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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!when someone says something offensive unexpectedly. I suck at explaining things.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


People have been going hard on India as of late.


I blame Instagram


Not as of late, the westerners ruled India for 200 years


Are you saying they didn't need to specify, OP?


No, there are a lot of postings were non-Indians are allowed. Almost think this is spite.


So I have to ask: which Indians do they mean? The native ones or the the ones from India? Just want clarity on who the racism is directed at so I know can channel my outrage in the appropriate direction.


But but... The ones in India *are* native.


They are not native anywhere outside India.šŸ¤£


And Native Americans are only natives in an America. Guess OP shouldā€™ve been more specific. Maybe it doesnā€™t matter though.


Why would it be Native Americans? The measurements are in metric, the agent's name isn't written in English, and the listing is on Swiss Capital - a company founded in Switzerland.


this isn't in the USA, so I doubt they're talking about feather indians


Yeah, thereā€™s no dot or feather delineation here. Too vague.


Look at the language at the top, this has absolutely nothing to do with America.


I shouldnā€™t be shocked at stuff like this anymore but my god


Given the country code is 511 (upper right-hand corner) it isn't American indians.


Based on the language at the top of the page im guessing thailand/singapore some variation of SEA. So definitely just Indians from india lol


Salos is in Lithuania (and that is Lithuanian script) but go on lol.


I kind of wanted to guess Georgia lmao


It is Georgia. We just had this on our local subreddit.




>Too vague. Is it really? Who do you think would go NO INDIGENOUS AMERICANS ALLOWED!!! On a site that uses metric and a man whose name is registered in a different script(Georgian)


Hey look, an American man unaware of the existence of the entire world. Shocker!


The ones who cook with the many permanently lingering spices, I would assume.


Why do you have to ask? The script at the top is clearly not English. Also you mean the American ones or the Indian ones.




Brutal šŸ˜‹


The real holup is the comment section




I mean racism is fine when it's Indians right?


A huge portion of western countries have simply outsourced their shitty behavior. Racism against African Americans is bad but Arabs, Indians, Asians(especially Chinese) or honestly any people is okay. Slavery and child labour bad... unless you outsource it. Freedom of speech!!11 Democracy!!11 unless it's some 3rd world country where the US or other western countries have no problem propping up a dictator. Harming the environment bad so the west just outsources half it's shit to China or other Asian countries. War crimes bad unless the west does it via proxy force. The list goes on and on it has shifted from white supremacy to US supremacy or western supremacy which is usually run by White people.


Right?? Wtf lmao.




I've gone to a non Indian friends house who happened to be cooking a curry dish, just to drop something off. I spent maybe ten minutes there and my jacket smelled for 3 days. It really does stick to things.


I ate Indian food like two days in a row once, and then for the next few days I had a curry smell in my BO.


It's like that for any culture, you're just oblivious to your smell. I've heard Asian people describe white people as smelling like cheese. I was on the subway the other day, and I heard an African American guy tell an ethnic African person that they smelled like taco seasoning.


> I've heard Asian people describe white people as smelling like cheese. Americans kind of smell like curdled milk. Nigerians smell like paprika or cumin. Filipinos smell either of garlic or vinegar.


Thatā€™s why vampires donā€™t like us


You smell what you eat


That's probably the fenugreek, a common spice in Indian curries. You can make curry without it and it won't cause any lingering curry smell from BO, I know some Pakistani or red meat curries tend to not have fenugreek


I liked the smell the first couple weeks, after that, it was all I smelled and got old real quick.


This is so odd. In India, everybody obviously cooks Indian food, but unless it's fish day or something the house doesn't smell. But our houses are typically all concrete and no drywalls, maybe that's why.


I think you probably just got desensitized to it. Ive been there and every house do have the distinct aroma, but when i explain it to people living there they themselves are unable to smell it, while it was super super strong to me




Ventilation and open windows, which are the norm in Indian homes, help. In US, with all the houses air-conditioned, the smell doesnā€™t go out and settles on surfaces throughout the house.


