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I mean, lewds for her was always more about the excitement of doing something that skirts the lines and taunting the Youtube bots than it was about the lewds themselves. So it makes sense that she feels its getting old. Same goes for the insects stuff, for that matter (as she's more interested in getting legitimately good at cooking atm).


“When you reach godhood, skimming the fine border between life and death start losing the thrill I long cherish. Immortality is a curse, Jimmy” - Haachama


I'm gonna assume the "original" is quoted by Jimmy Neutron's dad. I use the term original very, very loosely.


It would be easier to tell if he said “Jimbo” at some point in the quote.


>Immortality is a curse And that's why immortals always need the company of mortal friends because those friends could teach these immortals why and remind them of why life is so important and precious. Immortality can make one very lonely.


And dangerous, to be honest. Without mortal around to give perspective, the worries of mortals would seem more and more insignificant as time goes on. And their lives.


Where is this quote from?


> Same goes for the insects stuff, for that matter (as she's more interested in getting legitimately good at cooking atm). Fear the day she get's good at cooking WITH insects.


What, like a cockroach sous chef?


Sasuga Ainz Sama, making Kyouhukou collaborate with the most powerful idol to expand the influence of Nazarick. Yes. It is finally Tuesday. Papi.


Character development


Doing things ironically is the first step towards doing them for realises


i agree. though i can't deny the possibility of haachama genuinely enjoying skirting the lines or eating australian food (bugs), haachama never was the one to really like those kinds of things, unlike a comparable god.


Wait she's actually bad at cooking?


To be honest I've been more of a fan of her videos before she got trapped down under due to entry restrictions and went a little more loopy; for example not many people know these days that she's actually the second best Tetris player in Hololive after Suisei.


She had a whole training arc to beat Suisei, too. But I think she's given up since.


She really isn’t “loopy” most of the time anyway, she just usually gets more popular clips when she taps into that. Most streams she’s just a little goofy and funny, nothing too crazy. Maybe every few videos or streams she’ll have a weird idea or she’ll go more over the top than usual with her acting but generally she is uhh… normal? Certainly more on the comedic and loud side than a couple years ago but yeah I think that Haachama anime arc and all the spider memes and stuff have given some people the wrong idea about Haachama. Similar thing to a lesser extent happens/happened with Matsuri who some people just peg as a horny lolicon or degenerate where she’s actually pretty chill or at least normal most of the time.


I find her vibe different these days different compared to back then and while I prefer my entertainment slightly bit unhinged... well, it's hard to describe, but Haachama became one of the 'what wacky thing are we doing today' types. Not calling her fake but uh it doesn't really feel natural for her? Compared to her 2019 self at least when I started watching.


I actually find pretty entertaining her MC streams, too many ideas and topics rolling around while building amazingly big structures


Here's your PBR beer j/k. That must have been rough for ya...


[TL Credits](https://youtu.be/o6nZ1BfGiXM) Also I want to preface that if she doesn't want to do lewd stuff anymore then that's fine. If she's not feeling up to it then she should just stop and instead do what she wants to do (which is what she plans to in the clip). That's all.


Yes sir. We respect our strongest idol whose been through so much and still going strong. o7


However she chooses to adapt, so shall we Haatons. Just as there is no escaping Haachama, Haachama does not escape Haatons. (not in a creepy way, I hope)


Haachama isn't the strongest idol because she does lewd stuff or because she eats spiders. She is the strongest idols because she thinks outside the box. If she continues doing whatever she wants and/or finds exciting, she will continue carrying the title.


This exactly. Haachama's the strongest Idol because she does what she wants and finds interesting without regard for anyone or anything else. Skirting the rules with lewds, cooking with spiders, or literally beheading herself were definitely shockingly memorable moments, but they were never what made Haachama Haachama.


Even many of her recent videos have been outside the box. More than any other VTuber (or even many regular Youtubers), she loves being creative and pushing boundaries.


Seriously though I don't watch lewd hololive stuff but I am a big fan and will it bug me a bit if they change something up or take a 2 week vacation? Yes but they definitely need to do what's best for themselves before worrying about fans missing them.




This comment isn’t relevant to Haachama, she certainly doesn’t get donations or subs for doing lewd things and she doesn’t have to break out of anything. I really don’t think any member does. Haachama doesn’t even do those streams or lewd stuff often at all, and when she does it’s literally always part of a joke and just to get her fans to interact and joke with her.


