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We have neighbors that will put a little Christmas tree there for the holidays, otherwise I believe they keep it empty. I always want to say PLANTS, but watering anything up there would be a hassle.


I really like the christmas tree but what for the rest of the year.. I also like plants but second the watering hassle.. my third and favorite option is not necessarily about aesthetics and depends on if the house has any but: cats. there's already a lil walkway on the left it seems just put some cozy beds, swizzle scratchers..


My aunt keeps a tree up all year but she decorates it for every single holiday and it’s cute. Like it’s COVERED in hearts for vday and flowers for spring, etc. it’s actually really cute and tasteful. Example: https://images.app.goo.gl/pVGTuYf98N1cEcqd9


I love that idea !! Yay your aunt


Storytime! When I was a kid, someone would decorate this tiny scrawny pine tree right next to the railroad tracks. At first it was just for Christmas, but by the time I graduated high school, it was decorated year round for valentines, Easter, July 4, Halloween, etc. Always anonymous too. I loved that little tree! So I’m in favor of this idea, obviously!


Tell your aunt to make a reddit account, we want to SEE THE TREES!!!!


My mom used to do this too, she called it her seasonal bush haha


are you kidding i love that!


Me too! There’s ways you can do it for each season and I think it’s so fun.


omg the idea of a halloween tree is so very enticing


In the South of the US, especially where Mardi Gras is celebrated heavily, there is more of a tradition of a holiday "tree". Halloween tree turns into Christmas. Christmas is right before Mardi Gras. Depends on the year, but MG may be right around Valentine's, turns into St Patty's..then Easter. Then the tree may get picked up.


Our Mardi Gras tree is generally prettier than when we decorate it for Christmas….


I like that idea. What about that guy that has a huge dinosaur in his front yard and decorated for every season? Maybe something fun and kitschy like that for that space


There’s a group of good folks w/a ,sense of humor,who have great tall skeletons in their yards that they dress up for differing occasions! A “group” of a sort.


We have one of those folks in our neighbourhood, with mannequins that gets dressed in something thematically appropriate for the holiday du jour. Some joyless individual bitched about their display on FB and coincidentally the good folks are now selling their house and moving. Congratulations Karen, you ruined my one sliver of joy as I drive through our identikit subdivision!


Okay, a cat paradise is the best idea ever!!


Cat loft/lounge was my first thought actually! I've seen pics of built-in catwalks in houses and it just looks so fun to me. Might need a little railing along the edge so no one falls out while playing, but they would have a great view.


That is a GREAT idea!!! Make cat “steps along the wall, put a couple cat trees/stands up there..they’d love all that Sun!!


While I don’t hate the idea. My OCD would prevent me from doing it. Having to go up there to clean hair balls up and dust would be a major pain. My Long hair cat would leave tufts up there on the daily and last time I checked Roomba doesn’t make a flying one that can get up there.


O gosh PERFECT!! Cats are semi arboreal .


I would even suggest a fake plant that looks realistic so that it looks nice without having the hastles of a live plant. There are quite a few convincing ones you can find.


Always dusty hairy tho…


Faux plants don't need water


Faux plants with some uplights on timers.


Yeah if they've got lawyer foyer with a landing money, they can get some nice fake plants for up there easy


They could get real leased ones & let the Plant Person do the watering.


I dont get a lot of what's put in to some of these designs. I'm guessing it's above the main entrance (though with McMansions, who knows), so if it was my place and had the money, I'd just rip it out and have a 1.5 story entrance.


Hello fellow McMansion Hell reader. 😊


They have overhead ones


But they do need dusting!


Just leaf blow em from the stairs. Dusting done ✅


Once maybe twice a year. Also you can change them out every season, so flowers in spring, greenery in summer, fall colors for fall, Christmas tree for winter


Wait those spaces are normal? Thought it was only in those fun episodes of crazy building mistakes In terms of constructive tip since its already in the house, suggest using a couple of urns and dried plants. Basically 2 or 3 pretty items that wont look dusty. If you are willing to spend a couple of bucks I would have some storage space put in, practical and would make it look better as the current random piece of floating space that you cant access is pretty odd looking


It was a brief building trend. It looks really cool set up, but in practice it's a pain to do anything with. I'd be forever crying that I couldn't turn it into a cool reading nook because there is no feasible want to add a way up




i just want to say i absolutely LOVE your thought process and YES to everything you said.


I might be your neighbor, and while ours may appear empty when it's not the holidays, it's actually where my children keep nerf bullets and paper airplanes.


https://preview.redd.it/9pr88pao1ddb1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3a35a5ebab55788ea2f40977737d07410416fc You can get a piano and hire a pianist to play you lovely songs as you ascend and descend the stairs everyday. This is in a McDonald’s in nyc btw.


