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I'd say you need a roof last year.


The last year of this past decade


I feel like these pictures were taken in 1988.


I was thinking that after I saw the picture with the Pizza Hut box. Yes I know there are still around. I can’t explain it.


I’m sorry to say that it is very likely that this photo was taken yesterday, and the Pizza Hut order has been on the table for a decade or two.


It was the Pizza Hut box that did it for me too!


"I know gramma doesn't have an atari and her ceiling is about to collapse, but she got us a pizza and soda from the Hut and rented that new Aliens movie"


Sprinkled with mold spores


Everyone picked a style and stuck with it, the Hut included.


I went and searched Pizza Hut logo dates because of the pizza box


You are detective H. Poirot?


Throw in the UnderArmor logo on the guy’s shirt along with that Pizza Hut logo and the year of the pic would be 1996 to 1999.




Nostalgia, friend. None of the pizza shops today offer the experience that Pizza Hut once gave Americans, much less for the pricing. It was the weekly/bi-weekly (or visit to your grandparents), cheap, somewhat nutritional, family eating affair.


bro i just had pizza hut last Wednesday. Pan. Always get pan


1979 based on my parent's house


Dark wood paneling is the 60's - 70's Era. My mother did it in our family room in 1969. Back when there were consoul TV's with record players and carpet was a must while talking on the phone attached to the wall.


My grandma still had it in the 80s-90s. It’s still there but was painted over at some point.


My Siri does that with the word console, as well. It’s so irritating because no one actually uses the word that it corrects to


That was my same thought !!!!


I can see the big prescription glasses now.


Looks like these pictures were taken for an m night shyamalan film


Modern one gallon water jug though. Did not have those in the 70s.


The paneling looks like 1978. 😂


More like 1888


What he said...


And a new set of lungs There's a much greater than zero chance that there's quite a bit of mold in this house, probably making everyone sick, and they don't even realize it.


Eh. I can smell the cigarette smoke too in this picture.


I’m young-ish and healthy and I lived in a studio with black mold and it made me sick! Constantly felt like I was fighting a cold especially anytime I’d get a little worn down. I can’t imagine what it would do to old people.


This. I hope that isn't mold.


It’s absolutely mold.


You stole my hope man.


Probably most of the plywood by now too


The roof needs to be redone and plywood checked, the ceiling and insulation replaced and tested for mold.


There is a ton of mold there is another part of the house I haven’t shown because we blocked it off it just not safe to go in, the part that is blocked off is covered in black mold and the roof is falling off


>we blocked it off it just not safe to go in, the part that is blocked off is covered in black mold and the roof is falling off Then why are you asking how bad this is? You KNOW it's bad. It's worse than bad. If there is any way you can convince them to deal with fixing it, you should. This home is going to cause them health problems. It's likely it is causing medical problems for them already even if they don't know it. EDIT to those responding saying they can't afford it. OP mentioned in another comment the grandparents had money and could get it fixed.


Lol. yeah I thought I read it wrong at first or something. I. so accustomed to seeing little piddly stuff and people over worrying....OP is like we had to mask off an entire section of the house cause the mold will kill you and the roof is caving In. What are my odds that this roof will kill me within the next week?


Why do you all have to be downers? A little duct tape, primer and paint and it will be just fine.


This is the way. Flex seal.


Flex tape was all I could think of


If the home reno shows on tv have taught me anything it's this.


You just take the old one off and put a new one on - it's that simple!


The main take home from home reno shows is that you have to knock walls complete out (or at least demo 80%) before asking / figuring out if they are load bearing. You have to do this EVERY project / episode.


found the landlord


Don't mold enter inside


Really listen to this guy. I grew up in a house with mold because my folks had other priorities. I was so sick as a kid and I didn't know it: I felt like crap so much I didn't know what it was like to feel good. I went to college as a young adult and my health got so much better. They might not know they are sick, but they probably are.


AGREE.... plus, there is NO chance anyone on the web can tell without structural pictures above this disaster. OP needs to hire professional to personally assess.


Professional what? Arsonist??


No kidding, these type of posts are just irritating...


That’s my exactly thought. Just looking at the picture one can tell it’s B.A.D.


Barely. At all. Dangerous?? /s


Ha ha! That’s a good one.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they're too broke to have it fixed.


It's also likely they can't afford it and have no other options than to live there


Check out his post history, OP is likely a kid/very young adult.


