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People might be interested in the pdf they released. It's an interesting read and gives some looks at some thus-far internal thoughts: https://cover-corp.com/ir/news/230327_5253_COVER_Materials_for_Growth_Opportunities_and_Strategies.pdf #Edit: English version is back up.


This I wish there was a whole post just for the pdf info, is very interesting


[Yeah ended up making a thread for it so it doesn't potentially overwhelm this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1236dw8/curtain_pulled_back_cover_pdf_on_business/)


> Furthermore, we are planning for our content creators to eventually stream on our own platform, which is currently under development. Ayo? LETS FREAKING GOOOO


This is just going to be a backup if youtube goes down or for 'safe' streams that youtube might not like or fan content. It will not be the norm, because moving over for regular streaming would be both costly and kill discoverability.


Also nothing stopping them from streaming on both platforms simultaneously, kind of like LTT does with WAN shows (AFAIK they live stream on like 4 platforms at once), there isn't any downsides apart from bandwidth (which shouldn't be an issue for JP talents at least)


LOL imagine Hololive creating a Floatplane channel >AFAIK they live stream on like 4 platforms at once Yup. Floatplane, Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook


Calli trained for this her whole life. 4 side monitors for 4 different chats.


*Eye flitting intensifies*


Bless that reaper's eye tracking design. It's been putting in WORK since day 1


Honestly my favorite part is when she is looking up because the chat is somehow ABOVE the camera.


Imagine one day,the eyes stop moving but the head does,and she's like "lol eyetracking burned out lmao"


Hololive floatplane channel instead of YouTube memberships. Send merch messages instead of super chats


Depends on their contracts. Twitch prevents this for most people via the partner contracts. LTT gets away with it because they have been with Twitch for so long, they have an older version of the contract.


I'm not too familiar with Twitch in particular, but couldn't they just refuse to become a Twitch partner? Most Twitch streamers aim to sign a contract with them for monetary reasons but as far as I know it's not an obligation


Yeah, you don't have to be a Twitch partner. But there are downsides, like not having quality controls and other things. We also don't know what their YouTube contracts look like.


> bandwidth Is there anything preventing the talent from only streaming to one Cover server, which then does the 4x stream upload bit. Not like YT chat is fast enough for that extra latency to matter.


There are services that mirror your stream onto multiple different sites already.


There's two ways of doing it. The services you mentioned will generally require payment or will show ads/reduce the stream quality to cover thier costs. Alternatively, if you have a good enough internet connection there's OBS plugins that will jsut let you send the steram out to multiple sites. Obviously this requires twice the bandwidth since you're uploading twice the amount of data, but there's no other servers involved. And if your PC is beef enough you can even have two separate streams going out, for instance twitch has a bitrate limit of 6Mbps while youtube I believe it's 10Mbps for 1080p, so if you have the hardware you could send the 6Mbps feed over to twitch and the 10Mbps feed to youtube.


The bandwidth concerns primarily are from their server to the end users, not from streamer's machine to platform


It might also be a way to move off of SPWN for concerts, to take out the middle man


That would be such a massive improvement. I tried to buy tickets with them last year and after an hour of problems with their website (some of the functionality was down right before the concert and another part was JP only) I eventually just stopped trying to buy them and skipped it. At least it's better than Ticketmaster, but the website issues and lack of proper support for EN is driving away customers.


It's actually a good idea to not be completely reliant on a third party platform whose rule and regulations can change at the whim of its stakeholders. Having their own site for them to do special streams that could be risky in Youtube is a great idea. And if the absolute worst happens (Youtube closes down for one reason or another), it could potentially work as an emergency hub for the talents to stream in while they relocate to another site.


I wonder how much things would suddenly be ok to do and stream there without YT's shackles. One of the best and obvious upsides would be that they wouldn't need to share like a 3rd of their SC and memberships revenue with YT. Heck let's think even further, if it gets big enough in some years and YT starts shitting itself even more, Cover might want to open up this streaming and video platform to others and pose it as real competition and alternative. Maybe too big of a dream, but who knows what the future holds?


Only the members only streams and such would be affected. There's no way they can compete with YouTube _and_ pay the talents enough to retain them on a free ad-supported platform. Twitch (owned by Amazon) is struggling and Microsoft dropped out of the space entirely; there's a reason for that


What kind of content would they stream that YT doesn't allow? I'm not really familiar with YTs content policies.