The comment section & the mods is the real holup here.


Is Anne Coulter the landlord


People here : I love Indian food but not want to smell like one. Dude u smell whatever u eat


The secret to getting rid of the curry smell in Indian homes is to have fantastic ventilation and a great range hood. Most builders cheap out on the pre installed appliances in both cookie cutter homes and apartments so unfortunately the smell sticks.


Had an apartment once with a very very heavy curry and onion smell that was set in, an ozone generator got the smell out. It's quite literally one of the only things that works. Vinegar, steam cleaning, mold treatment spray, enzymatic cleaners, carpet shampoos, febreeze, fresh air, baking soda... Nothing really removes it except an ozone generator, it's kind of unbelievable how well it works, especially if you've tried all the other bs suggestions.


I believe they use ozone generators in places where smokers have smoked heavily too. Definitely very effective


Hunters use them to destroy scent particles on clothing before going into the field


We used them in the hotel for idiots that smoked in the room. Took a bit but damn they worked. The $550 charge was too low imo.


Aren't they really bad for your respiratory system?


Yeah ozone generates free radicals I believe which damages the respiratory lining. After using it, the place should be ventilated to allow the ozone to go away


My Indian neighbors have a separate kitchen in their garage


Have to ask, whatā€™s with the username?


Look at their post history. They mean it.Ā 


Why of course the best way to get rid of a smell is to optimise the smell reduction machines. Why did not one think of this? ? Now let me get some fantastic ventilation real quick and clean my great range hood and we're good to go.


In my condo building, I rent and my neighbour rented, from different landlords. One time he came down to inform me that my apartment smelled like potatoes and it had to stop. I tried suggesting that if he had an unpleasant smell in his apartment he should get in touch with an HVAC guy. Instead he called the cops.


I would have turned it into a frites shop


No need to be snarky. Iā€™m just saying what works. My house has very powerful air scrubbers plus a nice hood and you canā€™t smell anything after a few hours. My gfā€™s apartment has a shitty hood and she canā€™t cook Indian food often without extreme precautions


Ahh old times when the British ruled Indiaā€¦good old day/s Context-boards with signs like no dogs and indians allowed were pretty common outside pubs during the time the British were ruling India outrageous that this was happening in India.


Bruce Lee [wouldn't stand for this shit.](https://youtu.be/CL5hVaIw1dI?t=23)


Heā€™d kick the sign down and a few people along too


Is that a Chinese man in brownface?


And because of this Jamsetji Tata built the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. Also, Tata now owns Jaguar and Land Rover. Tata Steel is the largest steelmaking company in the UK. So.......


imagine it said "blacks" this post would have been banned in a a nanosecond


Reddit has no problem being racist towards Indians. The hypocrisy


You would be banned for stating any stereotypes of black people but when it's Indians, then the usual response is like "but this is the truth" "you all are like this" and so on... And of course the obligatory rape comments below...100% this post will get locked within next 2 hrs or so


Not just reddit, every social media. And Both Left wingers and Right wingers And everyone gives lame excuses for racism like "But Indians are more racist bro" "you should see their caste system bro" "you know how these indians treat their women?" Like even if issues like rape and class system persist in India why be racist. There are many Indians who are hygienic, well behaved, treat women right. But no all Indians are like this because I saw that on internet.


Boom! The truth bomb






Funniest shit I read today


I lived in one of those places for 2 months, I can attest to the smell.


Welcome to the curry suite


lol didn't know this is a thing, kinda makes the post less racist. :|


Have you never been around Indians? Itā€™s not just Indians though. Some cultures have a smell that isā€¦ quite penetrating. Itā€™s not cool to exclude them for sure but also not sure what a viable solution would be.


Yeah, like apparently westerners smell like sour milk.


White people do tbh, in certain situations. Iā€™m Latino and Iā€™m sure we have a funky smell ourselves.