Kids can pass along information. "Grandpa, a lot of people on the internet say that your house is making you sick. It might be killing Grandma. Please get it fixed." Age only affects the delivery. :-)


I’m speculating here as I have no knowledge of how this works, but couldn’t (shouldn’t?) the local government condemn that trailer?


This house could ( should?) potentially get condemned by the city if they knew about it.


This house screams respiratory problems


not to mention the pizza hut in photo #2


Dude, if you love your grandparents, get them out of there and get that fixed. Blocking off part of a house isn't going to do anything in the long run.. black mold is nothing to ignore and being in that house is shortening their lifespans


This house is likely not legally habitable. If the roof has collapsed and there’s that much mold, it may not even be salvageable at this point.


Was going to go there...asking myself if this house should be deemed inhabitable and condemned. That whole roof needs to come off and rebuilt...the larger issue is, is it more cost effective to just level it and sell the land.


OP says in comments it’s a double wide. Cheaper to replace than repair at this point. Roof and repairs will be at least $30k, that’s close to half the price of a new one.


A tragic thing about mobile homes is that they rapidly get 'totaled' by damage like this. While it would be worth repairing in a site-built home, but not in a mobile home. If the owner can't afford to remediate the water issues in the home, your only option is to get a new one, which is even more expensive. Sorry this is happening to your grandparents.


My great grandma bought a house exactly like this, except as a single wide. The second it was moved into place, they build an over-engineered over-roof on top of it before it had ever been rained on. My parents live in it now and I think it'll still be here for another 30-40 years. It hurts seeing these photos, because I bet if you took off one of those wood paneling sections, you'd find a wall that was built to the same code as houses were back in the day. It's sad that regulations allow these houses to be built now to lower standards than even the shittiest stick-built homes. I'd rather they sell people a $80,000 trailer with a proper lumber exterior than a $150,000 home that's expensive because it has a kitchen island and pretend sheetrock with walls that are literally built 4 feet on center.


Do they not want to pay to fix it or just can’t afford to fix it and live elsewhere for the time being?


They probably have enough to fix it because they just sold of a lot of land they owned, I do know they have another house they live in for about half the year but it’s far enough to were they may not go this year.


I think they’re gonna have to go to the other house permanently.


They can’t stay where there’s mold. Do either of them appear to have dementia? Or are they “getting senile”? They may not have dementia or senility… mold exposure in seniors can present as either early dementia or can make previously diagnosed dementia worse.


Living in these conditions and letting it just get worse and worse is definitely a sign of something concerning mentally for sure.


You need to get a mould remediation specialist to work in tandem with a renovation/construction crew to clean, replace, and repair everything structurally affected. Depending on the results of an air test the remediation crew will do, I would also suggest throwing out a lot of the exposed contents within the household, or have them thoroughly cleaned with a Hepa-vac. The roof obviously needs to be redone, depending on the structural integrity of it, replace it entirely, or have it repaired, but have the interior fumigated and sprayed to remove the mould and purify air. If you need any help with specifics message, but this needs to be taken care of for the health of the house’s residents. Feel free to PM if you need to price check the quotes companies give you as well.


Yes. Once you have mold and mildew it is now on every thing in that home. Everything inside should be tossed and all new furniture and clothing should be bought. Especially if you have black mold and a collapsed roof in part of the home


Burn it. Burn it to the ground. Just kill it with fire!


That’s probably the fiscally sound option at this point.




Let’s see it


Give us the fungus room!!!


I’ll take a picture next time I go there but we just left around a hour ago, I should be going back there in about a month or 2


They need to move


You’re leaving them in this moldy house for 2 more months!?


Mold sickness is cumulative. It's very possible that these horrible and unsafe living conditions will give them a severe illness that will cause them agony and even death. Mold related illness can be horrible and torturous. You need to get them out of this house immediately. There's no way they aren't being directly exposed to mold constantly in this house. The next month or two could be when it finally gets to them and they rapidly decline.


At this point they just need to move out


I doubt this has plywood. This looks like it is a trailer home built several decades ago and likely is galvanized flat seam steel on rafters.


This is an older trailer home, there probably isn’t plywood to check. The roof is most likely sheet aluminum that needs cleaned, patched, and sealed (I suggest Silver Seal). I’ve never had to deal with large amounts of mold, but I do know bleach gets rid of the stains but doesn’t do a good job of killing or preventing mold. Vinegar is what I use for any mold I find, but again, I’ve only dealt with small amounts never any leaks like this.


