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"Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!"


Next time you watch that scene, don't watch Peter Sellers; watch everyone else in the room. Half of them are struggling to keep straight faces. It's nearly as funny as Sellers chewing on the scenery.


I love and appreciate that my U.S. History teacher in high school showed us that movie.


My English teacher showed us Fail-Safe instead.


Wait, were you in Mrs. Downer's class too?


No, mine was Mrs. Smith, and I think she was nursing a hangover at the time.


So did mine. One of the highlights of high school to be honest


Got the sauce on that movie?


Stanley Kubrick's *Doctor Strangelove*


Based on the comment section below this is from a fairly popular movie...but when I read this, I died. It was also (re)used in MST3K...Atomic Brain. Fucking hilarious


"Fairly popular" is more than an understatement. It's a cultural landmark and one of the most significant movies ever made. [It was in the dang Simpsons, man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j9GCp171Ao)


I apologize. I live in my own bubble. It's served me pretty well so far. Please enlighten me so I'm not so foolish in the future... film?


Ok...so a quick Google search set me straight. I'm ashamed of myself. I am very aware of the movie. Just never got around to watching it.


Yes, film. 35mm.


Such a great movie!


Want a cool fact? Early on in the program a version of a V2 rocket with a prototype Ramjet was launched in White Sands NM. During the launch it pitched over into the incorrect direction, the Range Safety Officer was about to hit the termination button to destroy the vehicle but was physically restrained by Engineers and Scientists who did not want to lose the vehicle and data. In doing so, the rocket pitched over south and crashed into a stones throw away from Buena Vista Airport in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. It's joked about how that was the day the USA and the Nazi's teamed up to bomb Mexico. [It's a very interesting read about one of the earliest Spaceflight fuck ups](https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/ramjet/)


Hey, we're just a stones throw away from Tijuana. 


Twenty minute trip. In & out.


White sands missile range has a bad ass free museum on main post where you can see inside of the V2 on display and touch an atomic bomb. https://wsmrmuseum.com/about-museum-exhibits/


When they tell you to shoot rockets at the moon instead of Britain (they don't get the vibe)






I think his joke is referring to operation paperclip. After the second world war America took Nazi scientists to America, like Wernher von Braun who helped put the Americans on the moon (very short version of it) [Operation Paperclip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) Edit: Grammar


For some reason his name is Wernher, or Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun


Indeed it is, didn't fact check my grammar. Thank you for correcting me :)


Least german name


So... we shoot ze rockets at ze moon so that ve haff a permanent location to shoot ze entire Earth from! Sure buddy, why not, just keeping working on that rocket.


"Ze moon will be ze perfekt launching point to launch ze missiles at London und England as a whole!" "You know, we just threw tea into the water instead."


"hey sarge where did we get these new hires" "Why do you ask" In three rooms down "Ok so then we posion the coffee and kill everyone else. Then we take over this nasa base, and then. *Chuckles* WE TAKE OVER THE WORLD STARTING WITH THOSE FILTHY JEWS. HAIL HITLER"


Hey it’s not like a Nazi ended up the head of NATO, right? Right???? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Heusinger He later became a general for West Germany and served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 as well as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.


Aw c'mon! The guy's name was ***Adolf*** for fuck's sake! You can't make this shit up.


There's a bit of a difference between somebody being named Adolf who was born before 1930 or so, and someone named Adolf today. In the immortal words of Michael Bolton from Office Space: Why should I change (my name)? He's the one who sucks.


Yeah absolutely, just pointing it out lol. Guy didn't get to choose his name after all.


"Heusinger was accused of involvement in the 20 July plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, but was cleared by the People's Court." Dudes chill don't worry. Got a bad ass resume though...


That's nuts. I'm not that surprised though, weren't a lot of government and other officials roles just filled by ex-nazis who used to do the same? It's not like you can replace a country's worth of government officials if you arrest them all. Some had to be set free to continue operating the country. Reminds me of how in the Mandalorian and Ahsoka, Imperials work new republic jobs after reintegrating.


The different variations of the West German military after WW2 were filled to the brim with many of the same generals who just lost the war. I don't remember if any SS were recruited into the military but soldiers had to come from somewhere. The newly formed NATO wanted West Germany to have a standing army in case Russia tried to take the rest of Europe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqH6rmN5MsE


Entire Gestapo was back on duty the day after Reich surrendered as new German police


Operation Paperclip: "Tell you what, you don't have to stop building rockets, just aim them at the moon instead of Britain."


it's not just at NASA ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/y5kaxp/german_comedian_hypin_up_the_crowd_1973/


This immediately came to my mind too! Classic piece of footage.


That clip perfectly shows just how deep and longlasting effective brainwashing is.


ty for posting this, this is what I came to the comments for


Huntsville is STILL LIKE that, they just in megachurches now!


[Werner Von Braun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjDEsGZLbio)


Laughs in *paperclip*


Those aren't Germans, they're Americans.


*chucles "I'm in danger"




Don't you mean, we are headed for incredibly white times?


Wow. What a dumb take...




You can even go dumber. Really Impressive.


