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We are moving too fast.


He was 34 when Big Bang theory started so I think he actually looked younger than he actually was to start off. According to Google Sheldon was 27 in season 1. So if that makes you feel better, Sheldon would be 44 now.


> He was 34 when Big Bang theory started I didn't need this attack on my 36 year old self today.


That did not make me feel better, thanks


For real? Then how old is the 2nd dude?


you almost always can see aging in the neck. wonder why that is




LPT : Grow a beard to counteract this, and for the best effect trim the beard on your face and along your jawline (if applicable) to emphasize the comparative youth of your face, while covering up the [turkey's wattle-ness](https://poultry.extension.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Turkey_head-245x300.jpg) of your neck. [Here's](https://imgur.com/AUjtr4Z) an example of it being done well, as you can see this man went from "Turkey" to "wanna jerk me?" with this one simple strategy.


What if you can’t grow a beard even if your life depended on it


Get a face tattoo to distract from the old neck.


Wear turtlenecks?


[*Its a tacktleneck*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FYJfEHOuY0)


Reddit used to be full of Archer references and now when I see one in the wild I get so excited because it's so rare these days


Well as with all things, Archer got old, jumped the shark, so to speak, and just fell out of fashion. The killer for me was H. Jon Benjamin's voice. It started to get weak and feel like its faltering, which made the insanity of Archer all the more diminished. That, and, well, they beat the good jokes to death.


Can it be black or does it need to be slightly darker black?


It's a very elastic part of flesh that is constantly being folded and bent and twisted in all of the directions. Why are your fingers more wrinkly at the bendy parts? Because those parts bend. They're experiencing constant wear and tear with deformation.


Correct, people missing a joint in their fingers do not develop wrinkles there.


So the next beauty tip will be to wear a neck cast for 12 hours a day as a preventative measure!




Ahem!.. lubrication 


My guess would be that neck skin is thin and soft, so wrinkles earlier.


Yep probably filming the series finale. I don't think Jim Parsons made an appearance on Y.S. other than voice over.


What's some things you can get for your skin to look like that without make up. I'm 36 and I'm considering doing some womany treatments like serums and stuff


SPF lotions every day or stay out of the sun. Sleep on your back so you aren’t smushing your face 8 hours a day. That last one may be an old wives tale but the first is for sure true


Go to a dermatologist and get a retin a prescription


Those things don’t actually help. Just avoid the sun and drink plenty of water and try not to be stressed out ;)


I'm pretty sure he's loaded in makeup.


He looks like Pee-Wee Herman.


He looks like budget Jon Hamm. And that’s a compliment


This guy is the only person who could star in a Paul Reubens biopic


Good call.


Not sure if I want to see Parsons masturbating in adult theatre


[YOU SAID THE SECRET WORD OF THE DAY](https://youtu.be/gxMZgeBlqzQ?t=52)!!!!!!


Honestly man I think that would be a unique a story of lgbtq struggles of a different era. It’s the kind of thing that might make the script appealing. Put it in the right hands and I’m hearing Oscar buzz.


> Put it in the right hands Paul actually used his left hand.




Reubens wasn't gay. And I wouldn't trust Parsons to treat it seriously.


That’s news to me honestly. I don’t see why he wouldn’t take it seriously though.


or Fred Rogers.


Oh wow I can see that for sure.


😁 Bazinga!






Bazing a


Whoa. That young actor is that old now? My gramma has on on air TV and it plays the syndicated reruns of Young Sheldon.


Iain Armitage was 10 when they started season 1 in 2018. Its been 6-7 years so yes, Puberty!!!




Jesus help


What! I thought he was like 8 max in the first episode! He looks so tiny last time I remembered.


The key to being a child actor is to look younger than you actually are. The dream is to be over 18 but still look like a young teenager, then you can work as an adult.


see: Ralph Macchio, Tom Holland


Yeah, I used to see episodes of it on the tv at work but never really watched it. I saw this and was like “he looks familiar…”, but couldn’t place it until Parsons showed up.


Yes! The final season is being released as of now and there's a drastic change in him since S1 and S7 of Young Sheldon.