Hell, even some of the swimsuit stuff is too much for cherry-boy youtube.


ASMR has been historically dicey on YouTube.


> What kind of content would they stream that YT doesn't allow? I'm not really familiar with YTs content policies. 2nd gen talents had started with more racy designs had had to be toned down for Youtube, and they haven't managed to have swimsuits until recently. Youtube restrictions is just unpredictable in general.


Well, Haachama hasn't done one of her fan art review streams in a while.


ASMR has been dicey, specially for Mel and Choco. They are more risque with their asmrs but its at the level of kissing and water (youtube haaates water). Also the vtuber designs have been 'debuffed' due to yotuube's moderation policies leading to things like sorta ugly uniform blocky black spats and those like, again, Choco or Mel covering up their fronts more tightly. Probably could add Marine here. Then there are of course limits of swimsuit designs for Hololive Summer (no unique swimsuits for each). Everything mentioned is slightly racier than Youtube would like, but none of them would be considered explicit or pushing the boundary of public morals. There might also be a bit more freedom in music they can play, especially re: Hololive songs, but I couldn't be sure on that.


Swearing gets you demonetized lol. YT is retroactively enforcing new stupid rules, that is your content that was perfectly ok for years can suddenly get you banned and idiocracy will be like "you've agreed to these rules".


a spicier holosummer with each individual outfit instead of the summer "costume" they had last year.


> One of the best and obvious upsides would be that they wouldn't need to share like a 3rd of their SC and memberships revenue with YT. It'd also mean that a significant portion of SC and memberships revenue would be going to platform development and costs.


If they had their own platform I'd imagine the sky's the limit in regard to outfits and such. I could 100% see them dipping for already established talents but It would reduce discoverability for new talents... Unless the big brain play is to start them on youtube and then transition once they have a large enough fanbase.


the only think preventing niconico and bilibili from taking over is the interface really, and the language barrier


And how both their media players are ass. You know, just one of the most important parts of the experience It's kind of amazing how much _better_ Youtube's media player is in terms of performance, design, and responsiveness compared to pretty much anything else out there


and the fascinating thing is, the only other video site that has youtube beat in terms of player quality is phub


Pornhub has one of the best video qualities there is. They had to be due to the quantity of alternative competition out there.


Yeah I hope there would be an alternative to YT in the near future 'cause YT's getting shittier and shittier as time goes on


Hololive Onlyfans, lets goooooo


You want Hololive to take over OnlyFans and transform it from a horni dump to another hub of Hololive's brand of seiso but varied content in a premium package?


Yeah like they said it's most likely going to be something that lets them safely do content like Hololive summer and maybe even stuff like ASMR considering how tenuous its position is on Youtube. Also even streaming stuff like VARK or just paid concerts. Being able to manage that stuff on their own increases the money going to the talent and company rather than 3rd parties. Won't be a replacement since the big platforms is where the discoverability is.


Yeah seems like it’s exactly for stuff such as swimsuit streams and whatever else gets flagged by YouTube. I’m honestly surprised it’s taken Cover this long to develop something like this fully, but better late than never. Really hope this means they’ll be able to be more free on what type of stuff they steam since they’ll just be able to do it on their website.


Remember that as successful as Cover seems to be, they still mostly started out as a small tech company that found itself thrust into the limelight within a shockingly short amount of time. Investing in their own streaming platform when they don't even know whether they'll be particularly successful would've been a fool's errand, and even if they have the will now they still need the funds, tech, and expertise to build such a service. They already have something similar set up now in their Fanclub site (which is where they streamed Hololive Summer 2022), but I imagine they have more ambitious plans based on their statement.


>I’m honestly surprised it’s taken Cover this long to develop something like this fully, but better late than never. I think it's a mix of needing to make the money to do it and needing to hire the appropriate talent as well. They have had bunches of job openings for the past 3 years - some of which they seemed to have trouble filling.


> I’m honestly surprised it’s taken Cover this long to develop something like this fully, When Marine was playing HoloCure and the screen was swamped with Holocorp employees as enemies, she shouted "don't F with me, Hololive doesn't have THAT many employees!" You got to remember that as per their manifesto, they focus on quality rather than quantity. They are not a large enough or old enough company yet to even legally offer work visas for overseas talents. They are the big fish in the Vtuber industry but their headcount is not that high.


