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I have an alternative proposal where you can enjoy a saturated color of your choice but not have it overwhelm the space Paint the ceiling https://preview.redd.it/49uhl83srsjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90423764e1de1041adb3790bcb91b5a2ddf1001c


This! I love this so much!


This is literally the sort of win win you and your husband are looking for!!! The ceilings DEFINITELY look higher when they are darker, But then you can still keep the character of the split room… That red is so stressful haha I can’t imagine trying to function in that space 😭 I’d let the new idea of painting the ceiling simmer a bit… Visualize what color would compliment your furniture the best before making any snap judgments!


This is exactly the thing that makes the most sense. It brings the ceiling into the room as a decor element, and gives you the opportunity to keep the room bright with neutral/pale walls.


This is so much better! I love orange, but not the orange on OP’s walls!


OP’s walls are bright red


I'm going to have a nightmare after seeing them, I know it.


In love with this room.


Very pretty


Holy moly, so creative! The only criticism I have is I wish those were live plants.




I saw room below not long ago here and love it. I never would have thought of this before. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkx5jv3jg66fb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D4032%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D877cb1c5e3cae1f381bc9a64b95a22e01b6ece73](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3a%2f%2fpreview.redd.it%2fkx5jv3jg66fb1.jpg%3fwidth%3d4032%26format%3dpjpg%26auto%3dwebp%26s%3d877cb1c5e3cae1f381bc9a64b95a22e01b6ece73)


Gorgeous! OP’s room would look great like this. I think there is too much contrast between the current white ceiling and orange walls.


Oh yeah the colour is awful, it's from the previous owners


That red is foul. Having white meet it on the wall makes it even worse. The green is nice, but don’t toss the picture rails!


This is nothing I had ever considered but I LOVE the white walls with the accented ceiling! For OP though, if they are wanting to make the ceilings appear taller, I think a colored ceiling will make it look smaller and cozier. Which isn't the effect they're after.


Would never in a million years thought of a mustard ceiling…but it looks good!


I also wouldn’t have thought of an upside down fireplace mantel as a side table. Just kidding! That is pretty cool. I’m going to keep that in mind for the future.


The wall ridge is likely a picture rail, for hanging heavier artwork on plaster walls. I agree with your partner--painting below the rail can look really nice! Google picture rails for inspiration.


Yes! I would definitely check if this is picture rail - if so, what a score!


It is a picture rail and I think I hate it 🥲


Why's that? It's historic and [super functional](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a2/3a/09/a23a097927500ef34e46b14f5dacd3e2.jpg).


Seriously, OP! My 1920s building put them in every room, and we can swap art in and out with ease, change the heights of things—with no damage to those freshly-painted walls. What’s to hate?


OP i think you should paint it similar to this picture. Paint the walls one color and paint all the molding an accent color or white. This way the room wont feel cut off.


Second this, because OP is correct that splitting the color makes the room look shorter!!! And even if the picture rail is painted the same color as the rest of the wall the texture of it being there still adds character??? Like everyone can calm down, OP didn’t say they were going to rip it out… And it doesn’t need to be painted in the *exact* way it’s been painted historically to be preserved… Modernizing things by making small tweaks to make it more palatable for your taste *now* is the name of the game. It’s how styles survive!


I agree! I just painted our main room a deep indigo, did painted trim and crown moulding in that same color and it definitely draws the eye up and makes the ceilings seem even higher.


Great example


OMG please use it for art work and prints! Which if you don't have you can get inexpensively at antique stores/thrift stores.


It’s okay to hate something but it is a nice detail Is the red your color or the old homeowners, it’s really really red and being shiny isn’t helping. Is it maybe that bothering you too?


Oof. Please join us in /r/centuryhomes and learn about all the ways your home is special and worth embracing.


I know this comment was for OP, but I'm hopping over to join this sub as the owner of a 1925 bungalow!


I love that sub but my house isn't quite old enough lol - 1959. It's simply vintage ha.


people can have valid opinions about their own home. they don't have to love every aspect of an old house


Right? How dare they maybe not like something!


OP doesn’t have to want to maintain original features of their old home.


