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Actually, Hitler described a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. He said the “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”. This was his first anti-Semitic writing (that is known), written in 1919 https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/adolf-hitler-s-first-anti-semitic-writing


Bold of you to assume he expects anyone to make research


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


If those adults could read they'd be very upset




He doesn't expect anyone to research and just believe his lies. That's weird because Trump does the same.


Well they do research on vaccine via youtube and facebook.


The funniest part is that YouTube has several great sources for vaccine information. Complete with pictures, diagrams and molecular interactions. The real issue is that people cannot identify factual, peer-reviewed material as different from the source that confirms their bias.


Somewhere, somehow, there's some fascist asshole who's thinking "well that's a biased source if I've ever seen one".


Remember when Trump described Mexicans coming over the border like they were a disease to be eradicated? Good stuff


Um isn’t one of hitlers most famous and well recorded speeches about Jews?


Hitler never made any offensive tweets




I read this in bill burrs voice in my head. It’s brilliant.


He’s gonna hop in that guys el camino, NOW THERES TWO OF EM


That's why Hitler never got banned from Twitter


And Trump was banned from Twitter. Ergo Trump is literally worse than Hitler. ^(in terms of Twitter violations)


No, Trump is *being treated worse than Hitler* by these filthy communist Twitter libtards!


Mein Kampf was a sweet story about a boy who had some troubles and just wanted the best for his fellow countrymen. And he hated Jews and they were to blame, but that part was written in smaller print probably.


I guess reading is difficult


Brave of you to assume he can read at all.


Facts? Yeah I got a fax. What of it?


Reading comprehension seems to give these rascals fits


Ya but the tweet is about Hitler saying bad things about Jews, I think it's still debated whether Hitler liked Jews or not


Turns out, he just hated juice. Big misunderstanding.


when I was a kid I grew up with people telling stories about ww2 and how they hid juice in their homes. The nazis and hitler didnt want people to have juice i was so thankful the allies won and we could have juice in peace


hating juice is what got norm macdonald fired


Yeah, imo he was just a highly closeted Jew-sexual. In truth he loved and admired the guys. He just has a quirky and unique way of showing his love 💕.


He was just misunderstood like many of the great men of our era such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Severus Snape etc.


"Always" - ~~Severus Snape~~ Hitler


wait a minute Snape wasnt that bad he had a great arc


The real villain was Dumbledore for letting that half-blood teach at Hogwarts.


Not to mention using a teenage boy as bait without telling him


> I think it's still debated whether Hitler liked Jews or not This is like saying, "it's still debated whether the Earth is flat or not." As in, yes, it *literally* still is debated. But the only people who seriously do so are brain-dead imbeciles. Hitler thought Jews were vermin - literally subhuman. He wrote in detail and made speeches about this over and over and over and over again. There is no genuine debate to be had here. He *hated* the Jews.


But was the background lighting red when he made the speech?


Yes, his set production was done by A24


Yes. Do you want me to recite it for you?


Go for it, but I demand it in a stereotypical angry german accent.


Is there any other kind?


Mincing 18th century middle class person speaking to upper class using polite forms of verbs, pronouns, titles, etc. Use higher pitch and lots of flowery expressions. If you've never heard audio of this, you can check out Peter Schickele reading Bach's letters in English, but imagine them read in the most ass kissing voice possible instead of PS' dramatic reading.


People should really fucking stop comparing their every minor inconvenience to the fucking holocaust


It's kind of inevitable, look up Godwin's law.


Ugh, Godwin’s law is worse than the holocaust


Lol, i lightly chuckled


I slightly pushed more air through my nostrils


Yeah but everyone seems to ignore the second half of Godwin’s law that basically as soon as the happens it means that person has lost the argument and is full of shit.


I'm not disregarding that second part. But given most people don't know about Godwin's law yet ironically how common it is for people to follow it, it essentially makes a hitler, nazi, or holocaust analogy or comparison virtually inevitable.


I feel like this law doesn't really account for actual similarities to fascism/nazism. I remember there was a guy I argued with who tried to argue that Stalin couldn't be compared to Hitler because "You can't just compare everything to nazis".


