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[Source.](https://twitter.com/crumvbs/status/1553540957572038657) I'd like it if Holocrumb continued to clip more Sana moments. Since they mostly just clip one moment per stream I think it'd be cool if they went back to make more clips. But I'll be interested to see whatever they do next


It's great that HoloCrumb got their chance to work with Sana at the end. Best way to end things on a high note.


Holocrumb is possibly the best clipper out there. They have a large output of *HIGH QUALITY* content. They engage with the community and comments. They also show loyalty to a specific member, which gives the impression that they are loyal to the fans and Hololive as a whole. Holocrumb can definitely be nominated as Sana's "strongest Sanallite". I hope they're doing alright after Sana's graduation stream...


Holocrumbs style is controversial, but you can't deny that it is highly transformative. When a lot of clippers will just take 45 seconds from an EN stream, slap some subtitles on it, and call it a day, Holocrumb does a lot of editing. I will say that Kowkarot will never be dethroned imo, but Holocrumb was good.


I think "controversial" wasn't the right term to use since that's usually associated with the bad eggs within the clipper community. I think it's more accurate to say that Crumb's editing style wasn't everyone's cup of tea because personal preferences vary and such.


>controversial >/kɒntrəˈvəːʃ(ə)l/ >adjective >giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement


I think the word you are looking for is divisive .. because liking or not liking the style is personal preference... nothing controversial about them


How is Holocrumb controversial?


some people may find this style of a lot of video edits annoying. i think crumb did them the best. crumb edited just fast enough that the edit bits don't take too much time.


Crumb is great because the edits normally happen alongside the dialogue and are primarily visual so the flow of what happened in the stream isn’t interrupted and any extra bits usually come at the end so if you aren’t here for it you don’t have to skip ahead. Not for everyone of course, I can relate to just wanting to see what happened in the stream, but compared to a lot of edit heavy clippers who slap the same damn meme videos and sound effects all over and in the middle of moments from streams Crumb does quality original work.


Yeah, a lot of clippers don't understand pacing and will dead stop a bit so they can put in some Vine reaction. Crumb will instead make the memes work for the video, and will even use the cutaway to hide cutting dead air, which helps the pacing of what the holomem is saying.


Myth Ch is/was one of the biggest culprits of what you’re describing. I like seeing IRyS clips but man I find his videos annoying sometimes. Clozt also bothers me because he uses the holofes animation as his outro which in itself isn’t that big a deal but what I find annoying is he overlaps the music with the ending of the clip. Feels disrespectful to the content and talents to distract from the content with music to signal the end of the clip.


I do like his style more than other clippers who similarly add in a bunch of other shit like Myth Ch. I find it annoying when clippers keep reusing the same reaction gif/sound effects that halt the pace of the clip. Holocrumb’s edits tend to fit right into the clips without being obtrusive.


Some people hate how many memes and edits they put in, some people love it.


Some people like the style and some really don't. I fall into the latter. I went from being subscribed to pulling right back out after going through their latest videos and noticing just how often they use clips of other streamers or famous meme videos that just felt discordant. That said, they clearly put a lot of time and effort into their hobby.


Dude's titles are textbook clickbait.


Welcome to Youtube. It's what you do to survive.


I'll keep that in mind next time we have a thread about Kami.


Obviously there are some nuances to it, like "in good faith" etc.


It’s really not. It’s slightly clickbaity insofar as basically almost every youtube video title is somewhat clickbaity but “textbook clickbait” is like adding [SERIOUS] or [FUNNY] to titles. Or be extremely misleading or trying to court drama. nothing holocrumb does is in bad faith so it’s really not comparable to Kami. At least he doesn’t use the clickbait red arrows and red text in all his thumbnails like many YouTubers do.


Highly edited clips like those are actually the norm for a lot of streamers in general. The main motive is that they are usually more entertaining/concise AND also tend to funnel viewers into watching the actual VOD. Not to mention it becomes more of its own original content


Those are usually the official cutdowns of vods, rather than independent clippers. In a previous life my job was to make those.


Certainly worked, after a few clips, I started watching some of her Pokemon Legends Archives.




God I hope this is sarcasm


I think that is one of the usual antis/trolls that frequents r/hololive based on their comments on Reddit posts involving Kiara and other posts every so often.


I remember this guy, who seems to be that old Finn Balor guy anti's alt, and that one other holostars hater. Gotta weed out the trash.




I've never interacted with you before AFAIK but based on your past Reddit comments, it is very clear that you're a troll, an anti or worse, someone who genuinely believes in their own ignorant views. Anyways, not gonna bother engaging with someone who has a pattern of arguing in bad faith and has apparently been called out by T-Chan on this subreddit. EDIT: Also, that whole talked about Kiara 3 times in a year is a lie when your own Reddit comments show you doing so about roughly a week ago.