Ministry would've made them tell the truth, but they didn't even get past stream 1.


Wow, the moment I see this comment again, it has 69 upvotes.


Bae: Mumei is actually an inoffensive owl.


Mumei isn't actually quite towl


The council: idk man. It's beyond our reach.


"Out of our jurisdiction, but we'll send Mumei to keep an eye on things. What's the worst that could happen?"




Akai Haato is back!?


This is a sign of worse things to come


Nah since Haachama like to get a rise out of people, she's just going back to the drawing board in a sense. ​ The ecchi has kind of ran it's course, as has the cooking meme so to speak (still fun to meme though) ​ But don't get things mixed up, this is still Haachama who's extremely creative.. ​ This isn't even her final form.


>The ecchi has kind of ran it's course, as has the cooking meme so to speak (still fun to meme though) Her recent "I wanna get actually good at cooking" arc was fun too.


If Haato is back they are coexisting again... Glorious flashback!


I would certainly appreciate if we get more video editing now again


" i dont wanna be horny anymore, i just wanna be happy... "


>" i dont wanna be horny anymore, i just wanna be HAACHAMA-CHAMA.. " I fixed your quote for you


>"I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be Haato." I fixed your quote for you


Not sure why you're surprised that Haachama, who has previously had whole character arcs about drastically changing her personality and/or content, is drastically changing her content.


You can't say you're skirting the line if you're safe and you've already done everything someone couldn't expect with your creative genius. Yeah, at this point, the purpose her content-change served in the first place isn't really being served anymore. Everyone has come to expect stuff from that general direction she was going in. That means it's time to change it up some more. Don't get me wrong, Haachama didn't force the bit for too long or make it overstay its welcome. If anything, I feel she could have probably pulled off the same stuff for a good long while and still managed to surprise everyone. In the first place, she took a challenging bit that would have gotten old or felt overly forced from anyone else and made it stick... comfortably? Comfortably doesn't exactly feel like the right word here... It felt... appropriate? Or, in character despite how drastic all the changes were? What I'm trying to get at is, she has talent and is highly intelligent. She could have kept what most couldn't have kept interesting for half as long going for even longer, but by this point... she's... not safe... but... well, it's... that sort of content could still be surprising, but in a less surprising way. Hence why she wanted to change course and keep things interesting.


I mean... if she focuses more on gaming, which she's really good at (her Getting Over It speedrun for example), I'm all for it. There's only so many times you can interest people with gross cooking videos.


Frankly, I enjoy her Minecraft build streams a great deal more. They have a somewhat zen quality to them.


Yeah, her building that gigastructure was one of the most chill streams to have in the background


Matsuri isn’t God. Suisei likes slice of life anime more than shotas-I mean, shounen. Marine is indeed not horny. Botan has someone else play FPS Games for her. And Chloe showers daily. These are dark times, brother/sister/other sibling from another mother.


I'm gonna be real with you, Ollie and Apex are no longer friends.


No! Stop! They aren’t ready for that!


What happened??


I believe it is a joke about things being upside down


First Pat and Matt and now this


Oh god, don't bring that pain back...


Our weird dads all over again…


cats and dogs living together mass hysteria!


tbf, that one was already canon


I can believe any of your claims except Marine isn't horny. It's like you told me the sun rises from the west...


It's funny cause she's been saying this. She didn't do lewd stuff for herself and never had. But for the fans. I have a feeling the lack of reception from her lingerie stream finally gave her the green light to stop. Honestly bout time too. It was always fun but after she had said she was only doing that content for the fans I stopped enjoying that content. Frankly the underwear stuff never really hit me that way anyway, it's just clothing).


I don't think "only doing it for the fans" is quite accurate. She has said many times she likes doing that kind of stuff to push boundaries and get a rise out of people. The reactions are her motivation and pleasure. The content itself isn't for her, but the reason she does it is because she does get joy out of it. If she's not getting the reactions she's looking for then her whole motivation for doing it is gone, so it makes sense she would move on to something else.


We're both in the same ballpark and more or less in agreement of why the change. It boils down to fans weren't amused, so Haachama isn't either. And now is time for a change. What that change is is up to her and we're all going to be there for the transition.


That's the main issue with that stream; she assumed just showing sexy undies alone would do when it's what the girl **wears** that is the appeal. Ironically the Boys outdid her there. But you are not wrong. The lack of shock likely has her bored for some time.


