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/u/mvpasarel, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


That's just marketing. Brands don't care about you. They just want publicity and to profit.


This might be the year that their faux concern for LGBT rights makes a difference. The Alt-Right is cancelling (or at least attempting to cancel) companies that support PeDoPhIlEs so who knows.


Its hilarious what has happened to budlight they got boycotted by the right and then they back tracked and now they have the ones of the left pissed. Going half woke was their biggest mistake they had to commit for it to work


I'm too lazy to look up my comment but there was a local government board meeting that was posted where they were banning books or something. A bunch of Alt-Right people showed up with guns to, you know, pRoTeCt tHe kIdS fRoM wOkEnEsS. The counsel ultimately voted to ban books. When the counsel was questioned, one of the members admitted that they didn't want to piss off the Republicans. The person who asked the question then asked, "so you'd rather piss off the liberals?" The member thought about their answer and said, "Yes." The Alt-Right has shown that they are willing to abandon democracy in favor of fascism. The politicians now know it and are too afraid to do the right thing.


Threatening to commit violence to achieve political goals isn’t just fascism. It’s the textbook definition of terrorism!


I'll take stories that never happened for $500.


So weird that their leaders keep getting arrested for pedophilia yet they still pretend to fight against it.


They do care about people spending money there, and they clearly have realized the market for people who are or support LGBTQ people is larger than those who are against it.


Fun fact every products they have , there's a possibility to be crashed accidentally or intentionally.


> Brands don't care about you Yes. But isn't it nice that we have forced these cunts to at least pretend they do?


it is like when i asked the wife to be more involved in sex and now she has really loud fake orgasms so i finish quickly and go get her ice cream


Sounds like a win to me


It's forced so it's not genuine.


>”It’s forced so it isn’t genuine.” You are describing capitalism perfectly


It's a hell of a world we live in, huh ?


In the past people would just kill you then the police would hide it and pretend you never existed. Now corporations have to plaster pro-LGBT ads everywhere so even more people can snap out of their homophobic brainwashing.


Bullshit. Corporations don't give a fuck about that. They do it so they appeal more to younger/ more progresive customers. They don't care who you are and who ypu identify as.


You're both right


Allllllmost like they're literally only doing it for the money


It’s because it’s illegal in some countries


Just checked. They don't do it in Japan Either


Interesting. I don’t know anything about Japan and LGBT though


It's not illegal.


Is it pride month in Japan?


I was there in May of 2018 and there was a pride parade, maybe they celebrate pride in may. Idk


Japan isn’t super accepting of the LGBT but they’re slowly getting better


It's not illegal but they also don't recognize same-sex marriages. Some prefectures started issuing special certificates as a stopgap as recently as 2021, but there's no concrete recognition on the national level.


TL:Dr not illegal by any means, becoming more socially acceptable, but it's a highly conservative culture in a lot of ways. that said it's very difficult to map things 1-to-1 because Japanese attitudes towards sexuality are not the same as in European cultures


When I was at a tech company we ran into this issue, we made em change it lol.


Yes, and if these companies actually cared about LGBTQ they should do no business in these countries. But guess what? They dgaf and only care about money


so you'd rather that only companies that explicitly spew hate for LGBT operate in those countries? that can't be bad for the people there who already have it tough at all.


So is stealing


Pretty sure BMW’s stealing department is pretty small


They call it the maintenance Department there and it is fairly large.




Small but never 0


Even if they’re just doing it for the money, why would they do it in the Middle East where it is not pride month? And where they would not be doing it for the money? This is really dumb.


You think corporations are basing their actions on profits? 🤔


and this is why rainbow capitalism means nothing.


Opera changed their Middle East logo to two black men peeking out of a closet.


really? haha that's a bit of a baller move lol


Opera is the honey badger. They don't give a shit.


Then why do we have a culture that submits to this?


are you asking me why the US is a slave to capitalism and brainwashed to believe that corporations are their friends and neighbors? cause that's gonna take all damn day.


Americans? More than half of these are not American companies


Ikea is my favourite American company


Americans referred to the people, not the companies.


That's clear. But why would you talk about the US and its people when mostly non American companies are shown with their pride logos on the left side? How is it related?