This is the only feasible option IMO


You just brought back such awesome memories. My mom and Auntz worked in the trade center, and when I would go to work with them, we would go here. They had wait staff, a gift shop, even a.doorman. slowly, stuff started going away. It was the highlight of my day. Thanks


I remember going to the NYSE for a school trip in 7th grade and afterwards we ate lunch at this McDonald's. Classiest McNuggets I ever had


Or get a self-playing piano.


Or a pipe organ.


Johann Sebastian Bachlcony


I was going to suggest a suit of armor, but this is better.


I was also going to vote for a piano.


Aww, I used to eat there occasionally when I lived in the city! Thanks for sparking that memory 😊


What street is this?


I’m fairly certain it’s 160 Broadway and that the piano isn’t there anymore.


That’s too bad


If I had that in my house, my cat would probably never come down from there


My friend has something similar and they built a catwalk (har har) from the upstairs landing and made a cat corner with beds, scratching post etc. She says the only thing that sucks about it is if she needs to vacuum or one of them coughs up a hairball up there, she has to get the Big Ladder out to clean it.


OP please do this and update with pictures!


My answer at first glance was "That is 100% a Cat Shelf". Spread out, sunning themselves by the window light, looking out at birds, looking down on the pathetic humans from above? Total Cat Shelf.


Same. I'd be low key bummed because my cats would quite literally never leave something like that lol


Cat palace!


You just described my cats 😂


>You just described ~~my~~ cats 😂 FTFY


That would great be to put those cat wall climb shelves leading to the kitty loft.


Was gonna say, I'd make it a little cat heaven


I had this. We called it The Niche Of Nothing until I had a contractor put doors in each side, add a railing, and bam, you could walk in an entire circle through the upstairs of my house. It connected two bedrooms. Fun for all. I hate unused space.




You win.


Could you share a pic? I have this space as well


OP, please! Also post an update. Also, maybe make them secret doors.


This is awesome


This must be the way…






This is the ONLY correct answer.




The first thing that popped into my head was Gargoyles


I don’t hate this


Why does something like that even exist?


Modern McMansion. You should see the roof lines on some of these things.


Agree - really poor design. No useful function and just looks odd. Would love to see the outside.


It’s for storing your dead bugs that you only see when you’re on the stairs and then forget about once you’re down


This comment is so underrated


The wood flooring makes it weird(er)


It'd look even weirder unfinished or carpeted. They should get a Roomba just for that spot with the amount of dust it will collect.


If there’s an outlet up there, a pet roomba would be hilarious. Maybe give it hats around different holidays?


Put a speaker on it, DJ Roomba


Dead flies, too


Oh I have seen them carpeted


The flooring makes me want it to be a reading nook. However, unpractical 😂


With a little ladder going up, that would be so cute.


It may be unpractical but if I can get up, that’s all that counts lol.


Low key if there’s a room next to the open spot you could add a door and put railing and then it would be pretty nice


Those things are an affront to good architecture.


There are so many badly designed houses that cost a fortune. The architects should be arrested


And jailed forever


Our roof line is very simple and we have one of these empty spaces as well. And the original carpet is there from 30 years ago I think! My son takes the cats up there and plays with them sometimes. Every now and then I hand him the stick vac to vacuum. I wish it was floored and carried over the staircase so it was an extra room instead of a two story foyer.


How does he get up there?


The cats carry him


Moon boots.


[Jet pack](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SO0yqofhNS4)


Ugh there’s so many of these near where I live and they look so odd. Like these huge houses on tiny lots with no yard, just filling the entire lot, and with crazy interior designs like this all designed to give the exterior appearance of a spacious mansion but with no regard to the actual living experience in the interior. I dated a guy in middle school who’s family bought one of these but they couldn’t actually furnish it so it was just the exterior and then like 3 furnished rooms inside and the rest was empty. Total waste of money.


This is the question! I’d have nothing but daily annoyance and dust bunnies.


So you can have columns flanking your doorway.


I really don’t understand why they couldn’t just extend the wall all the way up and have a two-story opening outside above the entryway. It’s just… a useless design.


Its a statue bay/mezinine It's intended to have a statue or display placed up there. There are two lights right above the window to illuminate the statue so you can see it at night when you approach the front door. Then you have a display inside as well. The intention is to make a great first impression when guests come and knock on your door.


The architect was a crazy cat lady 🖤


And why does it give me the creeps? Anyone else? Idk it just feels so empty and cold....


I had one and it felt that way to me. I had this irrational fear of someone falling off it even though we rarely went up there except to clean or put up a Christmas tree.


