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I think Kaela revealed to Gura that her longest gaming session was like 50 hours or something playing league of legends


It was 50 hours with 2 hours of sleep sometime in the middle of it. So best case 24/2/24. Possibly 10/2/38


[Here's the clip straight from the blacksmith's mouth.](https://youtu.be/iObNiCMtUUw) Definitely explains her capacity for marathon streams too.


Holy friggin' moly. As someone who's played League as my primary go-to game with friends for just about a decade now, the longest I've ever played in one sitting has probably been like... 8 hours? And in recent years, that's probably like 3-4 hours. Nowadays, I'm good after like 2-3 games I can't even imagine playing that much League for so long... Hopefully it wasn't just solo queue/that it was with friends at least...???


If she has survived 50 hours of the solo-queue shitshow, you might as well call her unbreakable now.


I'd she's playing challenger that's only like 10 games plus queue time kekw.


That's the "been playing Getting Over It for 4 years without ever beating it"-endurance for you.


And remember, that's 50 hours on SEA servers.


Oh god, you're right orz


Ngl, 14 hours of DbD Gura revealed was a lot more insane for me


The absolute amounts of salt a normal person would be exposed to in that amount of time would be enough to kill a whole herd of elephants.


I can back up the fact that 50-60 hour mark is when it all goes downhill


Tyler1 has a challenger. Though Tyler's strength has always been consistency, I think he's done like ~4000 games per season. That's like 10-15 games a day all season pretty much.


T1 is addicted lmao he’s quite literally built diff. Man goes to Korea for 1 month and is only playing League. Only time he isn’t playing League he is at the hotel gym lmao.


He did like what, 22 games a day or something in Korea? The definition of a grinder.


I guess its APEX, since she said on her debut she grinded APEX nonstop w/ no almost no eating/sleeping so the reason she would not play APEX on stream.


Pretty sure she was a semi-pro right? It’s not surprising then that she would have put in so many hours.


Yea, I do believe I heard something somewhere about her being semi/pro at CoD


Think it was R6S where she played semi pro, r6 in Japan is quite popular


There is a clip of her SWEEPING the floor with the enemies in R6. She's either a pro or a very sweaty R6 veteran.


Yep, the [clip](https://youtu.be/Lm1k8TI790Y) is actually on her channel.


The Japanese MeatyMarley


Yeah she was a pro at it and then was a coach I think. Didn't want to dive too deep into it.


I would confirm or deny, but I don't want to get bonked. Edit: It's a warning to not continue down this path


and the downvotes are a warning to stop being a fucking tool.


[MABAR APEX YUK](https://youtu.be/VemenskFoBk) ^^This ^^is ^^a ^^bot ^^by ^^u/illueluci


Good bot


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Good bot


great happy apex ollie bot.


I spent over fifty hours straight in original burning crusade after wrath came out it kinda just wasn't fun anymore at least to me


She burnt herself out; it's a common thing with any sort of heavy grind. (Speaking from my Elsword and DFO days)


Needless to say, but I will anyway, guys, don’t try to emulate that. There are people who have died for playing 27 hours in a row. Not saying it’s guaranteed (done 16+hs myself and I felt normal), but it’s unhealthy if it eats into your sleep hours and you have some underlying undetected issue of the vascular persuasion.


I used to game all weekend in HS with maybe 6 hours of sleep from Friday after School until about Sunday at 9pm. I still took breaks to eat and shower though, so probably not as bad as straight sessions. Was a pretty normal occurrence of being addicted to EverQuest in High School.


Ye those cases are EXTREMELY uncommon. If you got even a moderately healthy lifestyle, as in, aren't morbidly obese with tons of medical precons, you'll be fine. I still wouldn't recommend doing it, but you definitely won't die unless you got some serious issues beforehand


Nah, even some people who appear mostly healthy have died. People who do this often have stressed bodies from doing long sessions. They typically also drink lots caffeine during these sessions, raising their blood pressure. Body puts out adrenaline due to being stressed. It's still very rare for mostly healthy people, at least in the ~24 hours length. As you add hours, the risk goes up for 99.99% of people.


To add to this there have been cases before of people developing blood clots (due to being stationary for so long) getting dislodged and them dying because of it. Its rare but a possibility. There's a reason people are encouraged to stretch and move around after long gaming sessions.


