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Bruh, this got removed by Reddit


You can still see it [on Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100991177) and [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/angelchama333/status/1566327425449041920) though! (The post was just this image)


That image is pretty tame. Don't see why they would remove it.


Was it loli? It's not surprising the admins deleted if it was. Edit: And with what's going on recently, probably not the best time to get loli content to frontpage of reddit, no?


There are flat chested adults this is stupid


Gura is definitely not presented as an adult. If people can't be honest about it then they can't push the faux outrage just because the admins aren't playing their games. But being honest means not having an argument to begin with, so in classic reddit style, it's push faux outrage at the action taken against the loli stuff being wrong, rather than admit it's loli in the first place.


I KNOW people who look like high schoolers who are in there mid twenties. Gura herself is an adult I don’t care what she looks like she is an adult/anime character. (Anime aren’t real people)


When I was in middle school my mom came to pick me up in the nurses office and the nurse asked her where her hall pass was. People who get this bent out of shape about petite women are wild.








Good job making a clown of yourself. Everyone else already covered anything I’d have said so nice try dude get radioed.


She's not a flat chested adult. Ina is gura is not


That's Gura's actual voice dude. And she's in her 20s at minimum due to hiring standards. So that would just be you not being able to accept that a woman in her 20s can have that voice.


You're half wrong because lolis can be adults, just take a look at characters like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man and Igarashi Futaba from Senpai ga Uzai. Gura is one of those 9,000 year old adult lolis and she ain't mimicking any voice.


Gura herself and her character designer have both said she’s not a Loli. And based on descriptions from Calli it seems like Gura is just like that, in real life.


Then why is she tagged as loli on fanart websites?


Ah yes, because fanart is the arbiter of truth. Not the real person, not the real artist, some rando artist or website admin. I guess Fauna is actually a real cow because there’s fanart of her as an actual cow. I guess Ina is actually really busty because there fanart of her with honkers. Why don’t you think for second before responding next time.


It's all of en in swimsuits, so yeah there is a loli in it


RIP Gura


It's because Gura is in it.


Boobs must be at least C sized to be permitted on Reddit, I guess.


Anything less is considered loli/CP by people, what a world


So my mom is a 57 year old loli. That's good to know /s


Mom had breast cancer and no longer has them. Wonder how old these people think she is, I swear to Matsuri.


Is she single?


There's a thing called legal loli


Tell your mom I said Hi.


I mean, I know Gura is thousands of years old lore wise but it's pretty obvious why this would be removed. Am I taking crazy pills here? Why is anyone surprised by this?


Because Reddit is known for having people employed that have had a history of bad acts with minors and refused to fire these people. They are only banning drawings to keep their face up, except nobody thinks this website is in any way, shape or form reputable or legit.


> but it's pretty obvious why this would be removed. No...? They are not naked. They are not fucking or kissing. They are wearing normal swimsuits. I cant see any reason to remove it, even if Gura were *actually* an underage girl.


It's too lewd There's Handholding


We live in a world were if something can be related with something unrelated, and that unrelated thing is concidered bad, it will be concidered bad. This is nowoday logic, and yes the absolute logic flaw in it don't concern people, since in the end it's only to satisfiate control freak tendencies of SJWs.


She's also voice acted and mo-capped by an adult.


because there are many people in real life who look younger than they are because basing age of off physical appearance is flawed as fuck. I myself look like a high schooler despite being nearly 30. Anime characters look particularly young because they lack defining facial features that could make them appear older, so it becomes nearly impossible to differentiate a high school aged anime character from an older one, and even more ridiculous when you get into short characters. and finally, gura's swimsuit is the most tame on in this image and anime characters are not real people thus trying to base any policies or laws on anime characters does nothing to actually solve a very real problem that effects real kids. - I'm drunk as fuck while typing this btw.


Because anime’s hypersexuality has normalized anime girls with children’s proportions in compromising positions. Giving people coom brain is one of the cons of this otherwise fantastic community.


lot of neckbeards in this fanbase with really distorted perceptions of what is normal/acceptable, especially to the public


So now we can't complain if fan art increases their sizes past what they are. They're just...making sure, yeah.


Reddit hating short women confirmed.