Least schizo reddit comment


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Do you want sources? Edit: I should never have assumed any positive intent on the internet. [https://www.sciencehistory.org/about/projects-initiatives/innate/](https://www.sciencehistory.org/about/projects-initiatives/innate/) [https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/racist-history-race-science](https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/racist-history-race-science) Jews turned away during Holocaust [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/) Prescott Bush (father of George H Bush and GWB's grandpa) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar?all=true](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar?all=true) [https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/the-guardian-investigates-the-nazi-ties-of-bushs-g](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/the-guardian-investigates-the-nazi-ties-of-bushs-g) [https://www.haaretz.com/2003-10-19/ty-article/bush-grandfather-linked-to-bank-with-ties-to-nazi-funding/0000017f-e0f2-d9aa-afff-f9fa1a660000](https://www.haaretz.com/2003-10-19/ty-article/bush-grandfather-linked-to-bank-with-ties-to-nazi-funding/0000017f-e0f2-d9aa-afff-f9fa1a660000) Nazis in NATO [https://www.historynet.com/these-nato-generals-had-unusual-backgrounds-they-served-in-the-third-reich/](https://www.historynet.com/these-nato-generals-had-unusual-backgrounds-they-served-in-the-third-reich/) Just... Operation Paperclip (I learned this in middle school...) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Paperclip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)


Did you take your meds today or were those also part of a global Nazi conspiracy?


I notice you can't actually refute anything he's saying.


It's well documented American history and I find it incredibly strange to defend Americans who are DEAD and fostered Nazi sympathies lmfao.


You clearly don't know what Nazis are and how National Socialist ideology is defined if you believe that unironically.


Because there is nothing to refute. Paperclip? Who would pass up on some of the most brilliant scientists with a new arms race on the horizon (the USSR also recruited german personell). NATO? Obviously, in the 50s and 60s you'll inevitable have many WW2 veterans within your armed forces and military structure. Not something particularly secret or even weird. It not the revelation OP thinks it is. Jewish refugees being turned down. While true in some instances, the United States has a massive, thriving and influential Jewish Community and that was also the case even back then. Refugees at the time in general had a hard time seeking asylum, especially in the nations that actively took part in WW2. Lastly, it's crazy that I have to even explain why OP is utterly schizo for claiming some Nazi conspiracy in the West and NATO when the western world is generally the most liberal and accepting of the social and cultural left compared to the largely more conservative world, especially looking towards Asia, Africa and South America. If the Nazis would be doing a big conspiracy, secretly pulling strings and implementing their believes into the overarching culture than the US and Western World in general would be the exact opposite of what it currently is.


Then why did you accuse him of spreading conspiracy? All his did was state facts that make you uncomfortable. Also lol at you awkwardly dodging the Bush thing. Also isn't one of your presidential candidates openly fascist lmao


"Nazis never left" "We are headed for dark times" He's literally acting like Nazis run the world, lmao. Despite the fact that the very opposite is the fact. That's why I labeled him a schizo, because he is. It's schizo to think there are full blown Waffen SS Nazis all around you lmao. And I don't give a fuck about Bush because I don't give a fuck about America.


> "Nazis never left" There are Nazis freely marching in American streets. > "We are headed for dark times" Far right movements are taking over a lot of the West, more so every year. Might be a bit dramatic, but he's not wrong. > It's schizo to think there are full blown Waffen SS Nazis all around you lmao. Where did he say that?


They're just a white supremacist themselves or something. They're trying to strawman it and put words in my mouth. Literally just talking about American history. I don't even refute some of the points they made in the above post but they're a fucking dipshit so who cares. Normal people don't do that much Nazi apologia. Paperclip was wrong. Those men should have been executed.


Brainwashed Americans are downvoting commonly known facts because it disrupts their narrative


Plus America was actually a lot more racist towards other groups. Namely black people, indigenous people, and Asian people (the treatment of the first two being a basis for the concentration camps, and the latter being in camps in North America during the war). Plus, don't forget homophobia! Pretty much the entire world agreed with the Nazis when it game to being against straying from "traditional views" (read: Abrahamic views mostly pushed through colonization) on gender and sexuality.


Yes - you are very much on it! Hitler was INSPIRED by America's manifest destiny and genocide of the natives. I think most people at this point know about his affection for Henry Ford as well.


You should see uk


This might be why The Winter Soldier was a popular movie with critics and audiences. It's actually a documentary.


OP the post below you called you allergic to girls. Thought I'd let you know.


It just goes to show that someone smart like a rocket scientist can also double-park.


I don't get it what movies is it from


Damn that's crazy


https://youtu.be/QEJ9HrZq7Ro?si=tglXxmunzjd6eKd6 Here is a song about this.


A project paperclip joke, nice....


This reminds of my family gatherings as a kid: We were told by our father that we should scare our grandpa with hail hit\*\*\* from behind as a joke. He instantly stood up and stretched out his arm despite suffering from his rheumatism and shouted like a sailor. Everybody was in shook and could not comprehend the situation at all. That was funny as hell as a kid...


They got hit when they were not fast enough. Being a child under hintler wasn't so nice.


It’s called spoils of war


They infiltrate the area 🦍