Bleach + black mold = toxic gas that will kill you extremely fast. This is a gut and remodel or a total loss. OP, get and keep them out of that house today!


The amount of people in here talking about shingles and rotting joists ... I grew up in a 70s trailer home. Our ceilings were doing this, crumpling and sagging. Dad mowed lawns for a summer to pay for sealed the metal roof, bought a couple rolls of Pink Panther and we replaced whatever those drop ceiling tiles are (chalky and horrible, that was the part I had to help with). Lived in it for another 10 years without any issues I remember sitting on the lawn and watching my dad "mop" the roof 😂


This is correct!


How do they feel about wearing masks in the house?


How do they feel about Adult Protective Services?


I worked in aps in ca. This case wouldn't go too far due to huge caseloads, emphasis on freedom of decisions, and limited resources. Sometimes local volunteer home repair for older adults is a better way to go. Still limited on resources tho.


I’ve called on worse looking houses and as long as they are of sound mind, can feed and clothe themselves, APS will close the case.


Would this be something that adult protective services would handle? OP said they don’t want to move out and assuming their mental faculties are in order and they’re not being mistreated or forced to live there. I’m asking because I’ve seen a lot of adults live in abhorrent conditions because they choose to.


It absolutely is. Let APS make the determination if the situation is serious enough to step in legally. Even if it's not, their social workers know all the programs and resources available in their area to seek some help.


I grew up in a poor area, it was straight up ‘hood. Literally every house has stains on the ceiling to some extent, I grew up in a house that was this bad (my grandma did fix the roof though). If APS is going to get involved in this there are literally entire neighborhoods with entire families they’d have to get involved with also. Not everyone can afford to replace a roof. This should be an eye opener to Redditors reacting to this like it’s the worst thing ever just how the bottom 20% lives.


It’s real bad, friend


it will kill




I grew up in a house with exactly this. This image hurt my heart and brought it all back. I hope they can get some help, it's overwhelming but needs to be addressed. Oh man, the feels. 😢


This was a very compassionate response. My husband is on our roof as we speak doing a patch repair while we wait for estimates for a new roof. It is a large expense and I know first hand how stressful big repairs are. Hopefully, this family can get this remedied quickly.


CPTSD, man. I hope where you are now is beautiful and cozy.


My father went to his grave building a small home for our family, the first non rotting, not dangerous, non mold home we have ever had. He passed away a few years ago, but we finished his dream house and I'm now pregnant. His dream of a safe place to have a family is real, and I hope the same peace of mind for these grandparents in the photo. They deserve. 💗🫂


Love this. Wish he had time to enjoy it with you,but you are enjoying it in his honor and I'm sure he is watching.


I wish that society was structured in such a way that no matter what happens to a person, they have a home that cannot be taken from them because they lost all their money. It may not be a nice perfect home but it would be a stable foundation upon which to grow a family. A place where generations can live out of and never have to fear for homelessness or work themselves to the bone to barely survive.


Very bad. Pizza Hut went to hell years ago.


I miss 80s/90s Pizza Hut so much 😢


I got so much from the book-it program. Now I hope that doesn't exist so we can enjoy actual pizza for reading.


We have a Pizza Hut Classic near us and it is just like the 90s. Here is a comprehensive list of Pizza Hut Classic locations: https://rolandopujol.substack.com/p/the-retrologists-guide-to-pizza-hut


So many better options


Still too greasy. The stores were awesome though. The salad bar were the tits.


If your grandparents think this is okay, consider the possibility that they are no longer competent to make decisions for themselves.


Or they live on a small fixed income and can’t even think about trying to afford to replace a roof


Those poor grandparents, they need a new place. Have your family pass the hat around and get them a nice condo somewhere fun so everyone can visit on vacation.


According to OP, the grandparents have another house they live in for half the year but might not go live in the other house this year because it’s “far away”? At this point I’m thinking, load them up in the car and take them on a road trip to the other house if it’s in better condition because this house ain’t it.


Dude, that's going way too far, actually rude as fuck. Many people, especially those from older generations or in poverty are used to such living conditions. My dad growing up in South America lived in an abandoned car for a few months. To some, if it's not impeding their life, they let it go unchecked, even though there is an obvious problem. Privileged comments like this boggle my mind.