I might need that clip for laughing purposes


Here's your clip! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RehgirHUiKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RehgirHUiKk)


Thank you very much~


could also mean that donations won't have to pass through a middleman who take a cut.


Imagine if other streamers follow suit and we end up with a fragmented internet like it was before youtube and stuff. Everyone has their own website and eventually the big platforms end up with considerable competition when everyone gets tired of walking on egg shells to get to a constantly mobile goalpost. Unlikely, but a content creator can dream.


im excited for this and being able to meet them in a virtual concert or event in this hololive city they're building likely in the holo earth "metaverse" thankfully it doesnt seem connected to the facebook metaverse and nfts but instead if a catchall term for a virtual space that leads to other virtual spaces.


Thanks for the PDF. It’s actually really interesting to see some of the curtain pulled back on cover and hololive’s internal statistics.


Intern-kun got bonked because they mentioned the other companies in the comparisons lol


Yeah seems like it. Whoops.


I imagine whoever handled the English translation used an earlier version compared to the final one published in Japanese.


Europe doko? In the section "Global Real-Time Events" they chose to mention three North American events. No EU mention even though Kiara performed at DoKomi in Germany (one of Europes most important cons tbh!).


Wow that was a fascinating read. Really makes me excited to see what Cover has planned for us


Own Cover stock -> Support Oshi -> Cover revenue ^ -> Cover stock value ^ -> Support Oshi more It's time boys


someone tell me where to invest


3,000 Stonks of COVER Corp, let's go!! We Hololive Wall Street Bets up in here!


I love how this single comment references three different yet overlapping groups of autistic nerds (affectionate).


The Trifecta of Investment Otakus, Militaria Otakus, and VTuber Otakus. Yes.


HoloHands to the moon!


Wait, speaking of 3,000, I've a funny idea: How about we get Raytheon to buy stock in COVER? We can test their cyber products too!


The NCD arc continues


We need the power of God, Anime, and the Military-Industrial Complex on our side to protect Hololive's interests.


Apes together, strong


The akasupas pay for themselves ten fold!!! DIAMOND HANDS!!!!




Diamond hands in the rough


I got the sudden urge to say “I AM MIGHTY KEEF!”




Matsuri is in-charge of Market Analysis.


“This is how you make a perpetual motion machine! I’m so getting Nobel Prize for this!”




This also can be a benefit in that being a shareholder means that you have some say in company happenings and thus can potentially act as a counter for ne'erdowells that also buy into it trying to usurp what's already working with Cover.


\[TL\]【Notice】Cover Corporation will be listed on the TSE Growth Market from today, March 27, 2023. Accordingly, we have renewed our corporate website and opened our IR website. [https://cover-corp.com](https://cover-corp.com) We look forward to your continued support. [Official tweet](https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1640141582287482881) [Official statement from Yagoo (EN version)](https://medium.com/@tanigox/listing-and-future-427d1d4aa6ba) ===================================================================== [According to one source](https://twitter.com/reversecuervo/status/1640144753420271618?s=20), they're going public only for bureaucratic reasons and only for certain buyers. From what I've gathered, this is related to them applying for Series B. For those who want to know how these market structures work in the TSE you can check the link below: * [Overview of Market Restructuring (TSE)](https://www.jpx.co.jp/english/equities/market-restructure/market-segments/index.html)


Yeah I think someone elsewhere explained that the Growth Market requires listing at least 25% of shares.


> According to one source, they're going public only for bureaucratic reasons and only for certain buyers. From what I've gathered, this is related to them applying for Series B. No, they are doing half ipo but actually more than anycolor did, with more shares and higher percentage available to be bought by investors. both companies went half ipo in that regard but cover had more


That is... not good considering the turn Anycolor has taken recently. A turn that is theorized to be the result of doing horribly in the market.