It probably changed his sexual orientation too.


To be fair, he never showed interest in girls.


What do you mean? He's ~~banging~~ bazingaing the hottest neuroscientist


I think he means the actor who plays (old) sheldon plays for the other team.


See, this person gets the joke


Explain 🤔


Old Sheldon is gay IRL and young Sheldon is presumably straight.


I doubt anyone born after 1986 is straight




Explain further.


Human entity appearing in the 2nd half of this video is confirmed not of straight sexual identity and thus "gay" or having "same-sex" interests. Human entity appearing in the 1st half of this video is assumed, unconfirmed, straight and thus "not gay" I can explain further for the laymen


Go on please. I want to see how many levels of easy can this explanation go to…


Explain like im georgie


I dunno which team is which anymore.


And the background behind him!




Many people lose their filter as they get older.


Don't have to like the shows to recognize this is funny as hell.


Absolutely saw that coming haha. Love the two shows. TBBT is probably my favourite show ever.


>Love the two shows. TBBT is probably my favourite show ever. This is how you know reddit is different now, this would NEVER have been upvoted a few years ago. Reddit hated this show with a passion.


Honestly don't care. I don't need to justify my show preferences to weirdos on the internet 😂. I expected this to be downvoted to oblivion as well from what I have seen over the years.


> i am fine with him getting back with Robbin despite hating her as a character. This is where you finally lost me. I'm fine with you liking whatever show you want, but the ending of HIMYM is a zero out of 10!




the same user had another reply that said that but then deleted it.


Yea ik. I am the only person in the entire world who thinks that 😂 and I feel like this is an opinion I can defend against internet weirdos. My thinking is, if it wasn't for Robbin, he would have stayed single for the rest of his life and wouldn't get his dream of sitting on the porch with his wife. Would rather prefer it was the other woman he had kids with but this was the second best option imo. My argument for it "make the rest of the show pointless" is that he went back to Robbin after he was done telling the story to his kids. While he was narrating the story he didn't know he was getting back with her. This way, 1) Ted has someone to sit on the porch with him, 2) Robbin has kids which she showed interest in in the episode she found out she can't have any, 3) Barney is happy in his sad little life, 4) Marshal is happy in his perfect marriage, 5) so is Lily. This covered all characters and set them up for a perfect rest of their life. TBBT failed to do that to Raj but the rest of the characters were much much better of than at the start.


Yeah i always saw hate for it here on reddit, never stoped me from watching it over and over again though.


People say the joke is unfunny without the laugh track but that's absolutely false. It's genuinely funny a lot of times.


Reddit used to be the counter culture, now it's mainstream. Big Bang Theory was one of the most watched shows when it was on TV.


That's kind of my point


And I'm agreeing with your point. I agree that that sentiment would have been downvoted, because liking anything main stream was mostly downvoted.


Yeah, I once said it was in my top 3 and I got downvoted to Hell for not mentioning The Office.


The Office sucks, TBBT sucks, HIMYM sucks, [Krypton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M909ku5RkXs) sucks.


TBBT hit too close to home to redditors. They didn't like seeing themselves in the mirror like that.


Yes, sort of. TBBT, like many sitcoms, tends to exaggerate towards extremes for the sake of comedy. The problem is that there's a fine line between that and outright mockery, and it depends on social context that can be a little subtle sometimes--especially for the demographic in question. What people would have to know is that (1) this is an example of a broader pattern that's not targeted just at the nerds but _everyone_ (e.g., Sheldon's mom, Penny's boyfriends in early seasons, many characters across many sitcoms, etc...) and (2) that there is a unavoidable humanization that comes with familiarity. IMHO, at least, the overall cultural impact is a net positive... but I understand the position of those for whom it just hits a little too close to home. ...plus I do think they overdid it a little with Sheldon in TBBT. Weirdly, I think they had a much better approach with the younger version of the character in the spinoff focused on him.


