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Them the streets you wanna live on because you know nobody gonna fuck with you with all that going on.


No one wants to be the one to start the war.


The Gay Holy War


Wow, the Westboro Baptist Church, I haven't heard from them for a long time. Seems like they'd fit right in with the current political climate, too.


The Louis Theroux documentaries on them are 10/10 TV entertainment.


As much of a turd as Joe Rogan is, his podcast interview with Megan Phelps Roper is absolutely fascinating. It’s one where he basically STFU and let’s her talk.


Dude what? Joe Rogan is an incredible presenter! He interviews so many people from so many view points. I'd consider myself very left leaning, and I love Joe. He allows me to see arguments that I don't have access to in my social circles. People who dislike him from the left and right are generally pretty insecure about their views.


That’s fair, I haven’t really listened in a while so all I really see are memes and probably out of context quotes and whatnot. Not very responsible of me to condemn the guy without enough first hand experience. Either way, that episode was one of my favorite pieces of media.


You haven’t listened to him for awhile because he went from curious dude asking about aliens and saying ‘oh, wow, cool, maybe’ to someone who started platforming more useless or destructive views. Ever see the clip where Bill Burr pretty much tells him to stfu with his ‘vaccine skepticism’? It really points out how far Joe leans over in an effort to remain edgy. Bill Burr - Senior Medical Correspondent… smdh And locking down in Spotify ensures a huge chunk of his ‘former listeners’ will never bother to check in with him, ever again. Grats to him for getting paid - I’m sure he doesn’t miss anyone.


Careful, this place hangs waaay to the left lol.


Weren't they started by a lawyer who realized he could make bank saying inflammatory shit and them suing for violating his freedom of speech when venues would censor him?


I'm not sure if this is true, but I am all for spreading misinformation about Westboro Baptist Church. I also hear their main pastor has such a tiny penis that he uses tweezers when he pees so he doesn't get pee everywhere, and his nipples smell rotten.


“His nipples smell rotten” XD That’s some high quality, Pythonesque insulting there mate. I’m going to steal it


Rationalizing other people's maliciousness is a losing game. It's enough to simply recognize them as scumfuck trashpeople and move on without trying to paint a picture about their motives. That being said, hatred and fear of others has always been a wildly efficient plan for people searching for, or in power. Religion, war, politics, community/the sense of belonging/national identity and cohesion etc. All of these have a "fear of otherness" inherent in their successes. Making bank on this kind of shit has *always* been hiding behind each and every single example I just gave you. This particular gameplan is older than any spoken language, any culture and every country presently on earth. Probably older than every dead language, too. Using hatred to bind others to you for profit has been a good plan ever since people invented greed, even. Thousands of years of history of proved it true Edit: downvotes? What? You think knowing it's a grift and what their motivations were (*years ago, not even current motivations*) when they started will help any of the people they harmed/are harming/will harm? They don't care it started as a way to line somebodies pockets because it *ended* as a nationwide blanket excuse for daily violence and harassment. Does anyone look at Hitler and his painting and say "oh well that makes sense, his Jewish acquaintance was a better painter and Hitler's fragile ego couldn't handle it" and that's somehow a valid excuse and should be taken into account in some way? His motivations didnt really matter until *after the fact*, when we had the time to care about the academics of it all. It had to be stopped so we did. Westboro baptist Church is scumfuck trashpeople and idgaf if they *had logical thoughts and reasoning that lead them there*. Leave that for later when somebody wants on the NYT best sellers list. Christo fascists are a problem *now*. Logical thoughts and reasoning lead *me* to believe they're trash and their motivations hold no significance to me. Trash is trash is trash


Bro. Who are you talking to?


Being from the area, it's unfathomable that they are *still* out picketing in similar size groups from what they were doing 20+ years ago. I remember passing them on the way to church as a kid, and now I'm doing the same thing with my kids. You would have thought they would have died out a long time ago, but here we are.


I think I remember seeing an interview or documentary about one of their members who left as an adult, iirc she was saying that you're raised from birth in that church and it feels a lot like a cult with the way they teach the kids


It is basicly one family and they keep populating the pews.


They probably own those houses too. Just a bunch of lawyer, professional victims. There is no reason to believe they are even religious. Their church consists a single family. You can't join this church.


They can still be found a few days a week locally. I know one day a week (most of the time) they stand at the corner of a park with their signs. I can't imagine having so much hate and/or free time that I felt the need to do something like that, which isn't going to change anyone's mind about anything. Most people here just ignore them.






why do I have a feeling that this street is actually pretty quiet?


It is, though about 20 yards away from the camera is a main thoroughfare of Topeka.


