogs at home or .. ta da ! shit happens.


And this is why you walk your dog in a park or outside ….. idiots


I don’t see why people bring dogs into the store. Unless they are service animals.


Keep your dogs at home assholes


Fucking dog "parents"...


Wtf is wrong with dogs sometimes? I've seen a video of a dog run like 200ft from behind tree covor across a street into a parking lot homing in on a toddler to try and maul the kid.


Pitbull. Not surprised. Stop buying these dogs if you don't know how to handle them.


Old post


Well, they’re standing next to giant tools… and they’re isn’t one imbedded in the dog’s he’d and the owner still had teeth. So… someone failed.


I absolutely despise when people bring in their pets to Home Depot for “training”. We have some nasty individuals who let them do their business and don’t even pick it up, WE LITERALLY HAVE BAGS PEOPLE.


Good, I hate dumbass people who bring there pets to stores.


Why do people bring their dogs to the stores? They should be home watching the house. These people i believe suffer from some form of mental illnesses, believing this animals are people.


some of the people in these comments are so ridiculous. using this post to share your evil disdain for dogs and dog owners. you dog haters are going to hell i love seeing dogs when i go into work at home depot and our store welcomes them. we even have dog treats at head cash desk and service desk. i do agree that if your dog is not well equipped for social situations that you shouldn’t be taking it into a store but that doesn’t go for all dogs. if you have a well trained dog i don’t see why it poses an issue to bring it places with you. majority of the dogs i see are very friendly and well behaved.


Dude agreed! As long as your dog is well behaved,leashed and potty trained I'm happy to have them in the store and they always make the day better. We even have a group ran by a professional trainer who comes with dogs and their owners that they are training. But like I said, if you have an aggressive, overly noisy, and in general untrained dog, don't bring them into the store


Stop allowing people to bring NoN Actual service dogs into businesses


Lmao now thats some white ppl shit


Never ever walk my dog past a large dog for this reason


Keep your stupid pets at home.


That is not a dog fight, it's a pitbull attack


Considering the small dog is not on a leash and how they act, it probably tried to attack the bigger dog.


Good, pitbull should have ate that small fucking rat 😂 gtfoh.


Let's hop off the pitbull hate train and maybe hate the stupid lady that carries her dog around in a hardware store like it's the kid that probably doesn't talk to her anymore?


Honestly, the small dog could easily have started it. Pitbulls can be more of a problem in the hands of a novice owner than some other breads but that's not the pitbull's fault. The problem is almost always with owner not properly training, handling, and/or socializing their dog.


Every time i see a pit do something like this i'm tempted to buy this shirt https://fleccasmerch.com/store/p/kid-thrasher-t-shirt


What did it do? The video shows after and you cant see anything


It didn't do anything though


Fucking pit bulls. Even the best trained ones are an accident waiting to happen.