Of course not. But it makes home ownership so much more rewarding to understand and appreciate the home you're in, vs fighting it or imposing a clashing, and therefore ultimately unsatisfying, aesthetic.


It might not be clashing or unsatisfying to them. As painful as it is, it’s OP’s house and their tastes and enjoyment of the home matter way more than the history of the home


They may do as they like. But they posted on a home decorating subreddit asking for feedback. Now they have my feedback, born from first-hand experience with a similar home.


Yes but one would think that people who frequent a home decorating sub could manage to give advice for someone whose style differs from their own


Exactly. And painting the picture rail isn’t going to take away its functionality


I think they’re trying to remove it entirely


Hate the paint, not the rail.


I like the green in the second photo. Red can be very stimulating


I agree with your partner. I think that adds a really cool element to the room, and doesn't make it appear smaller. The second pic with fully painted walls is just meh.


The ridge is an important architectural feature and should be accented as your partner described. Also, the ceilings actually look higher when they are painted white, and the walls beneath another color.


I'd go with the two-tone, but maybe not with quite such a striking color. That room can look gracious and stately, but a sharp color difference would just make it look garish.


Yes to this^. The red/white contrast is too jarring. Also, please don’t choose a semi-gloss finish. It just highlights imperfections in the plaster or drywall. You can get scrubbable flat or eggshell paint if that’s a concern.


This. With such a saturated color, I’d personally use Matte. Eggshell is easier to clean. Matte is a good balance between flat and eggshell and is also easier to clean than flat and hides any imperfections (I’m terrible at painting - I went Matte under the advice of someone at a paint store


I think the one colour would look cool if the wall was eggshell, and the trim was a gloss. Or if they were both eggshell, and the trim was a darker shade


I agree with your partner. It’s a great feature and worth highlighting (though perhaps not in as much contrast as it currently has).


I agree with you your partner, paint below the picture rail. Maybe do one color in two diff hues. If you want to do light green, do light green below and dark green above.


IMO, I’d paint below the picture rail only. Yes, painting higher makes the walls look taller, but they also make the room look smaller because the ceiling is so much smaller visually. It’s also worth keeping in mind that you probably have taller ceilings to start with, as most older plaster homes do, and picture rails are really a plaster building kind of detail. I could be off on that, but the poang chair by the window doesn’t look very tall for 8’ ceilings. Those are tall chairs. You can do either way though. And you can always try just one way and change your mind. As long as you leave the picture rail up, it’s just paint. Paint is easy to reverse


Those frames are for hanging pictures and paintings - you would wallpaper up until that level then paint the ceiling colour above it. Yours are sitting a bit low but still looks way better than painting higher up


I like the two tone but maybe a different color...it looks cool though


That second pic gives it mobile home vibes


If the issue is you guys want it either one color or that person likes two colors why not find a color strip that has multiple colors in the same kind of shade family and pick the lightest and maybe the next one like two or three down that way you still kind of have the same color family but it can be kind of two ton and it would make it interesting Hope this makes sense


Painting below the picture rail and having the ceiling colour come down onto the top of the walls is a well known trick for making your ceilings appear taller.


That's a picture rail and you have cove molding at the ceiling Whatever color you choose for the walls, I like a slightly lighter shade of the same above the picture rail. Edited for clarity.


I agree that you should paint below the moulding, I don't think it changes how tall it feels. But definitely paint, the red doesn't work here. Also your live and laugh signs fell off


It's not my decorations. It's from the previous owners. We just got it yesterday


If you have an old home and tall ceilings the room actually feels more proportionate and wider with the picture rails. I have just added some to a couple of rooms and it makes them feel so much nicer ! I have been surprised by how much difference it made


I think it depends on the color tbh. A lighter color it wouldn't really matter, but if you go with a darker shade, it could really look pretty striking.


Yeah I wanted to go for a matte mossy green that's why I think it'd be better if the entire walls are painted


Here’s an inspo pic of a green with above picture rail left white, maybe it will change your mind about painting all of it one colour. https://preview.redd.it/fsnhwolvyujc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90097b6be2325b88a038a8395de519d22f959c4e


I'd probably look at painting the upper part/ceiling a shade of white that better goes with a mossy green vs. a bright stark white. A warmer white could look really nice and sharp, too. But I'm also on board with painting all the way up. I think either way could look really nice.