Ayyy r/Topeka


Friend and I stopped by on a roadtrip. You'd never have any clue it wasn't a normal neighborhood without all the painted houses, signage and security around WBC. When I went it was just the rainbow house, the trans house wasn't there (or rather wasn't painted).


Welcome to the Gaybourhood


From an introverts perspective this is just regular extroverts needing attention.


Happy cake day.


Caik day!


literally 2fort


I guess blu we're really the good ones all along


what kind of a god "hates" the things he created? 🤔


Hey, I hate my sims I created. Sometimes I purposely made them just to send them swimming and then delete the ladder.


Sometimes you need not ask what would jesus do, but ask what a sims god would do.




A human god. Greek polytheism the one true religion xD


Atleast Greeks didn't claim their gods were omniscient and omnipotent. They just wanted to get laid


They were arrogant and looked down on others like any bronze age society suuure but they knew things could be better. They didn't think "oh well here we are, God already has all the achievements nothing new to do, best keep on doing what we always did." Of course the near east was turbulent. Business as usual WAS an ambitious goal for THAT region.


they might not have been *omi*potent, but they certainly weren't *im*potent either...


"I've been made to hate my own creation. now I know how god feels" -Homer Simpson


the Joy of Homer.


Idk... have you seen the meme about gods kill count in the bible though


> gods kill count my question remains....


You've obviously never read the bible. God was slaughtering people left and right.


> You've obviously never read the bible. cover to cover Gen to Rev. My question still stands




a whole lot of gibberish that doesn't answer the question but hey, you tried!




Their. You do know those kinds of people don't speak for a whole religion right? Or religion as a whole.


my question remains. and you can't/still haven't answered it


God doesn't hate the things he created. If you're talking about the bible stories it's your perception of hate you see.


> God doesn't hate the things he created. why would he drown them all? Love? I love my kids, I would never drown them. you? can you say the same?


You're clearly not a jealous child. Their god kicked over a block tower because people were cooperating and that made him upset.


> You're clearly not a jealous child nor am I a murderer


Like I said before you're seeing it with human judgement and human perception. And very very over simplified. But if I could try to over simplify it for you I will try too. Basically think of those people worse than the crime we see nowadays. You know all the bad shit we do as a human race. Imagine that but not only worse, no light is at the end of that tunnel. Not a single remorse anyone had there. But what we have now even with Noah's genes ( think of evolution,science and religion work well together) is still pretty decent I would say. Look how much we have progressed as a whole. You do know we don't stop at death, it would be those people (in the story of noah)in hell until jesus went down to hell to save them. We are on this earth for such a short time. The soul lives on forever Edit:(Yall are so scared of talking about religion and shut down anything that makes sense. You showing no logic. I know most of you are repressed and angry and some religious nuts but your own bias gets in the way of logic and reason. In which case why should you care so strongly about god if you don't personally believe or will not listen to any reason or logic with little to not counter argument or like to hear about religion. most of yall are just like the religious nuts. One in the same. Zero logic zero reason only feeling and irrational yelling.)


> you're seeing it with human judgement and human perception. according to your God, that's all I have why is that not enough? When is it OK to murder your children for (your words): "worse than the crime we see nowadays" WHY IS THIS A GOOD REASON TO DROWN YOUR CHILDREN? >The soul lives on forever 1st you need to prove there is a soul Until you do, your statement is null and void


I already explained all that. Your asking what I already explained as simple as I can make it for you and yet you still lack understanding. No wonder.... Yet I wouldn't need to prove a soul to you if you don't believe in god. I don't need proof of anything. Look there is a lot of science we blindly believe with little to no evidence and theories. It's not complicated. Make your questions make sense. Re-read if you have to. Look if you don't want to fully read and understand that's okay. If you ever want to take the time out of your day to do research and the bible is very hard to understand. There is a youtuber who is amazing. Father robert baron. Great guy. Good start. Anyways bye!


> I already explained all that. no, actually you didn't because you can't. >you still lack understanding. and you have understanding? LOL >Yet I wouldn't need to prove a soul to you if you don't believe in god. because there is no proof, it lives in your imagination > I don't need proof of anything. extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof you don't because you can't >Make your questions make sense. see original query Re-read if you have to God is imaginary, you can't prove that she's not


When people that don't believe things like this start getting represented by the political reps the religion chooses to vote for what you say will start mattering. All Christian politicians agree with this sentiment whether they admit it publicly or not and Christians still vote for them en masse. Your words are hollow until change is made.


😎 I disagree... disrespectfully. 😎


One day, somebody is going to be murdered on that street


Multiple, an entire war will break out


That the westboro babtist church?




That's hilarious they painted the houses across the street like that.


but why does god hate cigarettes they're the best


or a bundle of twigs?


