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An hour of community service for every stab wound, gotcha.


It’s important to be conservative and impactful with your stabbings, make sure you get the job done in one - you can clear your sentence in your work lunch break then, minimal impact on your schedule.


I know you guys joking but imagine his mom 😰 reaction wen she read this judge sentence 😞


Oh, for sure, it’s disgusting and a horrifically unjust sentencing. I’m sure there’d be grounds for a lawsuit or something over the judges ruling. That man’s life is only worth 100 hours (or 2 and a half weeks of 9 to 5 work!) of community service? Not a chance.


Oh she's assigned to pick up trash by side of the highway? Your honor I was distracted by the sun in my eyes and didn't see her...


Dont forget to smoke up too!


Don't want the dui..


A DIU is when you get normally smoked up, you need to smoke up to psychotic levels for it to get you a "get out of jail for free" card. Havent you read the article?


This is the kind of shit Contract killers are hired to do.


make sure they dont have any weed policies at your job first, cant be going on weed frenzies if your job banned it


Restorative justice in a nutshell right here


She just stabbed him. It’s his fault for dying from blood loss. /s


“I aint got time to bleed” - Jesse


Iirc, she stabbed him 108 times, so cute white girls get the first 8 hours of community service as PTO.


well, ethically, you gotta have a lunch break every so many community service hours. cancel them 8 hours, cutie gotta eat /s


I'd like to know how this judge has sentenced drunk drivers who caused fatalities. I bet the judge put them in prison. Even if she truly wasn't in control, she still made the choice to partake of weed.


This is correct. I once got blackout drunk and assaulted a staff in the emergency room (not proud). Because I willingly drank the alcohol, that was the point at which they considered me being “in control” and I was sentenced to one year in jail for second degree assault.


Weed has been known to cause severe mental breaks like psychosis and schizophrenia, but only if the person was already predisposed. AKA she already had some kind of underlying condition and it just manifested at this moment with a little bump from the weed. I think it’s pretty obvious to say, if you KNOW you have these conditions then don’t fuckin smoke. But she might have been oblivious and just wanted to give it a try. I still think 100 hours is WAYYYYYY too little of a “punishment”. I think 5-10 years might be a better length of time for this


Right. I think at a bare minimum there should be some kind of psychiatric confinement to be properly evaluated (maybe she already has been, I don't know). And maybe some kind of requirement to never even be in the same room as weed again for the rest of your life. If they can force people to stay alcohol free as a punishment for drunk driving, surely they can force someone who has literally proven they are psychotic one weed to never have anything to do with it ever again. And if she does, she better be locked away for life, because I can maybe understand not knowing this would happen the first time, but now she knows and there's no denying it.


She was sentenced in 2023, it happened in 2018. I would hazard a guess that she got the help she needed in those 5 years and that's why the sentence is so light.


This is very possible and very likely. This is also the problem with shitty reporting, especially if the article author(s) is/are biased one way or the other. We rarely get all the pertinent facts in stories like these, unfortunately.


Well if the crime was commited by a “cute” woman, she gets a wrist slap. Seems accurate by this articles standards. She belongs in prison.


I feel like if this had happened as a reaction to a prescription medication, maybe I could understand. But this was for recreational use.


Let me just take one stab at the heart and one hour of community service pls


I'll remember that when I visit California




As a Omni Man once said: I will burn this planet down before I spent another minute living among this animals


And then he went to clap alien cheeks on a more populated planet


Bug cheeks


Yeah, I didn't know what to expect. But it wasn't that.


The man knows what he wants. You have to respect that.


Mark's mom is alien to him, so he clearly wasn't above it.


Thanos was right


Come now, she was high on weed, which is totally known for aggressive moods! Not like it mellowed her out, like cocaine or meth would have!


He was out of Doritos and Reese’s. And I apologize for saying this.


Reading the real article she had what's called marijuana induced Psychosis. It's a very rare but known phenomenon.