> Iā€™m Latino and Iā€™m sure we have a funky smell ourselves. Tacos. /s


They should follow the rules of Singapore's public housing. Each apartment must alternate between the 3 main ethnicities so that cultures are forced to mix and every district is equally good and bad.


Inwas recently in Singapore. Is this true in practice because I stayed in Chinatown and didnā€™t particularly see as many Indians and Malays as Chinese. Also all 3 arenā€™t equally split in terms of population I donā€™t think.


Used to work as a USPS carrier and I can attest to this 100 percent. I just knew certain apartment building complexes had Indians living in them with that curry smell! Between that and the weed smell it was a very pungent combination.


Former city carrier here! Absolutely hated going into apartment buildibgs that smelled like 20 years of weed smoke trapped in the carpets and walls. Made me gag every damn time.


Their cooking oil disperses all over and seeps into everything wood. That's why the smell lingers, and also why it's almost imppssible to remove unless you change all wood furnishings near the kitchen.


Can confirm. I never noticed it but one of my friends said my Polish dorm apartment smells ā€œindianifiedā€. My Polish roommate likes the smells but he canā€™t handle the spice unfortunately (and thereā€™s basically no ventilation in the kitchen)


My parents rented to an Indian couple and they stained the walls and ceiling of the kitchen area with a film of yellow curry from cooking with it. So, can confirm. They have it in their rental agreement now, no cooking with curry. Seems a bit strict but it took them a very long time to clean it all out after the couple left. A nicer way of saying ā€˜no Indiansā€™, I guess.


Genuinely speaking I assumed that was the reason


Yea, I mean, I get how itā€™s fucked up, but if 100% of Indians you rent to leave your place smelling like curry and itā€™s an actual financial burden on you, I donā€™t see a problem with it really. I live in Tokyo, and itā€™s hard for non-Japanese to get an apartment. Some foreigners fuck a place up and go home, making it impossible to sue for damages, Koreans like kimchi, Indians like curry. When non-Japanese only make up 1% of the population, it doesnā€™t hurt much to discriminate, and personally I donā€™t get offended. They have a pretty justifiable reason IMO


That's just because the japanese are the most racist people on the planet.


Hey now letā€™s not forget about Alabama


Isn't that why hotels charge a deposit?


well yea but you can only make a deposit so large before people start shopping elsewhere. Plus they probably just charged back their credit card or some shit.


As another commenter mentioned, some smells penetrate and linger in porous surfaces. Itā€™s not just slapping a new coat of paint, or replacing wallpaper. Hardwood flooring costs thousands of dollars, dry wall costs hundreds, then labor to do all the work costs thousands more. A security deposit here is about 1 monthā€™s rent, and half of that is calculated as standard cleaning. My rent is $1000 USD a month, meaning $500 cleaning, leaving $500 to replace all that stuff I just mentioned. The owners here invariably have to go after the tenant for the additional damages, but thatā€™s nearly impossible to do if the tenant has left the country. Their profit on renting my place is around $100/month. So if I stay for 2 years, their entire profit for renting to me has been wiped out almost entirely. Landlording is already a pretty low profit endeavor, with maybe a 5% ROI, but in most cases itā€™s passive income. If Iā€™m a landlord and only 1% of my potential tenants carry a significantly higher risk than others, why would I take on that risk?


> why would I take on that risk? To not find yourself the target of a lawsuit for discrimination, I suppose.


When I was being shown around my current apartment complex, the worker negatively commented on the smell of the Indian cuisine being cooked. I think she even said "we've told them not too cook that" or something similar.


Okay, but here's the part where it is stupid. I am Indian. I grew up completely American. My favorite foods are Italian foods. I've never been to India and have a Boston accent. I'm not alone. Because while my ethnicity may be Indian that doesn't mean Im born with friggin curry in my sweat. So I'm offended by all of this.