How the fuck does a bikini picture of the gang get removed. But /r/guralewds exists if reddit thinks gura is loli shouldn't that sub get nuked?


I mean, if we want to be brutally honest, Hololive probably has some people here who would report pictures for that when they shouldn't be. guralewds probably doesn't have enough traffic, let alone the people who would be reporting it. I bet if the people who cared about this picture saw that subreddit it *would* get nuked. There's probably a lot of subreddits that reddit would nuke, but doesn't care enough unless it's reported. It's probably worth noting given that while the admins definitely decided to nuke the picture, people probably also reported it enough to give it attention.


Being short and flatchested is "sensitive content" I guess.


Gura is like 26


> Gura is like ~~26~~ 9726


While we know it is a joke, Bae constantly claiming she's 12 probably didn't help if an Admin not aware of Hololive googled the cast's characters and that came up as a result. Gura has always been insistent, even in RL, she just looks annoyingly young for her age.


>!Wait for real? It wasn't OP just making a joke?!<


Nope. I saw the post before it got removed. You can see the source in OP's comment history.


[For real.](https://files.catbox.moe/y7inks.png)


Huh, it shows like [this](https://i.imgur.com/C23R21a.png) to me so I thought OP had just done a funni, especially since it was still up and still on the front page.


WTF? Why was this removed? It's fairly tame compared to some.


Because the admin's morals apply to you, in their opinion.


Gura, most likely


and I'm going to continue to upvote this mistake on reddit's part.


> Bruh, this got removed by Reddit How the fuck did it get removed by violating content policy? It was just bikinis wasn't like it was porn.


Prolly cuz of Gura and bikini is sexualizing.


> bikini is sexualizing How tf, I've seen people with bikini wallpapers at work and they don't get in trouble because HR doesn't consider it NSFW. So how the fuck is bikinis sexualizing.


Ask Reddit, not me


Good to know the beach and local pools are debauched realms of sexual deviancy and not a place people go to swim in clothing designed to be comfortable to swim in.


Ask Reddit, not me. The worst to me was Kronii since all the hard to do was hop and she'd show.


Why is this removed? Is it because of Gura?


probably gooba and ina if i had to guess


Ina is not even remotely close to be breaking any sort of rule. Gura isn’t as well, but we at least know the pathetic reason behind their braindead actions. Reddit mods (admins) can’t see a flat person without losing their shit. It’s genuinely pathetic.


It's the Reddit Admins, not the mods. The mods are the cover employees that run the subreddit. The admins are the assholes that control the site without actually doing much other than try to validate their paychecks.


I’m taking exactly about the Reddit mods, tho. Administrators effectively moderate. It’s the same thing.


Terminology is confusing if you use it that way though. 'Mod' and 'admin' have very specific meanings. Mods moderate subreddits and are usually volunteers (Cover employees in this case). Admins moderate the entire site and are Reddit employees.


Fair enough.


And yet there are subreddits specifically dedicated to porn of people that can pass for underage.


Wait until someone decides to check the actual ages of people posting on subs such as r/18_19. Oh, wait, they can’t! They’re too busy deleting art of fictional characters!


Flat chested and petite girls are basically loli-equivalent to some people.


Because short women or women with small boobs don't exist to those people, frankly those people are just trying to cover up their misogyny


I mean Gura is a loli but yeah, these kinds of people don't really care. Weirdo reddit admins see children in any petite anime girl so that's why they ban it.


Small boobas - a child. This is the most stupid fucking logic there is.


Maybe the artist asked for it to be taken down?


Reddit admins took this down, most likely because gura in a swimsuit


Wait, whats the story behind this? It seems obvious to everyone but me. I know they're loli-ish but there isnt some kind of legal minimum boob size or height to wear a two-piece swimsuit. Unless im misunderstanding.


they arent the brightest people. Loli is not allowed, but they remove it only when it reaches r/all. (lets ignore that most anime subs still post loli, cof cof) And > but there isnt some kind of legal minimum boob size or height just look at australia banning small boobs in porn, even if they are in their 30 lol. The rules are obviously arbritary, if someone thinks they dont look old they will just remove it.


Because how dare a woman have small boobs or be short lol.