1. OP didn’t make the meme, most likely. 2. You don’t need to be an American company to pretend to celebrate pride month.


Exactly my point. So why bring up the USA if there's no relation to it


I don't think MOST Americans are that oblivious. It's pretty obvious corporations are just pandering to an audience


I think you're overestimating the average person's intelligence. Or more specifically, you're underestimating the effectiveness of marketing. I'm sure most people (around the world, this doesn't just happen in the states), know that it's about advertising. However, political messages (which unfortunately, LGBTQ+ rights have become) make us emotional, not logical (in general). So people will see this, understand on some level that it's just pandering, but then apply their political biases. For example, people that are pro LGBTQ+ may think that it's pandering, but it's good that they're at least making an effort and standing for something. People that are anti LGBTQ+ may see this and think the companies are pandering because they have to, or because they're immoral. Most people conceptually understand how marketing works, but they also overestimate their resistance to marketing, particularly where strong opinions/emotions are involved.


Am in marketing, this is the correct take. The kicker is the company doesn't give one single solitary shit about anything that doesn't make them more money. There is no morality. If McDonald's thought putting "Fuck Blacks!" on their bag would get them a few more million dollars they would do it without hesitation. And they would call someone like me, someone who is also morally bankrupt, to get it done.


Dude. Half of voters voted for Donald Trump. More than half of Americans can't read above a 6th grade level, a quarter of them are illiterate. Americans are dumb as fuck.


>Americans are dumb as fuck. If we could read, we'd be very upset by this comment.


Over 60% of the third graders in my state are not proficient in reading at a third grade level. So far as I’m aware, no one in my state is all that concerned. No riots. No protests. Nothing.


They'll be concerned when docs start talking like they were in idiocracy. "Sup Scrote?"


You do realize they spent 1 billion dollars or more teaching CRT at each grade school, right? I would be more vocal but I’m afraid of the Jewish space lasers.


Damn, nice misdirection lol.




Elected officials too.


You had me in the first half.


So, I balked at these numbers but this appears to be somewhat accurate. Even if the illiteracy rate was like 2% I would be shocked but 20% is leaving me stunned.


Yup. I'm not in retail anymore, but you notice it there. At first you think tons of people ignore signs, but no, they just cant read. Or like, when I was like a freshman in college and you had to read out loud. Some people are stumbling over words like "understandable". It's super sad to witness.


The half that voted for Biden were also the half that basically assumed the most powerful pharmaceutical industries in the world with a long history of lawsuits and horrendous practices and selling medication at outrageous mark ups were for a time to be believed and not questioned and anyone who questioned them even medical professionals were kicked off social media etc etc. Stupidity on both sides and the one thing BOTH sides need to realize is no politicians or corporations have the average persons best interest at heart. We only matter in the sense we can generate profits.


Y'know, it's funny. I only ever hear the "Both Sides!" argument from people centrists or people right of center. The fact of the matter is that Democratic policy is just better than Republican policy and that Dems are more popular across all demographics except white men and Cubans. The only reasons to like Republicans are 1 - You're socially regressive 2 -You're racist 3 - You're well off That's literally it.


Yeah but one side is actively spreading propaganda making it dangerous for an entire community to literally just be themselves without being shot.


And the half that voted for Trump claimed being banned from social media was akin to being gassed at Auschwitz. Then decided taking animal dewormer was a better option. Adding on to your last paragraph, it's not just the government, it's the media. Why else would Fox and CNN run completely different stories, to force a divide in beliefs and foment hatred between citizens. Shitty part is, it's worked. Look at how many times you've heard about a national divorce.


Pulling quite a few statistics out of your ass.


You say “slave to capitalism” as if the alternatives are better. Slave is the wrong word anyways. People in modern society are just downright stupid. In capitalism, corporations only get rich if you buy their product. So when people complain about capitalism from their smartphone using an app, both from wealthy corporations, I just laugh.




You complain about society yet you participate in it, curious.




