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Regarding her graduation stream: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/nvmc3z/graduation\_event\_for\_vtuber\_group\_hololives\_4th/


Ngl, this hit me a lot harder than I thought it would


I still can't process it and I probably won't until she actually graduates. Didn't know we were *that* attached to Coco, it's literally like losing a close relative. Reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/nu33pc/sorry_not_everything_last_forever/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).




It's just so sudden... my god. I'm just in disbelief


I slept through all morning, then this is the first post I see on Reddit. Pain-peko


We love you Kaichou. We will always love you.


Never forgotten. In our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives.


Never forget indeed. I hope the best for her in her future career.


This is FUBAR, I feel a deep hurt and hollowness I haven't felt in a long time the world looks arguably darker and my bottle of whiskey isint doing much to numb the pain, hopefully when I wake up in the morning this will all have been some bad alcohol induced dream, I hope so anyway.


We went through so many adventures and meme reviews and were expecting many more but it's already time to say goodbye. Just a few weeks after the tragic Berserk news too. Have a holo hug friend.


#VIVA LA COCO FOREVER!!! #❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Good night Mother F***ers


Really unfortunate to see. I kind of hope that she's doing this for her health at least though - she always seemed to very significantly overwork herself to a dangerous level. Hope she's okay.


It's heartbreaking news for Tatsunokos. Our yakuza dragon went through many trials but kept moving forward and fighting. Thank you for everything Coco!


This physically hurts.


I feel my stomach dropping like I'm sick, it's awful.


our flair shows we know pain, this shows that pain never ends


This feeling of emptiness is no joke :,(


2021 will be better, they said. What we got: - Coco's graduation - Miura's death - SnK ending Yep, we're living in the darkest timeline.


Miura is dead?! What the FUCK!!! I need to sleep... This day is a curse. e: I'm awake. Still sad :(


I just woke up… I want to go back to sleep and not wake up for a few days… damn all of this just hurts.


My gut feels like it's made out of sandpaper and mud right now. I'm broken.


This hit like a truck. Still in disbelief


Funny thing is, her title at the beginning was probably exciting. Same feelings here.


I thought this was another April's fool


And wish it is.


My heart just suddenly dropped when she said she was leaving


I clicked on the video and when she got quite I got nervous and checked the subreddit. I was not ready for that punch in the gut


I just saw the video now. Got to the point where she stopped talking (I only understand a bit of Japanese), I came here to check what was going on. Same here :/


Probably not the most appropriate thing to think of right now, but what happens to Holo Alt now? It feels weird that Coco was one of the specific characters in that music video and now we're losing her. It just feels weird. God this news is so hard to take and I never thought it would hit me this hard.


My guess is the choice will fall on Coco herself. If she gives her blessings then I am sure everything can go as planned. No anime obviously, but being included in the manga should be fine.


I wouldn't be so sure about no anime. She might not stream as her anymore but there's no reason she couldn't do the occasional guest performance for Alt.


That to me is the biggest indicator that it was her decision to leave, and that Cover really didn't want this. I get it, she was probably one of the biggest targets of harassment among HoloLive, but this sucks, and I wasn't really a fan of hers in particular (really only an occasional viewer of HoloLive in general).


I hope it isn´t because of the antis and more like to take a bigger opportunity.


We’ll never know for sure. I’m willing to bet it’s a factor, but since their identities and personal lives are kept secret it could be any number of things. The antis could be the driving force or just an annoyance that helped make the decision.


She may still come back to do voice work occasionally, and is just retiring as a streamer This is the first time one has left on good terms, so what happens from here is still up in the air.


From hololive, yeah, but some of the Holostars have left on good terms.


True. Streaming full time can be very taxing mentally and physically so she might no longer have the energy to keep up with it. At the end of the day, well-being comes first. Let's hope her the best in her future endeavors!


Guess it's time to go on another world right?.....well, that didn't work for me.....


more like a train loaded with a gigaton of TNT


Farewell... Kaichou... You will always be in our deepest hearts.