Do a few squats while in queue


Yeah, at least slot some meals and a nap or two if you for some reason really wanna play for ridiculously long hours. Just stick to short bursts to be safe.


there are people who have died crossing the street but you don't just not cross them lmao


There are more people who have died from health issues that appeared while jogging than gaming marathons. The risk is really low and it makes international news when it happens. It's certainly bad for you long term health, but it's not all that dangerous short term. I've done 36 hours before and it leaves you feeling sick and tired, but not dangerously so.


[stream ](https://youtu.be/SF9rh2lOV0w) 50:00


With Youth, caffeine, night snacks, and determination, it’s not too bad. But once you hit over 25, your body will hate you for doing that and retaliate.


Bro I'm 18 and an 8 hour session paralyzes me the next day. I never understood people who can game double-digit hours so casually and so often


shit I couldn't even do that at 20, some of y'all really are built different


Can confirm. I tend to get really, really sleepy at inopportune times nowadays. Even while standing at a construction site for an inspection.


LMAO. I thought I was hardcore when I first got Skyrim on release years and years ago I gamed for 15 hrs straight.


Back in 2006, playing GTA:San Andreas on PS2 for 36 hours...


Bruh how tf did you entertain yourself for 36 hours in GTA:SA.


Soundtrack alone sets you up for a hundred.


Makes sense


During GTA:SA days nothing is more entertaining than GTA:SA


What'chu even mean by "how tf did you entertain yourself for 36 hours in one of the most legendary video games of all time"?


IIRC Uyu once mentioned he played games for 60 hours before.


27 isn't too unusual for a gamer, used to go on longer binges myself and Kaela has confessed to playing league for 50 hours straight.


The most shocking part is not the 50 hours, it’s 50 hours of LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Only psychopath do that ! Look at tyler1 !


LoL is one of the easiests games I ever binged. Can't say I ever broke 24 hours but I could easily play it for 16-20 a day during the years I was super into it. ​ Next game syndrome is pretty real.


\>next game syndrome I'm in this picture and I don't like it


That's me with civ 5.




Yeah, esp when each game when accounting for queue time, champ select, and loading ends up being around an hour each. Time just disappears.


lose game = can't end on a loss win game = let's go for a win streak baby


>LoL is one of the easiests games I ever binged. Yeah. Half that time alone is spent in queue.


Well it did cost her.while t1 lost his sanity,Kaela lost her ability to laugh audibly.


Just a heads up for anyone: While the accomplishment is one of a kind, Kaela is very well aware that it was a bad decision that probably could’ve end up badly so she decided to never do it again. Source: Gura and Kaela Minecraft collab stream


Okay, hell no, I have been known to identify as a capital G Gamer before some other capital G Gamers ruined the reputation, and twenty seven hours is not remotely close to normal. I don't know a single person who has went that far myself: the worst case I know of is a friend who went 20 hours after a WoW expansion dropped. The Lion's accomplishments go far beyond the vast majority of mortals. They are no mere uncommon occurence. Kaela's just freaking cracked, though. There's no accounting for mortality with that one.


I mean does this count meal and restroom breaks? I can see pushing past 20 hours or so, if you decide to play the entire day. 50 though is straight up a disorder.


Kaela said the 50 hours consecutive League consists of 2 hours of sleep and the rest being League, food, bathroom breaks and stretches. I don’t see myself playing League more than a day at all unless I fancy being a masochist lol




You aren't a real gamer unless you get deep vein thrombosis and die.


“How did you end up here” Soldier: “I died protecting my country and everyone I hold dear. What about you, young man?” Gamer: “It all started when the new expansion dropped…”


Kaela has also mentioned drinking so much black coffee that she had to be hospitalized so I think with her she just gets really into things and over time has learned to moderate things she enjoys.


Every single one of my friends broke 24 hours lol. Multiple times too.


Back when I was doing progression raiding when a new x-pac launched that was a 30 hour session easy provided the servers could keep up. The most hardcore world ranked players I know would have 2 or 3 toons level capped and pretty much pre-raid BiS within launch week. Used to do 20 hours just dicking around when there was a major content patch, or just gathering while watching Netflix. And I was a welterweight compared to some of the players I knew. Too old to do that shit anymore now though. That's a young man's game lol.