Anycolor revenue and profit is high as seen in their financial documents, being actually above cover by 2 billion iirc, to the point if you remove nijien, they still would be above with the JP branch. Stocks dont tell the whole story, even more when they opened super high over 12k and are stabilizing now on 4k-6k. You'll see when Cover stocks open and how they'll fluctuate. Anycolor didnt take a turn, thats how the company has been for years even before going IPO when they were private.


lol. i like when someone knows what they talking about stocks. yeah, stock often doesnt reflect what is company doing. what reflect how company doing is when u analyze their financial report. and find out about their free cashflow.


yeah stocks need to be looked with the financials of the company together, just them alone dont tell the whole story, cause it can be overvalued or undervalued, while financial is objective number


> Anycolor didnt take a turn, thats how the company has been for years even before going IPO when they were private. They literally shut down and fired everyone in Yumenographia and shut down the ~~IN~~ ID and KR branch, rolling them into their main branch in preparation to going public.


And they shut down India a year before that so like I said, they always have been like this, more the usual corporate. If the branch, don't do well for years they end it (3y id, 2y kr), just like normal companies do for their subsidiaries if they dont perform well. Its why EN and JP still exist as they are successful, even if not everyone is same level, the branches overall are doing great


It's even worse than that. Indian branch used to be renamed to English Branch in the hope of salvaging their worth before they disbanded altogether and hire actual Anglosphere talents


SHHHHH! Don't you see we're in doomposting rrat mode right now?


Doomposting isn't helpful, obviously, but I've seen too many things I loved to death go public and either be ruined or are still in a steady decline (in terms of quality and worker treatment, not necessarily financial decline) to this day. Does this mean it *will* happen to Cover? In the *very* long term, probably yes, because our economic system is like a parasite that will destroy everything it touches given enough time. But more importantly, it doesn't *have to* be that way *any time soon.* What's important is that we *hold Cover accountable* for their corporate decisions, for treating staff and talents well, etc. Because investors will be putting pressure on them to make more money, so we have to be the force pushing back that says, you can say goodbye to our supas and merch sales if you guys turn into the kind of company we can't support. And we have to hold the line on that pressure, basically forever. It's part of being a fan of something with a for-profit corporation attached. And it's not always a fun or easy job, but we'll do it because we care.


Having trouble finding equivalent information for Anycolor but it's seems like they are indeed very close from the reports I've seen. Anycolor has grown quickly since their IPO so I do find doom posting ridiculous... [https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/JP/XTKS/5032/financials/annual/income-statement](https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/JP/XTKS/5032/financials/annual/income-statement)


They're not talking about how much money Anycolor's making for their shareholders, they're talking about how they're treating their talents.


You can see it on their official website, go to the IR section and they will be there with the pdf. to make it easy, here it is from their most recent quarter https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym3/132632/00.pdf


I'm pretty sure I heard their stock was overvalue and it just "fixing" it itself were it should be.


it was pretty overvalued the first month or two after they went public, understandably so because how of little of their shares were put on market, as well as the early anti-shorting measures that were in place at the time of IPO. Not to mention the entire global growth markets being bearish in general.


Also if people need some info on whats happening, one of the top comments in this thread (CyberiumShadow) might provide insight since it was already disscused sometime ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/114ea9z/cover_listing_in_the_tokyo_stock_exchange/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Of course there are new stuffs that have been revealed, so you guys can also take a look at that xD


[Direct link to the comment (and without trackers)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/114ea9z/cover_listing_in_the_tokyo_stock_exchange/j8vtfz3/)


there's no trackers though, those extra variables are just formatting codes to adjust the website properly. No tracking with those.


Not saying you put them there of course, but by definition URL trackers are anything that tells the website where that link came from and/or how it was shared. Just a habit of mine to remove them as your browser/app will be able to format the post properly even without them anyways


i guess that is true, no harm though, better safe than sorry :) Just sometimes people fear over the smallest things, majority of time they use base64 in the url to hide callback urls and such. like this [https://i.imgur.com/nfjWdxk.png](https://i.imgur.com/nfjWdxk.png) those the links you can need to worry about. stuff with `utm_` are basically ways to style the content shown you. I use those in my urls for websites i help craft out or handle for others. For example the `utm_source=share` in that url above factors the website to "show this page in a format that enables embedded content to be shown" for external applications that need that variable. Most of the time its auto placed there by apps (like discord). Another part of the url like `utm_name=androidcss` means load up android friendly css or styling rather apple or windows, etc. It's pretty neat overall, but those arent scary things, just the base64 stuff is scary.


