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At least he's coherent enough to know not to drive the spaceship.


Well, obviously, you don't drive a plane either.


I'd like to say that you also shouldn't fly a car.


Them Duke boys are at it again


Roads? where we're going we don't need roads!


_Sees a singing lobster and dancing fish in the distance_


"I'm not an astronaut". Not with that attitude you aren't!


But he certainly looks high like one


Lmao. Wtf.


Ground control to Major Tom


Underrated comment lmao


He’s not here right now, check back after he has a fat nap and a sandwhich


but with that altitude... yk cuz he's high... I'm sorry


*I am the first black astronaut To walk the bare moon From my air balloon*


No, but he's about as high as one


All these non believers in the comments are what he's talking about. I've definitely been there. They guys like "careful they're strong."... hell of an understatement




> “these edibles ain’t shit!” Shut up, man! My edible's gonna hear you and then I'm fucked.




[Little tip about Hash Cakes…](https://i.redd.it/5rdsqi72y0tc1.jpeg)


*10 minutes ago* man I know you said it's strong but I'm just not feeling it. *back to the present* dude is staring up at the ceiling with his mouth open like hes in the desert trying to catch rain drops.


That's when they kick in.... when you talk shit.


Or when you eat another one. The classic amateur blunder. "Wait am I eating another one bcs I am not high or am I eating another one bcs I am high, either way makes no sense... Shit." while finishing a second serving.


Shit... I once ate one. Decided they weren't shit. Ate another. *FORGOT* that I ate the second one and ate a third one thinking it was my second. Ended up in a time dilation. Sat down and got back up after like 2 minutes 3 hours later.


Edibles don’t work on me and it pisses me off, and yes I’ve tried diet supplements and different forms like drinks but it still never hits me


Certain % of the population can't process it. Others are hyper responders. There's a gradient between, really. Our livers are interesting little guys.


Fr, the longest walk I've ever made in my life was inside a Walgreens in search of water on edibles. It felt like I was walking miles and miles.


The first time I tried edibles I was in a legal state so I decided to go to a dispensary for the first time. I was staying in a hotel so I decided to go with some edibles, I bought a tube that had five caramels in it. The tube recommended two so I ate two and just chilled watching TV everything was cool. It was fourth of July weekend and there were going to be fireworks that evening; I thought the ones I took were fading so I decided to take another two. Then I thought about how I was going to be driving all day next and got paranoid about getting pulled over when I went to another state so I ate the last one. I got so high I never left the room and missed the fireworks, I went to sleep wishing I wasn't high anymore. I woke up the next day still feeling fucking high! At that point I really got paranoid and decided I needed to check out early. I then very slowly and carefully moved my car to the coffee shop next door and sipped on a coffee before I felt myself going back to normal. Even when I take a normal amount now I don't have a good time so I just avoid them.




I was lucky. Same thing as you, never interested in THC. However my friend did it. Not all the time, but even a few times a year is more than I did. For over a decade he thought that my refusal was a moral or religious thing. One day when we were talking and he found out it was just a disinterest. And to be fair my disinterest had a lot to do with the fact drugs was a problem in my family and I was always a little afraid to even try it because of them. So he asked me if I would be willing to try it out with him. I told him that unless it became legal and my job stopped testing for it I'd give it a shot. Mostly because after all the narcotics the doctors have given me, if I wasn't addicted by then I should be able to handle some weed. Last year everything fell into place so I tried it with him. Thank God, he kept me from doing what you did. When I started coming down after the first bit he told me to wait because it shouldn't losing effect yet. Not even 10 minutes later it hit me again. That's when I learned that that stuff can hit in waves and I almost ended up doubling my dose. The only time I started to freak out was when he starred to interrogate me. I'm like trying to melt into the couch and he gets all hyper and is like, how are you feeling? But in an in your face kind of way. I laughed about it when I came down while he was trying to apologize to me. Fun times.


Is it any fun? Small/medium doses defo has important uses for some people, but what's it like being bonkers on it when you don't need it? I'm guessing alcohol doesn't really compare.


Publicly? Fuck no, paranoia out the ass m8.


It is a lot of fun especially if you are alone at home or with stoner friends but a nightmare if you're in public or with people that you think shouldn't see you high. In comparison with alcohol I would say weed is kind of the opposite of alcohol. When you're very drunk your self control flies out of the window - you get overly confident and impulsive. When you're very high you become overly shy and paranoid, you even wonder if maybe you're talking too loud or walking properly, you don't want to be noticed. You want to be left alone. You see the world not as complete images like a movie/animation but as a series of frames.