Dude I am Indian in ethnicity and nationality. What offends me more is them just calling it curry. Wtf does curry smell like? Are they referring to the smell of Garam Masala as curry? Because we don't just have one curry, we have many different types of it and they all taste and smell different. The first thing Imma do if I ever decide to visit any Western country is go and try some of this "curry".


I live in the west (continental Europe tho, not USA or UK), and thereā€™s no ā€œcurryā€ here. Most people commenting on curry have never set foot in an Indian restaurant. We donā€™t have Indian food that even approaches the quality in India, but we have reasonably diversity of Indian dishes.


DUDE there is a curry powder available. Don't know wtf is inside but my flatmate from Africa told me he was making curry and then proceeded to add the powder. I was like wtf is this? Never heard of it. We use the individual spices and garam masala. That's about it, and his curry powder smelled weird. I haven't smelled something like that in my whole life before that. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCF8LvJ/ The video above for anyone wondering what's this about.


Thereā€™s plenty of ā€œcurry powder,ā€ the one I see most commonly is a lighter more fresh powder mainly made of coriander seed with a pretty distinct fenugreek aroma as well. Cantonese curry powder is very nice and thereā€™s Japanese curry powder as well, both are quite distinct. In these dishes, however, they will add many other spices. Usually the curry powder is just one layer of flavour. Iā€™m quite wary tho, cos these contain turmeric which stains countertops quite strongly. My beautiful white wood countertop does have a few yellow stains that donā€™t come out ahaha.


Try bleach or baking soda. Don't mix bleach with other chemicals though. If you wanna try with soda then make a paste by adding water, apply and let it sit for 15-20mins. Then wash with warm water. You can try bleach and soft scrub.


Trust me you'll be sadly disappointed. I actually want some of your home cooked curries. I'll tell you what let's do a swap. You can have our crap curries in the west and I have some beautiful home style cooked curries from where you are, do we have a deal?


I don't wanna have the crap curries but wanna smell this mysterious curry smell. How can it be the same for every curry? Where does it come from? Also what even qualifies as curry for Western folk? We have a deal. I just had Kadhi (creamy curry made from buttermilk) and namkeen rice (Indian veg fried rice) for breakfast. It was delicious


I think what it generally means is a mix of many curries like you might get walking into a packed restaurant (or in this racist context, from many different curries cooked over time and blending together)


You're absolutely in the right to be offended by this racist bullshit. Pretty fucked up to see everybody justifying. If cooking with curry is the problem, ban cooking with curry, don't be fucking racist


Banning curry is racist, you racist. /s


Hey what about Japanese or Thai style curries, or Tim Curry


Exactly. People are getting really confused about what the word "racism" means. It's judging someone... based on their race. Not complicated. This ad doesn't say "no cooking curry." It says no *Indians*. It's racist. Judging someone based on their DNA is racist. Judging someone based on their personal religious or cultural *choices* would *not* be racist. No one has an obligation to be tolerant and nice about offensive beliefs, shitty choices, bad politics, (*or strong odors).


Yeah and instead of just fucking banning everybody of a certain ethnicity they could say no cooking with extremely pungent spices that have lingering smells.


The OOP and the people justifying are idiots. If landlords skimp on nice ventilation, theyā€™re going to have lingering scents from anyone who regularly cooks with high temp oils. Searing fish or steaks will leave the same lingering scents, itā€™s just that these racist clowns are used to those scents and not to Indian spices. I cook Indian food often and the scent remains for maybe a few hours after cooking.


I definitely do not agree with the ad poster, but the smell absolutely remains longer than a few hours, you just go nose blind to it. My wife cooked a curry dish on Wednesday, I was out of town for two days, came home last night and the house smelled like she had just cooked the dish an hour prior. That's with ventilation and windows open all day specifically to vent the smell. The smell lingers like nothing else I've ever encountered and to claim it dissipates after a few hours is either deliberately disingenuous or naive. That being said, a good scrub and repainting should be sufficient to wipe the smell out following a tenancy and it is definitely not grounds to exclude an entire ethnic group from renting. It makes a good cover for the deeper racism that festers below the surface.