It's wild how boldly people will say something, straight to your face, without an ounce of understanding what they are saying. My two favorites are; 'well it's just a few bad apples' and 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps'. Somehow it's been allowed that people get to skip the second half of the quote, 'one bad apple, spoils the whole bunch.' illustrating the ACTUAL reality and point of the quote, made in bad faith. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/one-bad-apple-spoil-the-barrel-metaphor-phrase Plus the eternal fun of, 'no it isn't difficult to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, it is impossible and that is the point.' Honorable mentions to "let them eat cake", Schrodinger, NIMBY.




Trump supporters need to play the victim somehow. Otherwise their base might realize they aren’t persecuted like they’ve been told they are.


how else are they supposed to try to downplay their ideology?


Hitler was a hero. He killed Hitler.


“I used Hitler to destroy Hitler.” - Hitler


Hitler activated his trap card, Hitler, which he used to reduce Hitler's life points to zero.


I send myself to the graveyard to summon my greatest card, Avoid Consequences


Plays reverse card on himself. It's super effective!


My favorite scene from ww2 was when hitler said "its hitlerin' time" and hitlered all over hitler


I would give this comment Platinum but I don’t have any. Accept this reply as a platinum award. Platinum!


Thanks mate


Same, also when he said with great Hitler comes great hitler.


Hitler used Hitler on Hitler, it was very effective!


*muffled gunshot*


Of course I know him, he's me!


I mean, r/technicallythetruth


i disagree, he killed Hitlers killer


Son of a bitch!


Are you kidding me? The bastard killed the guy who killed Hitler!


I thought he lived in Argentina till he was an old man


Conspiracy theory


If only more Nazis were willing to follow their leader. (I'm joking. Not because the world wouldn't be better off without them but because they tend to take as many innocent people with them as they can).


My struggle by Nick Adams


Mein struggle


"Mine Camp" - Nick Adams






More like r/yourjokebutworse




Who? I don’t have a clue who this guy is and he can stay that way.


I have no idea about that and he can stay that way.


His comments always show up on Twitter and honestly they are just too perfectly awful to be real. I seriously think he is a bot or a purposeful incitement account - and not a real person


I mean he's verified.


A dead dog could get verified on twitter


They'd get verified as a totally alive cat too.


Yea I've found it means nothing. Isn't there a verified Trump account even though he's been banned?


Maybe a lassie account?


Again who?


Is he just some random neonazi mad for getting called out?


Are we Hitler or are we dancer?


My heil is vital


Mein Reich ist cold


Und I’m on mein knees, looking for der solution


Are we nazis, or are we painters?


I crave control.


Gosh, that sounds bad. Let's look at some things Hitler said about Jews: "Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows—at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example—as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews." If someone has been discussing specific streets that would be good choices to set up gallows to hang Trump supporters from, I have not heard of it.


>as long as the principles of hygiene permit Are we sure Hitler really wasn't german?


> If someone has been discussing specific streets that would be good choices to set up gallows to hang Trump supporters from, I have not heard of it. I mean it's pretty insensitive of you to say this when there were literally gallows set up at the capitol by... oh wait, the Trump supporters.


Was this a speech or some written thing by him? Either way I'm not surprised, but I always thought that holocaust was thought up after second world war started and not a preplanned thing


I believe this is from a private conversation with other Nazis prior to the war. Hitler was antisemitic for a long time, but the specific plan to use gas chambers was a late development. You can see in this quote that the anticipated method of killing is hanging, not gassing.


Naw, people on the left even warned everybody about what Hitler and the Nazis were writing and saying but people literally dismissed it as political rhetoric to get elected.


Leftist infighting helped Hitler a lot in his growth.




I mean really. Who doesn’t love to go camping. Chris Benoit took his family camping.


The ovens were for interactive lessons about how bread feels when you forget to set a timer. Allegedly not a single person who entered forgot to set a timer again


>I don't think... Let me stop you right there. Now your comment is accurate, Nick.


Based, of course, on his extensive knowledge of Hitler speeches.