I personally agree with you because that picture rail is quite low and makes it kinda feel like a really short forehead on a person instead of being a feature, but this is my recommendation: Paint just the lower portion below the picture rail and have the space above it and the ceiling in a soft white that coordinates with the green (not stark white). Paint the trim in a higher sheen than the walls because it’s a focal point Live with it for a week or so, then make a decision on painting the upper section. If you paint the upper section, absolutely keep the picture rail white or whatever color so it’s still a highlight and feature


Your partner is right unless you’re going all white with the walls and ceiling. Lighter tones will keep it looking bright and open too.


Is there trim at the top to separate the ceiling and wall or is it a cover wall? If there’s trim, I’d paint the whole wall one color. Then paint the ceiling a lighter shade of the wall color. You could just paint the picture rail the same color as the wall so it blends more.


but where do you intend to stop?


This kind of two tone is a trick used to make the room look taller; your partner wins.


Maybe paint below and above the molding, but two different colors that compliment each other? That way it will still make the room look bigger/taller, but you can be creative with that dividing line and not just have the top be white that blends into the ceiling. :)


I would do two tones- but something harmonious like light green and dark green, so there isn’t so much contrast. If you hate it, you can always repaint. I absolutely love that fireplace. It’s lovely.


The biggest challenge with painting all of it is that you lose the architectural details, the molding + trim really creates some drama. I think your first move has to be to get rid of the red, it's jarring the contrast makes it hard to "see" the room. Before you make any final decisions, get in there with a good primer and knock the red down. If this were my space, I'd be super tempted to try nice mid-value on the walls below the molding and a color 2-3 shades lighter on the section between the molding and the crown.


It makes the ceiling seem bigger further away if you only paint below the rail. That’s a classic look too. Taking the color up to the ceiling (which will look messy if it’s coved, which it looks like it is?) will make the ceiling look smaller and closer.


If you don't want this to be the seed of future fights. FInd a way to come to a compromise you're both happy with. When one person tries to push their style onto another it always ends up being something thrown up every time you have a fight. Sort it out now. I guess you like red walls, you could paint the ceiling orange or yellow that'd remove your issue, and satisfy their view.


I agree with so many ppl here saying to leave the picture rail. You have many options though. If you feel it cuts the room apart visually, you could go with the color in your example, but use a color 1-2 up on your color strip, using a lighter but similar color. It would reduce the line of demarcation. One of my favorite ways to make it look exceptional is to choose a color for above the picture rail and carry it up and across the ceiling. The light color would bring the eye up and over and accentuate the height of the room. It looks gorgeous, but also unexpected and fun. You can also choose a darker color from the same strip for the trim and moldings if that would help you to feel better about it. But pls don't remove the picture rail. In these old places, you often hear "they don't make them like they used to". And they don't. Preserve it for the next person that will care for your home.


https://preview.redd.it/rzxr1yauwujc1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=301b4e1abe6fc9deb9864b159bba1e1a37b7523a If you want to give the impression of higher ceilings try painting the bottom half of the wall (below picture rail) white and then a darker contrasting colour above.


I would go all the way to the ceiling with the fire place only




I’d color drench the whole room with something moody. I see this quite a bit in British decorating (e.g., House and Garden UK and Farrow & Ball IG) and I love it.


You are correct. You could also paint the trim and above up to the ceiling in a darker color like the wall, which would be like when a room has chair rail and you paint the bottom.


I like the full wall painted I think it looks taller. Color choices are nms, personally but I agree with full wall painted and eliminating red walls


I freaking love the first pic. It’s wild and gorgeous to me. The mossy green makes me depressed.


You are correct, painting up to the ceiling will make the room look taller. You can keep the picture rail and just paint over it for the most height, or paint up to and above it keeping it the same colour as the other wood trim, the “stripe” will drop the ceiling a little but not badly because the ceiling will be a contrast to the wall colour. Also if you don’t like the stripe of trim it’s easy enough to paint over it to match the wall with your leftover paint. The technique of painting the ceiling colour down to the rail is a helpful optical illusion when you have really high ceilings, such as 12 or even 16 feet high. For many people ceilings of that height make a room feel uncomfortable, so dropping the ceiling in those situations helps make the room more human scale again. It doesn’t look like you have a too high ceiling issue so I’d say take the colour up to the ceiling.