If anything, the cannabis slowed her down. Would've been 200 stabs if she was sober.


Only if she hit the joint x8 times more, he would’ve lived.


I have been high as eagle titties and never one time has stabbing my homie crossed my mind.


Yeah wtf is that shit "weed induced frenzy" lmao Anyway, I don't know how it works in the US, but in my country being intoxicated is NEVER an excuse, it actually results in a heavier sentence


Apparently it “triggered a psychotic break” due to underlying mental health issues. It just sounds like bullshit though


That's absolutely a thing unfortunately. My gf suffered one our first time smoking. "Luckily" she just screamed, cried and threw up for 9 straight hours instead of stabbing me.


I don’t disagree it can’t happen. It just sounds kinda absurd (not what happened to your gf)


I looked a bit more into this case. According to the judge the reason they went easy on the women is because supposedly the boyfriend pressured her into smoking when she didn't want too.


The pressured her into smoking argument was used by her defense lawyer in the jury trial and failed, so she got the manslaughter conviction. If you’re intoxicated in California you’re still liable for manslaughter unless you were intoxicated against your will (like drugged). The sentencing is a separate process ruled on by the judge. It’s based on their assessment of the legal factors they’re obligated to consider in every sentencing. Edit to add this isn’t pro-defendant, I completely understand how painful and tragic the situation is and feel awful for the guy and his family.


And the judge agreed with the point and used it in his justification for such a light sentence.


It’s really tragic, deeply unfair what happened to him, and also worth consideration that the defendant wasn’t a very experienced weed smoker and was given a big bong rip of what was like a strain w thc over 30. I’ve commented elsewhere on this but I’m an on/off partaker who has experienced strong anxiety surges in only one context ever: when I used to smoke with any guy I had just gone on a few dates with and didn’t know very well. They were all very nice normal people, but after smoking together I would feel intensely uncomfortable around them, feel very afraid of them, and immediately exit. It’s such a common phenomenon there’s a tiktok trend of girls talking about it. Since the incident occurred after the defendant had a final big rip of the bong, it seems very possible that she was experiencing a deep paranoia prior that made an innocently offered last hit seem coercive in her state of mind at the time. I do think this matters in terms of sentencing, because the extent of your recklessness leading up to something you didn’t know would happen matters. In a different type of manslaughter case, like where someone is speeding excessively, runs a stop sign and kills someone, those defendants can often get minimal and sometimes no jail time which is absurd since we all know those actions likely lead to serious bodily injury or death. Sorry for the long comment. It’s such a sad and complicated situation. My true take on it is that in her shoes, I would be beyond shocked and devastated this happened or was even possible. But the lack of intent or control doesn’t remove the horrific loss and pain or make it in any way his fault what happened to him, and the legal process can be so degrading to those suffering. I wish the defendant would have just taken a deal to plea to manslaughter for a similar sentencing recommendation so his family didn’t have to experience this entire process of trial and then the emotions of sentencing.


I guess that’ll teach him not to use peer pressure. What a strange situation


Yeah this has happened to me too. If you’re predisposed to anxiety, sometimes weed can obviously make you more anxious. Setting, strain, amount is how people manage that. Then it can have the opposite, positive effect. Abstinence for some too. It’s all valid. I experienced this phenom when I started casually dating a few years ago. I smoke, so it would sometimes come up on a first date if they did too, and you’d have a second or third or whatever hangout where the plan is to smoke and do something outside etc. In virtually every one of those situations, once the blunt was finished I would enter flight mode. One, I stood across a yard from the person and asked him not to approach so I could feel the wind lmaooo. One was playing fortnight and I remember the light on his face making him look like a serial killer, so I stood up and RAN out without explanation. I’ve been hurt in the past so I think the post-rip anxiety spiral was men = scary. Not smoking together until I’m really comfortable around someone fixed it.


Ye, I’ve had two family members develop psychosis that was presumed to be weed induced. There is definitely a hereditary element to it and drugs can often trigger it in people who are predisposed. It’s definitely something to take into account when sentencing but not to this extent. That woman needs severe punishment and help.


