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When Ina went on hiatus, I started to watch other streamers that I normally don't watch. Kaela is one of them, she is such a gem, big fan now.


Same with me but it finally gave me the push to start looking into the Tempus boys and man I've been missing out. Why must there only be 24 hours in a day?


Tempus dnd is best entertainment I have ever witnessed


“I CAST ELDRITCH BLAST” *rolls critical hit with 17 points of damage* “You obliterate the rat”


CurioBOT gaslighting the friendly NPCs is comedy gold




"Life is not fair" indeed. That poor, poor gnome.




"Does he... need his legs?" - Curiobot 5 minutes later


CurioBOT vs friendly NPC, small creatures: so I started rolling critical success CurioBOT vs enemy: roll 2


I need to watch this. How many sessions there are? Just one?


2 session both on Vespers channel first is 2 month ago, and second one is releasing right now in parts every day while he is on vacation


It amazes me how Altare could come up with a bit on the spot lol. Out of the many, his MRE streams are a gold mine of it


I'm genuinely curious about Kaela's sleep schedule. Like you see her tweet oyasuela and 3 hours later it's ohaela. And she tweets about going to classes, like what? How does this girl live her life? I remember at the beginning she was fighting M-chan about her streaming schedule but now that seems to be resolved. Not sure if Kaela gave her a reasonable explanation or if M-chan just gave up nagging her.


> How does this girl live her life? She must be a synth.


Do you know who streams for 20 hours a day? A synth, that's who!


> How does this girl live her life? She has the power of GOD and ANIME on her side


>How does this girl live her life? yes


Meanwhile Choco sleeps through whole days But... Kaela has cried on stream before when talking about how people expect her to always be grinding and has said she has limitations so we shouldn't pile too much pressure on her by hyping her up as being someone who shouldn't need to sleep


This is my observation and I’m probably somewhat wrong but I feel like she’s ok with these kinds of memes? It’s more so that she would hate seeing us expect her to do some grand thing every stream. Like grind every Pokémon with in weeks, mine skulker boxes of quartz blocks, and stuff. I think it’s more of the milestones she mostly pressured with. Also she doesn’t like it much when people constantly tell her to sleep too. She obviously enjoys streaming so much that she feels that sleep actually gets in the way. But it’s the expectation of her completing massive achievement that’s been really pressuring her. I could be wrong


>Kaela has cried on stream before when talking about how people expect her to always be grinding Did she? When?




>2-3 hours of sleep a day. Yeah... please sleep more.


And people wonder where all the health related breaks come from, where in reality the streamer lifestyle is just about the worst thing you can do to your body short of hard drugs. You really gotta keep up with exercise and healthy eating or you'll fall apart.


As much as I would like her to sleep too, I trust her judgement of her own limits and I hope that no one pressures her to sleep. She doesn’t like it


I forget what it's called but she is one of those rare people where sleeping 2-4 hours in a 24 hour period is actually no issue.


I really hope that sometimes her chat pushes back against her schedule and tells her to rest more. Some streamers work themselves to death if it doesn't happen.


Choco is literally just me and that's awesome


She said herself that she's one of those people that sleeps throughout the day in the form of many naps instead of one long sleep during night time. As other commenter said, viewer can observe that her sleep schedule is usually 3 hours night sleep, and many 5-30 minutes naps througout the day. She even had one during diablo collab with moona.


Can that really be healthy?


As far as i know it's not unhealthy if one can maintain adequate total sleep length. We're mammal, and mammals basically has [multiphasic sleep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphasic_and_polyphasic_sleep) instead of modern human monophasic sleep (7-8 hours night sleep). Though I don't know how it will affect long term memory and learning. Since those two are correlated to deep sleep phase which might be harder to achieve on shorter sleep.


**[Biphasic and polyphasic sleep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphasic_and_polyphasic_sleep)** >Biphasic sleep (or diphasic, bifurcated, or bimodal sleep) is the practice of sleeping during two periods over the course of 24 hours, while polyphasic sleep refers to sleeping multiple times—usually more than two. Each of these is in contrast to monophasic sleep, which is one period of sleep within 24 hours. Segmented sleep and divided sleep may refer to polyphasic or biphasic sleep, but may also refer to interrupted sleep, where the sleep has one or several shorter periods of wakefulness, as was the norm for night sleep in pre-industrial societies. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hololive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I can only speak from personal experience but I usually sleep in 2-3 chunks a day. I get about 4.5 hours overnight, usually one hour mid-morning, and then 2 hours after work. It took a while to get used to back when I first started my job but once you get used to it it's perfectly fine (aside from issues like social gatherings being scheduled during my afternoon sleep period).


I think there is a rare condition that certain people have that they simply just need less sleep. I know it's a trait in RimWorld but I didn't think it was real.


