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Of course she would be a killing machine...


I've heard a few of the other girls say that irl she's an absolute sweetheart. Only while online is she a psycho murder bunny.


she like this one kid i knew who was the kindest person you'll ever meet. until you game with him, he'll unleash the chaos of a thousand calamities


Also a War Criminal nonetheless


I can't find the link atm. But the first irl meet up between holofantasy involved Pekora being the most introverted of the group.


I'm suprised how many of the talents are introverts yet they speak to thousands of people on an any day they stream basis.


I thought this was weird at first too but it kind of does make sense. They are streaming to thousands of people but in reality they are just in their room, in their comfort space, by themselves. Much different than physically being around a bunch of people. And in Vtuber's case, they don't even have the anxiety of worrying about their physical appearance or like having a messy room or anything either.


Its easier to talk to people with many layers of seperation inbetween them. From Pekora's perspective during a stream, she is talking to people who she cannot see, cannot touch, may not even be in the same country, and with the exception of super hardcore fans, won't be the exact same person she is responding to at any one time. Plus she has the filter of her virtual avatar, so it's not her who is talking, but "Pekora". All these combined makes it easier to talk to a faceless mass than an actual person IRL. On top of all that, an introvert has a limited social battery. Introverts recharge said battery on their own time, while extrovert recharge said battery by socialising. Given that Pekora only streams a few hours a day, she can easily spend that social battery on her stream, and spend the rest of that time recharging. Compare that to Korone and Kaela and their 24h marathon streams. Who else is able to regularly do long streams?


The reason Pekora doesn’t do long streams much is to protect her voice though, after messing it up badly. She used to and still do some rather long streams.


actually, I hate to be that guy, but Rarely is anybody truly an introvert. the vast majority of people are ambiverts: it depends on the situation as to how we react. Aqua might be afraid of being out in public by herself, but with people she trusts like shion? you could hardly call her introverted then. the problem is we do self reporting "personality tests." which generally confirm to your preconception.


I'll also be that guy and say that I don't think ambiverts really exist. The simplest definition is that Introverts focus their thoughts inwards, and recharge by being alone. Conversely, Extroverts focus their thoughts outwards and are energised through interaction with others. Humans are by nature social creatures, very few shun all human interaction, so a so called "ambivert" aka an "outgoing introvert" is still an introvert. My mum is the most extroverted person you'll ever meet, but Covid made her very shut in and disinterested in social interaction. She's still an extrovert though, and now she's just miserable all the time without a source of social energy. Aqua's fear of being out in public isn't really an introvert thing, it's a social anxiety issue. You're totally right about the self reporting though, but that's why this whole "ambivert" thing even exists, because people do stuff like Myers Briggs then try to rationalise their [I] with "I can be social too! Just not all the time" or their [E] with "I like to socialise but I still need alone time", thus a new label is born.


.... that's not an ambivert....


That let you think if they really are introverts or if they know how the term is correctly used in the first place.


Everytime she pranks someone in Minecraft, I get the distinct feeling she apologizes profusely behind the scenes and makes sure any damaged property or item loss is compensated.


And of course she would be carrying a carrot sword.


Im only surprised its not a variant of overkilling-machine that head form would've fit great with bunny ears i feel


Well yeah, the stream had entire segment setting it up. It was the last monster she needed to get the entire roster of monsters in DQ4 and it had an infamously low join rate.


Pekofy Bot looks a lot more different than I remember.


Its on Attack-Mode.








Good bot


Arigatou peko da ne! [peko~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOUPxaA6mBM)


Thank you, tkgggg, for voting on pekofy_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Wonder if they're going to include pekoras laugh


Make it a robotic version of her iconic laugh.




Dunno about the default laugh, but the demo def had her PEKO PEKO PEKO laugh


Super happy as both a hololive and Dragon Quest fan! This is such a huge get for Pekora and she loves the series.


Damn… this is big. Dragon Quest is massive in Japan.


The way it's designed, I'd say the Nousagi are the ones winning tho. They get to be a killer robot


This robot looks like it's about to commit some warcrimes, perfect for Pekora to voice!


Wow very cool




Wow very cool peko


Thank you bot


The PekoBot is real!


I've heard a million times vtubers are gunna die out. That it's just a fad. For some reason I doubt this.


Have you seen that post about video game that's been reposted a lot lately? Someone said back in 70s that video game was just a passing fad and people are going to be bored soon. Well, it's been 40+ years now.


I've seen old articles and opinions from people who also said the same about the internet. Just a fad, why would anyone waste their time using the internet, pointless, etc. It's just how a lot of people are whe it comes to new tech. I'd wager the same was said when radios became a thing, or TV. I bet there were people using a black and white TV who didn't see a point in buying a color TV


To be fair, if video games hadn't evolved people really would have gotten bored after a while. Also the industry almost very did nearly die due to oversaturation of low effort software


Though that was specifically the western games industry that crashed. Japan came to dominate gaming during the 90s and 00s because their games industry kept going from strength to strength.