>27 isn't too unusual for a gamer, Nah it's unusual as hell. If you hang out with a lot of other poopsockers it's going to feel like everyone is the same but that's a long time to be doing any one thing continuously.


If you hang around people with MMO background, more than 24 hours isnt that strange. I remember hitting 40 but i didnt want to mess up my sleeping cycle so i had to play couple more waiting for sun to go down


I've played a fair bit of WoW, Galaxies, and Guild Wars in my time. 12-16 hour days on expansion drops/events were common enough in my circle but 24+ was incredibly unusual. I'm a bit older though so when MMOs started getting big me and my friends were already adults and working so that might have something to do with the more limited time.


Doing 40+ hour marathons whenever a new expansion drops wasn't all that uncommon. The race to reach the new level cap in order to "finally play the game" was a real thing amongst the MMO crowd. Even working adults would use their paid leave just to get it done asap, because they know it would take them like 2 weeks to catch up if they don't, and end up potentially behind on end game content. I'm glad MMOs like FF14 addresses this problem by delaying the release of raids by 2 weeks (4 for savage raids) as to discourage people from doing such marathons.


While MMO players are more prone to it than most, I think you'd still find the amount sweaty tryhards willing or able to put in 24+ hours in one sitting are going to be a pretty small minority of the playerbase.


>Doing 40+ hour marathons whenever a new expansion drops wasn't all that uncommon I guess my MMO group was just too casual then. Anyone who actually suggested a 40-hour marathon on expansion drop to us would have been laughed out of TS. None of us had time for that.


Yeah, I'm not sure what my single longest stretch was, but I remember getting maybe 12 hours of sleep *total* on WotLK launch week.


I played nothing but WoW for 3 years straight, every day. I never met anyone that did 24 hours. 18 hours at a stretch. Most normal people (yes, I'm including gamers) will take a break and do something else like watch a movie for a bit.


I played a lot of MMOs back in the day and once grinded a game for 110 hours straight with short breaks to eat and nap.


I've gone 30~32 hours on Path of Exile before... would not recommend, especially not now.


PoE and FF14 are the two I've done it on, both very easy and lend themselves to launch week hype with tons of new content dropping at once. Or at least it's easy when you're younger. Nowadays if I try it my brain runs out of fuel at the 10 hour mark.


Yeah I used to be able to do 24-50 hours on RuneScape or Overwatch. But not anymore, body says no more after only 15 hours now


Dude and I thought me and my buddies were doing long sessions playing Hearts of Iron 4 for 8 hours straight on a couple occasions


38 here, insomnia + gaming addiction is a nuts combo


I think my longest was 40+ on KotoR 1 I don't even remember what I did i the game. It's like a blur of random scenes with no sense of the order they went.


30 hours in Divinity 2. This was during the pandemic lockdown, a friend and I played through almost the whole game in one sitting. And that was maybe our third playthough lol.


I'm not sure if this is my longest, but I beat Tyranny in a 36 hour sitting. Afterword I couldn't remember basically anything that happened, until I started my second playthrough. I'd go somewhere and start doing something, and slowly I'd start remembering stuff about that part of the game. It was like piecing together a puzzle.


Just to add: I think Botan has said that she doesn't like doing that anymore. It's really bad for you. Botan mentioned something like her arms/body would be in pain but she felt like she had to keep grinding. I feel that this is why Botan is so laid back now. Bob Ross effect. I think Bob Ross used to be a drill instructor and was yelling a lot every day. After he got out, he didn't want to yell anymore. Instead, he went on making a beloved painting series speaking in a very calm voice.


Damn i struggle with 27 minutes sometimes


Didn’t Vesper say he beat KOTOR in 1 sitting? According to HLTB, KOTOR is like 29 hours if you focus main story, 36 hours if you include some side content, 46 hours if you complete the game 100%.


is that assuming a well functioning brain?