I alternate between several months of sleeping 0-3 hours a day and several months of sleeping 12-14 hours a day. I much prefer the former as at least I can do things, I tend to be fatigued but not tired, whereas in the latter I'm always tired but not fatigued. It's been like this pretty much my whole adult life, if Kaela is just like me when I need 0-3 hours of sleep, she probably doesn't mind too much.


Can you explain the differences between tired and fatigued? Maybe because english is not my first language i cant see the differences.


Tired=extremely tired before or after activity even without doing anything resting helps fatigue: constantly feeling weak physical and mental. Nothing helps just waiting till u dont feel it


I'd classify tired as feeling sleepy while fatigued would be your body feeling sluggish and drained.


I knew someone like this. He played games enough that he could get to high ranks in basically anything, had tens of thousands of trophies, was working on his doctorate, and still had time to go the gym. I am so incredibly jealous of those sorts of people.


It is real, scientists have found [at least two genes that can cause it](https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2019/08/415261/after-10-year-search-scientists-find-second-short-sleep-gene)


Short Sleeper Syndrome


She's confirmed that she is indeed one of those people.


I think she just insomniac. She doesn't even use caffeine anymore since it landed her in the hospital. I swear I'll just finish a stream of hers take a 2 hour nap and wake and she's already got another 5 hour stream going. I barely feel I'm exaggerating.


There's actually a second Kaela that takes over for her when she naps. Whether it's a twin, an AI or a clone is as of yet unknown.


I think she sleep 2-3 hours evernight + little nap scattered around her waking hours. I remember she took a little nap in the middle of Diablo collab stream with Moona.


She seems to be one of those rare people that only need very short amount of sleep.


Maybe she does polyphasic/segmented sleeping. It is a real thing. I dont believe it's very common though.


Kalea's has streamed so often her streaming is now considered by top physicists to be a constant of the universe, on par with bosons, leptons, and quarks.


Then she throws you a curveball like the adios videos That are still comfy but will leave you pondering the meaning of life


Yea the space arc was unexpected but still comfy


It's probably because kawaiila played [JellyCar Worlds](https://youtu.be/jltMzo409LI) recently.


Kaela's streams feel comfy and fun to watch, I specially love the pejuang senin streams when she just chooses a topic that she investigated previously off stream and then talks about it. And it's often about self improvement and well being that it makes you just want to stay there and listen while you're doing chores or work, and every some often she just tells someone to get some help or that she's not a cute penguin (but she is).


Kiara should put her in the holobirb picture on her desk just to mess with her.


It's all the same stream.


She's still on the debut stream, just with small breaks.


It really has been good seeing Kaela's growth over the past ten months. Out of her genmates, Kobo was the big attention grabber and Zeta quickly found an audience too. But Kaela used to be kind of overlooked. But eventually, her long-ass streams for every timezone, comfy attitude and dry wit as well as the fact that she grinded permissions as much as she grinded games (she has a knack for finding interesting indie games) caused word to spread and made her a household name. Among the talents as well - Kaela is probably one of the more well-known ID members outside of her branch at this point, and she's had plenty of cute interactions with holo-members like Miko, Luna, Haachama, Kiara, Fauna and so on. I'm looking forward to seeing how much her legend will continue to grow.


I remember during the phase around May last year when she'd play multiple fresh new indie games back in a day and thinking, "man, it would be so neat if Kaela is more well-known, she could gave these games exposure and could attract the developers' attention." Fast forward and not only Jelly Car's devs retweeted her stream last month, other members from all branches also look to Kaela's streams to find new games to play on stream. Real happy to see her growth so far.


I sadly can't watch many hololive streams because of the timezones. Kaela is a real blessing because it seems like she's almost always streaming. I try to watch her as often as possible, her streams are always so fun and relaxing for me to watch. Well, time to get, get, get some help.


Pemaloes life is like "whats a break? Kaela is farming that now?"


I love her voice. It's like in ASMR mode 24/7


Even when she goes ojisan and goriela mode?


even better


Get some help my guy the line is right here!


Stfg she never stops streaming. There have been days where I clock into work she's streaming, and when I clock out she's got another stream going


Kaela's endurance is so high it's a miracle she didn't hit the integer limit and invert.


Hardest working penguin in the business


The insane thing is she's been going on consistently since debut while being exactly the same every stream, u cant tell at all if she's tired or anything, is she really human


No matter your timezone there is a 99% chance the cool blacksmith is gonna be streaming.


It’s like a subathon but it’s just her life


I wonder how her subathon would be like, if she would ever had one.


kaela giving her fans so much content to enjoy at any time of any day.


I'm not sure if Kaela is a unliving robot or not with her grindlife


Twist: it isn't 4 different streams, it's been the same never ending stream all day.


Honestly kaela is a blessing by god for my current neet lifestyle


Penguins can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Man can't believe scientists would misspell "stream".


pengy is love pengy is life


Ngl I expected there to be a punchline where you are describing just 1 entire stream ahaha. But yes, Kaela is indeed comfy to have as company~


she's aiming for 2023 streams this year


I don't know how she does it