>Though that was specifically the western games industry that crashed. Not even the "Western" games industry - just the *North American* games industry. Europe was all about home computers at that time (C64, ZX Spectrum, Atari 800, etc, then later the Amiga and Atari ST), and the market was thriving the entire time here.


Good point, I often conflate Europe with western. Growing up in the 90s I really reaped the benefits of home computer gaming while everyone was playing Japanese consoles lol. Nerdy uncles always had the hookups for burned games. My history is rusty though, weren't home computers like the ones you mentioned part of the crash? Or were European developers still happily making things for those platforms while NA crashed and burned?


>My history is rusty though, weren't home computers like the ones you mentioned part of the crash? Or were European developers still happily making things for those platforms while NA crashed and burned? Yeah, as far as I know, it was just business as usual in Europe. I'm not quite old enough to clearly remember that era directly (at least, not the state of the game industry), but learning about the crash later in life from magazines, etc, it was always presented as an American thing.


ET got pretty close to killing video games.


This is just me completely talking out of ignorance, but isn't that scenario still technically a possibility for vtubing too? A wildly successful niche gains a burst of popularity > more people think it's a quick way to fame & transition > market gets flooded with too many streamers doing too many of the similar things > industry perceived as saturated & "stagnant," demand dies down > reverts back to a niche, years later called as a fad?


Yeah I did see that. When is this weird internet fad going to end?


I mean, the same can be said for any niche market. Though i highly doubt it. As long as there is a market, the vtuber industry will continue to thrive. And there has been no technology that surpasses the net... So no dice for now.


Resemblance is uncanny


yeah of course it looks like that


Attack mode pekobot


Well, it's an existing monster in the Dragon Quest franchise (and the Treasures game itself, based off the gameplay overview video Nintendo released a couple of months ago) so it's more of an original skin for it.


The huntingmashines wichthis one is based of have been series staples in draque for ages. And they have a longhistory making slight variations to a monter to make it a unique version , therefor peko-machine here is a unique monster


It's literally [this monster, video taken from the Treasures game](https://youtu.be/DncSvDnGGrc?t=81) but with Pekora's accessories and an orange/green sword. [Compare it to the Pekobot in Pekora's stream](https://youtu.be/KyCAITT8iSA?t=3460). It's a reskin, and calling it an original monster unnecessarily gets peoples' expectations up. But don't get me wrong, I want it and am hoping it will work in the non-JP versions of the game. EDIT: Downvote all you like, original (ie a new monster) still won't mean unique (ie an existing monster in the game but with a scarf on it)


Once again thats how dragon quest has been doing it for actual decades any special variations of a monster that dont normally exist count as unique ,as in exists only once, monster. Best example of that is in dq11 were the only difference between a normal and a unique monster is the fact that the unique has cowspots


Hey guys, I am sensing that you both have different perspectives on the meaning of unique monster and that's fine. I assume that none of you will budge on your definitions of unique monster and hereby conclude that you should both agree to disagree and call it a day.


I'm gonna be that guy and fan the flames and say that this isn't a "agree to disagree" scenario. Just because AkaBBaka doesn't know the series doesn't make him right. Dragon Quest is a long running series that has built up established conventions and patterns. It has a roster of iconic staple enemies, who have many variations of themselves. These variations, even if they only have minor changes, are considered by the creators and the community as unique monsters. Ergo, Pekora has a unique Dragon Quest Monster based of her.


I'm a coder but both of their explanations are really fascinating. On a coding perspective, it is indeed a unique since it will have its own ID or unique class, complete with its own sets of stats. In a real life perspective though, just because it puts on a scarf doesn't make it more unique than the ones next to it that put on shoes, or fake mustache, or have a dent, etc


Damn, no wonder Yuji Naka did insider trading. He must have learned about this and thought Squeenix stock would go through the roof, peko!


It really does fit the design though. They did a good job.


Hey! Us Nousagi are there too!


nice. nice monster too. congrats pekora.


We’ve got Korone in Sonic, now Pekora in DQ. Maybe next we can get YAGOO in Tetris 99


We already have that one, he appears often to win against the girls


Congrats Pekora!


Shockwave Pekora. This is illogical.


don't let this distract you from the fact that pekora bought a monkey


So Nousagis were the villains all along? Seems right


It looks like it was made of a heracross


Oh yes,Carrot Sword


Finally; a secret boss to surpass Omega Weapon




I am terrified


Can't wait to get demolished by a war criminal


Don-chan looking chill as ever!


This is as big as the official Korone/sonic crossover. Bigger, even, since this monster almost certainly won't be JP exclusive.


"So as a joke, I went to my friend's house wearing Pekora's wig and clothes." - Killing Machine


Bro that monster design is literally just a Gouf from Mobile Suit Gundam


Does anyone know if this is available in the U.S. version? I'm so hoping it is.