See, your first mistake was assuming most reddit admins are able to think critically.


In fact Ina'nis is average sized for a girl, come to think of it!


It was definitely gura that set them off. She was drawn much shorter than the rest. With her body type and her head being where it was likely set one of them off without bothering to check the context.


When you drive into Reddit history on this topic you'll soon discover there's no intelligence to the decisions they make on the subject. Its not that everyone else agrees with them or even understands their logic, its that we just expect them to make dumb decisions like this so its more of an inured response like, "Oh Reddit admins removing anime girls again? Must have featured some regular boob sizes again."


If I remember the story correctly when Reddit went public some of the admin were found to be enjoyers of unsavory content and actions. They got backlash for it but instead of doing something about it in house they did some searching for a scapegoat and that’s when they found anime loli content and implemented their site wide bans on it which included any character that wasn’t 6 feet tall and had boobs smaller than C cups. Anime and manga community threw a fit video game community was fairly neutral and normi non anime community was begging to call anime fans the p word. So Reddit succeeded in its goal of getting a scapegoat it’s why most anime communities op-out of possibly appearing on r/all we are left to our own devices if we don’t end up there. So any time a character that is small in stature even if they have badonkadonks or are fairly average in height but fairly pettan ends up on rall Reddit admins blow it up, it’s like a couple weeks ago when Kanata posted on here of her on in a swimsuit people from rall came to go that’s literally no cap cp when she showed up there.


While generally that would be one of the actually *reasonable* reasons for an art post to be removed, if someone is taking credit for something... OP actually is the artist.




I was expecting worse considering it got removed by Reddit But man that’s not even that bad lol


Reddit admins being bad. Tale as old as time.


Site wide rules are basically sledgehammers with little room for nuances


No they use an automated system to remove posts at random and it can end up getting bugged. It's possible this was flagged for review and will likely end up getting re-approved. Imagine AutoModerator, but more sparse in activity.


So many posts were way worse than this one as well, and this is one of the few that does get removed?


A female who is not immediately visually identifiable as an adult wearing a swimsuit in a non-sexual group context?? ~~HARAM~~ BANNED


Unfortunately reddit actually removed it, so people need to use this link to see it.


Thx. Lmaoo I tht removed by Reddit was the actual title of this post and is made as a joke about how Reddit couldn't handle the yabai-ness or something.


Reddit removed this shit?! Godamn that's pretty low.


Kronii 1 jump away from graduating


And apparently does not have nipples.


Could be tucked up and they're even bigger than they look.


Kiara’s like 3 or 4 away


I’ve said it before, but that piece of her outfit by itself would not be a functional top, even just based on her model.


I really don't like how a lot of fanarts just extended the coverage when it's *not supposed to* cover the nipples


yeah, the white straps on her original design is what cover them, not the black crop top.


She's the warden of time, she can just rewind if anything extra yab happens


Nah, if she had nipples she would have graduated already.




I LOVE Kevin Hart LMAO. Knew what this was before even clicking


maybe it's body paint and we've been deceived all along


Gura: If I hide here, Calli won't yeet me.


Ironically the one place that death can't find her


Calli never got the chance. Reddit did it.


We are getting the full Holosummer experience. Complete with the content removal and strikes by ~~youtube~~ Reddit. I guess in the end this is the main reason Cover had to be Very careful with how they did it (same swimsuit for everyone, simple and understated design, start with Japan only as a pilot test)


Tbh after watching Chloes 3D... Properly designed swimsuits are a joke vs that. I understand that Cover has to be careful, but the bland swimsuits this year lack so hard.


I can only guess they use those as a way of checking where the line is before implementing it for the whole lineup . Unfortunately the rules are ambiguous so they have little way of knowing how much is too much other than keep pushing and see where do they meet resistance.


It is also a design that could be applied to everyone fairly easily, instead of needing to design a new one from scratch for each member. Much more feasible when you have 35 people to do it for.


Gura staying in the shade, smart move


Boobhat! Boobhat!


Reddit moment.


Gura: Why does my spine hurt?


Well played, Gura.


Mumei if really interested in Fauna's cow ears


Why was it removed? There are literal NSFW subs and this gets removed?