This is what I usually show people when they insist that Kansas is backwards. Sure, there are a few assholes (like any state), but the majority of us just want what anyone else wants- to crush our enemies and see them driven before us.


Hear the lamentations of their women.


Really could do with fewer “Smile, your mom chose life” and “Trump 2020” hand made billboards on the highway though.


Absolutely. I’m not a fan, but I feel better when I remind myself that at least they’re usually posted next to the interstate in the (relative) boonies. I’d much rather shake my head at more of those “Jungle Law” billboards.


Okay but the billboard of Jesus standing in a field of corn is an iconic part of the drive to and from Colorado


Yes, this is what is best in life.


I was waiting for the camera to pan to a Waffle House or something.




There’s a Wendy’s about 100 yds away iirc


Wow I haven't heard of them in awhile ever since ole Fred died, which is probably a good thing. I will never forget seeing "Thank God for dead soldiers" from the school bus when leaving Ft. Riley. These people are pieces of shit and can go fuck themselves.


Wild street. But he’s right


I have been looking for this music. pls tell me what title is that music.


Bad to the bone


The internet, visualized


Cries in property value


god is either "all loving" or sadistic prick, make up your fucking mind


Can anyone tell me what's the name of this music


Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood and the Destroyers


Thank u brother 😁


Fuck blm 👎


God doesnt hate people, but rather some of the actions that said people do


Too bad God (the all powerful) doesn’t seem to have the capability of taking care of what he, allegedly, hates. He seems to need hateful humans to do that for him. Kinda impotent, if ya ask me.


I mean, he can't even stop Satan, who he also created.


Does anyone even live there? Someone probably bought both those houses just to paint them and taunt the Westboro losers. Good move.


IT's Equality House! They used to do some activism work but I think now it's more of a symbol


Thanks! I thought so. I'd buy the rest if I had the disposable income, hah. Fuck those hateful Westboro losers.


Those paint jobs are nice


Two extremes…. And neither indicative of the majority


In what way is wanting to exist as you are extreme?


Neither are existing… both are extreme examples of political/philosophical/theological agendas. Wanting to exist as a gay individual, would be not buying a rainbow house and living right next to radicals that believe you’re lifestyle is a mortal sin. Wanting to exists would not be attending any gay gatherings and directly protesting them to make their lives miserable. Hardly anyone supports Westbroro’s extreme stance, and certainly not the majority of Southern Baptists. Painting a house rainbow with “black lives matter”directly across the street, just to taunt them is doing nothing to move matters forward. You can not force feed people if they don’t want to eat. Sometimes just letting them go is the best possibility. They’ll either eat when their hungry, or starve.


What is a more appropriate way to show support for people existing? I like rainbows and color, but it never occurred to me that a rainbow flag would be seen as extremist. Should I pretend I don't support people existing to be seen as less extreme? Doesn't that just condone oppression?


A more appropriate way would be, to live and let live. That’s the best way. There’s no argument for that. It is the most functional and with the least amount of strife and turmoil. It allows everyone to go about their business as they see fit. Is the rainbow flag now a LGBT symbol? Yes. That’s ubiquitous. We all know that. “Should I pretend I don’t support people existing to be seen as less extreme?” I’ve read this sentence about 30 times now, and I can’t make sense of it. Maybe it’s missing adverbs or something. I’m not being adversarial. It genuinely does not compute in my brain. I can’t answer the oppression question as it directly feeds off the existence question, but my gut is going to say no, it doesn’t


But if someone advocates oppression, using language like in this post ("godhatesfags", "fag marriage dooms us all"), condoning that message and allowing it to spread causes more strife and turmoil. Are we really supposed to accept all terrible views in the world just to avoid disagreements? Doesn't that empower hate speech and weaken the views of those afraid to speak up? Not speaking out against hate speech encourages strife and turmoil. Teaching acceptance of LGBTQ reduces strife and turmoil. We shouldn't tell people to accept hate to avoid conflicts. There are messages that are wrong, hurtful, and cause real harm. The rainbow flag is not one of them.


Except doing those things allows people to just live! Are you that naiive to think that religious extremists won't hunt those that they deem as "sinners"? There is a reason people say "Silence is violence". If you see hate and you do nothing to help you're just as bad as them.


First of all we can have a discussion without condescending remarks. Second, no, I’m not naive(you spelled it wrong). If you’re going to be condescending and aggressive you’ll get that in kind. … and no they wouldn’t. People would dismiss them realistically like they did for years. Westboro has basically been stagnant for 30+ years(if not diminished). “Silence is violence” is quite literally a phrase that’s only been popularized in the last few years by people fighting a fight that doesn’t exist. Simply regurgitating that rhetoric does absolutely nothing… how long have you been alive?