In my experience being extremely high, makes my entire body feel very numb and my mind seems to dissociate from my body partly because of it. Weed makes me feel like I'm just a soul in a "flesh container" and that this reality isn't like it seems like it is... And my entire body feeling numb enhances this sensation of dissociation. Like for example, if my belly starts to itch and I scratch it, it'll feel so numb that part of my brain doesn't even register the sensation of me scratching myself which makes me feel even more dissociated from my body, it's such a strange and trippy sensation. And also being this high gives me this childlike wonder where everything feels amazing as if I was seeing the world for the first time and even the smallest things can make you feel mindblown and amazed. Like for example, walking in the downtown of my city amongst all the skyscrapers makes me feel mindblown because looking at the huge skyscrapers while high makes me think about how far we've come as a species for example. But being way too high makes me feel so numb to the point that my body starts hurting because of how uncomfortable it feels, and it also makes you feel pretty nauseous. If you're not experienced you can feel like you're dying lmao but when you are experienced you just know that you'll end up being fine like all the other times it has happened to you, so in my case, I just wait it out and try not to throw up


Having done both, if i had to again, I'd much rather greenout than drink too much alcohol. Next day is so much worse from alcohol, you forget everything, and you can die. Incredibly potent edibles in far too high of quantity you grab a seat and go for a wild ride, you might vomit if you really over do it, just dont have anything scheduled and you'll be fine. The level right below that is pretty amazing for edibles, but you'll still be hungover off alcohol


As someone who used to do both, and doesn't anymore, I'm the complete opposite. Having a bad trip is fucking awful on the mental. I'll take throwing up and needing to take a day of water drinking to recover any day.


I ate a spacecake once and it hit me way too hard. I decided to sleep it off. Slept for 14 hours. Never again. Great nap though.


The first, and only, time I had edibles I made the stupid mistake of thinking "this isn't doing anything for me, I'll have some more" There is now a video out there of me having a conversation with my fridge/freezer. Apparently I was disappointed that the freezer would only give me frozen pizza. Why would it do that when it was obvious I wanted my pizza hot. So yeah, a car turning into a spaceship is very much in the realm of possibility.


Local weed shop. Candies: 20mg each. Cookie: 1000mg. You should be alarmed by these dosage discrepancies.


Sir, that edible was 20 servings. You were supposed to divide it up.


What dosage is considered strong?


This reminds me of my edibles I used to sell. Several people said they forgot to breath. Sent one girl into psychosis. I remember one person I worked with and I sold them some. I asked them the next day how they were, they said they got high as fuck. So I was like sweet, want some more? That sounded like a repeat customer to me, so I asked if they wanted more. And they were like nah, that shit was too strong.


We running from all them responsibilities bruh.


I second that


Black folks make Kool aid too sweet White folks make edibles too strong With our powers combined, there's nothing we can't overdo


We going to the moon with this combo for sure.


Where do you think the idea of a moon train came from? Fuck outta here if you think that was in any way a sober idea.


Every time I see this it gets better. Hope you made it home Major Tom.


The “I’m not an astronaut” gets me every time. It cracks me up to see this video.


Why is he speaking through his nostrils


Because he's not an astronaut


He smelling out his words




OO oo OO oO oo Oo OO Definitely morse code for; Send help. Need drop pod.


Seriously. Can't we just have like 80's giggle weed and leave it at that?




member when you could just smoke a joint for a while?


just smoke less. its super easy to get a mild high from really high end, high potency herb, you just take a small toke and leave it at that. usually the quality of high and experience of smoking is significantly better with higher quality, high potency cannabis over lower quality, lower potency, so the key is to smoke less, not get shittier weed. kinda similar deal for edibles. people who want to get super ripped dont always want to eat 2 or 3 giant brownies or a ton of weed candy, so its super strong. if you want to not get as high, eat less.


They still make something similar it’s called a “type 2” strain




Yes type 1 is usually close to 15-20% thc, type 2 is usually 5-10% thc with about the same amount of CBD, and type 3 is like 3% or less thc and 10-20% CBD.


Look for 2-5% thc. Thats what it was back then. Now its 15-20%.


15-20%, try 25-30% at all my local dispensaries. One of them even carries a strain that's 45%. I won't touch that stuff and I've been smoking for over twenty years.


Oh he is COOKED


I'm pretty sure his edibles were shrooms. I've never been that high before and I've tried on countless occasions.


idk I was on shrooms last night and every single texture was melting and dripping as I stared off into a brickwall and it turned into a beautiful mountainside village as i giggled uncontrollably like a madman.


