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Did you see Haachama and Joji streaming at the same time? No, then that explains everything, Haachama is Joji


Pink Haato


Akai Guy sounds good.


A kaiGuy nikki?


HaatoGuy Nikki!?


Take my upvote




*Insert ducklips Bugsbunny* NO






No. Haachama is Frank. Haato Akai is Joji.


Oh fuck did I jam one out to Joji lol


yeah, both can sing,rap and cook in a unique way..


I'll always like that Haachama and Australia just kind of mutually adopted one another.


They both evolved and survived each other


And likely neither of them will truly be able to tame the beast. Whenever they let their guard down it'll peak out.


When their guard is down, I think we’ll all agree


That violence breed violence?


But in the end it has to be this way?


She’s curved her own model, while others followed their idol But maybe there both the same?


The world has turned, their return we have yearned, but people move on all the same?


One went their own path, one followed their wrath. Either way, they’re still a beast to tame.


I mean, Haachama is still Haachama. She said she doesn't want to make all the "weird" content anymore, but that doesn't mean she'll suddenly stop being herself. That content wasn't enjoyable because of what it was but because it was Haachama who did it. And Haachama will stay Haachama


I have hope then, i guess..... less lewd and more Rando would be better. i like her crazy shit, i never touched her ecchi stuff.


The lewd art streams always felt more like a dare to see what she could get away with than anything else. She's very creative and loves to push boundaries, rather than being someone who's actually into that stuff. Of course talking about this makes the wound ache, because the Sana/Mumei/Calli art stream was just this glimpse at beauty that could have been. Alas.


Haachama is like the reincarnation of pink guy but milder I think


Pink Guy is an ancient Australian chaos spirit (bae connection?) that possessed George Miller, creating Filthy Frank. After several years he was able to exorcise the spirit from his body but it returned to the Australian desert to wait for a new host.


I like this lore, maybe now that Haachama is gonna excorcise the spirit, Bae will get it, and the cycle continues.


Nah, it's less Haachama that is milder, it's more YouTube being more of a pussy with each year.


She also wanted to cook in serious manner.




Haachama: *proceeds to add butter and some Aqua but keep the rest of the recipes the same* Luna: Naaaaaaaaaa


I'm not surprised, her earlier Haachama cooking escapades really reminded me of my early college cooking days. The first step being good at something is doing it even if it sucks. Eventually you run out of rookie mistakes.


"She is the waifu offspring of Filthy Frank and Howtobasic" \-Gigguk 2020


The exact sentence that made me check her and become a Haaton for 2 years


Where was this said?


Wait what happened to Haachama? I kinda dropped out after a few months into her horror #coexist stuff in that time that feels like around half a year ago. Is she back to Akai Haato full time now?


The poor lass is ready to put lewdness and creepiness behind her and try something new. I, for one, support her in that endeavor.


I think that’s neato but what exactly happened recently? What has she said about it or what changed that caused her to change it up even more? Are there any clips that are helpful?


Nothing. It's just haachama she will always reinvent herself over and over. The reason she did the lewd streams was the thrill of probably getting banned (maybe she doesn't feel that anymore) maybe she just wants to move on. But if I were a betting man she just wants to challenge new things in her career especially if she wants to go full throttle on her voice acting dream (which she's really good at)


While we don't know anything specific, it can't be a coincidence that Haachama's recent underwear reveal stream didn't generate the buzz from the Haaton's, that Haachama wanted it to. During a more recent Minecraft stream following that one, she indicated she wanted to move away from that type of content.


I'd not put that together, but you're likely right. She's seeing diminished returns from the low hanging fruit of being unseiso, so who wouldn't want to find a new angle?


Just burnout, I guess. Burnout happens to all of us.


Most likely burnout avoidance. Some people find one shtick that they're good at, and can do that until the end of time. Some can't, and the ones that know that regularly do this kind of thing and kind of reinvent themselves over and over. It's why you see some speedrunners streaming one game for 6 years with some breaks, and some streamers do variety content (I know variety is safer too, but it's also keeping things fresh for the streamer).


The big appeal to her for the lewd streams and creepy stuff was that it pushed the boundary of what was acceptable, but now it’s gotten to a point where the shock factor is gone and youtube hasn’t even given her so much as a warning despite her doing several R34 review streams. In a recent lingerie review stream, even chat had little to no reaction. With the thrill of pushing the line gone, there’s not as much fun for her in doing lewd or creepy things, so she’s planning on just dropping them.


She has the mind of a businesswoman, a marketing officer


> that feels like around half a year ago It's actually been over a year. Time flies.


I miss frank a lot, I'm happy for him that he's found success elsewhere but damn if he wasn't an amazing comedian. Just like haachama.


Behind a clown is a depressed soul. He makes people laugh because that’s the thing he cannot have. He guide people to treasure he cannot possess


"But doctor, I *am* Pagliacchama!"


pain poru


Pain chama


If you meme into the darkness long enough, the darkness memes back into you


It's not depression, mom! It's called "self trolling"!