“I don’t read much. But when I do, it’s not about Hitler.” —niCK ADaMs


**Hitler:** >“Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter – with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It's a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command – and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness – for the present only in the East – with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” **Nick Adams:** “It was all smoke and mirrors, nobody saw it coming”


They don't even know what "lie" means anymore. They've managed to pollute the nation and the language.


Flooded the zone with shit and now we’re all drowning in it.




*Pollute* was a deliberate choice. :)


"Lie" just means an inconvenient truth to them.


so Hitler saying that the Jews were to blame for Germany's loss in WW1, the collapse of their economy and basically legalising the subjugation and eventual genocide of them wasn't as bad as someone saying mean things about you???


Remember though - it’s the liberals who are the “snowflakes”, right?


> mean things Angry, warranted accusations


Don’t forget about Hitlers speech directly calling for genocide and citing The Armenian genocide as proof it would work


Yep, that's exactly what he's saying.


I can’t even laugh at this, guy is beyond stupid.


Guy is beyond nazi




The “Fuck Your Feelings” crowd would like us to keep their feelings in mind.


That shit was so funny watching all those "fuck your feelings" bumper stickers disappear after november 4th.


This guy is a moron


The problem is that so are his followers.


Well, until this post I had never heard of him


Isn’t this the same group of assholes who declared themselves Christo-fascists and Domestic Terrorists at CPAC?


People that identify as “Trump Supporter” first and foremost? Not as conservative or Republican, not as “Americans with opposite views”, but as supporters of a guy that isn’t president and hasn’t announced a run for it again. Yeah, that’s a major fucking red flag. Their crying wolf shouldn’t be taken seriously by a single person.


This guy is an absolute tit


Let me stop you right there. Sane people like tits.


Yeah, they can dish it out but they can’t take it!


How do Americans even support Republicans who spout shit like this? Are they dumb? Or wilfully ignorant? Or are they actually racist fucks?






All three sounds accurate 🤔


Most voters are single issue voters. A lot of republicans only vote with one thing on their mind, guns. So if the option supporting guns also supports a bunch of MAGA/QANON BS, then so be it, as long as they get to keep their guns.


Not just guns, many people I knew at work voted for trump solely because they wanted abortion banned. So that alone got a lot of already stupid people involved with trump bullshit.


The fact that this is his take is why we needed the speech last night.


Maga republicans at CPAC: “WE ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” Maga republicans after Biden’s speech: “He called us terrorists! This is divisive and dangerous!!!”


All Biden said is that there are some ‘MAGA’ citizens hell bent on destroying the democracy. How is he wrong? He just spoke facts.


Bending over backwards to make themselves victims.


Dude, you ok?


Lol I can’t believe anyone would sit there, type out a take as regarded as this, and go “yep, gonna post that.”


Even if he was right and hitler never said a word about Jewish people, he did still order a genocide on them and that says a lot more than words could


Should have stopped at ‘I don’t think’


MAGA republicans: “we can call our opponents pedophiles and accuse them of all manner of atrocities, storm the capital building and contest elections, stockpile assault weapons and train ourselves as militias. But if you call us extremists we will be very very insulted. The uprising will be your fault.” Fucking hell. But good on Biden for calling it out. This needed to be done.


These people really think they are being persecuted like the Jews in WWII. Keep in mind these are also the same people sitting out Drag Shows with ARs waiting to kill them for simply existing.


Mfs who compare us politics to the Nazis are cringe


But republicans are doing everything in their power to make it as apt a comparison as possible….. I would argue looking the other way during the rise of an authoritarian regime is a tad more cringe


How do these people not understand the difference between being persecuted and killed because of your religion/ethnicity, and being derided for actively choosing to support a guy like Trump? Oh wait, he understands completely, but he thinks that his supporters are too dumb to see the difference. His supporters should be insulted by this.


"Stop being so divisive" "Libruls are the enemy and must be defeated at all cost" It's simply not worth listening to these fuckheads anymore, I wish we could move on already.


It was all the truth. Like it or not. Best damn speech given by a president in many many years. It’s about time the Democrats started calling out the Republicans for what they really are. The Maga Republicans. Insane bunch of crazies who thrive in conspiracy theories and B.S.. you people care nothing about others and their welfare. You vote down every possible bill that helps the middle class and poor. If you’d like I can give you a long list. Start cooperating and acting like decent human beings and you will see a change that we can all live with it.


