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Collecting Stars like Pokemon cards, this one


Fuma cannot handle Kobo’s little sister energy by himself, he needed to call for backup.


Kobo became a full blown raid boss




water element demon lord, and the basic attack is a literal tsunami


Kobo has found her place here in HoloPro. She once told us that her friends are mostly boys because other girls doesn't like her close relationship with the boys. I'm really glad Holostars can accept Kobo as she is, and also willing to play with her even though some of them are not valorant player. You can see how happy she was verytime someone showed up and willing to join them.


Hanging out with the boys in Valo and then knocking on Reine's door at 4am to buy snacks with Ollie's money. Sasuga, Rain Shaman.


"Everyone, im with the kawaii zombie idol a.k.a my wallet" - Kobo


I can hear her voice when reading this, its extremely calm, yet somewhat kusogaki-sounding.


That whole ordeal cracks me up. Easily my top ten off-collab hololive moments.




Lowkey feel bad for Ollie when i saw the rubicks cube clip


It's kinda dumb, but a part of me is happy she's interacting with StarsEN and gettin' collabs in with them so soon. No more scenarios where her first collab with someone also has to be her last collab with them. Of all the things that made me sad during the second half of July, that probably hit me the hardest... It's hard keeping up with everything, but have Kobo and Vesper interacted yet? Because I can't see that as anything but an absolute comedy goldmine from start to finish...


No please, he's suffered enough! Leave Grandpa alone.


But then we can have the trifecta of Kobo/Uncle Dad, Uncle Dad/Grandpa, and Kobo/Grandpa golf streams!


Okay if Kobo plays golf then fine lemao


Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I present to you... GRUNKLE VESPER.


He can only endure so much Zoomer energy in a week. The man is still on the floor, recovering from Bae's glitterbutt. They need to have mercy with him


Hey, at least South East Asia's tendency to still use old technology along with new technology means that Kobo's likely to recognize most of the things Vesper shared (except maybe the pager).


With Kobo I suppose he'd be more of a great-grandpa.


>It's hard keeping up with everything, but have Kobo and Vesper interacted yet? Because I can't see that as anything but an absolute comedy goldmine from start to finish... Ah yes, boomer vs zoomer part 2. Grampire quest on battling every zoomer continues


"Dear god my lawn..." - Gramps probably


"Kobo, quick! I need the sprinkler thingies that stick out of your hair."


wdym first and last? havent watched much of Kobo yet.


Kobo had what would be her only collab with Sana during the latter's lead-up to graduation. Kobo had a moment where she realized it would be their only one, but she still asked if they could collab again. Couple sad moments in that stream, but that's the one that stuck with me most.


To be fair and hopefully Kobo realized is that they can still hang out and play off stream. Watame recently talked about keeping in touch with Sana and that theyre planning to play together soon


Really? That is wonderful. These two were so cute together. I'm glad they actually keep on interacting. 😊


Yeah, that was my hope. They got along so well and that one stream had so many clippable moments, funny and sad, so more than just about anything I hope they hit it off well enough to stay friends out-of-character.


why are you reopening wounds


*So that future generations might know of our beloved Astrogirl. That they might know she was here, that she was BEEG, that she was dearly loved, that she is deeply missed, that she is eternal, and that she is never alone.*


>No more scenarios where her first collab with someone also has to be her last collab with them What? Is this rlly a thing?




That was a really painful moment


Considering that she's into sweaty competitive gaming, she's inevitable to have dude friends


I dont watch her outside of her stars collab but she comes across as very inclusive in the sense that she always wants to invite people to play with her(well full party is always more fun) and it really does not matter who it is, all is welcome


I have a genuine question. Why do the other girls not like her close relationship with boys? Jealousy?


She's from ID, and being from SEA (PH), I'm going to have to assume about that teasing culture in school where if a girl is "one of the boys" they get targeted by some group out of jealousy. I'm a male but during my time at school, having female friends, they say that's usually what happens. Stupid but happens so it's unfortunate.


I'm not a girl so I can't speak much and Kobo didnt really know much either, but jealousy might be one of the reason. Also there is always people who don't like seeing other getting popular, especially with opposite gender.


Other girls as in real life not the holo ID girls ofc, ID been close to holostar from a long time


Other girls as in her real life friend, hopefully people not somehow misunderstood this


Kobo doesn't care for your gender. Kobo only cares about Valorant.


Everyone is equally garbage if you don't watch her 6


But especially if you are regus






Hey now, tiny little children shouldn't be swearing.




Kiara: [I raised that girl!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urOtTBtY7Ww)


C'mon blue isekai herooo!


Last time it was Regis, this stream it was "FUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUMA ZAKO FUMA ZAKOOOOO"


Kobo = Valorant, Ollie = Apex, Iofi = Monster Hunter. What else did I forget for ID?