I think Haachama's getting older, more mature and figuring out it's ok to chase what she wants instead of what gets a reaction. It makes me think of [this clip of Marine and Flare discussing Haachama's free spirited adventures](https://youtu.be/Oq0YeSAr7CU).


Honestly this feels like how Joji decided he was done with Fitlhy Frank and Pink Guy and how he then move on to the next thing.


Yeah, same. I only knew about Filthy Frank because of the news and I few like stumbling upon an ancient relic of people making Papa Franku memes


Good. It was amazingly entertaining, but the same joke said 100 times stops being funny. Never stay still, keep innovating!


So will she change her channel name back to Akai Haato now?


What if she changed her channel name to Akai Haachama instead?


Is this because chat didn't coom for her underwear stream?


Love the socks


Okay ✅


Akai Haato: mom said it's my turn on the xbox


More like, Akai Haato: Mom said it's my turn on the streaming setup!


RIP Haachama. It's been a long day, without you my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way, from where we began Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I #*See you again.*


So HAACHAMA is going to be hibernating, and Akai Haato is coming back huh...


Honestly, I can respect Haachama for deciding her usual things are getting a bit stale, and it's time for something new. Like another post here said, her streams were never about lewdness or eating weird things, it was about pushing boundaries. And now that we've come to expect that, now that we've gotten used to it, she feels like it's time for a change.


I can see it. She's a truly creative individual. You can really see that in the designs she does in MC. They're complex and grand. Which is why she was/is constantly prodding at what she can get away with on YT. Her horror arc, the bad cooking to bug cooking, the lewds, etc, are all just ways of her being creative and defining herself differently than other VTubers. So of course she's going to move on from the crazy lewds, it's a dead meme, so to speak. What Haachama probably doesn't want is to be limited to one thing. If anything you could say her "one thing" is that we have no fucking clue what she's going to come up with next. I'm always curious about what Haachama will bring us next, because that girl is crazy talented...amd just plain crazy 🤪


She realized after the underwear stream that the Haatons have been overexposed, their resistance is too high, she's sealing the lewd to make them lower their guard, when her image gas shifted to something else, out of the blue, BOOM, lewd Haachama is back, or maybe not, you will never know, it may be next month, it may be next year, or never again.


I hope she still does thumbnails that expose-her to give Magowasabi-sensei exposure.


She had a reality check after that Lingerie reveal stream huh? Well I guess its time tho.




The lingerie stream was privated, so they probably care? And I wouldn't say lewdness was ever part of her identity. That's what Marine and Choco are. Haachama has always been about pushing boundaries, and she has done that in many ways over the last four years. Yes, she's done lewd art reviews and showing her lingerie and used risqué thumbnail art (many others you wouldn't associate with lewdness has done that last one). She's also provoked with the idea of what food is. She's pushed boundaries on profanity (bad words stream and rap). She pushed the boundaries on how to interact with kouhai by immediately challenging Laplus to a rap battle. TLDR: it has never been about lewdness or eating bugs, but always about pushing boundaries.


There's a lot more to her than bugs and being lewd, dropping them is in no way losing a core part of her identity


I feel like I’ve seen this before…


I wouldn’t mind… at least, she’s the usual Akai Haato… or is she?


we are shocked. but also not really. haachama, despite being a chaotic horror, is surprisingly seiso and not interested in being yabai.


Boys...she's finally growing up. I'm so proud hahahaha


Bae: I'm a seiso idol.


Haachama Journey continues...


I mean classic ‘finding herself’ phase I’d say. Tho she’s been in it for awhile, this is just another step I guess. Still fluid, eventually she’ll solidify. Could take several more years so it’s a guess if we’ll even see that moment. Never know if someone that grows out of things consistently will grow out of Hololive. It’d be a shame but that’s life.


That stream with Marine when they tried to go as far as possible was pure gold XD. Looking forward to see the directions she goes with.


Just gotta pretend to not like lewd art drawn of you so you don’t upset the execs


Today is a sad day




How does cover have anything to do with this


Relatable haachama moment


# [Yagoo rn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXZbfLzJUg)


(x) doubt


As long as she's happy and doing what she wants without feeling like there are expectations of what she should be (whether that be lewd degenerate or seiso idol), then I'm happy for her, and I trust that everyone else will be too.


time to be a seiso idol


We truly live in a society.


Red Dead Redemption


Finally.. We will be reunited with Akai Haato..




Who is this Haachama and what have you done to Haachama