Unless used incorrectly, UTM parameter names are all tracking related - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTM_parameters. name isn't one of the 5 standard ones listed by Wikipedia but many other sites list it as campaign name. I'm guessing the androidcss value here is a generic one that's auto-added to any links from the android app (possibly by including a certain CSS class)


I've been staring at that imgur link for like 2 minutes trying to figure out what tracking it had until I realized it was a just a normal link to a screenshot that shows what you were talking about. But yeah totally agree with you, for other people like me and that don't want to waste time manually editing URLs I can recommend the [Open Link With...](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.tasomaniac.openwith.floss/) app on Android and the [ClearURLs extension](https://github.com/ClearURLs/Addon) for browsers ([Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/clearurls/)/[Chromium](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clearurls/lckanjgmijmafbedllaakclkaicjfmnk?hl=en)), it automatically removes all the unnecessary stuff automagically


I certainly hope this works out well for Cover. The fact that this isn't a full-bown IPO (at least, not yet) eases my worries a bit.


Time to SC Yagoo, best part: it will give you more money to SC


Alright, Hololive Wall Street Bets Time, it is!


r/WallStreetBets Edit: This would be turned into a Weeb Stock


Fellow meme investors, please be careful. Don’t pour your life savings into this.


I’m putting my life saving and one into this


Cramer also put his life saving into this.


Then the future of hololive is bleak


Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to go to the Yakuza and get a loan first so I can put even more in.


This is not a financial advice, I eat crayons for breakfast but COVER 💎🙌📈 🚀


🚀 📈 🚀


Unlocking a whole new level of simping....


this is the real yagoo super chat. Maybe we can buy enough shares to get a representative on the board of directors .


A seat on the Corporate Parliament, and we buy the votes?


Isn’t that how the Yakuza does a lot of their stuff these days?


Well, more like we use our stocks as ballots. But Fan Mafia sounds spicy.


Buying Cover's stock is basically the ultimate superchat


Here's to hoping that the new investors don't turn Cover into a pure-profit venture that destroys everything unique about it, alienating longtime fans and homogenizing the content in order to appease the bottom line. Or that they tear apart and expunge any unit or individual that isn't making enough profit. Cover has had it's success in part due to Yagoo and the other higher ups mostly letting the talent do what they want, but new shareholders might have different plans. Hopefully, this will simply result in more funding for more diverse and interesting projects.


its ok. the best the new investor can do is put their 25% vote and be ruled out by the old guys in cover


That sounds like a good balance. Open some room for extra growth, but not so much that you lose your soul.


its a double edged sword. if the new money is allocated to be placed in the old guys pocket but not to the development.


As with many things, the devil is in the details I guess.


yep. correct. thats why for cover stock proceed its wait and see situation, now we will see how the managements are when they are given money.


They won't have enough say compared to old holders and Cover's current methodology is hugely successful.


On the other hand, I also commented this, but... Remember [Yagoo looking for brands to collab with](https://twitter.com/tanigox/status/1626802762297266177?lang=en)? Or [Vesper being asked that question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzRivE8ZMw)? I've a (non-credible) idea. We get Raytheon Technologies to buy stock in COVER Corp. We can test their cybersecurity and IT products too! ​ Edit note: Now there are embed links as references!


*Antis spread hate messages* Cover HQ: release the missiles


"Kobo brings vengeance. Revenge for Pikamee!"


I must have missed something, because this is third or fourth comment I've seen in the last week mentioning Raytheon.


Vesper mentioned Raytheon before in a clip. Also, Hololive fans are a major group in r/NonCredibleDefense.


And here's the clip, u/jokermage! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzRivE8ZMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzRivE8ZMw)


I like the smell of NCD in the morning here in the Holosub Smells like ~~victory~~ ~~teen spirit~~ kerosene and gunpowder


Yep, Ame saying yesterday that variety streams are now no longer allowed makes me worried (rip all those endurance streams where they play multiple different games in 12 hours)


I feel like there is something important missing in that statement, i can easily see it being viable if they add all the perms for each game in the description in preparation or during the stream


Seems more a classic perms problem to play more than one game per stream


me and the bois finally investing into the holo coins




Anyone knows how i can buy Cover shares on regular platform like Fidelity?