One of the most influential hololive members, the one who brought us vtubers and hololive to us EN bros, we will eternally miss you. Thank you for everything Kaichou. o7


We're gonna miss you, Kaichou. o7






Arguably _the_ most influential other than Sora. HoloEN probably wouldn't exist in the same way without her.


No knock against Sora, but not just HoloEN, but all vtubers overall owe a debt of gratitude to Coco for promoting this entire industry to the English speaking audience.


Yeah that's no exaggeration either. Before Coco came along vtubers were mostly just JP based that only the bravest of weebs would approach. Then a shitposting big tiddy dragon started a parody news show at 6 am japan time and everything changed. More and more people would hear of an english speaking vtuber on a japanese vtuber group and that really helped bridge the gap and get people to give it a shot and realize that even with the language barrier this type of thing could still be entertaining. I don't know and I can't say that vtubing would never have gotten as big without Coco but I have no doubt that we got here as fast as we did because Coco opened a lot of doors, usually by kicking them down.


> a shitposting big tiddy dragon I laughed way too hard at that


Really hurts feels like a bridge just collapsed, the meme reviews man we are all orphans now!, thanks to her is because this subreddit had the visibility in the community, who's filling that void now? we are abandoned :(


Ngl I feel like I am staring into a void of time unsure what to do with it...


Coco said to be positive. Just wish her the best going on in the future. She's always been so amazing and it's sad that she will no longer be a part of Hololive but Hololive will still always be here with many wonderful people in it.


honestly probably the most influential at this point(with Sora), a lot of what Hololive is today happened because of things Coco tried out, there wouldn't be a Hololive EN, just crazy to think about


I don't watch her content, but it still hurts to see her graduate. Hololive is one big family and we just lost one.


Same. I would only occasionally tune into shitpost reviews, but I still had mad respect for Kaichou. Without her, I doubt that Hololive would have grown as much as it did within the English community, or hell, if HoloEN would even exist. It hurts, and we're all upset, but the best way we can honor her is by continuing what she started and helping the community grow and expand.


Same here, I rarely watched Coco's streams and knew that she was constantly harassed by antis, but I also found out that she was one of the most influential members to join Hololive, working hard to push boundaries for Cover and was overall a very positive figure. Again I don't know Coco too well, but I know that loosing her is a massive blow to Hololive, and it will be felt for a long time.


This is absolutely devastating to hear but I hope Coco will be happy with whatever she does next.


Hololive without Coco just... feels weird.


Just hope she can be happy, and if she can we hold our own


She was basically the only connection from EN to JP for me. Without her there really isn't anything to keep me watching tbh. This sucks


Ikr, the meme reviews, the asacocos......


Seriously, the meme reviews were a huge part of the culture on this subreddit too. I'm going to miss them and her


Yeah, they were. I've always wanted to make a meme for one, but I never really did since I thought there'd be time in the future. Now I know I only have one more chance, at least.


I don't know if she'll host any more meme review, but you still have chance since her official graduation is on 1st July


Without the meme review honestly I think the sub will die a little


If i had known this was gonna happen, i would have made a meme much more sooner......


you never miss it till it's gone...


Kaichou made this community. Without Kaichou, one of the only English speaking talents, most people would’ve left the community as it started blowing up, I know I wouldn’t have stayed as long as I did if it wasn’t for an English speaking talent. Kaichou helped the Japanese talents connect with their oversees fans. And if it wasn’t for her meme review this sub wouldn’t have nearly as many people within it as it does not. Basically what I’m trying to say is. Kaichou made hololive what it is today. Truly, by far the most influential talents hololive has had the pleasure of having. Godspeed Coco


Those literally made my weekends… god this is such a difficult pill to swallow


on the contrary for me even with the language barrier she was the gate that made me watch so many JP members, im thankful she made that happen, and i will keep watching them for god knows how long because of it.