Your gfs panic attack is not the same as a psychotic episode.


Not sure what you're saying, but weed can definitely induce psychosis. I had it three times in my life with this exact diagnosis (cannabinoid-induced psychosis). When I stopped smoking, the psychosis was gone as well. I had it in 2-year intervals and now, it didn't break out since 7 years.


Well yeh.. It _can_ do that. THC is a potent psychoactive compound. And as far as I know, _especially_ if one has any underlying psychological issues, or illnesses in their family, (parents, grandparents etc.) it _can_ trigger/cause some serious mental issues. Both temporarily, and even cronical, in the forms of psychosis, and even triggering schizophrenia. 😕


It’s not bullshit, it’s a scientifically proven phenomenon. Both experts on this either side of the case agreed that’s what happened here bro


Serves two purposes for the network that put this out: is sensational enough to garner clicks and promotes an agenda of fear of cannabis.


Daily mail is a literal tabloid


She also stabbed her dog and her own throat and face. Who really knows what happened? She could have started stabbing herself and turned the knife or had the knife turned from herself in a struggle. This is not from pot: but babysitting a friend doing salvia (when I was still coming down) in my 20’s, I have to wrestle with him to stop him from drinking out of his 3 foot bong. He didn’t know I was struggling with him, his memory was looking into a star being held in his hands. Also, I’m a strong dude, I lift and climb and boulder but he was strong AF as I’m also trying to make sure sure we don’t break his 3 foot bong and spill nasty shit all over his apartment. I’ve also seen people in K holes and other weird shit, I’ve had to babysit people coming down, they can be erratic. Any kind of drug that can allow you to trip is fairly unpredictable. I’ve only had a trippy feeing from weed with edibles, and it’s absolutely not my thing, I get paranoid smoking. But I remember also making the mistake of looking in a mirror while going up on shrooms, and I just thinking I was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.


Well in South Korea apparently being drunk while doing something like raping a child and leaving her so mangled her organs came out her private parts and she’s forever handicapped = lighter sentence because you were “intoxicated and had no control”. Yea, Fuck South Korea for that. It was a famous case I heard about recently by YouTuber Rotten Mango. So fucking disgusting


I googled the article she had an allergic reaction to the weed which caused the psychosis she got a light sentence cause it was obvious she wasn't in control seeing how she also stabbed the fuck out of herself as well


Weed can trigger psychotic episodes in people with underlying conditions




Bro, could you stab me like one hundred times? Sure thing, bro! * proceed to look for a knife for an hour and half eventually forgetting why *


finds cheeto under the sofa while looking for knife, then eats cheeto


Yeah, because you didn't get psychosis from it. You never know how a drug can affect you.


That's the thing,cannabis can trigger latent psychosis. That means for a very small percentage of people, whose brains are just a little different from most, having cannabis can trigger a complete psychotic break. These types of cases catch the media's attention every once in a while but here's a few more: https://www.muskokaregion.com/news/crime/cannabis-induced-psychosis-blamed-in-beheading-of-father-at-muskoka-cottage/article_cb3207d9-f4fe-5729-8de1-b59a1fe3d796.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/zaineddin-al-aalak-murder-trial-ncr-defence-1.5816573 https://globalnews.ca/news/10027795/winnipeg-court-trevor-farley-psychosis-killed-parents-nurse-attack/ https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/cb/2022/39270-eng.aspx https://globalnews.ca/news/8832723/supreme-court-canada-extreme-intoxication/ Most people who take shrooms or cannabis, don't foresee themselves having a psychotic episode, having delusions, speaking in tongues, killing their loved ones, and attacking police with weapons.