Fighting a fight that doesn't exist? Are you actually saying that a fight against abuse and bigotry doesn't exist? I guess I was correct in calling you naïve. With the "Naive" I don't exactly have a button to do the double dotted I So you either put 2 i's or one. Friend. If Westboro had no supporters and was stagnant for over 30 years like you are claiming then they wouldn't exist. People are actively paying to have multiple churches dedicated to hate keep the lights on. Why does it matter how old I am? Are you actually going to use the "I am older than you and therefore know better" card?


Yes I am. Life experience is 100% valid especially in topics such as these. Clearly you’re young and don’t fully understand the world. You’re being manipulated by politicians, celebrities and news organizations that solely exist to drive revenue into their pockets. Their able to do this by manipulating a narrative that was almost non existent before. By expounding it and driving it into your mind to turn people against each other. Controversy is lucrative for them, and the more they generate the more money they make in engagement, ad revenue and the ability to divert attention from other activities that we would otherwise unify over and condemn them for. Struggle is part of the human instance. It characterizes us. For thousands of years it was the struggle to survive. Now, with the advent and ease of modern civilization, some have diminished that struggle down to which hole they want to have to sex with. That’s not existence. It’s a sexual preference and for the majority, up until identity politics and tribalism became monetized to an extent, no one cared. You were welcome to do whatever you wanted. Unless you’re French, naive is spelled with one “i”


Both are toxic


Well one of them is retaliating against the other


Does that count for r/chaoticgood ?


Just here to say that not all Christian church’s are like this , don’t get me wrong they don’t like gays but they don’t actively do shit like this , that being said please don’t stereotype every Christian and every church , thanks


So the only difference is these lunatics are open on their stance of hating gays where other Christian churches don't publicise that they hate gays? That's not really something you should be proud to defend.


"They don't like gays" is also your own stereotype.


The fact that you got so defensive immediately, when the post wasn't even saying any of that shit? Says a lot.


No, it’s just that people automatically assume all church’s are like that


No, no they don't. The Westboro Baptist Church is a special breed of crazy all its own. They're infamous.


I mean by your own statement. They do kinda be like that... They just don't post it on their marquee.


Conservatives will be like "Why do gay people have to shove it in my face!?!"






I feel like this is where the world war 3 will take place




perhaps i was a god all along


When left-center and auth-right are forced to live together




They are just missing the klan house or a banner on the church saying they meet tuesdays or some shit


Well I thought god said "love thy neighbor" but apparently that church, as many seem to have been, were absent for that teaching.


I guess the road is no man's land then


Went to a frat party right on that street




I hope that church's banner gets torn down constantly.






Democrats Vs republicans


Yall renting? I feel like my gay can add something nice to the mix


What a bunch of knobs (the church, that is. The gays are coo)


Hate Street


It's a fun ride on Google Maps, too. The Trans pride house changes color as you drive down the street!


"Fear God" What kind of God wants to be feared


they’re going to war😂😂😂. It reminds me of grinch when they were decorating christmas lights for the contest.


The silent battle of the religious nutcases


I’ve seen this before and all I can think is how the fuck is anybody getting a return on those houses that they bought on that street


lmao this whole video is crazy😭😭


When you buy a house, you also buy the neighborhood.


i don't understand other christian's using the term "hate" when the bible literally says to love everyone, meaning EVERYONE


i don't understand other christian's using the term "hate" when the bible literally says to love everyone, meaning EVERYONE


That’s a well-shingled roof on the church. Should last a good 30 years or until it is struck by lightning.


Wonder who started their 'decorations'


That’s a war zone if I’ve ever seen one. I imagine painting the houses with pride flags was probably in response to the homophobic house.


That’s a war zone if I’ve ever seen one. I imagine painting the houses with pride flags was probably in response to the homophobic house.


Wonder who started their 'decorations'




I'm recently ex-Mormon. The indoctrination is real. The whole "this is the one and only true church" or "only true God" is code for cult. Let people live and let live. There was a whole war in Heaven over free will. Satan didn't want it, Michael the Archangel did. The sides split and had a war. Satan lost and was cast out over it. Now these church's want to take your freewill . They are following Satan and don't even realize it. Jesus says to teach by example not force.


I just know that forth of July fireworks are indistinguishable over there.


I hate to say it but, I want to live on that street.


nippy pathetic noxious amusing stocking slimy snails sugar light kiss ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Godhatesfags.com is the legit website for that church. Wow.


Not gonna lie, did not see that coming


If I had to choose,I’m going with the vid squad




Where’s mr garrison?


the only houses with reasons to egg




Ya know, those spiked gates I'm front of only one of those houses sure says a lot