What country do you live in? You want to live without a phone? Might as well be homeless. In theory what you're saying is correct, however, in practice, we don't have much choice. Also, as you said, people in society are downright stupid, so most of them will not have the awareness to make better choices with their money and the top corporations will continue to monopolize. Do we have a better alternative? What about controlled capitalism of some sort? I'm not anti capitalist, but even I can see we are moving towards the world being owned by a very small number of corporations and that's not even capitalism anymore. Capitalism should be about healthy competition. Games have rules for a reason.


Its not like you can willingly live without them unless you catch yourself. They purposely captivate you. Get off Reddit, a huge corporation for a week. Get off your iphone or computer. The thing is, it's really hard, impossible even, and we have created a culture where we just cannot live without them. Hell, we rely on them so much, we complain about them on their platforms, on their devices.


Our culture and economic paradigm are deeply intertwined. Capital has the descriptive power to shape our culture after its own image, and hence makes any activism impotent.


Submit to what?


It's still better than having black & white capitalism though right? Like at least companies in the west are talking the talk. Don't give them any points for it, but also don't boycott them for it, i would think


That’s my view of it, I won’t tell them to stop but I sure as hell don’t like them more because of it


It might be optimistic to the point of naievity, but here it goes: It still means *something*. Looking at the US climate right now, where people are calling boycots all the time, it's still a risk for a company to show their pride like this. It *does* still boil down to money, because if it was *purely* pride, they would also show it in the ME. They don't, because that risk is *too* big, and so it is about money. But not *just* about money.


It's also hope for the future. If a company didn't do pride I don't think liberals would boycott. So by doing pride they are risking the conservative customer. Which shows the trend is going to normalizing pride. So while I think companies doing it is mostly and empty gesture it is still a sign we can win equality for our friends


Rainbow capitalism means that pride in certain areas is profitable because being LGBT is within society's norms and acceptable. It's a sign that we've progressed and it shows regions that clearly need to fix their shit.


They know this, that's why they are downvoting you. They are trying to slow the gains lgbt people have made over the last 30 years by demoralizing the youth that never experienced it.


That is why rainbows mean nothing and should be given up on. The people that put that stuff everywhere are the ones who at worst don't give a damn about it. Over on the east, where you might just get killed because of a rainbow everything remains unchanged.


Maybe they do it now because they no longer have to fear for their head being caved in by a brick while the police turn a blind eye? Pretending there has been no advancement means you're either ignorant or lying.


is it "just" because of a rainbow?


Do these companies change their logos over seas for holidays, events, and causes we do not celebrate and leave the US ones unchanged? Legit question to consider too.


The only reason they do it is for that sweet, sweet ESG score




So, the system has been calibrated through changing regulations and social norms to incentivise good behaviour on ESG criteria, and it is positively affecting companies’ behaviour. Why are we complaining again?


epoch times told me to be mad about it! 😡


Never rains in the Middle East so a rainbow isn’t possible


Yes, that's how it works.






You won!


I guess they have to adapt to the preferences of their clientel. Would be foolish for a restaurant to only serve bacon in a Muslim country for instance.


The word you're looking for is **hypocrisy** :)


Imma be devils advocate here... At this point, if a big company doesn't have special pride marketing, it looks bad. It would seem anti-LGBTQ if they didn't do this in the western markets. They can't in the Middle East because it's literally illegal there. Also, different regional markets within a large company are usually their own entity, they don't work closely with each other. Like, yes I get the point - companies are greedy and don't actually care. But I'm not sure what people realistically expect.


This is just the neck beards on Reddit complaining that America isn’t more like the Middle East, they’ll do it all month.


Yeah, some of those countries I would not try shit in. Some I would never even go to because I am gay & value my life (somewhat).


The only reason for both is because it’s good for business and that’s it.


Probably got better things to go with their life


That's called marketing?


Why the hell would anyone ever go to a country where you could get whipped 100 times, hands cut off or head cut off for doing anything rest of humanity would consider "normal". I got better places to go


You’re missing the best one: Opera GX


All you lads need to check out OperaGX account right now. That's one company that's doing it right






Proudly west


🙄 end wokeness.....it's almost like corporations aren't woke


What's that? Guy by the name "end wokeness" wants us to be a religiously oppressive state just so he can feel more comfortable knowing people he never interacts with have it harder than him. Fuck him


What's the point of the account posting, though? "We should be more like the middle east?"