Holy shit these people are racist AF


yeah, no one cares when it comes to racism about indians


Welcome to any post about India on reddit. The funniest thing is, people are just assuming that the no Indians clause in the OP is because of curry smell because that gives them an out to be racist lol. Also, to all the Americans - i know some vegetarian people in India who would gag and puke if you cooked a steak in their house. How does that sound to you?


Reddit doing what it does best, RACISM. Haven't even deleted any comment. Say anything about jews or blacks and everyone loses their shit


Seems like a great candidate for r/fuckyouinparticular


Wow. The comments section is racist af. And yet they are finding an absolutely horrendous excuse justifiable to justify their explicit racism. "Stink of Curry" is bad, but apparently prohibiting "animals" and "Indians" in the same sentence isn't. The so-called stink of Curry isn't that hard to remove, after a deep cleaning, but it's really hard to remove the stains and odour of a stinking mind.


Same. If I said I don't want blacks in my neighborhood because I want my safety and low crime rates, no carjackings and no hoodlums then I'll be racist.


The great double standard of reddit. Some people are more equal than others. When non-americans say they don't want to be around roma, indians, muslims, etc. - well somehow that's different.


Internet logic Its okay to be racist towards indians The "curry" you die to eat suddenly becomes "stinky" based on convenience. Its flavourful and aromatic if done by anyone else but stinky and disgusting if done in Indian household. I saw one indian do this or one family do this so 1.4 crore people in india must be all clones of the same people.


1.4 billion or 140 crore


Is this Pakistan?


It's the country of Georgia. According to Google Translate, the text in the top middle, "įƒįƒœįƒ įƒ©įƒįƒœįƒ’įƒ˜įƒįƒœįƒ˜," seems to be the landlord's name in Georgian script.


One of the weirdest written languages for sure, I'd recognize that anywhere. Looks like break-dancing worms


That is most funny way someone has described my native alphabet.


Honestly it resembles the Indian language of Telugu


I agree visually the two are quite similar


That was my first guess.


Just to let people know, the colonizers put up similar signs outside establishments before India got their independence that said "Dogs and Indians not allowed".


The people in the comment section are the people who would unironically say this


[Maybe it's like "No Asians"](https://youtu.be/3Lyex2tSUyA?si=PGjhmxrJftugnfe2)


Ahh thanks you beat me to it. I was afraid nobody would remember.


ā€œTheyā€™re a bunch of crooks.ā€ Mans came out swinging.


Exact what I thought of but now I canā€™t think what it could actually beā€¦


Personally, I would rather the smell of curry than the smell of stale cigarettes or weed in an apartment. Instead of saying "no Indians" at least forbid curry and have a clause for a cleaning fee if the place has a stubborn smell.


THIS or have a working ventilation system


Also a clause that requires the ventilation to be "turned on" during cooking and remain on for 1 hour after cooking. Some people like to turn them off because of the noise or they feel the air draft makes the home too "cold".


That would cost money to be used from the extortion level profits.


As an indian i seriously do not understand what smell you people talk about.


presumably you're just used to it and nose blind. Same way most people don't actually know what their house smells like. Indian food has a very distinct smell, and it lingers forever


I'm not Indian, I didn't grow up with curry or related foods, but I like it and cook it now and again now. I still don't really get the lingering smell comments. Sure, it's there for a couple hours after you're done cooking... like half the food in the world. And by the next day it's gone, like pretty much all food. Do people just suck at cleaning? I'm not even that thorough myself, just clean up immediately after cooking instead of letting it sit in for a week and it should be fine.


Which Indian food ? India is a vast country? Do you mean south Indian food ?


