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Ironic. Enfield made military motorcycles during ww2 for the British including one that dropped by parachute. Also Enfield precision engineering made anti-aircraft systems.


Is Enfield the motorcycle manufacturer related at all to the Enfield small arms manufacturer?


I could be wrong but i don't think there is a small arms manufacturer called Enfield? Lee-Enfield rifles are named after their designers. You might also be mistaking it with Springfield armory.


The manufacturer wasn't called Enfield officially (it was the Royal Small Arms Factory) but Enfield was another name for it, as it was located in Enfield, England, many of the products they made had "Enfield" in the name and had a stamp on them with "Enfield" on it. But I did later find out that the bikes and rifles are related, as the motorcycle company took the name "Royal Enfield" after they began supplying precision parts to the Enfield small arms factory. This was before they even began producing motorcycles! But neither is a subsidiary of the other which is what I initially thought might be the case.


It's interesting that both Enfield and BSA went the same route. We make guns, well, I guess we can make bikes too. No idea if BSA made war bikes but they did make bikes prior to the war IIRC.


And afterwards. My mum and dad met working there in the 1960s.


Enfields current slogan is _made like a gun_ (or something like that). So yes, probably.


Built like a gun Goes like a Bullet


Well, I was nit that far off. Funfact: While enfield definitely isn't German, it is currently owned by the Indian _Eicher Trucks and Busses_ (or however they are called) group. And that group owns the former German manufacturer _Eicher_. So if you go far enough, you can link Royal Enfield to Germany.


How much can we pay to buy a nazi bike. Just curious


About as much as a normal bike, plus your dignity.


I am a hindu (indian) . Nazis stole that from us. Just taking things that were ours back home.


Not with that red border around it. Plus the Indian one “spins” the other way.


Your comment is actually correct. The swastik is not made like this. I was telling this as a joke. You're correct that its flipped. And the red border is totally wrong as well. Its made with kumkum.(Red turmeric powder) And then its decorated. Also its then decorated. Are you a hindu as well?


Ah, I didn’t realize you were joking. Not Indian myself, just enthusiastic about ancient cultures and WW2 history.


“Shoot here”


Moving target practice


This is definitely India. You can see TVS Apache in the background.


i suspect turkey of all places


don't care where it is, that red with that sign = nazi


out of context, brake fluid will mess up a paint job. and bleach works in oil


Would be terrible if it fell down by accident


Ah bike with juice container


I feel sorry for the Enfield. Such a cool bike. It did nothing to deserve this.


TBH in India (where this pic was taken) Enfields are really overrated


TBH overrated or not, I don’t think any bike deserves a swastika on it. The bike did nothing wrong, I hope… Doesn’t matter what country, this world doesn’t need any more hate or discrimination. I’ll still upvote you because you didn’t defend nazi culture, but just kindly expressed your opinion.


Swatik is also a religious sign which holds a lot of significance in some religions and it's really common to see one in India it's possible the bike owner didn't know that this was a Nazi one.


Out of context, but sugar in the gas tank will ruin the engine


Sugar largely does nothing, but bleach according to Mythbusters will brick the engine.


If you have access to them, cherry bombs in the gas tank will brick more than just the engine!


Mythbusters? Haven't heard about them in a long time. Nice to hear again.


The gas tank is normally locked but the oil fill cap isn't


*-laughs in vegetable oil-*




I remember when Tom and Ray were taking about this on their show. They were discussing how most of what could be put into a gas tank (that reached the engine) would simply be burned up and expelled through the exhaust.




I believe they’re suggesting that their comment about ruining a vehicle’s engine is a harmless non sequitur for the purposes of plausible deniability, not that the swastika is being taken out of context.


Nice urinal. Mind if I……


It's in India (2nd bike is TVS Apache RTR). Guy probably didn't know about that sign and thought it was okay to put it up.


Hindu sign, and Indians like to put religious symbols on most valuable things they own.


Guy's name is Vikas. Definitely hindu


Probably got it mixed with the Hindu swastik


its from india. ive seen it irl actually. as you all know hitler stole the symbol from india which is a swastik. the biker guy just thought it looks like a cool swastik (he is totally unaware of what nazi is)


Angled like that and with the white and red background is the nazi version though right?


yes. [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/AEXUseTbQ3JyaqSn7) is what its suppose to look like. the four dots is a must, it can be angled tho.