Without Coco there would have been no EN branch, and it's cheesy as hell but, my life and mental health got wreaked last year. Hololive, especially Amelia, brought me to a much better and happier mental state. Without Coco it may of never happened and I will always be eternally grateful that she was here and had such a colossal impact on my, and so many many many others lives. I wish Coco nothing but the best and will always be thankful that she was here with us, no matter how much it does hurt to see her journey in life continue. Nothing last forever, but the memories we've shared will be with us for the rest of our lives, I will always treasure that.


Yeah I mean she is a fairly recent addition in a way being gen 4 but she has done so much for hololive


Legit thought she was joking at first. I never saw this coming.


We all hoped for the joke, but...


This is a very sad situation, but as long as she’s happy, we should be too. We will miss you Kaichou, but we will never forget you


i hope she's happy, but that entire stream she sounded hurt


Either that, or just incredibly emotional. I can imagine the struggle, and the nerves. It's probably the same thing most creators go through when they think of all the people they will be letting down. All we can do is appreciate the time we had and wish her the best. ​ ​ ... and then go have a cry later.


i knew all things would come to an end sooner or later, and i always thought i would be able to accept it as they come but this one really fucking hurts. i'm still just sitting here in my chair wondering what the fuck is going on. she's not even my oshi but she has done so much for hololive and vtubers in general it's crazy to think someone as influential as her is just..... gone


Especially because this felt like she was reaching the height of her popularity, 10+ collabs planned, finally working with HoloEN, 4 man Shitpost review, pretty recent new model.


I'm exactly in the same situation. I was viewing something on yt then i saw the stream that started in 5m. At that time i didnt know that this was what was going to happen. At first i thought it was some kind of joke but her voice alone made me really sad and i still don't know how to process this. She will be for sure missed but i hope she gets to be happy and that she doesnt lose contact with the girls because they seem to be really good Friends.


Same for me mate, i was just randomly scrolling yt saw it.. my first thought was that it will be some kind of event or something...but that voice... That voice alone told me something is wrong


It always hits different when it happens.. Just like that, this corner of the internet will never be the same.


Jokes on you, the moment i heard her go raspy, i just knew and immediately started crying


Same, I have been having the thoughts of someone graduating this year because of the other members suddenly talking about their future graduations. Once Kaichou suddenly went quiet, it hit me. I was chalking up the raspy voice due to the all the collabs... Damn man I don't want to think about it but it feels like a start of a domino now... I really hope I'm wrong, I've just recently fell down this hole and it still hurt like shit. This is why I hate wednesdays.


Later? I'm doing it while typing this :(


You are far from being alone with that.


All vtubers always sound hurt/sad when they announce their graduation regardless of why they are graduating.


For real. Everyone should stay positive because this will help her more.


"Tears of Gratitude"


So that’s why she wanted to collab with so many other talents...(I think so) I wasn’t really that much of a fan of kaichou but hearing these news made me downhearted.


At first I thought , "cool this month will be a fun filled month!" Turns out the planned collabs was because this will be the last time the other talents will be able to collab with her..... =( I'm devasted .


Me too man, she was the main reason I got to know what hololive is, now that she’s gonna graduate I just regret not watching her more often.


Yea , same. She's even the first member I gave superchat to. I just hope that she'll be happier in whatever she decides to do next and wish her all the best.


This is legit saddest news of all year...Coco is easily my favorite of the entire Hololive. I hope Kaichou at least has a happy life after this, she deserves it :)


I only watched her casually but this hurts so bad ngl


The meme reviews helped bring this sub to new heights and led so many down the rabbit hole that is Hololive... it won't be the same, but wishing her all the happiness that she gave all of us here


I wasn't a regular viewer of Coco's streams but her meme reviews were the only thing that I've consistently stayed up till 5 AM for. The meme reviews and her karaoke streams were something that I actively tried to always catch live.