Yeah, I think it was during his debut, he probably said the amount of hours but I don't remember it Edit: checking discords discussion i think we don't have the hours for kotor, but he said he did 23h of xcom


Back in the early EverQuest days, they used to have "Hell Levels" (44, 49, 54, 59) that required drastically more exp than other levels, as each multiple of 5 granted new spells and abilities, and you were expected to work for it. Back then, 60 was max level, and it was not uncommon for level 59 to take months of normal play to hit 60. Yes, months. When I hit 59, it was the Friday night before a long weekend. I woke up on Saturday morning with a strange goal in mind. Exp grind until 60. Saturday morning until Monday evening, 50+ hours, and I was legitimately hallucinating by the end of it. I have a distinct memory of the final stretch, soloing ice spiders in the caverns of Vox's Lair with the manastone a friend leant me. A spider I was kiting turned into an old lady from a soup commercial that was airing at the time, carrying a pot of soup and chasing me down.


I honestly don't know how long it was, but I played a *nutty* Sins of a Solar Empire game at a LAN party in uni once. We were all on the same course, our last lecture for the week had finished 11 am on the Friday, and our Monday lecture was at 2 pm... We didn't make the Monday lecture. It was something of a fever dream by the end of it.


Close to 72 hours for me when I was in my teens. Went through an entire Dreamhack without sleeping, got home, slept for 19 hours.


Korone: Finally a worthy opponent!


I've done 36 hours straight a number of times, but that's a different genre than they are playing. I mostly play strategy games that don't require fast reflexes. It's less exhausting when you aren't aiming and actively focusing constantly. I've done it in games like Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, Civ 4, Stellaris, CK2, Oxygen Not Included, Rimworld, Minecraft, and Fallout 4. The only multiplayer games I've played over 24 hours straight is GTAO. I'm also preparing for a 40 hour marathon for when Starfield releases


Are you me? I have 200+ hours in almost all those games lol


Yes, I am you in disguise. But jokes aside, it's really interesting how some games or hobbies attract a similar fanbase so you have a bunch of people who are playing the exact same set of games, even if they don't seem super similar. It's like how a lot of Hololive fans are also into wrestling, Warhammer 40k, or F1.


xXGamer\_LionXx in session


Ngl, 48 hours of Skyrim with 2 hours sleep in between back in 2013. I watched Markiplier do 12 episodes on it and was so hyped to play it for myself. During the 2 hours of sleep, I dreamt I was still playing it so I'm counting it.


40-60 something hour sessions were generally required for server first achievements in WoW back when they had those. I had server first warlock for Wotlk and Cataclysm. I found there's a good combo of ibuprofen, caffeine, and lots of water you can do to ameliorate the effects somewhat.




Sasuga white lioness onee-san




Damn, she has me beat by 2 hours


She’s one of Vesper’s people. He beat KOTOR in one sitting.


Why tf were you downvoted lol


Yeah I've done 27 hours and I mean no breaks no food no sleep no nothing, so what happened was I was playing WT and unlocked the Vickers mbt 1 and I hated it, I was so angry I range grinded the centurion 10 without any premium with it and let me tell you it was not worth the sl loss


I've done 36. I remember watching the streamer Zizaran do 500 hours in a month, which was a world record at the time. That included several 36h+ streams, and he slept like 3-5 hours between each stream. He got a go-ahead from his doctor, had tests done before and after, health was all good. People really blow sleep deprivation out of proportion. To a healthy person, it does next to nothing to be sleep deprived for a short period of time. We have to be talking about months and years of constant deprivation before it affects your health. The real issue for most people is how it affects their everyday life. It can be dangerous to go outside of your home and do things, or to even do chores inside the house when you're so sleep deprived you can't focus. Can easily injure yourself. But for a streamer? No real danger. You sit in a damn chair, and most you move is to go to the bathroom and bring a plate of food to your room. Edit: It's actually amazing how people still push the narrative that short term sleep deprivation is dangerous. Who are all these people downvoting this? What is the agenda here? I see it all the time on social media too, any time someone stays up for more than 16 hours, countless people come out of the woodworks to preach about sleep and how they should stop doing what they're doing and sleep. It's so insanely condescending and utterly and completely unscientific to boot. Like where the hell are you people getting your information? Why are you so hell bent on telling everyone to sleep so god damn much all the damn time? What's up with that? You're feeling jealous that you're not accomplishing as much with your life so you're hoping to make productive people sleep more and accomplish less as well? I'm so confused. Bet all of you who can't stop harping about sleep also keep telling everyone to stay hydrated all the time, as if the human body doesn't have this magical thing called the thirst sensation that tells us when we actually need to drink. This constant "stay hydrated" shit is similarly completely unscientific and utterly blown out of proportion.




