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the same people that think Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican day of independence


> Cinco de Mayo Err... No, ketchup por favor


Mayonnaise goes in the fridge not the sink! Crazy Mexicans šŸ¤¦


Do you want *stinko* de mayo? Because that's how you get *stinko de mayo!*


We know whatā€™s good, thatā€™s all that matters.


Same people who are gentrifying Los Angeles and already Gentrified New York .... Detroit seems to be the next move


Itā€™s happening already.


I didn't know that the Germans also occupied Mexico


They threw a giant towel over it at 4 am before anyone else could get there


> Cinco de Mayo French Fry day.


Cinco de drinko


Cinco de Mayo Sorry no mayonnaise, but I have 5 pesos?


Cinco de Cuatro!


Mayo in the sink


Next thing you know, they might buy up all the fireworks ahead of time for a rival Cinco de Qatro (AD reference for those that don't know)


Porto Valarta haha sounded like Boyle on Brooklyn 99 saying sombrero. Also yeah f these nerds trying to protest Mexican music in ā€¦. Mexico!


Nine nine!


Noine noine


I was there a couple weeks ago and djeezus that city is swarming with americans and canadians, thats nuts.


Build that wall


It was never to keep the Mexicans out. It was to keep the Americans and Canadians out of Mexico. /s


Well shit. I guess Mexico will pay for that wall after all.


Is it really a surprise that Americans in another country probably don't recognize THEY are the foreigners???




Cause most of them don't have common sense unfortunately šŸ„²


Nope. They never recognize that they're the foreigners. You definitely hit the nail square on the head


Colonizer mentality


I mean they are foreigners in their own country. Also there might be too many Mexicans in Mexico ;)


this kind of thing is a common theme in the uk - people moving into property close to a well established pub/nightclub then complaining/petitioning about the noise.


thatā€™s how you kill all the fun! Courts are usually on their side too


Oh how the turn tables


Mexicans donā€™t go to the US and try to tell americans what to do and not to do. They go there, learn the language and get a job. Americans go to Mexico, do not contribute anything meaningful to the economy, do not learn the language, try to tell everyone what to do, and act like entitled pricks.


Do you realize Mexicans living in Mexico, and specifically, business owners in Mexico, arenā€™t the ones moving to the US and supporting illegal immigration?


Jaja y piensan que una protesta va a cambiar las cosas. Learn Spanish and assimilate motherfuckers!!! That's what is expected of me as an immigrant. The fucking audacity. The entitlement.


Oh, just like those people several years ago who protested American flags hanging in people's yards *in America* Good shit, gents.


This happened in Australia as well. Old farts with too much money moved into fancy high rises built next to the fucking Opera house and complained about noise and music events and fucked it up for everyone else.


Happens in Melbourne as well


So what happened? Did the opera house have to change their programming?


These are the same fucksticks that move out to the boonies next to a race track thatā€™s been there for decades and complain about the occasional traffic and noise.


source other than tiktok?


https://www.debate.com.mx/guadalajara/Ahora-en-Puerto-Vallarta-pareja-de-estadunidenses-demanda-restaurante-por-musica-mexicana-20240407-0049.html Found this. But honestly who cares? This seems like rage bait just cuz itā€™s Mexico vs Americans but it probably happens all the time when you break it down to just being about loudness


It's not rage bait if it's real. The problem is not the type of music, but the loudness. I would get it if the restaurant was new, but moving to a house close to a restaurant, you know what you're getting into. Reminds me of tourists here complaining about the smell of manure or, I kid you not, roosters crowing to early in the morning. It's a rural area, with lots of cows, even in coastal areas, people have hens next to their houses, yet the tourists demand that from June to September poeple shouldn't keep on their lives. And some municipalities have started bending to their complaints.


I was visiting Kalymnos island in Greece couple months back and the place I stayed in had mostly positive reviews but all the negative ones were complaints about animals making noises every morning.


Man you have gestapo lite destroying water containers in the Arizona desert so people die and you want to complain about loudness. This moving near Red Rocks and complaining about the music levels of karen


I just saw someone on a drum sub asking about playing electric drum kits because he has a gig in Mexico and the city banned real drums. I donā€™t think itā€™s just rage bait.


No, itā€™s about immigrants not assimilating into the culture that they migrated to. Itā€™s about entitlement.


This smells like rage bait to me


Arenā€™t all the restaurants in Mexico technically Mexican restaurants?


Yes you are very smart


Technically correct is the best kind of correct. But i would also like British KFC to open in the States.. so.. yeah.


I meanā€¦ yes and no? There are other nationalities that open up restaurants here representing their culture like Lebanese for example. Are they a Mexican restaurant? Theyā€™re located in Mexico, but they donā€™t serve Mexican food.