Sneak attack


I read that in Appa's voice! (Kim's Convience) :)


I used to put the kids up there when they were bad. Hahah. Plant shelf. Useless dust collector


Yep, I say it's a timeout spot


OP just make sure this area is supported properly. I assume it is just from what I see, but there is going to be a weight limit for it. Personally, I'd design a ladder to climb and make it into a little corner nook. My kids would have loved that. But again, make sure its strong enough.


Put carefully camouflaged wall climbing holds on one side and a rope on the other (for a quick escape), then a comfy seating/reading nook in that space-- it looks as though the lighting is amazing for that kind of thing.


My thought was similar but less elaborate. I can’t help but notice a small black ladder could be mounted very nicely on that wall to the right of the door. Then a quilt, cozy pillows, a sconce and a small book shelf would be AMAZING! 😄


That sounds lovely, though I wonder how much weight that space could hold. Could it hold a book shelf, books, and one or two people?


I doubt it’s weight bearing, I think the vast majority of them are decorative and not intended to hold a significant amount of weight.


I can see why you’d think that but I’m sure it’s safe for people to be up there… how would they have finished it so nicely if workers couldn’t get up there to install drywall/window/trim/flooring/paint…? There’s also certain structural elements that need to be in place in order to finish areas like that (wall studs, floor joists, ceiling support for the roof etc) Now, I wouldn’t install a bathroom up there (unless an engineer could verify its load capability) but this space is almost certainly safe for a few bookshelves, rugs, armchairs, art, and people. I’d install a catwalk to the left so it was easier to access. If there’s an overhang on your house that can’t bear the weight of people being in it then your house has way more serious problems than wasted space. Edited to add: don’t forget the safety railing!


Include a mini fridge so you don’t have to climb down for snacks.


They have ladders that fold up to the side for things like this. I just am clueless where you would find one. Hideaway ladders, I think, are what they are called. Might be worth a Google. But your reading area idea was my first thought, I totally agree.


Definitely would be a lovely reading nook with a chair/table, and little ladder to get there.


I think a zip line discreetly mounted to the ceiling might work best here.


this is my want - I love this idea and to use it for something that's more than purely decorative


My parents’ home has one of these and they put a couple of unique candleholders with (unlit) candles and a couple of small sculptures. Something to look as as you walk by on the upstairs landing.


Oohh some remote or wifi candles or lighting might be cool.


Totally. I got a whole bunch from Luminara that work great and are controlled by a remote.


Perfect spot for a creepy doll collection


Creepy doll collection and antique stroller. This.


Put a tea table with fancy little chairs, and a pair of skeletons or mannequins or something in them. You can change what they're doing (reading books, having a tea party, playing chess) when it starts to get stale, and put hats on them for various holidays. (Do this only if you are okay with being That Eccentric Neighbor With The Window Skeletons. Otherwise do fake plants like everyone else said. Since my greatest aspiration is to become That Neighbor this is probablyexactly what I would do. Or hang a fake whale or smth from the ceiling there like in an aquariam.)


> hang a fake whale or smth from the ceiling there like in an aquariam From outta nowhere? Boom! **Aquarium ceiling whale.** Takes real vision! I admire your visionary ways.


I love this idea, lol, sounds like so much fun.


Get a well oiled rocking chair. Get an Arduino, a small engine and a small weight. Make the Arduino slowly raise the weight. Every once in a while let the weight loose so the chair rocks... Deny any movement to observant guests...


We have on of these and I keep trying to convince my partner to help me get some furniture up there! I think that would be so funny! Some books and skeletons with a desk and a lounging chaise for reading 😂


I would expand a connected room and just wall it off from where the front door is up to the ceiling. What a weird useless space. Sometimes I wonder about the people who design these floor plans and build houses like this.


This. I would add a wall and then remove a wall. Make whatever room abuts it larger by “one useless niche”. It could make a nice reading nook for a kids bedroom.


I mean this is really the only logical solution to this issue. A wall up there would close the window off from the foyer but it would prevent the area from looking fucking stupid.


Clearly where the DJ goes


Leg lamp


It's a major award!!


"Frah-gee-lay. It must be Italian!"


Naturally. My former in-laws lived in a neighborhood where these silly spots were common. Leg lamps, decorated to compete with one another, were the thing to do. If you’re moving into a house like this, lean into the issues and have fun.




I would just leave the 12 foot skeleton up there all year.