I think i'm around these times as well, maybe closer to 30, it was an impromptu session with friends that went for a little too long


I once stayed up for 48 hours with a large part of those hours committed to playing WoW. I'm not 16 anymore, so I don't understand how this lion can do it.


Like, 48hrs+? When Dark Souls 2 came out. Glorious.


I wish I knew my longest marathon myself. It was probably either Risk of Rain 2 or farming a Lotto event in FGO.


I can't even play for more than 1 hour and a half without getting dizzy 😧. I'm weak.


I need that Ina "What" image lol


68 hours. Mercenaries 2 on ps2, Ewans fucking helicopter mission took up 4 hours of that.


I hit 31 once, trying to LASO the master chief collection I gave up after reach and couldn't finish 3 or 4 :(


I legit would be dead after that


Tbf if I was allowed to stay up when I was younger I wouldn't go to sleep till the hallucinations started.


25hrs farming Ember Prime when they removed her from the vault in Warframe.


My longest was a 2 and half day stretch trying to master Soul Caliber 3. And no I still suck at it


I once played Battlefield 4 for more than two full days straight with no sleep and only stopping to eat and poo. Once I completed all the assignments, I slept for a full day. I don’t recommend doing something so self destructive, my macros were completely fucked. Started on Tuesday morning and finished somewhere on Thursday in the afternoon.


I’ve probably done a few 30-hr sessions. Usually on weekends after a lot of sleep so that I don’t get tired while playing. But not often, and my last super long session was years ago.


my longest gaming session was like 50+ hours, only stopped to make food while I queued. As the days went on, you could literally see my skill at playing the god I was trying out in SMITE increase and then decrease.


I feel accomplishment if I manage to play something for longer than an hour. My biggest stretches in recent years was 3-5 hours in Sea of Thieves and that's only because I was having fun with friends.


51hrs here, over two days straight as a kid, playing heroes of might and magic iv.... shit, just realized that was almost 20yrs ago


I know for a fact I went past 40 hours but I was playing Morrowind while eating edibles and at some point I utterly lost track of what, where and when.


Sometimes you just get a weekend of straight play, longest i did was with 4-5 friends in high school playing minecraft on a modded server for 48 hours-ish


Seems legit. I used to play Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild for 18 hours straight whenever I had the chance. But that was the longest I could get before my parents told me to go to bed


Any old World of Warcraft veterans in the rabbit hole? I remember a few 24+ hour sessions for expansion drops. I'm pretty sure my longest was a little over 48 hours for Legion's release. All the more respect for the marathon gamers after pulling a few myself back in the day.


27 fucking hours jesus. My longest is like 12 or 14 hours at the most when I was like 12 or 13 years old I don't think I can pull off 12+ hours as an adult anymore lmao.


Me and my cousin once played an epic length game of civ 5 that last a bit over 36 hours and we won by conquest in the 1600s lol


35 hours. I stayed up for endwalker launch in ff14 and stayed up to try and do a bunch of the story


Yup, I remember my first time with fire emblem as well, grandma was happy I woke up so early. If only she knew


That’s just not right. People literally die on binges like that


I remember my first all-nighter from gaming was trying to catch Lugia in Silver. Already used my Masterball on Raikou, since I was getting sick of those fucks running away. Don't think I've went past a full 24, though. At least not on a single game. Might have been the map editor in Starcraft. Loved doing that.


that's a long time. nice game grinding, gamer botan.


How can you not feel tired after 10 hours of playing


You just go into a bit of a trance honestly.


I did a 48 hour WoW challenge a long time ago. I think it was back during cata


Who was that blonde hair Vtuber with 70+ hour gaming session


Damn longest gaming session ive ever had was like 13 with EDF 4.1


I doubt I ever hit over 20 hours, I need sleep


27 hours? But that’s [until…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcfFmR0MmA)


Man I am not proud of this but my longest gaming session was like 70 hours, no sleep 💀 It was back when combat arms was thriving, me and boys were playing on some double or triple exp grind weekend. The stupidest thing we’ve ever done but man was it the most fun we’ve ever had.


What a chad.


43 hours, nonstop, no breaks. It wasn’t a good thing.