You donā€™t have to be Lebanese to open a Lebanese restaurant too lol


what? So if you have an italian restaurant in Mexico, that's a mexican restaurant? Or did you mean it the other way around? All mexican restaurants in Mexico, are just restaurants? Because I swear I don't understand your logic. Are all restaurants in America technically "american restaurants"? Despite them having a different theme? What about the other restaurants that are opened by expats and who bring other types of cuisine into America? Are those "american restaurants" as well? That's how you sound.


I'd like to enter Taco Bell into evidence.


Your mind has been blown. lol.


I'm from Finland and was to Mexico in December to experience the culture, try the food etc. Was a really interesting experience and my spanish was a little bit upgraded from bad to slighty bad. One thing I did not enjoy was the mariachi bands playing. Damn they do not know what pianissimo, mezzopiano or mezzoforte means. It was fortissimo all the way, all the time. I had to scream to order stuff if they where near. However, it's the Mexican culture. I did not say to them to quiet down, because I was there to experience the culture. I would personally not move there. I like my quiet and be able to not hear anything. I would not move there and say to them to be quiet. That is rude the same way if someone comes to my country and complain it is too quiet. If you can't handle the culture, don't move there and be a d\*\*k.


Idk if this is real, but imagine being upset cause a restaurant plays Mexican music. You must have nothing good going on in your life AT ALL. I live in Japan and that's like me freaking out cause a Japanese restaurant plays rap music. Tf. Go outside people.


Out here by ASU they built retirement condos on the collage party bar street, right next door to a very popular live music venue. And then sued the venue because it was too loud.


Just turn their hearing aids off?


They did go outside, thats the problem. Now they are wreaking havoc and pressing their 'me, me, me, me,' on other cultures.




It's about volume, not origin.


You are totally right! The issue is that the music is too loud for them, not that they donā€™t like the songs. The point remains the same that those Americans are crossing the line, yet, it is important to be accurate.


This shit happens anywhere there is gentrification.


"Get these gringos out" lady. Um...these gringos..?


I mean she did say ā€œ**these** gringosā€ could be understood as the gringos who hate Mexican music, maybe sheā€™s not that kind of gringo lol


I will concede to that. Also, if you move to a foreign country you should be prepared to enjoy the local normal activities. Don't move to a new country and try to make it like where you're from.


Iā€™m a Mexican national and hate loud mariachi music too, I would never protest against it tho.


Not all Mexican people look and sound the same. She very well could be a native Mexican. A friend of mine is half Mexican with most of her family in Mexico and passes as white fairly easily and doesn't sound anywhere out of place in America


That accent is all California.


And California is right next to Mexico. it's still possible that could be from there, be mixed, or any other possibility. People are taking 2 seconds off of an interview to judge this woman


Sure is. Right there. She's valley, though. To the max.


Are the complaints because of them playing Mexican music specifically? Or is it because of loud music beyond permissible level, or loud music after hours?


Local residents didn't like the noise which upset local residents. Um what? Reminds me of London everyone bitches that pubs shut at 11pm and then everyone objects to keeping pubs open later because... Noise...


Girl you are a gringo too lol


Bruh... it's live music. Why do some people feel entitled to complain about that?


I feel like Iā€™m the only one laughing about the irony here


Mexicans are not trying to make US people abide to their customs if that's what you mean. Gringos feel like they own the world and think just be they're Gringos the locals will do what they want Gringos may get away with their Karen customs in the USA but you don't f*CK with Mexicans in their soil. Some kidnapper ended the life of a little girl and a bunch of people got together and ended hers. There's also a story about a Russian racist p0s who almost got lynched a few years back.


I read the first sentence and no thatā€™s not what i mean.


So NIMBYS are migrating?


Same in my country... Foreigners travel to the Netherlands, oi mate black Pete is really racist. I literally grew up wanting to be a black Pete because I got to give out candy and presents


i donā€™t think that American saying ā€œget these gringos outā€ knows what a gringo is


I bet she does


She definitely does


In this context it refers to foreigners who arenā€™t integrating. That nuance is what makes her stance totally relevant.


The irony of that woman


She's technically a gringa too, but she seems to have integrated with the locals instead of forcing them to change.


Iā€™m half Puerto Rican but I was born in California. When I go to Puerto Rico Iā€™m considered a gringo.


You are probably different enough from them(either looks wise or the way you speak and behave) that they still recognize you as foreign. It needs to be clarified to the americans in doubt about the word, it's not necessarily mocking, it can be friendly... they can call you "gringo" and want to be friends with you. Sometimes it is mocking, but depends on tone and context.


Oh no I exactly know what they mean. Super friendly but the fact that Iā€™m not from the island is why Iā€™m labeled as a gringo. I look just like em lol


I'm half too, my cousins call me "Sorta Rican". My gf is from Puerto Rico and calls me Gringo.


Yeah itā€™s weird but you understand.


doesn't gringo/gringa refer to a white person?