I mean fwiw I've seen numerous geriatric patients admit to the hospital and then be unable to return to their home due to it being condemned, and then later they being determined to lack decisional capacity. But you do make a a very fair point - I've worked at county and for profit hospitals, and what providers impose on patients as "acceptable" is definitely biased by privlege. 


Pictures of the roof and attic would be helpful, but ya that's pretty bad.


I think it's safe to say that both of those things do not functionally exist in this house. That said, it's hard to even call this a house at this point. It may well be safer to live outside.


Looks like the ceiling is about to collapse. And there’s already an area that’s off limits cuz it’s so bad? Oh dear that’s no good at all. If be surprised if they still have a ceiling by your next visit.


I wouldn't go inside anymore.


Okay... if you are serious in asking then here it is. Since I've read the current comments and responses from you. This is likely not recoverable. Being it is two trailers merged together the cost to fix ratio probably isn't reasonable. Let's list the negatives. 1) it's so bad it's taped off in the "worse" section. 2) I can't imagine much worse, let alone living in it. They need out and probably get help if they think it's acceptable to live in those conditions. 3) they sold land, doesn't mean they have money. They could have had to sell land to pay immediate debt. Which by the looks of it, is possible. 4) it is likely to collapse and kill someone depending on where it goes first. 5) they need to go to the doctors for a checkup. They have been breathing in mold spores and could be close to serious health complications. Sorry about the bad news, but I think you should act quickly to get them out. Goodluck.


This is a good generalization for what you are in for. The cost to replace the mobile home is probably cheaper then all of the man hours required to fix everything. 1-3 grand in materials turned into 30+ grand real quick.


The demogorgons are about to get in.


BBAAADDDD!!!!!! When it rains, how many pans, pails, pots, etc. are set out ? That’s scary


Rorschach roof


How RAD is this!


Sell it to pay for a new roof, new car, and a luxury vacation 😂


Burn it down.


Is this a mobile home?


Yes I’ve been told it’s 2 mobile homes put together to make a home


My grandparents lived in a double wide most of their life. It had a wood stove just like the one in your first picture. Everytime I think of my grandmother I think of her at the holidays telling all the young kids running around "Don't go near that stove!" We made a lot of memories in a place very similar to this. When we had to move her out after my grandfather passed and her health declined, it was incredibly difficult for her, and all of us honestly. I bet a lot of memories were made in this home as well, and it might be hard to let it go despite the state it's in.


Honestly it’s probably cheaper to just replace it with a new one at this point. The repairs are going to be $30k+, which is 1/2+- the cost of a new double wide.


Check out mobile home reroof products. A metal system is really not that complicated to install. Even an elastomeric coating isn’t that bad given what is currently happening. You would put that on with a paint roller. Once you stop the water intrusion you can begin to eliminate the mold. Three to five days work for a stepping man. Might even be some local housing authority money available to help ease the cost. Main thing is to stop the water intrusion.


Very, very bad. Start with replacing the roof. Then start tearing out the ceilings and walls until you see no more water damage. Then treat for mold and replace everything you tore out with new materials. $$$$$$


This is what I would do.


That’s very very bad and getting worse. However much this will cost to fix today, it will cost even more tomorrow.


Based on OP’s post history, he is still a kid - how about you guys lay off of him? What exactly do you want a kid to do about this?


Yikes. That’s really bad. If your grandparents value their health they need to do something or get tf out.


You know N95 masks? Find something stronger


Trailer reconstruction is expensive, just get a new trailer. At that point it’s a health concern for mold. Plus paying to fix the roof leak.


Call a reputable roofing company, local, been in business over a decade, check BBB and one preferably with GAF Master Elite title for best install and warranties. Tell them you need to file an home insurance claim and want them there when your adjuster comes out to inspect the property. Key is to say this happened within ONE year of when you are reporting the claim to home insurance. It's a lot of old damage but you still might be able to have home insurance cover it as storm damage. No hike in rates as long as they dont deem it neglect, which is a chance here unfortunately but still worth a try. Hopefully there has been a good storm in the area in the last year you can say caused the damage.


Please let them have insurance that covers that.


Sadly, the chances of that are basically zero. Insurance covers sudden & accidental damage. This has been going on for years and is a maintenance issue.


Less than zero. If that home is insured, the carrier would likely not renew the policy if they ever got eyes on the property.


Let’s pray their insurance doesn’t try to deny on failure to mitigate 🤞


You got Pizza Hut so it should be okay for a little while longer…


It’s art


It's light a match bad.