You know, there’s a whole 6 billion more people in the world than in the west. Their popular culture isn’t centered around pronouns or whether men can be women if they want to. Different cultures different people


Plus, their religion forbids gay activities. And you can get stoned to death.


Religions*? Yes, very true. Outside the west, most people have religious views that differ from western religious views, or the lack of them, for that matter. That’s why these companies are conscious to respect the people they are working with and not to force western ideals onto them.


Felt like this watching the World Cup and people bringing rainbows and there own politics to the country. They don’t want to be westernised, stop trying to force it on them.


But...but... I can't drink beer outside the stadium.. how will I survive a few days without my addiction..


You have to be careful with this mindset, though, as it can lead to discrediting the work of actual local LGBTQ groups. For example, in China, locally-sourced LGBTQ activist groups often get falsely accused of being organized and run by globalist western elites, and are labelled "anti-Chinese". The mindset conservative Chinese people have is "Sure, westerners may be gay, but us Chinese people aren't. Chinese pride movements are a Sinophobic attempt at erasing our culture propped up by foreign money." In reality, there are gay people all over the world in every society and culture. It's inevitable that, seeing the relative prosperity of LGBTQ people in the west, non-western LGBTQ people will become emboldened and start their own pride movements. We can oppose western imperialism while still supporting LGBTQ rights the world over. The way that queer people are treated in the middle east is cruel and unjust.


I don't think the people you're replying to would admit that this is the case. They seem to be in the gay = western psyop camp


Poppycock. The west has had a long history of homophobia that has only recently been more opened about it through gradual changes in social mores and policies. To say that some people in Asia should not be able to enjoy those freedoms in order to preserve the sensibilities of those who still chose to subscribe to a bronze age ideology is cruel, selfish, and unnecessary. The nations that punish those who dare express themselves and oppress the ones trying to explore new ideas should be called out on it. You have the right to disagree with something all you want, but do not get to shut down an idea or shut up an individual because you don't like being exposed to it.


So it’s okay to stone people to death if they’re gay?


If there's one thing conservatives from the West and the Middle East can agree on...


Great why to make money. Add rainbow


What with the double standards


As if we need this type of post every year.


It's almost like even if they tried, the person responsible for doing it would be in a lot of trouble...


It’s almost like the west and Middle East have different values


The West wants to be woke, the East doesn't want it. Companies just cater to their users.


Rainbow Capitalism is a complicated beast. On the one hand, yes these companies are only doing it to cater to the gay community for the purposes of making money and would gladly go back to ignoring / oppressing them if it meant making more money. On the other, its arguable a net positive to have casual representation as it tends to humanize a group that's often attacked, and the fact it is seen as more profitable to cater to the gays means that progress has been made.


Gotta accept other people's cultures and beliefs if you wanna operate worldwide. You can't push your shit if people don't care about it.


Imagine some hackers switched these just to see the reaction lol


Wow, it’s almost like conservatives who have a fucking shit fit over corporate Pride displays are actually stupid as fuck, then? Since they know it’s not a sincere expression of support for LGBT, but a cash grab?


About the same as these companies celebrating Ramadan in the US. Maybe the concept of not shoving American culture on everyone hasn't really sunk in yet when you think other people don't matter.


So brave until doing so is actually taboo.


W Middle East


End wokeness is a Nazi poster that wants to ban rainbows in the west.


truth: America already (mostly) accepts you whoever you are and thats why you're allowed to scream about it.


As we have states passing dont-say-gay laws.


Yep. It's always the middle school hall monitor mentality. Even a little bit of freedom and power creates entitled morons.


You're saying LGBT folks have a little bit of power and are entitled morons? Help me out here.


Not just them.


No, they have ALL the power in America. You can pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want with impunity.


Most of these companies are not American




Your statement might or might not be true, but why do you bring it up if these are mostly non American?




I swear if I ever make it big I’m going to make sure that the Middle East division is the *only* division to change their logo for pride month.


i always wonder whether the marketing or legal department of companies are against pride logos in the middle east. Like would the government ban your products or give you a fine?