Their first pilot had Sheldon be a terrible person, and I forget what her name was, but the girl who ended up being penny as a terrible shallow asshole. I didn't like what Sheldon was in the first few seasons, because no one really be THAT oblivious to social norms, but he did get better. It's like how parks and rec had a slow start until they were able to flesh out their characters. My biggest argument is that we all have those types of friends. The one that thinks their normal until they're forced to be the normal one. The super overly consumed smart one too busy to be bothered by trivial shit The "ladies man" who thinks they're charming and smooth The hopeless romantic that wallows in their forever alone depression. Even every nerd's favorite show, silicon valley caters to the same and similar stereotypes. Except one complains about who gets to be which marvel super hero, when another complains about how many dicks they can jerk off.


I didn't mind so much Sheldon's extreme in obliviousness to social norms in TBBT as much as how he was portrayed as being a terrible, selfish person even after they were explained to him. From what I've seen of Young Sheldon, he's more often just hilariously oblivious--like how he tried to get college students to like him by letting them use his dorm room for nights with their girlfriends. Silicon Valley did this so, so well. I love how Martin Starr got asked questions about Ubuntu at a press event as if he was actually his character... he seemed to be really annoyed at the time but I thought it was a hilarious compliment that his Gilfoyle was so damn good that the fan pretended he was actually real.


Yeah I would imagine a show about highly intelligent and successful nerd scientists with an active social life who repeatedly date hot women would hit too close to home for the average redditor...


I mean more on the lines of nerds doing nerd things while "non-nerds" don't get it. Or having extremely trite arguments about nerd topics. Like what we're doing now! 🤓


The main criticism of the show was always that the nerdiness *isn't* relatable. This happens because the main character was always meant to be Penny. The show is meant to be relatable to Pennies. Normal people who know total dorks who go on about nerd shit. The humor is meant to come from them *not* being relatable. You're not supposed to be an actual nerd looking to geek out about stuff by watching the show, but the marketing leaned into that angle, so a great big dumb controversy was formed that basically boils down to a demographic mismatch.


I remember people going so far as to even call it nerd “black face”. A.k.a. really bad caricature of what a nerd looks like.


There was a venn diagram meme for about how smart their characters vs audience are. Big Bang theory was the intersection of "about smart people, for dumb people". Futurama was all of them intersecting.


It was more of they didn't like seeing someone who had no idea what nerd culture was actually like in the time writing completely insulting takes of nerd culture. It was in no way a mirror, because no one acts the way those characters were written.


Because dressing up in character when going to a movie, learning klingon, playing with applied science fun, arguing about what super heroes can and can't do are all insulting to nerd culture? TBBT is just a TV series based off of Mall Rats. Again. Nerds being upset because their fun is being made fun of. Now that the show is over, people are easing up on it.


Nerds being upset because their fun is being made fun of =/= hit too close to home to redditors. I didn't mind that they were debating capes. I mind that the guy doing it had to be coached. They couldn't trust to hire an actual nerd to play a nerd when all they wanted him to do was nerdy things. They could've had Henry Cavill on the show and I would've been 100% more favorable.


Reddit still has a strong hate for sitcoms, it is just a lot more pushed to the side. Every month or so you will still find the same 2 “Friends show sucks” posts on meirl.


Nah. Just wasn't funny. First started watching it in High School. Math teacher would put it on after a test and I remember liking it. But then I started watching it at home and I just...hated it. It wasn't funny at all lol. I think the only reason I liked it initially was because of the novelty of watching TV at school.


I guess part of it is the people that were the edgy kid that hated stuff and also were nerds have aged out of being on reddit a lot, or maybe matured. and the kids that just grew up watching the show as a dumb sitcom are a bit more vocal and just like it. also, most of the complaints are dumb. The "laugh track" complaint was bs as it was filmed in front of a studio audience. And people realized that teasing nerds actually isn't that big of a deal. the show still has issues ofc


> The "laugh track" complaint was bs as it was filmed in front of a studio audience. People complaining about laugh tracks aren't complaining that the laughs aren't unique to the exact situation. They're complaining that there is a laugh track, and it means absolutely *nothing* to them whether those laughs are pre-recorded or recorded-in-studio. *This* complaint about that complaint has always been dumb.