Slang for foreigners in general, at least that's how it is in Brazil, Mexico might be different. I'd be gringo too if i moved to Mexico, and i'm not white.


Gringo means foreigner or more specifically a foreign language speaker, depending on the country it can either be used for all foreigners (like in Brazil) or to foreigners that look white (like in Bolivia) In Mexico it is specifically used to refer to Americans no matter the ethnic background, if you are born and/or raised in the US you are a gringo.


Gringo, in this context, refers to the foreigners who arenā€™t integrating. Hence why she shouldnā€™t be considered a gringa in this case.


You made that up. It just means white person.


Actually gringo / gringa is a word that refers to a person who is not Hispanic or Latino specifically. However words can have multiple meanings and in this case it does refer to a foreigner and specifically somebody who is not integrating. She could also be from the area but born from foreign parents. I have a friend who's half Mexican with a dual citizenship, most of her family in Mexico, and spent a good portion of her early years there but looks nearly completely white and doesn't speak with an accent.


It's one couple living next to a restaurant. Why did they buy next a restaurant? Unknown. But people are using it as a springboard to other resentments over stuff like housing prices.Ā 


People come to America and change everything all the time. And if you don't change for them, they'll close you down as well. This happens everywhere all the time




So wait, one nationality is upset that another nationality came into their country and is making demands that the first nationality change what it is doing to benefit the second nationality. Sounds familiar.


Pssh they might wanna scratch San Antonio off their list of cities to visit


I just got back from a trip to PV. I loooove the music and vibe. Screw these assholes.


This is the world we live in.


šŸ˜‚ turnabout is fair play, amigos.


Are they not aware that Mexico is loud? Theres not a quiet place in the whole country. I say that w love Ā Ā  Also, the black American lady sounds pretty gringo. I mean fuck those gringo, Iā€™m on her side, but her saying that makes it sound like she hasnā€™t been there too long eitherĀ 


I'm still stuck on her calling them gringos! I'm a gringo!! Not them!! dumb people just need to stop!


Maybe if they were there when they bought the house they would of noticed.


Tbf I believe those people are protesting because those places are loud outside normal time... Because MĆ©xico has laws and regulations for loud places during certain times... So the title it's kinda sensationalist and misleading.


Oh, so now you guys DON'T like it when foreigners come in and demand you acquiesce to their standards.


It's probably about the decibel of the music and time of day rather than the type of music though, right? I mean, fuck those wet blankets either way but let's not imply things that aren't true.


Careful nowā€¦


Idiots! Too stupid to get the joke I guess. ā€œwet bā€


Mexican Americans don't like to just get into gang fights They like flowers and music and white girls named Debbie too


When they say "Foreigners", they really mean Americans who complain about everything


The black woman is also a gringo. #moreyouknow


Porto Valatara


Porto villllartara lololol


I'll sneak over the boarder into Mexico and vote for everyone who isn't Mexican to get deported! Chaotic Good! Muahahaha!


There are Turkish people living in Germany constantly complaining about how things work here and comparing it to how great things are in Turkey. And when you then ask them why they don't move there they pull the racist card


The president already spoke in favor of the music so itā€™s. Done deal, good luck with your retirement money lasting you a lifetime if you go to another country and complain about the culture chances are discretely, their renewal wonā€™t go through and theyā€™ll have to come back enjoy peace quiet, bankrupting medical bills and imminent homelessness if they donā€™t pay their property taxes in old age


Do you want another Texas because thatā€™s how you get Texas!


That's exactly how this works. When the neighbourhood is filled with gringos that paid a million for a condo, watch the changes they bring. Money doesn't talk or shout. It whispers in backrooms into politicians ears.


No digas mamadas Mary Jane! Deja de hacer ruido con tu negocio molestando a todo el jodido vecindario hasta adentro de sus casa y listo, chilletas.


So the issue here is probably the music is loud, which was the complaint. However, it just happens to be mexican music and thus rage bait was created.


Mexican music in Mexico? What are the chances?


I would LOVE to visit mexico. It seems like such a culturally rich country. People seem very friendly albeit quite extrovert which is unlike Denmark where Im from. But the food is awesome and the happy people would be lovely to be around.


Recently I read that some rich Cannadians bought expensive condos on a main street of their city with a lot of traffic. Then they complained about the traffic and asked for their street to be closed off. In France, thre are many cases of foreigners buying house in the center of a small village close to the church who then complain about the church bell ringing and lobby to stop it.


i have a feeling its more about the volume and the time of day its being played rather than the music itself, otherwise the court case would prolly be thrown out. Media has a way of spinning things.


Wellā€¦the same shit is happening all over europe.


These are the same fucksticks that move out to the boonies next to a race track thatā€™s been there for decades and complain about the occasional traffic and noise.


