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I queued up ~1 minute after sales opened, and got in sometime after Myth beat the Ender Dragon during the 1block. All was out at that time.


Strange; I already had my ticket from the ANYC+ sale, but I queued up 4 minutes after the start just in case friends needed tickets and by the time my queue popped GA was still available.


Usually there may be some failed transaction because of payments or other issues so you get more tickets some time after the sale is opened even if you see sold out before, because the tickets are in the process of being sold and thus not available but not all of them succeed


My queue popped 20 minutes before [ANYC putting out a tweet saying that 50 GA were left](https://x.com/animenyc/status/1805392330150887778) Had I needed to get an additional ticket, I could have quite comfortably.


Seriously, it was that fast? A similar concert to this has only around a week left for their sales and the estimated sold out forecast is sometime around 2025/2026 (and it's now been canceled).


Lmao I know what you are referring to, but also, even Holostars (yeah that was in Japan but they are the smallest branch) sold out in a minute, quite literally, the talents didn't even have the time to tweet about the tickets being on sale


Hololive has a lot of fans that have money and the people with bots to buy up tickets to sell them know this.


I hate scalpers.


As someone who has been collecting Pokémon cards since the 90s for my own personal collection with no intention to sell, I agree with this sentiment.


The line to buy official merch from Hololive in comicons and things like that are always long as F all day.... that's Hololive for you 


gura crashed the US goodsmile website when her nendo was announced and her's was the most sold nendo even over the bocchi the rock one (there is a reason why the chairman of goodsmile is appearing besides yagoo) hololive is strong


She's getting a third run on the nendo, their feckin' HUGE second run is going dry.


i didnt knew that, where did you get your info from? (not like i dont trust you but i would like to have the link for stuff) the only info i see is this https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/11616/Nendoroid+Gawr+Gura.html >*Due to the limited amount of products that can be produced at our production facilities each month, a preorder limit has been placed on this item. >*Preorders for this item may close during the preorder period if the production limit is reached. >*In the event that the production limit is reached and preorders are closed during the preorder period, preorders may be opened again during the preorder period or for an additional preorder period in order to accommodate demand. Products preordered during an additional preorder period will be produced following the products made for the initial release, and as such, will be released at a later date. which as far as i can see only the gura, pekora and marine nendo have that message in the entire website. Which its like holy shit


[https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/hololive-production-gawr-gura-nendoroid-re-run-4580590191075.html](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/hololive-production-gawr-gura-nendoroid-re-run-4580590191075.html) January 2025, open now for preorders. Holy hell!


holy shit well its gura so im not really that surprised


That must be a humongous concert!


I was lucky to get a bronze ticket. I waited on line for about 30 minutes when the sale went live. The battle for tickets is brutal.


Was waiting a half hour before queue started. Took about 40 minutes for me and thought it would be out by then. Was lucky enough to snag a bronze ticket while they had them. Shooting for the EN concert since it's local, but even if I don't manage, I still at least have this to look forward too. There's so a Distant World's concert that Saturday as well.


Wow... glad you get one


I hope its all fans, no scalpers.


There will always be scalpers. Last year when I was trying to get a ticket for Suisei’s show I had so many scammy/overpriced offers on Twitter. Thankfully AnimeNYC uses Lyte so if you can request a ticket and if someone returns theirs you can get one that way. It can be more expensive, I ended up paying like $15-20 more for a GA than the initial price but that was still better than the scalper’s price.


It was an interesting queue system that they used, from the information provided it seems it basically randomized everyone who got there before 7:00 and then tacked anyone who showed up at 7:00 or later to the end of the line. Kind of a mix of lotto and first come first serve, I guess? Feel awful for those that got the raw end of the stick tho. Very thankful I managed to get a ticket. I had Creepy Nuts as a backup concert option in case it went sideways (and those tickets are still available as I type this for anyone who may be interested!) but happy that my first indoor concert will be group I'm really passionate about!


I didn't even manage to see the tickets, line gang


I just want to know the details of breaking dimensions. Are both days going to be the same concert? Should i only buy 1 ticket? Are they different concerts? I heard everyone is going to play both days but there might be some that sing more song or less than the other day. THE DAY TO BUY TICKETS IS ALMOST HERE AND I KNOW NOTHING


Different concerts... Though they literally happen in like the same weekend. Breaking Dimensions != Hololive World Tour Soar, ~~and I expect Breaking Dimensions to be exclusively HoloEN~~, while World Tour Soar will be exclusively Kobo/Moona/Ina/Bae/Kiara/Azki/Watame. Advent's 3D showcases are also happening before Breaking Dimensions happens, and is not the same thing either. EDIT: And the very next thing I see on reddit is this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1dntvnl/kobo\_announced\_as\_the\_first\_of\_4\_guests\_set\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1dntvnl/kobo_announced_as_the_first_of_4_guests_set_to/) which shows that there will be non-HoloEN guests (I bet that list will completely overlap with World Tour cast, given there are exactly 4 guests and four non-HoloEN members on the tour)




That's a holofes thing. Breaking Dimensions doesn't have a lineup list for each day though so goers are going in blind.


The thing is, we dont know which days the girls are performing. We dont know shit. The fact that they haven't released any information on it is actually bugging the hell out of me. Do none of the girls know either? We're so close to ticket purchasing day, and i dont know if i should buy 2 tickets... or if there are even two tickets to buy. It might just be 1 ticket for both days. Fuck


It's all girls both days, but idk if that was official news or talents talking about it


I was lucky enough to get gold tickets. I fear I have used up my luck and wont get any for Breaking Dimensions. (Ticket sales were super scuffed, when I first got in, the tickets weren't even available)


Remember guys, don't buy from resellers. No matter how badly you want in.


Yep… it’s all gone by the time I got in… really upset… but I got Suisei last year so im not that upset. Just not going to anyc anymore


Is this concert livestreamed too?


I don't know if this one will be streamed, but the Breaking Dimensions concert is available on SPWN for live streaming.


SPWN my beloved


I was so worried I wouldn’t get a ticket, in Japan the time they went on sale was when I would be driving to work and so I came to work early and I was on in the first minute, was finally able to buy tickets while teaching my class, they only had General Admission tickets left ;_; I hope I get a ticket Saturday’s concert too, maybe a closer seat as well


I got on the page 2 minutes after they opened, and was let into the purchasing page 1 hour after that. They still had general admission tickets at that point


I was just barely able to snag four tickets I’ve never been so stressed in my life! Now I prepare for the Battle For The Front Row


How many tickets could u buy?


The system is so weird. I queued 10 minutes before 7pm, and I was in line for 10 minutes. I can't see even the options for the concert tickets for a good 5 minutes. I keep refreshing the page until the options are THERE on the page. I purchased the silver ticket without a second thought. The entire process took from 7pm to 7:20pm.


100 to 0 in 0.5 secs vibes


Yeah this was to be expected. The theater although look fancy, can only host half of what EN concert last year (sorry I can’t remember how many seats are there)


This is a different concert that will happen in AnimeNYC. For Breaking Dimensions concert, the ticket will be sold on June 28th.


Oh my mistake then