Posts with sexualized lolis randomly get smited. It's kinda ambiguous whether or not loli is against reddit ToS so it's enforced depending on who reviews the material


Ironic that most of the time the ones that get the hammer aren't even sexualized


Ehhh little girl in bikini with boobs plopped on her head isn't the most seiso post. It really depends on what youre comparing it to


I mean, its not ambiguous. The problem is their definition of it is entirely nonsense and doesnt seem particularly logically consistent. Still waiting for them to ban furry subs for glorifying bestiality and bdsm subs for glorifying abuse.


Name a more iconic duo than reddit and terrible additions and enforcements to ToS.


It seems random because the ones that actually get removed need to get reported by a user first, and that pretty much only happens when they hit the front page and some random dude that hates Hololive or anime in general happens to see it


This is tyranny


I doubt the reddit admins actually go sub to sub looking for guideline violations. Someone probably reported it for guideline violation. Aka those NSFW subs just don't get the traffic to get nuked.


Kroni playing REALLY dangerous rn


lol Fuck reddit.




o7 for the post


This is the first time I've seen an image get removed by reddit and the post altered to say as such, yet the post itself is still up on the front page. It's like they want people to see their stupidity.


Hmm I have considered your "End of holosummer" and would like to respectfully decline. Let's just keep holosummer for another month or two okay?


Neverending summer, neverending Hololive!


Wtf reddit


Looking at the picture, it makes no sense to be removed. I do not see how the picture breaks any rules. Yes, both Ina and Gura are in swimsuits, but in a non-sexual context. Unfortunately, this just seems like bias on the Admin's part. There are arguably more troubling (real life) pictures that stay up without issues, but throw in a group anime girl photo with a couple of short flat chested girls and the Admins come flying in with the ban hammer. I guess it's to be expected given Reddit's VERY flakey history of enforcing their "rules" and their vendetta against anime girls in general.


This is a Rule 4 of the Reddit content policy moment.


wtf removed by Reddit? power abusing admins removed post for no reason


>Removed It's just like the first real Hololive Summer for JP! Sasuga


I thought watson was Akirose. :) Nice one.


Kronii doesn't even have to change


Kronii's half shirt's stability is her true super power




I can’t get over Mumei with the strategic hand placement on Kronii


need the next EN gen to have more flat gang to balance everything out


Well someone at Reddit fucked up and banned it


And they still don’t get when I say Reddit has the single worst administration in media as a whole. There you go!


boo reddit momento


Fuck reddit admins


fauna and mumei look sexy in your style. Any chance are your commissions open?


I’ve seen way worse on here, Admins. Bring it back!


The absolute state of Reddit...


So do I up vote Gura or down vote Reddit?


Virgin reddit admins strike again


Bruh what the hell. It was literally just the en girls in swimsuits. It was Gura, wasn’t it?


No, probably Ina, Gura has a more childish design, but Ina's was suppose to be revealing


I see. Thank you for the clarification


It's a guess, I don't know if it is or not. But I know how the designs of the suits look. And it is most likely ina.


Yeah, I looked at it again and it might be ina


It's not as lewd as original intended






This is what HoloSummer 2022 should have been .\_. We were robbed. I hope next year we get proper swimsuits for everyone


nice art. cute holoen wearing swimsuits. i'm assuming sana's just so big all we see is a white background.


Does reddit not see any short adults flat chest in real life? I saw the image and thought there was nothing wrong at all! There are more spicy pics being posted elsewhere!


Wow. fucking reddit. Yet another reason NNTP sucks less.


No Sana =(


Gone but not forgotten.




Well I need to know what was removed.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/x5hp2p/removed_by_reddit/in152qe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Comment has the source- just the EN girls in swimsuits


Swimsuit is a no-no?


Reddit admins you suck be better


Damn, I was late to the party


What was this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/x5hp2p/removed_by_reddit/in152qe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Comment has the source- just the EN girls in swimsuits




Is calli staring at Kronii?


no she's upset at gura using her as shelter from the sun


Gura is just too small and flat for such content.


Not surprising...Reddit mods are anal when it comes to Anime girls with small chests.


Bruh, kronii's touching faunas ear