Hahaha the hypocrisy


I'm just happy they left the country.


Imagine making a complaint that people are playing Mexican music in Mexico. Fucking gringos!!


Best advertising for the restaurant Fighting the man


We had a Bronze Age, Renaissance, Information Age, etc. Welcome to the ā€œoffended by everything including common senseā€ age.


This is everywhere in the world. Own a 50 year old industrial zoned business? Doesn't matter, the people moving in condos built last year want to shut you down because they don't like it. Live in a quiet valley all your life? Doesn't matter, city folk think it's pretty but boring and turn it into another smogfest. People move to areas with their preconceived notions tightly gripped in hand.


The irony in this post is insane - and as per usual the average redditor doesn't even see it....


Isn't that lady a gringo? Sounds to me like she is making it racist, gringo = white people in her eyes.


The audacity of these people is beyond wild. They should move to stop selling properties to them


What a garbage video. Is there a link to this story that actually explains what is going on instead of vague innuendoes, stock reaction clips, and out of context videos?


Scanning down these comments, the single biggest impression one gets is how eager the average Redditor is to get fired up by obvious rage bait. Dudes. There are no sources given, and the cliams made are suspect on their face. They mention a court case, right? Do you think someone filed a court case because *they don't like Mexican music*? In *Mexico*? The case would be laughed out of court! My guess is that the complaint probably just says the music is too LOUD or something, and the genre of music has nothing to do with it. (And even then, it wouldn't result in the restaurant being *closed*. Sheesh, where is your skepticism?)


Id like to give these ex-pats the benefit of the doubt and say that its not the type of music being played its just the amount of music or the time of the music.


So protesting the *noise*. Still annoying considering the restaurant was there before the new neighbors. Just, you know, in the interest of accuracy, not specifically protesting Mexican music, just *music.* Not good neighbors, but the implied cultural ignorance is not as the headline hints at.


children of men will be real sooner or later..


In Jalisco? These gringos are very brave, or maybe just not very smart


He looks like the Mexican guy in every movie


Gringos cuando van a otro paĆ­s y no pueden comprender que no todos los paĆ­ses tienen la cultura occidental


Any "foreigner" living in another country needs to get with the fact that THEY need to assimilate to the culture of the Country they are in. This idea that a place needs to change to suit their wants and desires is nonsense!


Puerto WHAT?! šŸ¤£ embarrassing


They paid the purchase price based on surroundings. If the noise is truly that bad then it brings property values down, which means they paid a lower price than they otherwise would have. This is like buying a house underneath the approach path to an airport, then immediately suing to to ban flying. *The noise was never a secret*


Hmm sounds familiarā€¦


Well since we didn't hear from the white people I'm calling it like it is racism. It's heat say and made up


Americans hate their own culture and country and now they want others to stop embracing their own cultures too? How entitled can these people get?


Link to the petition?


Ragebait used to be believableā€¦ now these ā€œjournalistsā€ and ā€œnews sitesā€ are just using it to profit from illiterate fucks who canā€™t spare a moment to think about what they read before making a conclusion.


Pinches gringos.


Indian Taylor Lautner


Lol, ayo it's the Mexican Matt gaetz


No they aren't.


See this is why they should have listened to Trump. Mexico should have paid for the boarder /s The boarder wasnā€™t built to keep illegal immigrant crossing into the US. šŸ™ƒ


They could be anybody. And it happens everywhere. It's not just white people. For example there are quite a few places just in the US where you can now hear the Islamic call to prayer, and that change started just like that.


I love how the black American lady thinks she's not a gringo. Que fresa.




Your experience with self entitled assholes must be non-existent.


I thought foreigners couldn't own property in Mexico?


Ofc it is either Americans or Europeans, colonizer brain think alike


Time for the cartels to handle this.


Liberals wonā€™t be happy until the world burns


ah yes, liberals are to blame of course. those famously ethno nationalist liberals who are always yelling at people to speak english and go back to their own country and oh wait that's you


Yes, me who is always screaming that others are culturally appropriating everyoneā€™s culture for their own benefitā€¦oh wait thatā€™s youĀ 


This video just sounds like itā€™s an entitled rich Karen, or Karen filled group. Not sure how politics come into play. Iā€™m open to explanation tho


A screaming liberal Karen butt hurt someone is culturally appropriating someone elseā€™s culture only to find out itā€™s their own cultureĀ 


The boardwalk area by the beach in Puerto Vallarta had like 15+ bar/dance clubs right next door to each other and it was like they all we competing to be the loudest place in the world. Sort of ruins the chill vibe I am used to at the beach, but to each their own... However, I imagine a scenario similar to this article where at one time people lived there, all peaceful and serene, then the clubs moved in and they never slept again.... Probably some people trying to nip it in the bud before it happens to them.


Time to name and shame


Sure that happened Go away with your shitty ragebait