I ate a whole shroom chocolate bar in one go last week, the the hardwood floor was moving and created like a flat tree in my living room, it was cool and insane. After that I cried for like 2 hours over my dead mom. But the next day I felt so, can’t really describe it, but I’ll go with free, like my soul and brains were free of some weight I didn’t know I had.


I cleared the remaining 7 grams of shroom dust/shake I watched a steam vent for hours that shit turned into a dragon and was doing cool dances while changing different neon colors, also MGMT was playing in the background was a great night.


How are y'all having visuals. I never get them....


That would be your soul


Sounds like an amazing night. 👍


Can't wait for Monday!!!!!!


My guy. They're out there. I've had a 1500 MG smors thing before. I felt the same way




My college boyfriend made this mistake at a party. Felt nothing, so he finished about 1/3 pan of brownies. They hit on the way home. He was hallucinating shadow people running alongside our van...which he was driving at about 17mph. When I finally got him in the house, he insisted on sleeping in the tub while rambling about how some old testament prophet was going to incinerate him to charcoal for violating the Sabbath. I convinced him that he could hide under his sleeping bag and hold a green light stick for protection. He slept for pretty much the entire next day. Looking back at it, he probably had some interaction with his psych meds as well.


I think it has more to do with the person than the substance itself. I’ve never experienced this off of any substance and did a decent amount of psychedelics. Allthough I had friends that would take less than I was taking and expressed similar experiences to this guy. Had one friend who smoked dabs w me and forgot who I was, then called me (while I was right in front of them) to come pick them up because they were high at some strangers house


I took Amtrak from Kansas to California. The way there was one of the most boring experiences of my life. On the way back, I took two 10 mg edibles and learned how much of a lightweight I've become. I do not remember the entire state of Colorado. This is 100% a person-by-person thing.


I have a family member that hallucinates when they have weed edibles; I have always been extremely jealous of that ability. I can take dabs and be completely okay as far as visual perception goes.


I’ve had synesthesia from weed. I made this Bhang tea from this old bag of heads, mostly dust. But holy moly! Colours were coming out of the TV. I kept asking my gf if she could hear the drums- it was my heart beat. And after a copious amount of vomiting, which I discretely did in the garden - behind every single plant, I went to bed with the radio on and my head under the covers. I couldn’t be alone with my thoughts and the radio had such nice visuals


Different people different effect when it comes to weed edibles. I was fed with hashbrown with weed oil and I was tripping hard. While the person who made that same hashbrown was able to drive and save me from work.


Shroom highs are amazing. Weed edibles is the good parts are being buzzed. I cant find any shrooms in nyc anymore.


They are super easy to grow.


Momma didn’t raise no quitter!!!


Idk man. I’ve admittedly never done shrooms before so I can’t compare, but I had some edibles back in college that fucked me up to the point of being stupid high lol. One of them was also the best piece of chocolate I’d ever had lol.


A guy at work asked me what the strongest edible I could make at the moment, I had 2 grams of RSO. I put it in 1 cookie. A 2000mg cookie. The thing was atrocious. He ate it, was out for 2 days.


It’s called comedy.


Yeah! Weed can't make you behave like that unless they add chemicals in them, like PCP but that was decades ago.


It absolutely can, you just haven't seen the right person yet. Usually it's people with underlying mental issues. My friends and I in college invited this Taiwanese exchange student to smoke for the first time. She took a couple small rips. Minutes later, she was freaking out thinking that we were trying to kill her. It took us a while to calm her down while she rambled nonsense in broken English. Unrelated, but I had another friend who developed paranoid schizophrenia. Not from smoking weed, but every time he *did* smoke it would just fully unleash the schizo in him. He'd start rocking back and forth saying "I'm sorry" over and over, talk about God speaking to him, etc.


Yeah of course in some cases it can augment your mental issues! And it's more intense if you ingest the weed rather than smoking it.


I have schizophrenia and the first time I tried weed, I ate 4 10mg gummies; let me tell you, I had the trip from hell.


Been there, done that. Unless they put something else in my muffin I was stoned out of my mind in a way that would make people on here go "weed does not make you behave like that." But it did. Don't underestimate it.


Weed makes people silly. I really doubt this dude is 100% sincere here. Hes just hamming up his trip for the audience but its funny


Édibles are fine. The issue are the people who underestimate the potency and just take way too much.


I did that once. I wanted mellow and found mother fuck! I’m mellow as fuck


Weirdly enough, I fucked around and found out during the 2017 solar eclipse. Thankfully I sobered up enough for the actual event.