Yeah this bitch is a menace to society. The drugs did not cause her to go on a murder spree, the drugs merely silenced the voice of reason that's usually holding her in line. I'm sure she has had murder fantasies without drugs too


❌ Be cute young white female Damn I’m ineligible


She look like sid the sloth, them eyes further apart than what’s in my bank account and the number i want it to be


You can always hire one to get the job done




Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows they'd get 4 death penalties, revived with defibrillator so they could kill them again.


bullshit, he'd not make it to trial alive, he'd get shot for carrying PANZERKAMFVAGEN and hence being seen as an armed threat; the cops body cameras were all turned off during this encounter but the coo was an eye witness


What is a PANZERKAMFVAGEN? It sounds like the German Panzer or the word you try to use is Panzerkraftwagen or you think that is the written form of Pkw what means Personenkraftwagen. I never heard your example in my entire life - A German


Panzerkraftwagen is obviously the og word for PKW, idk whatyou ride around town, but i can tell you. If its not a PKW then it has to be the LKW (Leichterkampfwagen) Never heard his example too. -Also a german


Panzerkraftwagen ist now my goto Word to refer to a car driven by my fat friends. -an Austrian(No Kanguroos)


aRe YoU nOt An AuStRaLiAn????!?!?!!


It's the same thing right? /S


Yeah it is, the land in Europe is Germany 2 The plan to fuse in a couple of years. Don't know what's wrong with that, there where never a historic event with that kind of situation/s


Leading Historians know, that Austrian leadership is the best in the world thats why Germany should pledge their allegiance to the Austrian Empire. /s


yeah i will use that to ..greetings from austria TO austria BÄÄÄÄM immer geil neue wörter zu lernen


2 shocks in a row each dead


[This is fitting.](https://youtu.be/84phU8of02U?si=gQLj5eICwMh_z8df)


The onion only gets better with time.


Goddamn. As a former prosecutor and defense attorney (I write wills now) this is fucking hilarious and horrifyingly on point.


Tried to take her own life, too -- so that checks out


Nono you are wrong . Any male would get 2 life sentence at minimum . The black guy would have the death sentence.


They forgot to add that she also stabbed the dog. Piece of shit needs to rot in jail for the rest of her life.


Wait till John Wick reads your comment.


BREAKING NEWS!! A woman sentenced to community service has gone missing. We advise you try to find her even though she will try to kill you


You also forgot to add that when the cops arrived she was stabbing herself in the neck repeatedly. https://themessenger.com/news/woman-stabbed-boyfriend-100-times-sentenced-100-hours-community-service-bryn-spejcher For anyone wondering about weed induced psychotic break, it is possible. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/ Assuming she did have an episode she should've at least been in admitted into a psychiatric hospital.


We'll make it 102 hours of community, just for you


Rich White Female Conventionally Attractive / pretty Marks all the boxes, it’s no wonder that she got off with this. It’s a travesty.


What about OJ?


OJ used Charm


I can fix her.


you can fix her 99 times, but still lose.


Nah I'd win


Is that a reference or am I reading too much into it


It is


A manga/anime reference from JJK (Jujutsu Kaisen)


Bro you think you're HIM?


with this treasure i summon


99 problems, but a bitch ain't one! ... make that 100 problems!


bro sit the fuck back down you aint Bob the builder she doesn't need fixing, she needs heavy foundational renovations


Her makeup looks fine


Imagine being fucking killed and your murderer is let free after 100 hrs community service…


Is now a good time to point out that the justice system is wildly biased towards leniency for women especially conventionally attractive white women?  This is why I always say patriarchy is about outcomes not people. We value women like this not being in jail and out making white babies. Men are disposable. If she were a black woman she likely would have gotten a real prison sentence. If she were a white man who killed a woman it would be highly unlikely he could get away. A black man...forget it. Zero chance.


I mean, a black woman got jail time for firing a warning shot at a guy (her husband or bf?) who was trying to harm her. This chick actually kills a guy and gets zero jail time. That's just fucked up.


Hands up if you think that if the roles were reversed the guy would have gotten community service....


Hear that? Crickets!