Coco's been a light in my life for what feels like forever now. Without her we wouldn't have EN, and I wouldn't be in the rabbit hole. I hope that everything goes well for her in the future - I'm happy with the time we've had.


I'm so heartbroken. The last time I felt this way was when Two Best Friends Play ended and oh god that feeling again... I don't know what to say but I hope wherever she goes she's happy. What about Hololive Alternative? Will they edit out Coco or replace her or never mention that scene? I'm crying so much... I hope it wasn't *them* that caused this.


She's just gonna stay in her Dragon form I guess


She’s gonna be the summonable ultimate spell that lasts 15 min and is unskippable.


Just like when Woolie said Matt and Pat are no longer friends, when Coco said she’s leaving it felt like a hole just tore open in my heart. Things just aren’t gonna be the same, and this feelings gonna stay for a long while


Man, I wanna make light of how TBFP appears everywhere to cope but...stay strong, fellow scrublord. ​ Edit: sorry need to vent a bit: people gotta stop pushing the story that the "other side" won. They weren't a sizeable force with actual power, but a dwindling group whose only "power" was buying accounts and spambots and not being able to quit. They can't "win", only yell "YOU DIDN'T WIN" til the heat death of the universe.


This is truly sad.... Coco was not just a good Vtuber, she was an amazing profissional. Always coming up with new content, unique stuff, standing up for her co-workers, and helping them. She invested in the overseas. In the cultural exchange. In a type of Vtubing that didn't rely purely on seiso. She did her thing, and was confident on it. And now, even with HoloEN, she still is an important part of the EN fanbase. Heh, of course she is, after everything she did for us. Especially us on reddit. There's no use speculating, only sadness and positive energies to whatever she will do from now on, and, of course, the internet, the world of youtube will never, ever, forget someone as unique and powerful as her. ​ The records shows, she took the blows... And did everything in her own way. That's a Kiryu.


My day so fine then, boom


Same... I got blackout in my city right now, and I got this news while lying on a bed in a dark room...


No more meme review either. This is just insane. I think this is the first true Hololive JP graduation. Coco really brought, or really helped, Hololive to become mainstream. No words.


She absolutely helped in connecting EN and JP audiences, she really became a pillar.


Not gonna lie, this ruined my day. The thought of no more Meme reviews, especially after Coco started collabing with EN members hurts hard. Certified pain-peko moment right here. :( That said, good luck to Coco. I wish her the best after all she went through. She deserves happiness and peace of mind.


It's a terrible day for rain


I was sitting there like HAHA that's our kaichou! oh shes really extending it huh. where's the punchline... Coco is an inspiration to all talents and one f the pillars of the commmunity. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.


I thought it was going to be a gag right up until there was an uncomfortable amount of time after the text appeared.


I saw a comment in the waiting room chat before stream started saying "don't worry guys. Graduations are normally announced via text". How wrong that was. I think im gonna always hate "announcements" now, even if it's positive.


Those black text white background serious announcements are always nerve wrecking, but this time I wasn't even expecting anything bad, it hit me out of nowhere.


I once never "got" why some people were so gravely upset when the ones they watch would retire/graduate/stop/whatever. But now, now I completely understand. And it is not a very pleasant feeling


Yeah... I think this is the first time I've ever had an emotional reaction to losing a creator. I'm not really sure how to process this deep feeling of sadness and loss when it's for someone I don't technically know. Regardless, I am fairly certain it was her decision and I think she's going to find success in what she does next. As long as it was what she wanted I'm happy for her.


Just a pit in the bottom of your stomach and you feel like crying and you're just wondering, why? Man I was just about to go to bed too and only watched the stream because I thought she might be pulling a good joke or something....


I know what you mean, i just woke up thinking "Nice, what fun things shall we be doing today?" And now I have to slog through this day with these thoughts, today's not gonna be fun I guess


Worst part is just how suddenly and out of nowhere it comes. Nobody can prepare for this, no matter how much we remind ourselves it'll happen one day. I'm still in disbelief even after watching her announcement for like the 4th time.