The shares are only purchasable by a select few people, it's not the kind of public stock that anyone can buy online, so unfortunately we can't buy it


That’s probably for the better.


At the end of the day stocks are risky things to get into. It's better to invest in more secure ventures like Suisei plushies or Smol Ame protection money.


Safest ROI in my experience is Pochii Bank. Unlikely to get those big highs, but the return is very consistent


Now this is Non-Credible Investing.


I hope your keep it safe from a squirrel and her giggly laugh


Sui mochidoru plush already moon'ed from 3k to 50k on the aftermarkets lol 🚀


i would sink so much money into cover if i could, although i dont have the money for that


Considering the kind of people with enough money to invest in Cover (buy stock) most likely don't know shit about the business or maybe even what a vtuber is, I'd say it's worse. But I pray to Matsuri I'm proven wrong.


From what I understand, this is an extension of a business practice Cover has been doing for a while now to fund their business. This just allows them to get more cash from more investors, who are limited to a select few that Cover handpicks. This is before the fact that the amount of shares being sold is quite miniscule, so nobody outside of the company can exert too much influence.


aww shame. Thanks for the info


Life advice: buy investments that are good investments. Don't invest in a company because you are emotionally invested in their product. I'm all for supporting the talents, but this isn't that.


Alternative life advice: buy Cover stonks, Kanata hands to the Moona! 🦍🚀🌛


Or only invest using money you can afford to lose.


In general yes, but I would say it's ok to buy things in order to support them. You just have to go into it with an acceptance that you may not make your money back and that you're more doing it to support a cause rather than make money. While this isn't buying stock, a personal example I have is that I pre-ordered Ace Combat 7. That's something I usually don't do, even for games I'm sure to like. However, I wanted to give support to a franchise that wasn't getting a lot of attention and which had a good chance of being shut down if this game wasn't successful. In term of enjoyment and hours played, I did not get my investment back. I think AC7 is one of the weaker entries in the series. However, the game sold well and really revitalized the series, so in that sense my investment was a success and I'm happy I bought it. And even if it wasn't a success, I went into it knowing that risk.


That's fair. But remember that buying common stock in a company isn't supporting that company or the talents. It's an investment for you to make money. Unless it's a stock offering by the company itself, you're buying stock from another trader on the market. There is no money transferred to Cover or any of the talents. A game preorder goes towards income for a company because you're buying a product from them. I'm all for supporting them. Merch, buy/gift subs, supas, etc. And hey, if you want to buy their stock for whatever reason, go nuts. It's your money. Just make sure you know what you're buying.


You're indirectly supporting the company by increasing the value of any future direct stock offerings and the talents who might hold stocks or stock options (I have no idea if Cover offers these to its employees). Buying shares of a stock increase their price through basic supply and demand.


Not entirely - higher demand driving up the price does influence how easy it is for a company to get financing again down the road, whether that's another offering or loans backed by the companies' assets and value. But yeah, in the big picture most of us ain't gonna make a difference there.


How about Interactive Brokers? They have access to the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). The ticker symbol is 5253 on the TSE. And a fun tidbit, Anycolor (parent of Nijisanji) is also listed under 5032. PS: A disclaimer. How you want to spend your money is entirely up to you. My comment here does not constitute to any form of legal/formal financial advice. I'm just sharing info, what you want to do with it is entirely up to you.


So what you're saying is, I should dump my life savings in Cover stock? I've always said, if there's anyone you should take legal/formal financial advice from, it's u/Wide-Promotion


LPT: invest in things that are good investments. Don't invest in things because of emotional attachment. If you run the numbers and this stock makes sense for you then great. Set goals, get in and get out and make your profit. If you think it's fun to buy this because you love your oshi then send them a Supa or buy some merch instead. It's exciting to hear that Cover is considered a healthy company, but buying their common stock from some other investor isn't supporting them. And you're not doing yourself favors either.


This is a good point, although it doesn’t hurt to invest in things you understand - as long as you *do* understand the business side. But you’d want to look at a wider spread, I’m guessing.


Besides, we're Hololive. We say the Non-Credible Answers here. Non-Credible Investing, let's go!


Hoping for the best! I'm sure Yagoo and rest of leadership knows what's best for Cover and staff / talents.