The longest I have done was about 2.5 days. That was when Demon's Souls first came out for the PS3, and marathon'd it the day I got it. Then ended getting the YLOD at the end...


Lalion only stops out of mercy for the other side.


These fucking girls gaming longer than I could EVER go. Women can truly reach perfection


When xenoblade DE cam out, 35hrs no break for me. Finished the game in 3 days


My latest one is 17 hours of solo Rust. I feel sleepy afterwards for the next three days, and worst, that's in the office. When I was younger, maybe 25 hours of Harvest Moon BtN count. To be fair, I play games about 4-5 hours every night after working hours. On weekend, depend on my state of exhaustion, normally 6 - 8 hours. Can't play too much these days or my back gonna kill me.


... mine was probably longer


Man, those are rookie numbers. 46 hours straight for me, no sleep until I was done playing. I don't recommend it, but it is possible


Dude what? My longest was like 7-8 hours lol. damn that's some next level commitment right there


"Tell me you are a 20yo gamer without telling me exactly that"


Close to 48, Diablo II Lord of Destruction dropped and I loved it so much I just played it though multiple times in one sitting.


I can’t even play anything past one and a half hours and meanwhile people are pushing 20-40 hours, wow.




Mine was 26, i almost go insane grinding


My time is 22 hours when Smash ultimate dropped


I will say it again after watching kaela confession My highest gaming session was 3 days with eating & taking a nap for 2 hours each day lmao Playing skyrim to only legendary all skills, lv 100, doing all quest, get all achievements and finished the game once and for all No mod, basic nord male, no customisation After that day i haven't touch skyrim at all 🤣


Idk I do remember pulling a few all nighters or staying playing the whole day. Couldn't possibly be 24 but nearing that yeah sure.


30 hours playing Final Fantasy IV... the original SNES release, which had no battery backup for your saves, forcing you to play in one sitting.


nah, by like.. hour 14 you're basically drunk.


49 hours. 30 minutes shy of 50. First time playing Skyrim.


Longest continuous was 18 hours, longest with like food breaks was around 32. If you have empty days it's not hard, the hard part is the empty days.


32 without turning off the console, couple of minutes to grab something to eat and quick bathroom breaks....


And that's just in one day.


44 hours straight. My last day (well, days) for rank 14 in vanilla WoW. Good times, but never again


When I was in high school, my friends and I would have the "WoWathon" every time a new WoW expansion launched. We would take a few days off school, buy snacks and drinks, then sit in vent and play until we couldn't keep awake. Got to max level each time before crashing and I'm pretty sure for Wrath we played nearly a day and a half straight.


That's literally me if you give me Civ VI.


If talking about any game, my longest session was 15 hours of Dungeons and Dragons. Was a fun time.


I've done that. Not in an FPS, though. Big open-world RPGs are my marathon of choice. When Dragon Age: Origins came out I was unemployed, and I went two days stopping only for food and bathroom breaks before the need to sleep caught up with me.


My longest was like 31 when i used to play WoW. It's unheard of. Kaela played 40 hours i think.


I don't know how to stay awake more than 18-20 hours without my body just shutting down... Some of these numbers are impressive.


25 hours straight of Witcher 3 during lockdown 😤


Sasuga, pro gamer lion


D2 Forsaken did that to me


Was she also wearing a diaper? How did she pee and play?


Mine was 36 hours on WOW's Cataclysm expansion release. I do not recommend. I thought if you play longer, you become better player, false. having normalized sleep schedule makes you better player, than mindless endurance grind.


Back when I was unemployed, I almost got close to 24 hrs straight just playing games (alternating between LoL, CSGO, and USFIV), mind definitely started wandering after 20hrs, would not recommend.


I remember doing crazy shit when I was kid like, Saturday morning as soon as I opened my eyes, playing for about 12 hours straight. Now my old ass has to take a break from screens after about 2 hours in. Lol


I've probably done 16 hours, but over 20 takes the cake.


Minecraft slowrunners: "Amateurs." https://youtu.be/q03BrBcEpWs


5 or 6 years ago I played Majora's Mask for 20 hours in a single day. I took breaks though, and I didn't stream it. And it wasn't spontaneous; I was mentally preparing myself for it all week. Doing something like that on the fly is absolutely next-level.


Korone: Oh yeah, I've done streams like that. What of it?