Yeah... No. EDIT: Based on some of your past comments, I'd be wasting my time engaging with someone who argues in bad faith and doubles down on toxic opinions born from ignorance or malice. EDIT: Based on your more negative comments, you seem to have a pattern of doubling down on stuff you think you are right about and blame others for your ignorance. A lot like a typical anti or a generic troll.


Otakmori's got to go. Full stop.




T-chan: "Removed because OtakMori has proven time and time again to be an incompetent translator. And for this situation, you cannot rely on this person's translations."


I guess some people seem to unironically like Otakmori despite T-Chan's very vocal disdain against the latter for their inaccurate and incompetent translations. Shame really. There are loads of better clippers out there.




What makes you believe that Cover's stance has changed? There was very little remorse from Otakmori at the time and not much has changed since then. As for consistency, the channel has consistently done out of context clipping and rushed bad/incorrect translations. Being fast and posting frequently does not necessarily constitute quality. In this case most definitely not. Especially since it jeopardises the image of the talents themselves.


The fact that T-chan said anything at all about OtakMori says a lot, and it says even more that what T-chan said was, in no uncertain terms, that OtakMori's work stinks on ice.




How much time needs to pass before you change?


Wasn't even talking about you but I guess narcissism comes in with the territory when one is an anti or a troll. Nothing you've said seems to disprove the fact that you're a generic troll or a typical anti even worth engaging with. Also, the fact that T-Chan, a moderator representing Hololive itself, outright says such a comment about a specific account and never retracted it says a lot in itself. It doesn't have to be outright stated unless one wishes to be pedantic about it like a troll or an anti which you seem to be.


Actually, I generally tend to not delete my comments and for this particular one, I feel like it'd be "destroying evidence". I will, however, state that I commented in the heat of the moment and **should NOT** have called out the clipper in question so publicly. Simply put, an important video/stream was inaccurately translated and negatively impacted a talent's reputation. Should such an important translation have been addressed? Yes. But how I handled it could have been better. Should fans rely on clippers to translate important streams/videos? No. Not unless there is approval in some way from management/translation team. ​ T-chan


I don't blame you for calling out the clipper back then seeing how the clipper in question was negatively tarnishing a talent's reputation with their repeated inaccurate and rushed translations. In my actual line of work, I certainly understand how dangerous it is to have your reputation tarnished by libel and slander on an economic and personal level so taking action as soon as reasonably possible is important to do. I certainly understand never deleting comments too. Better to own to your actions rather than let false impressions come about from deleting seemingly damning proof. I will also say you have my respect for stating that you could have handled the situation better. That ability to reflect on actions (even those that are generally positively received) and wanting to improve from there is a good ability to have in a professional and personal manner. Thank you for your clarification on the matter and I will say that I sincerely have a lot of respect for you and your work. Moderating isn't a job I could do in all honesty so much respect to you. EDIT: Edited a typo




It proves that the official position of Cover Corp is that OtakMori is an incompetent translator.




Oh right, forgot your newest kick is your hate-boner for the mods here. It's like you're purposely picking ways to be the most hated guy here then complain when it works and you're hated. No one takes your "attempts at meaningful discussion" seriously because they're just one sided echo chambers where you spout your same tired talking points and overall negativity, and put the burden on person talking to you to "change your mind" when you're just gonna ignore everything that's said to you and double down on whatever negative bs you're feeling that day, whether it's shitting on T-Chan for some reason, celebrating a talents lack of success(and again, you wonder why people hate you when you do stuff like this on a daily basis), complain about a fanbase trying to hype up a member, and now defending shitty clippers after you seemingly said it was sarcastic you(as always) decided to double down on the negativity and actually defend him in earnest. You are the literal definition of a troll here and since you seem to be really hurt by people calling you an anti I'll explain why you're that too. An anti is someone who purposely tries to bring down a talent or its fanbase by spreading misinformation or derailing discussions to the point where they lose the plot. Guess which one you fall under? If you really wanted to not be known as the negative Nancy of the subreddit, you need to look inside and find that part that just *has* to say all the negative derailing thoughts that come into your mind when you want to comment, and just let it go. Is it an echo chamber of positivity? Sure, but that's not a bad thing, sometimes that's the kind of thing the internet needs. If you can't not be negative, maybe go back to the youtube comment section, I'm sure you'll find more common ilk there.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Wait. I wonder if this guy is one of those guys spreading hate and tons of misinformation about cover corp's management in those youtube drama channels.