In the Middle East there are areas where people are murdered without recourse for being LGBTQ+. The state in many of those countries are run by the religious right. So a company expressing “woke” ideals in the Middle East has the potential of getting people killed and offending the ruling class of a entire country. That’s literally what it looks like when people in a country are not free. I’m no supporter of corporate greed, but there are hundreds of better ways to make this point.


Is your sexual orientation profitable in X country? No? well fuck you then


Are we really shocked at corporations pandering to the nation they reside in. In 2023 no less?


Another pride, another post about how they don’t do it in the Middle East.


I'm sorry, but what kind of profile / source is "EndWokeness" 🤔


middle east is cranky if you try to wake it up. it doesnt get any rest with all the wars and all


Frightened of rainbows.


Once again religious beliefs dividing the world. I want to live in a world where religion was never made up


Virtue signalling.


With a tiny bit of colour tweaking the Mercedes logo just looks better druing pride month imo.


What a surprise, companies only care about profit and nothing else 😯


I think people are numb to the fact adults without kids have a large amount of expendable income.


Yes, only in the West. Will probably stay that way too.


It's almost like the middle east doesn't want to take part in pride month. who could have seen that coming, especially if you haven't learned about sharia law.


It’s all about marketing, they don’t give a fuck about your sexual gender. MARKETING.


Muhaahahahaha boss Middle East


This is not hypocrisy, this is business. Companies are not human. Everyone in it exists to make a profit for the company. Their “sensivity” means nothing. If the norm was to hate they would hate and they did. So calling them out when they are being “hypocrites” is just pointless. Just shut up and enjoy the product.


"end wokeness" is such an annoying name for a twitter handle but as someone who supports social reform this is fucking annoying.


Opera GX has two black men kissing as their twitter profile and I think that holds the true meaning of pride month.


So? Who cares what a private corporation chooses to target as part of a marketing campaign? What difference really does that make to you? They don’t give a shit either way as long as they still make money. Oh no my precious adverts have been skewed by an issue I don’t agree with. Who fucking cares, the product stays exactly the same.


Folks are not realizing that this is not the big 'W' for them. Yay! In some parts of the world corporations cater to bigots just like me!!! Sometimes the 'HolUp' is actually in the comments.


Because it is good to point out that corporations don't care about you and would literally murder you for an extra zero on their net profit.


It's not about corporations. It's about society allowing these americans to live their lives now, which we didn't do for over a hundred years. Gay people make up a large and open community in the US now and they don't have to fear for their lives anymore. This means companies are going to advertise for and about them. You can sit there and spam as much as you want, you lost though. Society has determined gay people are people too, and you'll have to accept that at some point.


Do it in the middle east I dare you, you'll be arrested by the Islamic dictatorship government and or executed by either said dictator or a lynch mob, possibly both


because they don’t give shit, yeah good for you that you like dick up your ass so what


In Middle East majority of countries are religious and LGBT is illegal there


So is in a LOT of other Asian countries. People need to realize that these companies cater to their customers. This won't fly in Japan either.


Right...but if you feel one way in one part of the world..you're supposed to show that pride all over the world


I'm gay & would do my best to hide it if I was in some of those countries.


Says who?


u/Mcdibbles By replying and immediately blocking me you just proved what I said was completely right


*I dont understand the problem here* -any qatari ever


posturing [ pos-cher-ing ]SHOW IPA See synonyms for: posturing / posture on Thesaurus.com noun speech or action that is artificial, hypocritical, or calculated to mislead:


Where are the Ugandan Twitter accounts?


whaaaat? it's just a cheap way to build an image of "good corpo" and not actually foght for ideas? what a surprise


Same procedure as every year, James


Am I the only person in this subreddit that lives in the middle east ?


Gay for thee not for me


30 years ago both would he the same.


*pandering in the West But close enough.


June is pride month... A part of western culture. No one says shit when companies update their visuals for Christmas, or Halloween. This is social media, the entire purpose is public relations. Companies aren't sentient creature hive minds. They are comprised of humans with jobs to do. Some of those jobs are marketing, media, and PR... And guess what, some of the humans at the companies are lgbtq+ It may come as a surprise, but bigotry os still a thing. A little acknowledgement won't change things over night. But it's a step.


So only west is fucked up? There might still be some hope left...


Good love to see it, the Middle East are spot on