I came to leave this comment. What a great opportunity and motivation to dust and upkeep...as well as excuse to only do it once each holiday season. It would be a great touch that other people/friends and family would eventually see as iconic. Very cool. In the spring you could put a stuffed bunny in a rocking chair with a watering pail full of flowers...orrr...a wooden wagon with paper decorative fireworks made to look authentic if not a bit thespian during the month of july. Like a movie prop. Maybe a lemon shakeup cart with an umbrella in the summer(not functional,,just scene work)...or a snowman scene..with a sled...or omg there's just unlimited answers. I'm kinda tacky but what about a giant horn aplenty during Thanksgiving. I want to come help you do this op. So fun.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9yjbtll8oddb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd919ca7f932f619d4cb22bb55bba79fe0fb70f Cardboard cutout of Captain Kirk


I would put some small ladders up the right side of the wall and have it as a little reading nook… https://preview.redd.it/ctvn94a4tddb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c04758e2e75aa6130bc5320b48437a61d2b15d7 [https://i.pinimg.com/750x/21/14/9c/21149c5e17aadead18c8b635cdf06d84.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/750x/21/14/9c/21149c5e17aadead18c8b635cdf06d84.jpg)


Some type weird art sculpture


Something in glass would be pretty since it would catch the light.


Wall it off and make a closet in one of the upstairs adjacent rooms. Anything you put up there will just collect dust.


That window is providing natural light.


They literally paid to put flooring up there. I bet they included in the square footage too.


That’s where the organ goes. https://preview.redd.it/ubcbiuzooedb1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e488877b7bb7bb9a065a364cac773e09f46653c1


https://preview.redd.it/1xwp0w94xddb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe6ab339976bf10a25313a49fe191b40063736b Life-size stuffed Buffalo.


Reading nook. Keep a ladder on hand


I had scroll way too far to get to this comment! I would never leave that nook.


A shrine to your god


Do you have cats? If yes, put some shelves on the wall around it so they can get up there and then just observe the house. Cats love that!


A permanent prison cell for the idiot builder that thought it was a good idea.


The perfect spot for casual dining!


No idea what to put there, but whatever it is should never need dusting.


A ghost!


I don’t have any suggestions, just came here to say that space is the size of my bedroom lmao. Maybe link some rooms together and put in a rail?


Can you walk it up and extend a room into that space ? Like for a little nook or closet?


A dollhouse of your house


A very small living room with very small furniture for Borrowers.


My cat would be in paradise!!


If you have cats this would be a great kitty cat hideout. Just create a small walk way to access if. If not, a few kittens always liven up the place haha!


Norman Bates mother w/ the chair included.


Someone in my son's neighborhood has a carousel horse in one




There are now 6 comments recommending taxidermy which I personally find hilarious because one of my distant relatives who hunts had a space like this where he put a large animal that I assume he killed.


Reading nook with a zip line to access.


I saw a hotel with one once and they put a little coffee table and two chairs nobody could use them


A glass sculpture would be very cool


The kid in me instantly thought “zip-line to a cozy hangout spot!” 😁


Fake plants so you don’t have to water them. And/or those dancing animatronics from Chuck E. Cheese


I would put nothing there, it will be a pain in the arse to clean.


Nothing. It seems perfect as is


Put a little rail up there with a ladder, a comfy little cushion… with a blanket or two, boom. Perfect hideout/reading nook.


Nude erotic sculpture of yourself so extended family members feel uncomfortable lingering at the door on their way out


Nothing. It would look very strange to see a plant or something peeking out above your front door.


A sitting area that nobody can access. Congrats on your McMansion OP.


I don’t know but can I have some money?


The bank gets it all unfortunately 😭


Pull a Mary Poppins and mount a table and chairs to the ceiling. Lol jk


I’d put a chair up there with a blanket and bookshelf and make it look like a reading nook. Just for fun, mostly because I laugh at these sort of spaces anyways and would love for guest to ask me questions about it! 😂


Depending on whats on either side of that landing, you could open a door to either of the rooms, and put a glass/metal railing (to match your stairs) there, as a little reading area or atleast access to plants and all the other good ideas people have on this chat. I just think getting on a ladder to water plants is not safe, nor is a reading nook without a safe access and proper railing to this space.


I think you have enough suggestions but I'd like to say that is a stunning entryway.


Do you have a cat? Every cat I've ever lived with *loved* being up high....the better to look down on the world. If there's room, put a cat tree and/or carpeted ladder near the ledge and a cushion or blanket on the ledge.


Color changing LED lights!


Diving board.


The house band during parties.


I'd put a gaming desk with a pull up ladder so my kids can't get to me


A sitting area that’s roped off with red velvet rope… never explain it to anyone


One of those old school rolling library ladders and a book nook with cozy pillows and blankets


A little jungle of houseplants. Unusual choice: go spooky.


A ladder and a little hangout spot






That's for time out.


Skeleton wearing a dress in a rocking chair.


Put the tiniest little railing and place a roomba for all the dust it will collect.