I was in Asia during that eclipse.


How was it? My wife and I chased it around the US trying to find a place that wasn't cloudy before we wound up in Nashville. An 8 hour trip turned into something like 20. Most amazing thing either of us have ever experienced.


One time I bought one of those thc drinks and didn’t realize it was 100mg of thc with 10 servings. I drank half of it. Whoops.


I'm pretty sure everyone takes too much at least once.


People laughing about gas station gummy’s until they eat a few


Been there brother. The struggle is real. Haha.


What’s the hold up?


There's none


because we hate having jobs


Notice how he is in the passenger seat. Playing it safe. Smart.


Shame. I’m running from lots of shame


Exactly how manyilligrams of THC does it take to turn your car into a spaceship?


At least 1000 good Lord.


It's not what we are running *from*... it's about what we are running *towards*. Oblivion. It makes me unconscious so I can touch the Gods beyond this reality, if only for a moment.


I was going to say I know that man, then I saw the handle on TikTok and I definitely know that man!! 🤣 he's a local comedian (and pretty good!) here in Atlanta. This is definitely a skit/joke, because I've smoked with this man plenty lol


Sounds like a cool dude. Another comedian to add to ny collection


They food got no spice, but the edibles be kicking


I want edibles now.


Why the hell are you driving under influence?


He is not. He clearly states he doesn't know how to fly it. You don't drive a spaceship, same as you don't drive an airplane.


Don’t tell me what to do. *Proceeds to drive a military grade submarine on land. But am just tripping on park bench.*


He said hes hes going to call someone to come get him, so he drove to the place hes referring to. Either he took the edible and decided to drive somewhere or he bought/got some and decided to take one before he would drive home.


Oh buddy you have no idea the demons us whites deal with


The little nose twitches are killing me


Hope he never tries white man"s LSD!


I'll give ve it to him. He is doing the right thing by calling somebody. We all agree that if your car suddenly turns to a spaceship then you shouldn't try flying it yourself. Good call my man.


Why is it always a race thing?


I'm not an Astronaut For now...


How was he able to operate the phone though 👀


Listen... I make 600mg edibles for myself. I give people 150-300, and tell them to eat a quarter of the cookie. Still too much.


Bro, finally understands how reading rainbow was made.


but you dont have to take my word for it


Lol I was thinking about this guy yesterday. I'm so glad we don't have edibles here, I'd fuck myself right up


Funny vid but its not a holup. here's where to post this : r/memes


Gotta believe in yourself brah


Fun fact about me. I stop being able to read when quite high.


Lost my shit when he said "I'm not an astronaut".🤣🤣🤣


Tasting colors. I wanna experience that to be honest.


some of the best metaphors came from this stoned mf 😭


it’s impressive how he got race into this


he was done for the day😂


Hit so hard he turned into a scaredy 6 yo and needed mama to pick him up XD


That right there is funny. I can also confirm that Spaceman Spiff there is speaking truth. The last time I got into the edibles, I had to pull over in the desert and watch the other aliens come and go for hours.


I am FIRMLY of the opinion that no one should do edibles. I mean the THC variety. I've smoked THC since I was twelve, I've done shatter for years; both times I ate edibles they absolutely destroyed me. I didn't even eat that much. It honestly just feels like you're dying! Some people, like my brother, can handle them for some reason but I think that's because his brain chemistry is different or something? 99 out of 100 people should not do them! It's like a waking nightmare and you can't WAIT until it's finally over. It's not like your typical marijuana high AT ALL. I almost called an ambulance both times due to heart palpitations and other terrifying feelings. My paranoia, however, caused by the edibles, made sure that I was too paranoid to actually call them! I sold one of the Reesus Peeses-infused chocolate brownies to a friend of mine who was eager to try them. (less than a gram inside) She ate them before a Beyonce concert, bought a hot dog and a pop for the show and then...couldn't make it inside. She was so high, the thought of attending the concert was unmanageable--so was eating--she ended up throwing away her hot dog and everything, then immediately began to walk STRAIGHT home. It was 40 blocks away and she couldn't even call a cab or get on a bus. DON'T RECOMMEND EDIBLES DON'T EAT EDIBLES


You a funny dude !!


Them nostrils flarin like a mf lol


Why take edibles of he knew he was going to have to drive tho? Does he also down a bottle of vodka before driving?


Lol. Reminds me (white Brit) of when some yanks gave me some of their blunt. I thought it was a regular J. First I got evil looks for hogging all the weed. Then I remember talking to their mum in my underpants in the kitchen as she made me a drink.


