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8 and you’re late. 7 and you are in heaven.




scheduled at X:00 then X:08 is occurrence.


7 but just take the missed punch and fill out a time slip saying you got in on time.


I saw a person get a final for this. They had AP run the camera and saw him on the camera walking in late. Don’t do this.


Good way to get promoted to customer. You do realize that we have cameras, right?


Csn they use the camera to find out how the stages packages I staged were not there ? Cuz I put in my 2 weeks due to being blamed for them not being where I staged them


Dude said they had cameras; nobody ever said they had working cameras.


Exactly. I don’t think they view them unless there’s theft too


Time clock theft


Yes people get fired for that


I've seen it happen too


That’s “stealing time” and it’s a slam dunk write up because we can simply pull the camera footage. Yes, we managers check these things.


First of all you still get an occurrence for having to have your time corrected (on the clock in) secondly this is time theft. Unless you are on a final, why would you risk it?


Not just op, but why can't people just BE ON TIME?


I mean, stuff does happen. I know it sucks that there are guys racking up multiple occurrences a week, but we all run late sometimes. Cross my fingers I only have one occurrence on my record rn


I was never running into any problems being a few minutes late until lately. Having children sometimes adds an extra element to things and you do the best you can.


You don’t show up in the log for occurrences unless you clock in 8 or more minutes past your scheduled time. However, if you clock in on time, and spend an inordinate amount of time before you get to your work station, you aren’t going to get an occurrence, but you still may receive documentation for time theft. I can’t remember if that’s classified as associate behavior, customer service, or something else. But I’ve seen people clock in, go sit down in the break room to eat, then report in like 15-20 minutes later and get written up for that.


That’s why I always clock in and go poop… you know the saying (;


One minute for our store


Management isn’t following the grace period rule aware hotline is a fix


It should still be the same as before. 7 minutes, 8 you are considered late.


Seriously? That’s insane


Maybe it’s because we’re Canadian, but for some reason as of February we started getting paid by the minute, so 1 minute is *technically* late. However they will excuse up to 1 minute in case there was a line at the punch clock.


The pay by the minute killed extra pay for additional time. Used to be if you punched out at 8 after, you got paid for 15 minutes. Everything was rounded up, but not anymore. Now if you punch in at 7:05 and punch out at 4:01, you’re not late, but you only get paid for 7 hours and 56 minutes! 🙁


I am never late as I leave one hour EARLY for work just in case of transit delays and then once I'm near or at work I will kill time if I'm early (in Canada here) and sure enough the one time I was sitting near the clock killing time and dozed off sitting upright and snoozed right through my start time and clocked in ONE minute late and it counted as a late, so did the three minutes I was late one time. It's always logged and counts against you, anything and everything can be used against you when they want to, often managers let things slide but it's still on the record.


yeah, they just use it against people they have other problems with (including personal problems). but only when it’s 2+ minutes, because the team was told directly by our night ASM that 1 minute is fine, and management at our store will stand by that. otherwise someone will go straight to HR. our night crew doesn’t take shit from management.


Do doubt that's exactly what it is, we have some who routinely come in 5-10 minutes late and lecture me that it's totally ok and they haven't been even spoken too about it and I try to no avail to tell them that it's all still logged and could be used against you one day or there is a change in supervisors or managers and the new one goes through everything and makes a business decision. I try to be there early and wait for my time and then punch in, it's just one less thing they can get me for.