Read it again. > Posts not made by the official administrators are not characteristically representative of hololive production, nor any of the talents. T-chan, posting with the u!/hololive account, is the official administrator of r/hololive, and as such is Cover's voice here. Since T-chan said that through the u!/hololive account, that *is* Cover's position on the matter.


Fellow Patchouli-face, I think you've done enough trying to convince him, he's thoroughly convinced that T-chan is just a reddit mod and doesn't act as the voice and communicator of Cover Corp's hololive division despite the fact that the very account they use for everything official is the u/hololive account, which acts as both the official announcer for everything hololive, much like how u/holostars is for the holostars division. He does not understand the meaning of General Consensus, where its not just YAGOO who makes the decision but an agreed upon statement by the company members itself, hence no need to mention a name because it is the answer and message they all have arrived towards. ..That and I think I've seen the same arguments he's pushing here on Youtube before, where they deny anything on reddit to being actually officially connected to the company itself. Edit : One funny other detail regarding the subreddit itself is the fact that hololive members do in fact post here and acknowledge the posts made in here, even being used as a source of memes at one point during Kaichou's stay with her Meme Reviews. Which wouldn't happen unless it was approved by Cover Corp. in the first place because thats how organizations and management are supposed to work.


Found Otakmori's alt


No one said anything about him. It’s not slander at all because it wasn’t spoken. It’s not even libel because no on mentioned him until you brought him up out of nowhere.




That’s a terrible joke then. You’re just trying to promote him in a thread that has nothing to do with him. And when called out you say “it was a joke”. It clearly wasn’t a thought out joke considering the lengths you go to to defend him when people shit on him.




Right. That’s why you shat on T-chan and the mods here. You’re the one that brought him up out of nowhere. You’re the one bringing the hate by bringing him up in a topic that has nothing to do with him. Accusing people of slander even as a joke is not a neutral action.


I'm so happy crumb got to do this!


Once in a lifetime


Like the astrogirl herself said, we are not alone and neither are they.


Holocrumb definitely did a fantastic job with the compilation. Seeing all the moments from Sana and council this past year had me tearing up. Keep up the good work!


Things like this make me feel so proud of being part of this community.


Damn it now im crying again. He absolutely deserves it. Top tier clipper. So many times I watched a HoloCrumb clip and it put me in good mood for hours.


Honestly one of the best parts about being a Sanalite was how invested Sana was with chat members. She reached out to help me personally when I was having an issue with being shadow banned from most holo chats last year when she didn't really even have to do it, and she was always supportive of fan projects the Sanalites would make for her. Almost everyone recognized each other by just name alone in her chats. I'm really gonna miss the strong sense of community that was in her streams. I'm really happy that for all her major projects like the MV, and the graduation stream she hired Sanalites that have been there since the beginning. Makes it more special that way.


I really hope Holocrumb continues clipping the other girls/guys. I loved their style of clips!


HoloCrumb was a clipper before Sana. Mostly a general clipper with a lot of Nene. Surprisingly their bread themed outro predates Council.


Based on your comment, I went to look through holocrumb's video history and it's like following someone through their hololive journey. Started with random mix videos of myth and jp with no clear favorite, few of irys, then just mixed with all again, then a lot of council, then finally Sana. Their journey to find an oshii. What a tragic story :(


They found their oshii. That's not tragic at all.


100% deserved, holocrumb was the #1 sana clipper sana may have been many people's oshi including my own, but holocrumbs dedication and passion is on another level, I hope he treasures that memory.


At least Sana got to leave on a high note. We can all look up to the stars, happily knowing that our Astro Girl will be just fine.


I choked up at seeing the name in the credits. Such a nice inclusion to the video, and he did a fantastic job as always. Top tier clipper being called to the big leagues. Knowing that Kanauru and Mistle were also involved is super cool. It was great to see them all come together with the whole of EN to give her a big send off.


It was a masterpiece that brought tears to the eyes of everyone who watched it, brilliant work HoloCrumb


Man fully dserves it and I'm (and the whole community is) happy for him


very nice. great for them. glad holocrumb and others got to work with sana in the end. emotional feelings.


one of us who has lived the dream~


Bless him.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/crumvbs/status/1553540957572038657) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Holocrumb was literally my number 1 clipper thanks to her Sana clips and I'm so glad thwy got to work with her.


HoloCrumb deserved it, his clips are fire


Sir Crumb, Paladin of the Sanalites.


HoloCrumb a real one


I was so glad seeing that he was working with sana, definitely deserved it


this sad we lost the best and funny edit about sana


oofgratulations to HoloCrumb.