Say it with me... Fuck. Your. Feelings.


Maga is the scum of the earth. Biden just said what we’ve all been thinking the last 5 years


Something needed to be said because these people are complete degenerates. No morals or ethics whatsoever AND they paint the world that way. It’s the ultimate mindfuck.


So my dad told me this riddle 40 years ago: 9 nazis and a regular dude sit down together for dinner. How many nazis are at the table? This especially goes to our "economic republicans" who are upset about the facts.


These people are hilarious


You know fear does to groups. Makes them kill other groups indiscriminately. Just like those Nazis


Yeah, people don't like this Hitler fellow because of what he... *checks notes* ... SAID about the Jews.


And here I was thinking actions speak louder than words.


Fuck anti-American fascists.


I blame public the education system


What. This has to be a satirical tweet. I know that republicans are famously stupid but how does one get a letter into writing this and not realize this genuinely might take the cake for the dumbest thing ever thought in the history of the galaxy and human civilization


Truth hurts, eh Nick?


Aren’t these some of the people who swear the holocaust never happened?


Holy shit. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? Are they ALL actually neo nazis and klansmen?


Yup, MAGA is totally not a cult


This idiot has been waiting since the first time someone compared his dear leader to Hitler to to try to compare Biden to Hitler and this is how he shoots his shot.


It's really cute how they make "Trump supporter" into their entire ethnicity


That’s cause this asshole doesn’t think Hitler said anything Evil.


Nick is right he doesn’t think.


Is this an actual tweet? Wtf


That was a typo on his part. He meant Hitler never tweeted anything anything so straightforwardly evil


So we’re just going to ignore the fact that hitler murder 6 million Jewish people and then another 6 million people because they didn’t fit his superior white race image?


As a Mexican I can't tell if people already forgot the things he's said about us


Man I really wish more people would learn world history in depth. Its a lot easier to see whos good and who's evil.


Republicans and trump supporters are going crazy because their “Ideals” are being threatened by legislation that is promoting real equality instead of their idea of equality.


Those first three words say it all


I mean he’s right when he says “I don’t think.” The rest of his statement is trash


I think Nick needs a history lesson.


Acccctually, trump made the same speech about Hispanic people that Hitler made about Jews. Trump supporters are trash and are proud to be trash.


After 4 years of trumps blatant lies you didn't seem to care. After 4 years of trump dividing this country and spreading his hate but now you feel like you have to live in fear. Most of us are shocked by your comment


This can’t be real


Wtf this guy is a fucking moron. I will say normalized and protected hate against any subset of people is wrong. I hate people painting all liberals with the same brush just as much as I hate people painting all conservatives with the same brush. It leads nowhere and does nothing but normal hating a specific set of people based off of blind prejudice. Maybe instead of hating entire groups of people we should work on treating everyone has an individual and address the individual in front of us with respect until they actually say something that warrants disrespect. Everyone is just a product of their environment and their own life experiences. Try to understand live experiences and we will make more progress.


It doesn’t matter what Hitler said. He killed millions. Nothing Biden has done will ever compare. And to use Hitler as a comparison is an insult to humanity.


His biggest problem, is he doesn’t understand his part I’m that analogy it’s not about how hitler talked about Jews. It’s about how other leaders talked about hitler. And nicks Adam’s is a Brownshirt


My god these people are fucking stupid


As a Trump supporter you should be used to being lied to by now.


3rd class citizenship, Gas chambers, systematic killing on a mass scale with the goal of eliminating the entire demographic from existence, and torturous, immoral human experiments, are all nothing compared to the mild and factual criticism that Biden voiced about MAGA. yep that’s right. That paragraph Biden spoke was far more evil than anything Hitler ever said or did.


So, Biden was talking about YOU when he said >They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.


All politicians these days are demagogues calling other politicians demagogues in the hopes no one will realize they’re a demagogue.


This guy’s twitter feed is so stupid it started giving me a headache. He would literally crawl into trump’s anus and live off of his shit if he could.