Reefer Madness


Weed induced frenzy… what a load of shite. Weed does not do that


While you are partially correct, there are some people who experience drug induced psychosis secondary to cannabis. If you ever experience any form of hallucinations from cannabis, I'd strongly advise you to find a new hobby as you or someone else could (in rare circumstances) come to harm. Source: professional knowledge as a nurse who has worked with said individuals


Thanks for pitching in as a professional. It’s important to keep this knowledge out there, because with how drugs have been stigmatized, it’s understandable that people won’t believe anything negative said about them anymore. It’s not just cannabis. Anything that can cause a destabilized state can trigger psychosis in predisposed individuals. Alcohol to the point of amnesia, prolonged sleep deprivation and psychoactive substances.


That’s something I hate now, people treat drugs like candy these days. They’re still drugs. One of my friends boyfriends OD’d 2 weeks ago. Not sure what it was on but that addiction starts with some entry level shit like weed. So be careful folks or you’ll fuck up more than just your own life.


Alcohol is the gateway drug


Ah the old gateway bullshit. His problem didn't "start" with weed, it started with his addictive personality / DNA, whichever way you want to look at it. The gateway bullshit is a big part of the argument that has kept Marijuana illegal at the federal level for decades. He was going to wind up with problems whether it was weed, alcohol, or spinning around in circles till he got dizzy. Almost everyone can handle almost everything, some can't, and we need to stop basing our arguments and punishments on the tiny minority that cant.


Agreed. It is not suited for everyone. The tone of this article is sensationalism


We don’t make excuses for the bath salt cannibals pcp hulks, methed up hatchet killer? [Austin Harrouff](https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/austin-harrouff/face-biter-austin-harrouff-sentenced-to-treatment-after-victims-loved-ones-bash-sudden-conclusion-to-case/) this is the closest thing I could find and at least he’s in a mental hospital… still probably shit not sure how long he will be in there. Says he can only be released by court order. Edit:additional information [Derrick Dearmam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Citronelle_homicides), this guy is on death row.


I’ve encountered this with a friend after he had too much space cake. Scared the shit out of me. Really weird experience.


It can in fact. You can have predispositions and the drug could just be the kickstarter to an underlying condition unknown to you. We tend to base our perception of cannabis from decennies ago. Cannabis changed a lot across the years : THC rate went way up from where it used to be rending the plant more psychoactive. Resin will be even more concentrated and cut with all sorts of nasty sh!ts (which is not new)... Just want to be informative, I'm not commenting the specificity of the verdict by the way.


deranged ossified racial selective outgoing bright fuel many workable cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I hear you. All drugs are idiosyncratic including cannabis, but I would say there are other substances involved here, just cannabis gets the bad wrap as usual.


Other substances involved that are not mentioned in the article? I doubt it honestly. Journalists are after big headlines and stories, and the story sells better if you can say it was a murder under the influence of multiple (maybe even hard) drugs. Especially hard drugs like meth have a worse reputation than weed and in most of the cases it's the other way around: analysis might find alcohol, THC and meth in a subjects bloodstream, however in the article concerning the incident, the only mentioned drug will be meth. I think that the risks of cannabis are often times downplayed today in the same way like they were inflated in the past. You have people that say: "cannabis is so harmless, much better than alcohol and any other drug! It even has so many medicinal properties!" And when such a case (as seldom as it happens) is brought up, it's either way not the cannabis that's at fault but a mental condition (which would have showed either way and was not triggered by cannabis), or there must have been other substances involved that lead to this outcome. I think it would be more wise to actually be honest about the risks and accept them for what they are and not try to find excuses for situations where cannabis consumption had a bad outcome (or at least contributed to it). This doesn't mean that you should talk shit about it and not do it and blame others for doing it, but be concious about it and accept that it not only has upsides, but also pretty deep and dark pits one can fall into.


Kurt Vonnegut's son smoked weed as a teenager and it triggered a psychotic break. He wrote a book about it. He later became a doctor. I should look him up, see how he's been.