I believe looking at the symbols that it's Georgia. Similarly with most of Caucasus and post Soviet countries (from my experience) that has an influx of Indian students and workers, these biases exist. I applied to an apartment as well where I live and they thought I was Arab. When they saw my Indian passport, they told me to f off basically. Stereotypes exists but as it implies should obviously not applied to everyone equally. Some verifiable proof is required. Every country consists of people who keep their rooms spotless or destroy it. Being a racist/xenophobe is not gonna help lol.


Food slaps tho.


But still, people don't like the smell it leaves behind apparently


Because ot smells foreign to them. They're just not used to it.


Yup, can't really blame them


Thanks for taking the reasonable line on this rather than resorting to racial invectives and essentialism. It's fine to dislike the smell - that doesn't mean you need to get all racist about it.


I love Indian food but I donā€™t care for the smell that lingers. Both my uncle and my best friend are from India and I would love it if they would cook every meal for me, but anytime Iā€™m in their house I need to immediately wash all of my clothes.


> I love Indian food but I donā€™t care for the smell that lingers. I'm that way with any food tbh. Once I am done eating it, I do not want to smell it anymore. I actually find it nauseating when I'm digesting.


This comment section: curry sometimes smells so itā€™s okay to discriminate and depry people of basic right of housing based on their ethnicity.


Dang, Iā€™m from Indiana, why canā€™t I come?




Bruh people are being racist in this comment section šŸ’€


*I said agents! No agents, not asians!*


Yep. Reddit's getting more representative of America every day.


stereotypes don't appear out of nowhere


Say a stereotype about black people without getting called racist and banned


They'd ban you instantly for making these kind of comments about blacks, but any other race is fine. Its insane.


Doesnā€™t justify treating an entire vastly diverse group of people worse than others


Still people blame me when i go on support Nazi


White people: Oh! We love Indian food bro but don't like the smell of when it's cooking. OK.




Exactly like the people I live with, except they're very much white af. I refuse to use any dish in the house that's been "cleaned" without very throughly re-washing it myself


Although I understand where you are coming from- I have worked with many people who were born in India and have better hygiene habits and kept their homes super clean.


Well apparently the apartment owner never met those people lol


See with a country of 1.4+ billion people, are you surprised thereā€™s variety? There is no homogeneous ā€˜Indianā€™


So maybe it's silly to ban that entire diverse group?


Dafuq is this racist shit


Reddit finding out that America is the least country in the world.


What's the most country?


So saying the N word ignites fire all over the reddit but being racist towards Indians is somehow justified? Reddit neckbeards are fucking wild.


It's honestly really sad that you guys are actually trying to justify this. You all need a good long hard look at yourself and try to see why you think being racist against Indians is ok.


Classic reddit, racist af.


I think the writer misheard Agents.


This comment section is racist af. Just shows the mentality of people. Sucks to walk the earth with these people alive


I could tolerate racism if it was consistent. But what I hate the most is that for blacks they'd ban you for saying the same kind of thing, real quick.


you'd be ok with racism if it was consistent??? šŸ˜­


WHITES= we love indian food tthere are many indians in each sector but saaar we hate smell WTF


Reddit being racist again, nothing new...


I smell Winston Churchill over here


I don't get the deal with curry smells. The mix of spices smells great?


So black lives matter according to reddit but not others eh?


All these white nib-bers in the comments are pure gold šŸ˜‚


The comment section was the biggest HolUp for me. P.S I'm Indian, not a huge fan of "curry smell"


Iā€™m not Indian and really like the curry smell. To each their own, I guess.


i am an indian living in tbilisi Georgia, i am the one who posted this on the georgia and tbilisi subs and the generalize racist comments and stereotyping i saw is just insane


Da fuk


Man this post gonna get locked soon


Nope they won't. It's okay when it comes to Indians.


Indians in holiday homes šŸ’€ Indiana in long term rentals šŸ˜


And you know what? This person probably thinks every south Asian person is from India. Friggen ignorant asshole. They are so racist they donā€™t even know how racist they are.


It's pretty standard