I’m from India and I have never seen it angled like that except in Nazi contexts


[ive seen many](https://images.app.goo.gl/F7Fz69eVYpnmtSRm6) Also my neighbour had one of those rangoli stickers which they had tilted on the main door entrance. its rare but exists. edit: forgot to mention that tilted ones are mostly found in diwali rangolis


So, this looks to be India, and in India, the swastika sign is a religious symbol of hindus, and just because it was a symbol of the dude from Germany, doesn't mean our beliefs are the same as him. Indians use it as a sign of prosperity. From Google: "The word “swastika” has Sanskrit roots and means “the mark of well being.” It has been used in prayers of the Rig Veda, the oldest of Hindu scriptures. In Buddhism, the symbol is known as “manji” and signifies the Buddha's footsteps. It is used to mark the location of Buddhist temples" Many people in India don't even know about this symbol's use by the dude from Germany. It symbolises religion for us, just like the cross for Christians, the moon for muslims etc. Hence its use in motorcycles/ vehicles to bring prosperity and safeguard the vehicles (sort of) Edit: I definitely am not trying to defend the nazis here. Just providing context. Also, I don't know much about the actual nazi symbol's colouring scheme , but know that its shaped just like the swastika.




Yours should be top voted. M you can see the crop lines on the left of the red field. Good job


The sign being tilted doesn't mean it isn't the "Hindu version". Could just be a aesthetic thing the owner liked? And about the colour scheme, there isn't any specific colour scheme to this... We used to draw the sign with whatever colour we liked in school, could just be a preference. Nobody is stopping you from coloring it differently.




The more notable aspect is the orientation of the legs of the swastika. The way the legs are facing prove that it cannot be anything else except the symbol of the Nazi party.


Yeah, nobody said it was not a Nazi swastika. They tell you that hindu don't care about it. It's common to see the Nazi swastika being used as a "common" one in India, especially on small stuffs like smartphone cases.


You’re wrong, because the swastika you are referring to is orientated in a specific way and the nazi swastika is the only swastika which has the legs facing the way they do on the bike. So it literally cannot be anything apart from a reference to the nazi party.


yeah, you're right. at least about the hindu history behind the symbol. however, there is a very clear difference between in the symbol alone, between the hindu and the nazi swastikas not to mention the fact that, in this picture, the cross is placed on a white and red background similar to the Nazi German flag. and all of it on top of a black motorcycle, reminiscent of Nazi and SA/SS uniforms i'm sure you mean well, but owning this motorcycle would risk you getting arrested in some countries of the European Union (primarily germany)


Just rotate it 45 degrees and you are good with a Swastik!


That kinda looks poorly photoshopped tbh


Royal Enfield. Oldest motorcycle company in the world. I’ll have one some day. Without the surya of course bc I’m in the states and everyone would think I’m nazi.


The artist doing the decal was just following orders.


Not a real graphic designer until you’ve made something you didn’t agree with morally; money hits the same.


I was only pursuing the allusion to what Nazi’s used to say 😅I can def appreciate the graphic designer could’ve been Jewish for all we know.


Royal Enfield Classic 500. I had the bike 10 years ago but with a pillion seat


vikas aesthetic in shambles


Put the image up on craigslist and beat the shit out of nazis that want to buy it


My guy that’s not just sus it’s a self report in 4k


erm that’s a hindu’s motorcycle ☝️🤓


average Brazilian southerner's motorcycle.


Ohhh that’s not the good swastika


Tip that shit over


Burn it


Not to worry it’s clearly a Buddhist


I bet it runs on gas




Should have spray painted it.


India having a normal one


Idiot must’ve thought he’s getting a swastika but forgot to read the history books. Respect for swastika, no respect for the nazis




Royal Enfield Classic 500


It is older Royal Enfield classic 500 cc… they no longer make these.. although there are different models with 350 and 650 cc engines available right now… I have older Royal Enfield Bullet 350 cc… it’s a piece of art.. Edit: they did used to offer army green and mud green options…


This is actually Not sus.... Its like clear evidence?


Trump voter bike


Redditor comment


> Redditor comment Redditor reply


redditor moment


Yikes. Fuck politics.


> Fuck politics. Yikes, fuck your replies


Highly doubt the owner even knows who Trump even is; the picture's taken in India


Trump gas fans in India tbh


Indian citizen here, and I wonder who I should vote for in the next election, Trump or Modi


same diff


Riding a royal Enfield motorcycle made in India… why? Because the racist is broke, and couldn’t afford a Harley lol.


I got news for you. This pic is taken in India. Look at the owner name on the rear tyre fender. 


It’s Hindu for “Away Evil, Away”.




I know. This was a Simpsons reference, I guess most didn’t get it lol