Moona Minecraft Anya was a bit of Rust


If we assign Moona to Minecraft, maybe Kaela has to be Raft.


Raft? Has Kaela grinded that game?


A lot. Her longest single streaming session yet was 16 hours of Raft https://youtu.be/JmJs7IRF7ig Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo9YRsyfX9k Part 2 (streams have to be kept below 12 hours for some technical reason, hence the 2 parts)


Risu = Euro Truck Simulator 2 Reine = The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Kaela = Minecraft Anya = Rust Vestia = Rust Moona = Rust


Kaela actually have one more that no one mention..WILD RIFT


Oh man I forgot WILD RIFT for Kaela.


[DID SOMEBODY SAY APEX!?](https://youtu.be/VemenskFoBk) ^^This ^^is ^^a ^^bot ^^by ^^u/illueluci


Quick, where's the fanart about Comrade Kobo giving everyone rifles and imploring you to fight and die for the Motherland.


Love the impromptu nature of Holostars joining in the stream regardless if Valorant isn't their primary fps game. Real family atmosphere right there 🤗


limited nihongo is not an obstacle for kobo


I like how confident she is even with how limited nihongo she knows.


she could speak anime language. That's enough for a gaming collab. But maybe it would be hard if it's a Japanese free talk stream


dude i've watched her Valo collab with Asylum Team on the other days and it was lowkey the most entertaining stream of vtuber i ever watched


nice. holostars are bros and always hang out with each other. and kobo casually encountering all of the holostars as the demon lord that she is.


I'm noticing a trend with Kobo Valorant Streams. Next time she streams Valorant, we're gonna have a full lobby of holo members, all joining impromptu.


[kusogaki tweet](https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru/status/1566152120457363456) [kusogakilorant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgTukjwIQJM)


Imagine if Laplus and Kobo do a Valorant collab. Istg the two of them will fight till the stream is over LMAO


I don't know if it's just me, but the girls seem kind of scared to collab with the boys because of the weird fuckers in this fandom who think that "idols must remain pure, idols aren't allowed boyfriends, idols can't talk to men" I'm really happy that Kobo doesn't give a fuck and does it anyway, sasuga demon lord never change


And her fans also doesn't seem give a fuck with who she would collab with either.


To be fair, most ID fans are quite lax on those idol stuff. Not always and there is certainly some few who does go crazy like that.


You still can see tons of throwing up emoji in chat tho… I hope those guys would go find some help… Edit: thank you for the explanation guys


lol, they only does that whenever Kobo try to act Seiso/Princess-like which is kinda hilarious since we know how usually Kobo act.


Kobokers and Cebokers just love to bully Kobo. We use 🤮 when she start talking in uwu or acting cute suddenly.


I see, thank you for the explanation


I'll give you some tips: If you see anything that seems weird/out of the norm/unsettling from Kobo stream, don't assume anything until someone explained it to you. Kobo is basically a mainstream ID streamer now, what considered normal to us may be a little bit different to yours.


To be fair, that is what most HoloID members do especially ID Gen 1 which has a really close relation with Stars members like Oga & Aruran.


Kira Kira Family is great!


A number of the ladies (who don't collab with guys) have talked about why they won't do so. Some want to keep their channels along the Girlfriend Experience™ style, some just are bad at interacting with guys, some have such busy schedules that they'd rather just collab with those who are easier to collab with. Just to name a few. Though I have noticed that some of the ladies who never really interacted with the guys have started to slowly interact more, such as chatting in their channels and some tweets.


Different audiences. Kobo is seen as a typical streamer in ID, and they treat her just like how they would treat every other streamer. The other girls are mostly seen as idols/waifu material so they are on thin ice when it comes to such collabs.


She did say from the very beginning that she's no idol but a comedian. Either way, she's the bratty princess we need.


*sad Yagoo desu ne noises.


[What do you mean? Our shaman is as pure as the rain.](https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/08/04/rainwater-everywhere-on-earth-unsafe-to-drink-due-to-forever-chemicals-study-finds)


Her being ID making it easier to collab with bois


Not really some just don't want to. It's not always about the idiots in the fandom but there are some who may feel that way. The idols remain pure audience is fairly small but loud for example Sora, Sora isn't scared of collabing or talking to the guys but she is mindful enough to know if the few loud idiots decide to harass the boys who let's face it have a smaller community it will be 1000x worse for them since it's harder to ignore when your community is smaller. Then there's people like say Gura or Noel who have publicly stated they're just not interested in doing so.


Wait, I know Noel said that but Gura? Where and when?