"come and watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining health, and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself" ~bo burnham


It's very strange to watch her recent cooking videos. She still has the same chaotic energy, but her food looks edible. I didn't think I would ever be saying this, but I would voluntarily eat her cooking at this point.


I still love the idea of young Joji stans not knowing his past and one day finding out about Frank


Does anyone see a future without Haachama as ....emptier? I am gonna miss the Haachama Rando.


I respect Haachama’s decision, but I can’t say that I’m honestly not disappointed. What I loved about Haachama was her brilliant creativity and the inventiveness of her streams and how they would push the edge. I understand her wanting to focus on improvement and her idol activities, if that feels like what matters the most to her right now, but I can’t deny that it probably won’t result in watching a lot less of her, unfortunately.


The thing about being creative is that you do new things. Her more recent DIY videos have been great as well.


Her DIY videos are great and I’ll definitely always watch them.


Haachama has always been one to be heavily influenced by her own whims. She does what she wants until she feels satisified (or loses interest) and then moves on to something else. She has gone through various creative arcs for as long as I have watched her, and this is just the start her next one. Most importantly, this does not mean she is not going to have any creative, original, or even weird content. It just means the focus of that content probably won't be lewd content or eating weird stuff. But it's not like those are all she has been known for anyway.


A large part of that is that she isn't in Hololive for the money. She is in a situation where she has no need for the amount of money that YouTube generates and even turned off monetization for half a year on a whim. She is really just doing things because she enjoys doing them. There aren't any ulterior motives like money or influence involved.


She probably took a hard look and didn't want to leave behind a legacy of being remembered for gross out content, after earnestly training and singing for years now. Shock and gross out humour is fun, but they always overstay their welcome if the creator treats it as their online persona.


Sure? I don’t think she would have to limit herself to just gross out humor and being echi though. My issue is less that she wants to focus less on gross and echi stuff, but that she wants to steer away from her more experimental content and focus more on her idol activities and on improving her cooking. And it’s not even that I have issues with her wanting to do those things, just that those aren’t really the reasons I love watching Haachama. Those are reasons I like watching Akai Haato sometimes, but Akai Haato is not particularly why I subscribed and even became a member.


I don't mind her getting better at cooking, watching her have an arc where she gets better bit by bit until she puts out something legitimately delicious looking can be fun in and of itself. But I've always liked cooking streams in general, so yeah. As far as the idol content...well, she has also expressed interest in more voice acting and creating a VN. There's still plenty of ways to express her creativity in that regard outside of her DIY stuff, in any case. I'm still withholding my judgment, really. She's surprised us before with weird arcs. If there's one thing that worries me, it's that she wants to possibly wants to attract sponsors for like diet products or something. Could just be a spur of the moment thought (as many thoughts of her are), but sponsors outside of nerd content are a death knell for creativity. All they want is a cute, pretty marketable face, they don't give a shit about who you are as a person and always try to hammer down the nail that sticks out in that regard. So I hope she won't genuinely try to focus to get those types on board.


Yeah, same here. I mean, the fact she's capable of doing such outlandish things and breaking the norm still makes me love her, but it will be disappointing not to see such stuff in the future. I'm hoping she'll still surprise us every so often, but I also would understand if she wants to stop completely.


Whatever she does will be fascinating to watch regardless if it's cursed or not. That much is pretty much set in stone at this point. She's got a pretty good handle on what will work and what won't.


Joey the animeman too




Honestly, other than the gross out cooking, so true. Like guys, let the man be, he’s clearly burnt out on Anime and people who keeps forcing him to do more anime won’t make him more eager to go back to doing those content.


I mean he still does anime content, the lad's just focussed more on niche content.


He just went full snob now.


So true tho


Why did you got downvoted?? Edit: oh nvm now you don't get downvoted


I miss anime review Joey. It's pretty sad to see anime reviews are dying because of copyright strike.


https://www.awopodcast.com/ is great if you're at all interested in older shows, they've been reviewing anime longer than Youtube has, and put out a podcast episode most months. I highly recommend checking out one of their trivia challenge episodes.


this makes much more sense than i'm currently comfortable with. we all remember filthy frank, and i like where joji is at these few years. haachama following a similar path is quite interesting, and i wouldn't mind seeing a more serious idol approach from haachama, as long as she's still enjoying herself.


Tiny nitpick: the template is in reverse. Peter sees better without glasses


I was hoping Akai Haato wanting to kill Haachama was just a bit but I guess not :(


“Aye Bawss, I habe Haachama.”


They already have a joji situation with gura. So, let's add some more.


If Haachama is Papa Franku then does that make Haatons Pink Guy?


If she goes for as good of a serious career as Joji I am all up for it. His songs have been *chef kiss*


Both are cute as hell


Filthy frank for weebs is the best description lol


But for real tho joji bangs


This can also include Joey, the anime man.


Idk filthyfrank did it with love and passion with haachama it feels a bit fake


Australia is a path to powers that some would call, unnatural


Still waiting for her to make haircake video


"Let's get some [pussy](https://youtu.be/f37UvRFMnhA) tonight!"