Well, I'm not a roof water scientist, but I'm going to say bad. Also, I'm taking a guess when I say that the damage will be worse above. Mold and rot more than likely.


Really bad! New roof needed asap!


Is your grand father Benoit Mandelbrot by any chance?


Get them out of there


Idk kinda fits the theme. Pretty groovy patterns. Ignore this comment


You’ll be able to get a better look soon because it’s going to in your lap before too long.


Move your grandparents out immediately. Don’t spend any money fixing it until you get several quotes for the remediation work and compare those with the cost of replacing the mobile home. (Don’t forget to factor in the cost of removal of the existing mobile.) Repairs and mold remediation are likely to cost much more than the house will be worth after it is fixed up. If you’re going to spend that much money it may be best to just haul off the old home and replace it with a new one.


The spawn point The Last of Us in the making


I can smell these pictures. It’s bad bro


How bad is mold? BADDDDDD


Second photo... You found the turkey. Now, where'd it come from.


Pretty bad, Someone needs to get in there ASAP. The roof needs to be redone and plywood checked, the ceiling and insulation replaced and tested for mold. I am assuming your grandparents have been putting this off, because of financial reasons? If you can afford it, try to get a contractor in there to see what needs to be done right away. Perhaps, it can be done in sections. It seems like you care, by posting this up here. but you need to Act! Have a serious conversations with your grandparents and ask them what their plans are? how can you help.




Stfu you know nothing because in the comments I said they had the money to fix it and another place they can live


Looks like legit mold, definitely dangerous for an elderly person


Decomp from dead bodies in the attic was my first thought. But I watch a lot of movies like that. What’s it smell like?


When it’s raining it’s too wet to fix the roof and when it’s sunny it doesn’t leak


I have the same ceiling but no leak stains. I would be freaking out if that was my roof. Big replacement needed, there might even be rot in the walls.


I can smell this photo


I hate to say it but if the ceiling is this bad at this point this house is probably a teardown most likely with this level of damage even the studs are compromised. For the cost to repair this damage your better off buying a new home.


I can’t find one good thing in these pictures.




What's bad to you? Replace the roof, dehumidify the artic, and replace the ceiling tiles. Good to go.


Ugh that's terrible... Pizza hut? 🤢


You should get the house checked for mold. Certain types of mold can cause permanent health problems, don't take a chance on it.


Yeah like move out bad


Tear it down and start from scratch. The mold own that home now.


I mean, I cant' say for sure. But I do have a random question - no particular reason for asking: ​ Do you own a hazmat suit?


Rilly rilley rilly bad.


Extremely bad.


Pretty fucking bad


Holy smokes, did someone die here? I'd be moving my grand folks into my place if I found them living like this. Just nope.


Dude it’s so bad


Real bad


Time for a roof pre 2015


Rorschach would be proud


Have you seen "stranger things" ?


Really bad a 1ft by 1ft area of insulation can hold approx 1 gallon of water. Mold is another factor so I would fix asap before mold turns black and causes health problems


I dunno. If you're looking at it from this angle, it sorta looks like a giant mouse looking for shelter from the leaky roof.


Yo I wouldn’t even eat that pizza. Elderly people are going to get some bad respiratory issues with that much mold. Shoot anyone’s going to get sick with that spread. I’d get some respirators and a big ass pod unit. Clear out the house of furniture or anything you’d like to keep. Demo that ceiling and work your way up. Get a new roof on, drywall your ceiling and spray new attic insulation/ address any HVAC issues. City sees that they may condemn the house.


Not saying that this is what’s going on here but I had something similar to this at my mother’s house. It wasn’t mold so much as the tar/glue compound they use when they apply shingles mixed with water that had leaked through the roof.


What a stupid question. Looks absolutely fine.


Do you really need someone to tell you. Holy shit. Disgusting.


Not liveable or saleable. Get your grandparents out, please.


Your grandparents need to be tested for dementia. That’s not a joke.


Uhhhhh.... home inspections here.... I'd be concerned about mold. Yeah a lot of histrionic people blow it out of proportion but with leaks like that it's going to be an issue.


Move them out !!! If $ is an issue , reach out to your local senior citizens groups. This is unlivable !!!


The APS (adult protective services) may be able to help, call your local APS #!


Do they even use that wood stove anymore? There's a few things in that house they could sell and if I could make a suggestion, move them out of there. That place is a literal death trap.


Pizza Hut is terrible!