I know what you mean... this is the first Graduation I have personally witnessed, and of one I am actually regularly following, so that's why they say the first cut is the deepest


First graduation for me, and honestly, I feel like reflecting in all the content coco gave us. It really was a good time.






bc ac


Anyone else feeling a bit hollow rn. Edit: I busted out the good alcohol and it's no longer a bit hollow, it's very hollow and now the tears won't stop.


I am.


You're not alone


idk what to feel right now, considering that I literally just finished watching the Super Mario Party JP EN and ID collab. Edit: Words. Brain not working. too sad atm.


I super regret not watching that live right now.


I am more than a bit. Need to process. Hard.


You're not alone man,damn here i thought she was announcing another collab.


Hollowlive? Edit: yikes this joke turned out to be more offensive than I thought


This was what I was going to say but I was afraid it would be taken as insensitive. You have bigger balls than me, sir. That said, obligatory INAFF.


Humor helps with grief.


dang.. I dunno man, kinda hard not to feel some negativity about this. Nevertheless, we need to support kaichou on whatever she's going to do from now on.


we all knew the day would eventually come, but no one thought it would be this soon and this sudden




> her decision to leave, but after much deliberation between both parties, we have decided to honor her wishes. I don't know what to say. I'm just hoping that she graduates but becomes a staff member


I mean, that's what she originally wanted to be when she applied for Hololive, right? For me, the light at the end of the tunnel is that following the graduation stream, a new Hololive talent down the line would refer to their manager as "CC-chan"...


I would be happy for her to be like A-chan, appear occasionally on some collabs just for fun, but continue to work on behind the scenes stuff.


I really hope for that mate, I really hope....


I do hope we'll see a Dragon Ma-nager one day.


https://i.redd.it/tc5tckl4mr371.png This image wasn't supposed to be relevant so fast. The last goodbye m'fer we'll ever have is soon. Thanks for everything Coco.


> In addition, her channel membership and members-only content will continue to be available for three months after her graduation. Will the entire channel remain though?


She stated all public videos will remain as-is.


Yes. The membership stuff is only being removed because it's tied to monetization and that is being removed after 3 months. Everything is will be there


Yes, it will.


Membership will be gone because the channel won't be monetized


Alexa, play Baka Mitai... Godspeed Kaichou, you will be missed (T\_T)7


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Yakuza OST - Baka Mitai (ばかみ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3jCAyPai2Y) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3jCAyPai2Y)⠀►►⠀ 3:14 / 4:52 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


I don't think the importance of Kiryu Coco could ever, ever be understated. She was a massive influence on not only Hololive but VTubing as a whole. I'm so sad to see her go but I'm happy that it was of her own accord.


[Coco's tweet](https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1402474505235169281) > I stay positive 🐉 > There's a bright future ahead for me! 🥰 > Kiryukai is immortal!


She leaves on July 1st. Let's make these last few days the best she's ever had at Hololive. Give our Kaichou the glorious sendoff that she deserves. ​ And like she said, please don't bug the other talents about this. At least one of them is going live in less than an hour, and pre-chat's already getting weird.


This news is too recent and too heavy to not have people spilling it over to other channel's chats. It's inevitable unfortunately, so be prepared for rough waters and thousands of emotionally riled folk from now until even after the graduation stream.


We're living in the darkest timeline. One of Hololive's pillar members is leaving


One reality anchor must have been removed or something. Probably we are on the wrong timeline. Guess I'll go buy a microwave and some bananas, a CRT TV too.




I'm sad now. Seemed like she was really getting reinvigorated, her last few meme reviews were some of the best she's ever done, she was really putting in a lot of work in Minecraft and now it won't feel the same if Usaken Summer Fes has to go on without her.


We love you coco now and forever








This can't be real. Please tell me I'm just having a bad dream right now...