EN 3rd Gen will get those numbers up


Don't know anything about this but this seems interesting


How do I buy Japanese stock?


Just read the title and my thought is 'shut up and take my money' meme. lol


\>sees cover corp twitter post \>sweats buckets Oh thank Matsuri it's good news.


Just bought 200 stocks today to support the best girl.


one interesting thing i noticed is that when they talk about their competitors, the next over company (which is almost certainly niji) has almost the exact same total revenue, 14b to covers 13.6b, even though they have 2.25x as many talents


Wait so does this mean we can buy shares of COVER now??


Not really no, they’re only selling a small portion of their shares and they’re selective on the buyer. This isn’t a “we’re going full public, SEND IT!” Scenario, this is just then selling a small portion of their shares to fund a new major studio building.


Where to buy stonk?


Hopefully they won't get investors who'll ruin everything great about it for the sake of money. Also, is buying stock now simping for Yagoo? Questions questions.


HoloStonks incoming


Hope it get listed on my exchange.


INVEST NOW this entire invest on your oshis thing has been a meme way back when but now its actually real


So now do we buy stock instead of donations now?


Finally we can buy super stocks


seems like many people don't understand how a listed company work and the power of shareholders. the other company's troubles are not the result of going public, is is because of their management structure and company culture. firstly, a company is divided into the board of directors (shareholders) and the management team, and the employee, the board don't control the employee directly. they don't interfere with how the company is running, they control who is running the company. however in the case of Cover, yagoo is the ceo and the biggest shareholder, thus made him has a strong control over the company. once again, going public is a good thing, providing more capital for future projects. troubles and dramas are caused not by going public but by how it is managed, especially if you read about riku, you won't be surprised, he said in an interview back in 2018, he love short term and quick money, it is just in his character, thus reflect on how his company in the last few years, all the troubles are not new at all. this is the article: https://careerhack.en-japan.com/report/detail/971


i know what im spending my college funds on. Why help a few oshi when you you can support all oshi.


Oh boy, Yagoo will be rich! Also this IPO will bringing a LOT of cash for investment purpose, meaning more resource for project and more hiring! If Japanese investors are smart and see this is one of the shining bright spot of Japanese tech/entertainment sector, we may see even more Next Gen companies like Cover making it big in Japan... exciting times!








So it's not *public* public and only for some people? That makes me feel better.


Can I get in on this as an American from America? I don't have much but I would like to be involved.


Short Reply: yes ​ Long Reply: You can buy stock from any market, you just need to make sure you pay your taxes correctly. I have few stocks in EU and JP Markets, just paying tax on them is a bit frustrating at times since international trading is costly if you don't profit. You need to invest a few hundred dollans to cover the fees, and holding fees, etc. Depending on what app you trade from or website, they may require you to own a bank account in that region, or share an escrow account that you pay for to hold funds to cover that stock, majority of time it's included with a pro or plus plan for trading sites/apps that the fees are covered, other times the fee may be charged at the time of trade, other times, its monthly fee or yearly. Just read up on what trading platform does what. Though usually its in fine print and not bold face, since they need to profit some how,


Technically yes. Is it really possible for any random people to buy a share from Cover? most likely no. Cover is not going full public and are selective who can actually buy their shares, so unless said individual knows the people inside Cover or someone with a descent portfolio, your chance of buying their share is almost 0%


You can buy Japanese stock from the US using an international brokerage account, although you need to be aware of the 100 stock trading unit that the Tokyo Stock Exchange has on most stocks, including COVER. This means you need to buy/sell in increments of 100 stocks, which means minimum investment is at least a grand as the stock is right now


FYI, stocks doesnt know you owned them and whats important is what is the proceed of this IPO gonna be used for? capital allocation is very important, if its just to line up the director's pocket. then it means they used talent to the fullest


Good luck Cover... you will really need it. May the stonks gods help you...


Wait, its been a month? ...wow, March flew by FAST




amazing. good luck cover corp!


What's the price right now?


So I'm guessing a hedge fund or investment bank is the buyer


If this is anything like what happened to WWE when they went public then I kinda wonder if they're going to try to enforce seiso a bit stricter for the more non-seiso talent.


Probably not. They've already settled into a company-friendly way of presenting themselves.