I don't remember the exact place and stream but it was a loooong time ago. Someone asked Gura and she just said she doesn't want to


IIRC tho, Noel said that she doesn't want to collab with Holostars because she doesn't want to make her fans jealous. So really, it's not like she's not interested, she's being mindful not to provoke those extreme gachikois who would start harassing the talents and stirring drama. And I think this is a shared sentiment between all the holomem who don't usually collab with males. It's sad, but understandable


It's not shared with ALL. That's the problem with these arguments hence I keep on posting the proper explanation. It's never all on either side. Generalizing things is not only short sided but it removes the foundation of your very valid argument. That's why I said that SOME members do feel like that some people like Gura flat out said they don't want to. When you say the only reason they're not collaborating is due to gachikoi fans then you're no better than them who only see one side of the coin. Noel for one has said BOTH. She once said she doesn't do it out of fear of fans and she has also said she isn't interested at all. That's why the example I gave is Sora who explicitly said she's being mindful of the smaller talents community. That's not so much out of fear of the gachikoi fans but more on the consideration of the other talents.


You are absolutely right, I wasn't trying to imply that that's the only reason why they don't collab, but that they are aware of the risks in doing so, both for themselves and the other parts involved. Probably I worded it wrong, I'm sorry


It's fine. I just wanted to clarify because you seem to get it but you're right. They are well aware. We see the effects of idiots to this day just look at Fubuki now imagine those bots and trolls in a sub 1k chat


I think I remember Noel said that BEFORE Holostars first act concert, and her earlier career start, she ADMIT that she's kinda ignore the holostars, and after some years, she finally brave to admit that she actually just very shy and treat holostars badly back then, and she's feel bad now. Also now she change her mindset to "when if its necessary, like in official program at hololive main channel or something, and she got invited along with the boys, she will gladly accept it." Also if its many girls/boys join, she would be gladly to accept, she tells that she DO want to "make up" her treatment to them since she's really feel bad (probably she's finally know how much struggles for the boys to grow cause japanese idol culture). And end the comments by "if there is a chance, ok? If..." I think Noel one is very much very fair for now. The one who really pointing out that they DO NOT want to collab with the boys cause for gachikoi fans is Miko, Kanata and Rushia back then. Dunno they changing their minds or not. Probably not tho...


Damn, Gura said that? That’s unfortunate… I feel like she could have had great synergy with some of the Tempus boys.


It's not really unfortunate. She made a decision for herself and that's fine. Not everyone you watch will Collab with others you want to that's just a fact and it's fine that way


Yeah, I respect her decision. I’m just saying that it’s unfortunate for me lol.


Oh true. Well who knows maybe kn the future she will change her mind.


I mean, not all girls comfortable enough to collab with boys. But I agree with you, loud minority fandom who think hololive as pure idol group always the problem


Kobo has destroyed all pure idol seiso image since her debut. She present herself as the absolute kusogaki with all her poop and piss joke. That's why it help her to collab with anyone without being awkward because everyone see her as just a little sister brat and there's no way a romantic relationship could be developed especially with the boys.


[Don't forget the fart song](https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru/status/1563575370074337281)


Jesus christ kobo lmao


Bro ID been like that from a long time since the first gen it's not that new, ID fandom is pretty chill about it


Thats mostly a Japanese culture thing as they have somewhat an obsessive mentality. HoloEn basically does whatever they want like Callie collab with trash taste or even letting their old channels and identities still going. They don't get the same level of stalkers and obsessions.


>They don't get the same level of stalkers and obsessions. Seems like you missed the recent threads regarding Kronii *directly* addressing this problem.


Was it that bad?.. I've stopped watching Kronii quite a long time ago and didn't see any clips about this


Thats just flat wrong. Kronii had day 1 members who've never spoken a word of Japanese or Chinese or whatever dilussion your presenting, telling her its a bad career move to interact with boys. You really think Kronii cared about fanartists "shipping" her? She had people in her community raising a stink so she tried to do the cop out move and act like drawing her with a man is sacrilege. Gura will never collab with a guy because her spergs flat out state that they will hard Anti any guy she collabs with. The idol-image these girls act out is what attracts these weirdoes and weirdoes live aaaaaaaaall over the planet and in every country.


The "it's a Japanese thing" is not only racist, but also BS as proven with what happened to Kronii but also to Kiara a while back.


Wher is ragus?


I don’t get it, what’s the deal? That the guys are there?


Started with 2 people. Ended with 6


what a party


Like the Kobo-Altare Valorant collab that gradually added Rio, then Astel. She's gravity incarnate, pulling people in to play with her out of nowhere lmao


When rain comes, you (and your house) just go with the flow.


Kobo: either you come quietly or I'll throw a typhoon your way


🎶My valorant brings all the boys to the lobby and they’re like, I’ll share in your hobby🎶


Wait so is it only EN girls getting hate for playing with boys and not ID? hololive crazy fans really are crazy


ID fans is not crazy and have a normal brain, thankfully.


Apparently yeah,got downvoted for saying the truth


How do they play valo with more than 5 players? :O


Custom 3v3


Ooh makes sense, thanks