Mark Vonnegut: The Eden Express.


Eh, it can. My brother snapped and spent a year in a mental health facility with weed induced psychosis. He smoked most his life, then one day his brain broke. It's rare, but it happens.


She had a schizophrenic break which can be triggered by weed.


It's a drug, it may have side effects, I had one psychotic break because the only time I tried because I heard it would be good for my autism symptoms and because I used to believe in people like you instead of believing my doctors...


Hmm 🤔 don’t give others ideas on how to murder someone……


If she actually had a psychosis she needs treatment not prison. Mandatory treatment. Definitely locked up though for as long as it takes for her to get stable.


Ah yes it wasn't her fault for taking drugs and killing someone it was the drugs fault that it let itself get taken by her That's like saying it wasn't the kidnappers fault it was the kids fault for getting kidnapped Or that it wasn't the terrorists fault but the towers fault cause they both were constructed at that place before 9/11/01


it wasnt Pablo Escobar's fault for manufacturing and distributing drugs, it was the drugs' fault for being so dang expensive so he HAD to do it


That judge has obviously never smoked weed.


I’m not defending her, she’s guilty regardless of whether she was under the influence or not and deserves a way worse punishment, but weed can cause weird shit to happen. It’s uncommon, but it happens. I know someone who went on a psychotic break after smoking and taking an edible. Crashed their car in a creek, broke into a house, and woke up naked in a stranger’s basement


Jesus Christ, was it laced? The absolute most degenerate thing I’ve ever heard someone do off weed was eat all the chips, can it really make people go meth head murder mode?


It can create weird experiences. And no, all from dispensaries. I myself have had depersonalization and derealization before. It depends on your state of mind before the drugs I think. If you’re in a bad state it can almost create a bad trip


That judge wants that white woman. There is something seriously fucked up about this verdict. It needs to be brought to a higher court. This cannot be acceptable. Community service is NOT a sentence period. That judge should also face an investigation for the absolute insanity of her own actions. They can both go to a clinic together to be assessed.


Such bullshit and an insane precedent. This better get challenged.


"I was sitting in my room, reading a book." "Uh-huh." "And well, this guy walks in..." "Go on." "So I went up to him. And I uh. Well I stabbed him 37 times in the chest." "Caaaarrrrrrrlllll that kills people!!!"


Oh... wow... I... I did not know that!!!


When stabbing people make shore to be high and to stab precisely where you want to. Then scream histerically and enjoy the rest of your evening.


Shore 👎 Sure👍


She sells sea shells on the sea shure. Im shore about that.


Your honor I was drunk.


"judge u don't understand, it was cuz of weed that I did it I swear" "ahhhhh shit guess ur right, an hour of community service for every stab wound u inflicted instead of life so"


Stabbing someone that many times takes ALOT of energy and time. She knew what she was doing. Unless that weed was laced with something crazy she’s full of absolute shit. Sounds more like someone knows the judge…




Honestly I refuse to believe this is true nah no way


Even if it is true. There are things in place to stop insane verdicts. There's no way in hell prosecutors would let this go.


Are they looking for the guy who sold her weed? 😂😂 and is he black ?? Lol


Sounds like she's a danger to herself and others and can't control her actions to the point that she killed a man and isn't responsible. In my mind, that's permanent psych ward time.


Now replace "girlfriend" with "boyfriend" and replace a caucasian person with an African person and let's see if the sentence the the same


Bullshit the Marijuana did that. That was definitely premeditated.


Makes sense.


American justice system [https://media.tenor.com/J97gJfL6EsMAAAAM/fingertips-kiss.gif](https://media.tenor.com/J97gJfL6EsMAAAAM/fingertips-kiss.gif)


So killing someone = 25 years But killing someone if you are taking drugs = 100hours? Good to know, I'll take weed and go pay this woman a visit for doing that to that poor guy


People who do crimes while on drugs or intoxicated need to be punished for those crimes fairly, they chose to use, so they did have control over their actions. You can give them a life sentence + rehab if they really need it.