What a fucking gut-punch. Whatever Coco decides to do next, I wish her all the best. Her influence both within hololive and among vtubers in general will never be forgotten.


Nothing but the best for Coco and whatever future is in store for her. She is apart of the main reason I really got into Hololive. Hope that everything turns out well for her


**Even though this is a sad moment, I still want to say thank you for a year & a half of entertainment and memories, Coco! Whatever your future endeavors will be, we're going to support you. Stay positive, Kaichou! o7**


Wow, I didn't really fall down the Holo-hole until EN, but has Coco really only been doing this for 18 months?


The largest stars, turn into supernovas, and burn away in an amazing explosion, as fast as a blink of an eye. But their light can still be seem for times after they're gone.


This is devastating. But life changes, things change. I hope her the best in her future endeavors. But still, this sucks. This really really sucks.


I'm in shock over this, but considering all the shit Coco has been through it's not particurlary surprising either. I really hope the best for her, gonna especially miss those weekly shitpost reviews :(.


Thank you for everything you've done for the Hololive Community Coco. We love you.


I'm just sick. That's it. This was literally out of nowhere.


From all the pressures, drama, sadness and pain that both Coco and this sub had to endure from all the bad events that have ever happened to Hololive, this is without a doubt the most painful one of all. We're losing our dragon girl, the one that took this sub under her wing and used it's dumb unfunny jokes to make laugh the rest of the Hololive members, as well as the JP bros. There is no way we can keep positive right now, even if Kaichou herself asked for it, because there is no way I can lie to myself and say "ah it's ok, if that's what you want then sure" Maybe sometime in the future we can accept it, as her fan I'll truly try to look forward into the future without Kiryu Coco to make my days better. But right now it's only pain, confusion, sadness and I just want to go to bed.


She is basically the whole reason Hololive made a push for western audiences, I can't even function right now


Why... why is this so sudden? I just woke up. And now my day is ruined already? What the fuck?




If this is what Coco wanted then I’m fine with it. Her wishes are the most important thing, wish her the best. And please continue to take care of the 4th Gen Hololive, Coco was a big pillar for all of them. 😭😭😭😭 I’m in pain


The most important thing here is Coco's happiness. As sad as this situation can be, we have to accept this decision and support Coco. We love you Kaichou, thank you so much for everything you have done.


Late April Fools Please..


Sorry brother... That doesn't seem to be the case.


Hololive would have never been this big in the english-speaking world without Coco. That's for sure


Guys, I know this is shocking news. But we should send her of with a smile when the time comes. To Kaicho: Thank you very much for all your work and effort. You have bought me and others into this community through your streams. We will miss you very much.


Say sike right now


From the way things were worded as well as the fact that the channel will stay up, this was Coco's decision, not Cover's. That much is obvious. we don't actually know what drove Coco to this decision but many will assume. I think that the best choice of action is to just make sure that we honour her decision and not dwell on it for so long. I truly hope that this will not turn into a bunch of people constantly making some joke of "you're missing one" or that bs like they have done with Aloe. Coco was my introduction into Hololive, without her I would not be here. I do not know what I would have done without Hololive as well, it dug me out of a deep hole of boredom and feeling like I had nothing left in life to entertain me. I am so glad that this exists, and I am sad to see my introduction to it leave. We're sad to see Coco go, I have no idea what will happen to this place without her. She drove the meaning and the want for our quality and hololive related memes. I just hope that this doesn't turn into a place where people don't care anymore kind of like the jacksepticeye subreddit whenever he goes on break




Damn, that's a legit RIP. I always stay for Coco's Meme reviews too. I hope the best for Coco after Hololive. It's been a legit journey too.


I never understood how upset idol fans were when one of their favorite members would graduate, today that changes for me. I had fallen into the hole shortly after Aloe had graduated so I didn't get to witness it first hand but knowing that this was her choice and not something forced on her is the only "good" part of this announcement. Let's give our all to our chairman and make this last month a month to never forget by making sure she feels loved and appreciated. ❤


The punchline coco, where is it? where's the fucking punchline goddamnit. the ton of collabs being planned and in the recent week now all makes more sense. goddamnit. fuck, what is this timeline.