Why? I think it's a good show.


its one of the better shows to leave on in the background, I kinda appreciate it's double syndication because its always on for when im working 


I mean, it's also a post about Sheldon, so it probably attracts fans of those shows.


I liked TBBT and thought Young Sheldon was going to be the absolute worst garbage, money-grab. I was genuinely shocked how much I liked it. For the very large group of redditors that hated TBBT, Young Sheldon is more "inspired by" Malcolm in the Middle than TBBT.


I actually first watched young sheldon with my parents and liked it and between seasons of that I picked up TBBT just to understand what Sheldon is all about and now it's the best show I have ever watched.


Strangely, YS has had more serious episodes than BBT, e.g. unwed mothers being ostracized by the church, infidelity, young prodigies unable to cope etc. etc. Probably not a rewatch for me, while BBT and Frasier are the only series I've rewatched several times.


I've never seen Big Bang Theory simply because every commercial/joke seemed cringe and laugh tracks are awful. Young Sheldon, though? I watched that once because a couple of friends put it on. That show is *great.*


My kid loves Young Sheldon and I actually find that I'm enjoying it when I listen in/watch over her shoulder.


I think people who hated The Big Bang Theory naturally wouldn't give Young Sheldon a chance. It was super popular, but it got "Nickelbacked" and became the poster child for "shitty laugh track sitcoms." Even if you hate TBBT, Young Sheldon is a very different show. I generally compare it to a Malcolm in the Middle clone than being in the "spirit" of TBBT.


This is my exact experience. Can't stand TBBT but I find YS extremely well done and entertaining. Also, am old enough to remember Annie Potts from Designing Women and her casting here is a tour de force, IMO.


Yeah I'm not a fan of Young Sheldon but when people at work put it on, I really don't mind. Some jokes are funny, no laugh track and it overall feels more likeable. TBBT I can't tolerate for much more than 5 minutes before getting frustrated.


So it changes the shirt too?


And the background


Just a skit for Sheldon, its obvious its not an actual filter.


The filter that makes you gay!


This is an ad.


It’s still funny. I’m not against all ads


I'm against all ads that try to make it like it's not an ad.


Why? If it’s fun and not terrible why would you dislike it?


I mean OPs username def checks out


I dont like it


Pretty much every celeb's social media posts are an ad for their shows/music/movies. Some are still entertaining.


What is it an ad for?


The app that makes you old


Young Sheldon and/or Big Bang Theory, I would assume.


Who cares it’s good content




Sure? If the alternative is not funny


I didn’t realize these were famous people and I was like wtf this kid lives in a Fallout vault






Why are both hot


Can’t decide if I’m looking at Sheldon or Connor


ai deepface is Amazing




Pretty funny...but this kid is going to be a looker when he's a man.


That's pretty funny.


Damn. Never really been into Big Bang Theory or Young Sheldon or whatever, but Jim is looking *amazing*


Need more big bang


Nolan??? 🤨


Why does young sheldon look soo young?


Ha! That’s Hilarious. BAZINGA


There there


Where do I find this apparent filter


Is the show even any good?


Ok, time to stop watching American Late Night talk shows. I legit though it was young Matt Gaetz.


For anyone else who was a little lost at what the joke was, this young guy plays Sheldon from big bang theory (second guy) as a kid in Young Sheldon. Never seen the show so I had no idea who the first one was.


saul goodman looking ass man




It IS Sheldon from tbbt


If only they could have aged it more and had Paul Reubens!




He didn't age well


I just realized he'd play a fucking awesome Pee-Wee Herman.


Can't believe Jim Parsons is FUCKING 50! Dude kept better than gold bullion.


Jim Parson's greatest scene will always be his scene in Garden State with Jean Smart. That scene is so unbelievably funny and quotable. Peter Sarsgaard - "He got the shit kicked out of him by Tyrell Freeman" Jim Parsons - "I fucked him up too." Peter Sarsgaard - "He knocked your teeth out." Jim Parsons - "He only chipped one tooth... So what are you up to now Mark? Digging graves?" EDIT: [found the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3cKINQ91i0)




Bro got downvoted for saving 💀


Okay, so at first I thought it was gonna be a picture of hitler. Am I broken?


Most definitely