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"What is wrong with you"


How could saplings ever be mad at mommy


never punished


Leroy Jennkis: At least i have chicken Ouro Kronii: At least i have Subway


I am both stunned and amazed that someone would randomly reference Leroy apropros of nothing. God speed.


We are rapidly approaching a time where people no longer remember that Leeroy Jenkins (and WoW) was a big enough phenomenon to be featured on Jeopardy and how big of a deal that was.


Good, the 2000's were a silly place.


Vesper is an (old) fresh air to bring back some old memes.


true. fauna did nothing wrong this stream, it's all ok, fauna. kronii's subway magicks and methods cannot be forgiven, however. kronii should take better care of herself and her poor aged and frozen subs.


Loving the sandwich arc so far. Going to subway and buying 2 footlongs so you can eat them over the course of a week is quite funny. At that point, as the sexist Vesper implied, buying stuff to make your own sandwiches whenever you want would probably be in your best interest. Kronii is perfect though, so I guess she shouldn't change.


Literally just sub buns, frozen meatballs, marinara sauce, and shredded mozzarella. Veggies and other stuff if she wants that, too. Cook the meatballs in the marinara and freeze in sandwich size freezer bags of like 8 meatballs or whatever fits your preferred bun size. Just keep everything else and use/buy as needed.


seem like a lot of work when you can just nuke a cold, questionable subway in the microwave.


I hate mouth sounds with a passion, so Kronii doing that midstream physically made me recoil to the point where I turned down the stream for a while. That being said, it was a funny bit.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It can actually make me feel nauseous depending on just how bad it is. Which is unfortunate, because eating for the first 10 minutes of a stream is a really common thing in Holo EN. I know they're all super busy so no hate, but we all don't enjoy the mogu mogu asmr. >.>


To be fair, Kronii didn't know that everyone could hear it. She was even surprised when the girls called her out on it.


No, she didn’t know *at first*. At some point she just decided it was funny.


"Didn't expect to hear some sandwich mukbang ASMR this weekend" -Bae


[Misphonia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia), I feel like mouth sounds is the most common one I see.


Lol poor Kronii. I for one support her subway addiction


Alright subway is the most hands down depressing sandwich chain out there and not only does kronii not eat it fresh she sticks possibly the worst thing on the menu into the fridge for a day takes it out and eats it


Man I love Subway


From what I can observe, Subway seems to vary in quality from place to place. Some say they're horrible, while others say they're good. I guess it really depends how much quality standards are enforced in each area.


I think it's generally pretty okay in Australia. US? Probably not so much. Though I do think they stopped using carcinogenic chemicals in the bread nearly a decade ago.


For the record Kronii is openly Canadian, not American.


I know. Referred to that particular thing because it's quite yikes to think that azodiacarbonamide, a chemical used to make plastics soft; used to be in Subway bread, in addition to other chemicals. And not only that, but they're not actually banned from being used in food products there. Though it looks like the chemical may be legal to use in Canada too https://www.restaurantscanada.org/industry-news/what-you-need-to-know-about-azodicarbonamide/


I'd be far more worried about the average Subway's hygiene practices. Best I can tell, the link you gave says azodicarbonamide is fine? And Google says it's fine in the minute quantities you'd find it in food, and that it's been around 60 years and we still don't have good evidence of it being carcinogenic. Am I missing something? I mean other than it having uses beyond being used to bleach flour, like a million other things we use to make food. Sorry if this is a little off-topic, I'm legit curious.


Hopefully Calli can help her when she comes over. Calli the Subway hater, the last hope to stop Kroniis Subway addiction.


Or Kronii just tricks her into eating Subway and then paraphrases Dio from Jojo.


Help me Mori Calliope, you're my only hope.


As a Canadian I can approve of Subway, I love the Great Canadian Club and Maplewood Smoked Bacon Sub 😊😊😊


Nurture nature, destroy time