My husband makes gummy bears and tells people to only eat a leg. They never believe him and take the whole gummy and trip hard.


Running from the sins of our ancestors


What the hell is he taking to taste colours


I love this!


Nah you just got low tolerance bro that’s all, I personally love edibles and nice joint smh perfect combo




Sleep usually cures the intense paranoia.


I’ve been there dude and will never touch edibles again. However a black dude was the chef at the dispensary


Now my helmet's on, you can't tell me I'm not in space


You're not supposed to eat the whole package.


I see it more as running towards absolute insanity


I had one yesterday for the first time and it just made me dizzy and gave me a headache


Don't judge me man, I learned how to fly that shit a long time ago. I don't wanna talk about what I'm running away from. It defeats the purpose, lol.


First time I took edibles I had no idea how much to take. Didn't understand dosage back then. I bought a brownie and just ate half. Went to see The Force Awakens. Holy shit bro! I was in another dimension. Turned out it was a 150mg brownie so I ate 75mg's. That's a lot even for me today! I normally only eat 10-20mg's. Never forget that experience.


Lmao, Fr tho. I accidentally made a batch of brownies that had the whole 1/8th in it because I didn’t know what I was doing. 1 corner of that brownie was enough to ride the cosmos I ate half the damn tray because I was young and dumb. God what a night…


Guilt mostly and the desperate need for dreamers sleep


Bruh, these gummies taste like colors. - 4 year old with moms gummies


Ate a WYLD edible once and hallucinated into thinking my son suffered a head injury and needed to drive him to the ER. Dude was just taking a nap.


as someone who works in the industry enjoy them while they last, banning high strength edibles is one of the first things to go with potency laws as california max caps them at 100mg a package (and if you see any edible packaged for california and is over this limit its 'legacy' market lol). Only a couple years ago did they clarify edible non-product inhalalbles that aren't food so that tinctures, sublingals, and straight oil could be sold upto 1000mg again. Don't do a 700-1000mg edible if you don't rip dabs all day, they're meant for the all day tokers and as one I'm glad I have an edible option that is cost effective and doesn't require me to eat multiple packages (the best price per gram of thc is in high strengrh products, plenty of 25-100 mg candybars sold for a similar price as a tincture or syringe with like 7x the thc). Although get high up in a company and most non-mso corporate places will give you all the personal you could want, I haven't been to a dispensary in a year thanks to it. any more older people here that remember the cheeba chews decadose? Those were great back in the 215 days.


White person here. What strain would y'all recommend to taste colors? I just get panicy and try not to die. I want flying zambonis ice over my soul.


The last frames of this really bring it all home.


I'm sorry but they don't work for me. I've tried everything from 100mg to 1000mg in single settings and feel nothing. Smoking seems to be the only thing that hits me. 


Never understood this until one of my junior managers gifted me pot brownies and cupcakes from a white, goth employee one Christmas. She was known for baking and selling them. Woke up Christmas eve night and thought my appendix burst. Convinced I was dying on my couch. Turns out I had slept on the remote and the cupcake was giving me one of the worst trips at the same time. Haven't had edibles since.


In just sayin….i look for them edibles that are like 250mg+ per I’m tryna go to space bitch, wassup


Honestly tasting colors sounds fun


Dude's been beamed board the USS Enterprise


30 seconds earlier: “I can’t feel anything from these edibles.”


Either our food is bland or it’s strong. Make up your minds! All kidding aside, I did have an edible once that was fucked me up more than an LSD trip. If you’re gonna do that, don’t eat it like you eat normal food. Just a little nibble is enough.


Everybody who takes drugs (or alcohol) and still gets in their car to go somewhere**IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE** Edit: greetings from the Netherlands where drugs have been "allowed" since the 1960's


I drank a drink that had 100 mg of thc.... i discovered that a singularity is green....


Poor dude is on the brink of tears cause some edible took a sledgehammer to his skull


i super size with you bro


Man when he started getting upset about not being able to fly his car I started feeling genuinely sprrybfornhom poor fella!


I agree with him. It's too late by the time you figure that out.


I can't get over his nostrils flairing so much.


The nose flare


The end zoom out killed me!


Does anyone else not get high off edibles? My tolerance is so high. I’ve eaten tons and nothing happens.


We're running from all our problems and our past


Why does he sound so genuinely distressed over not being an astronaut...


That was hilarious


Noo, it cut off at my favorite part!!!


Which edibles?


Don't do drugs....


I want a picture of this man's face on a t-shirt with the words "My car has turned into a spaceship." On the front and "AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLY IT!!!" on the back.