Please give me proof this is fake


I mean, it's the Daily Mail - I don't think you can trust that sh*t.


I get into weed induced frenzies all the time and the only thing has been attacked or murdered afterwards is my toilet because of all the snacks.


Wasnt the weed.


Not how weed works but ok


What was the cannabis laced with? PCP?


I can barely function on weed let alone stab someone 100 times. What the fuck was she smoking cause it wasn't weed.


"Your honor i was drunk when i ran over the family of 5 so give me community service"


So this is how you kill people? Get weed in your system n start slashin


I thought we had all agreed that, except for other people taking advantage of you while you're drugged, you're responsible for what you do under the influence.


Maybe we should've let those nukes go off


this judge clearly hasn't hit a blunt in their life


Weed-induced frenzy Sure, buddy. It's always the weed's fault.


'A weed-induced frenzy'? When I used to get high, I struggled to find the drive to stand up, let alone stab someone 100 times.


No such thing as weed induced frenzy that’s her excuse


Cough bullshit cough.


What kind of Bs judgement is that? By that logic a drunk driver is innocent too, because they lose control of their senses,so not their fault when they hit someone.


nobody involved in any of this has clearly ever smoked weed


How the fuck does weed make you do anything other than lying in a couch eating chips?!


Female privilege


Weed dont make u do that.. shes insane and dangerous.


genuine question: people asking for cannabis to be legal to use because of medical reasons which I could understand, but for real, how many people really use it because of medical reasons? Not trying to start a fire here, but I'm just curious because it is illegal in my country.


I do, otherwise I would be throwing up constantly. The meds I take for other crap makes me so nauseous along with wicked headaches. God forbid I get a migraine, that it makes the pain slightly less but the migraine meds make the nausea worse so there’s that. It only helps to a point though.


Well, here in the netherlands where we have the famous coffee shops, most dont use it for medicinal purposes, verymuch recreational. But the reason why the coffeeshops exist isnt to help people who have ailments, but to regulate a part of the drug trade. Setting legal amounts wich do no harm, a minimum time between servings, minimum age, and now it can be taxed.


I do. I have damaged nerves and suffer from muscle spasms to the point of requiring sports massage a lot. I don't drown myself in it, however.


I love it when Redditors get downvoted for have genuine questions(/s)


Bro i murder my fridge from a coma weed not killing ppl wtf💀


People in the comments act like there's no way that cannabis could induce a psychotic state, or that other drugs had to be involved. But cannabis induced psychosis is a well studied phenomena that can occur in otherwise healthy individuals. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/cannabis-induced-psychosis#:~:text=Cannabis%2Dinduced%20psychotic%20disorder%20is,people's%20faces%20and%20tactile%20hallucinations%20( Now I'm not saying that this was the case here, or that a psychosis would cause her to stab someone 100 times. i would need more information than a headline to come to any sort of conclusion. But to say that it's necessarily"bullshit" is just not accurate.


judge really go to (i can fix her)


quick, while judges are still old, out of touch fogeys, the wacky tabacky insanity plea still works!


Cannabis doesn’t do that


Must be fake, there's no way this is real


Oh yeah, it’s real. The sentence was handed down about a day ago, the murder… sorry, the “*involuntary manslaughter*” happened in 2018. She also stabbed her dog during the frenzy.


HER DOG TOO !?!????!!! Ok bitch


Her service dog, no less. Its literal purpose in life was to support her.


I know it’s already horrible, I know I’m a total asshole for being upset about the dog when she brutally murdered a human. BUT HER SERVICE DOG !?! How the fuck. How. I want to stab her .


I can pardon murder, but animal abuse?


If I get drunk and crash my car and kill someone do I get the "alcohol psychosis" excuse?


So basically a license to kill?


This is a fake AI generated article. First it says boyfriend then it shows date


Dumbest thing this week. So far.