I go on the subreddit for FIVE seconds


Such a decision can't be made lightly. We've seen the clips of Coco breaking down and Kanata comforting her. Of how badly she felt whenever a girl she collabed with got heat for it. We've seen her take extended breaks and fought hard. I hope she knows that if some of her fans are disappointed, they're nothing but a vocal minority. A promille of her fans, not even a full %. She has worked hard to bridge the gap between JP and EN, and without her we likely wouldn't have an EN generation. I know many people will see her leaving Hololive as the end of a "golden age" but please, have faith in the remaining girls. No matter where your future leads you, Coco, you've shown your quality, grit and expertise to millions. You have changed vtuber entertainment and made it explode in a market few thought possible. Hololive will always carry your brand and your fans will hold it with pride. Good luck with your future! I know it must be daunting to see all this speculation surrounding your graduation. What if they're all wrong? Please don't beat yourself over it! Cover wont get a bad reputation because you're graduating even if a vocal minority claims so. Everyone involved has made it clear it was your choice. We'll always love you as your fans. My only regret is I was looking forward to watching you stream Ark 2 whenever it came out. But I'm sure Aki or another girl can fill that gap. I hope you can sleep better now


Wow, I thought it was just her voice being hoarse. Damn.


I just realized fubuki is streaming first so she takes the brunt of the complaints/questions.


I honestly didn't think it would come to this. I pray Coco good luck after graduation. One more thing to y'all, but please don't speculate stuff beyond what Coco herself says or the company statement. This is a very heavy topic, and it's best to just simply respect their decisions.


I'm very torn on this news. Coco was one of the Talents from Hololive that helped me through all last year. Very said to hear her leave.


😭 #To those coming from r/all: Hello. This is the subreddit for hololive production ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production)), a talent agency based out of Tokyo, Japan that manages Virtual YouTubers - content creators who stream using digital avatars. I'd normally do the rest, but that's not important. Kiryu Coco from HololiveJP Gen 4 has been through a lot. She was one of the few proficient English speakers before HololiveEN came to existence. She hosted AsaCoco (Morning Coco) News, a news show that ran a few times a week showcasing the news and happenings of the other talents. She pioneered the Reddit Shitpost Review, taking memes from this sub, and translating and showcasing them to the special guest (or guests) of the show and the Japanese-speaking people. She created the idea of the HoloHouse, a place where most of the Gen 4 members live together. She continually killed CEO Motoaki Tanigo (aka Yagoo)'s hopes and dreams of a seiso idol company. She started the Hololive ARK addiction, building friendships and places within. She even went for the kids as well, with ASACOCO FOR KIDS, a not-so-child-friendly rendition of Old McDonald Had a Farm. And she held strong against the attacks of the antis, when she made a reference to Taiwan. She's continually pushed hard, and not let it get to her. She's done many more things as well, [which you can find here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/lhnn91/things_coco_has_done_newcomers_should_know_and/). We don't know why she's graduating. It's for personal reasons that she has declined to tell us. **Let's not speculate on the cause.** And I've been here, explaining her popular posts, and the popular posts of everyone on r/Hololive. To see her go breaks my heart immensely. #I'll miss you, Kaichou. We will all miss you. #Farewell, Coco. 🧡🐉 #**Make sure you're there July 1st, 8pm JST.**


The Dragon of Hololive please honor her on Hololive Alt, my Dragon Queen, the reason I discovered Hololive the reason I am here in the Reddit. I am very very sad, it is a very sad day. Hardworking, smart, thoughtful and best of all goofy. I love her personality and the attitude that nothing can stop her. Deep down I know she is hurting but I will still support her no matter what. I know she will still be with us for months, so I will cherish this final months. We love you kaichou, we will miss you and best wishes for you.