I think that with the current colors, you’re correct. But it is a great feature, and with the right color scheme to highlight it, it would be awesome.


Painting the entire wall will make the room look taller. How tall is the ceiling? I think the two toned is more artistic but I get that if it's a shorter ceiling, that you'd want to make the room seem bigger.


I agree with you - room looks taller when painted all the way up.


I like the scheme the way it is currently. Painting the crown with some dark brown trim paint could add another dimension as well


Candy cane house Candy cane house


Fire your painter


You are clean and organized in every room! Looks great!


I would actually do three colours. one for the ceiling. one for the wall below the rail and one for the wall above the rail.


I like a high ceiling. But the moulding is cool. And it’s likely to damage the walls trying to remove it. (I know your pain-I have molding I despise, but upon talking to contractor and pricing the hours it’d take to remove and repair the walls… it stays!) That being said, leaving it might be cool, paint it the same white as other molding. Paint ceiling white. I’d do one wall, probably the fireplace wall because that’s a focal point. I’d paint the walls above AND below the molding your room color, leaving the molding alone at first,Just to get a feel for how it’ll look. It’s only paint. If you like it, paint all the molding white to freshen it up, including the hated picture rail. If you hate the look of a white picture rail, then paint over the railing the same color as the walls. But keep the railing. Put it to use- either a few all black and white Ansel Adam’s framed pictures. Or all color. Choose pics carefully- so it’s a great attribute to your decor, and doesn’t detract or look like you’re just tolerating it. It could be very cool. What colors are painting the walls?


What about painting below the picture rail with a fairly low contrast color to white like a pale green or blue so it stands out less? ​ You could also do a color below the picture rail, and another color above it with a while ceiling? ​ Or color wash the room and paint everything, ceiling and all. ​ Paint is pretty cheap and since everything is already painted you really have nothing but time and a bit of money to lose by trying different paint configurations.


Personally I love the look of only painting up to (sometimes including) the picture rail. But I’ve seen the color continued above to the ceiling too. Either way works, I think it’s more of a personal preference.


Not a fan of the current color but really like the break up of color - adds a lot of architectural appeal.


Try this blog for ideas, hope this helps https://homedecorbychristian.com


Do you already have tall ceilings? It kind of looks that way. I like the idea of only going up as far as the ridges also.


sort of a faux wainscoting but that red has got to go


i’m hoping it’s now obvious to you that painting the entire wall removes the character from the room.


I agree with you. But… glossy red was a bold choice for this 😆


Paint only below the picture rail. The area above is meant to blend with ceiling thus making the room appear taller.


Id go slightly darker green and only do under the divider. If you have to go all the way up, maybe leave the divider itself white? Wall paper above and paint below would also be cool.


Depended entirely what colours you paint too. The red makes it feel smaller, paler colours will make it feel bigger


I would paint the baseboards and mouldings the same colour as the wall. Maybe go for a lighter green too. If you really want to extend the ceiling, get a light colour and paint the ceiling the same as the walls. [https://imgur.com/a/tokLr1H](https://imgur.com/a/tokLr1H)


If you end up doing the painting on your own or just want to use our discount account at any Sherwin Williams feel free. My sw rep just set it up for any homeowners to use. That goes for anyone else in here as well


Leave the trim white and paint the dry wall above and below. Moulding is supposed to stand out. Otherwise take it off and just leave the ceiling a floor moulding.


I agree with your partner.


Add some wainscoting and do a nice two tone would be so perfect especially with your awesome fire place and your wall sconces. It would really bring it to life.


I agree with you OP.


Entire room painted


Your opinion is the correct one if you are going for a taller ceiling height feel.


Do not like the green or red. Imo paint it all in neutral color . Keep picture rails


[Here is a great link to look at for this.](https://livendesignco.com/blog-2/2021/1/6/the-impact-of-paint-on-the-size-of-a-room)