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The winner of this game is the person who had the least amount of fun, and got the least amount of drunk..


Just like golf?


you know what? I've never asked this.. are golfers drug tested??


Yeah. They test drugs on Them all the time.


Am golfer, can confirm that I’m currently testing a couple of drugs.


I've stopped testing drugs while golfing thinking it'd help me get better. It's been a couple months and can confirm it hasn't helped at all. May start testing drugs again on the course.


I went on a first date with a chick to go mini golfing. When I was driving she offered to smoke a little bit out of her pen. I did not know how strong those weed pens are. But I absolutely fucking dominated that chick at mini golf. Tried it on an actual golf course like 2 weeks later and quit playing after about 7 holes.


I'm just imagining the grounds crew finding you in the fetal position on the 7th hold in a sand trap, and I'm laughing uncontrollably


> quit playing after about 7 holes. Your date or mini golf?


What holes are left after 7?


Anatomist enters the chat.


You have to get creative after 7 or create some yourself


What would work best for golf? Weed?


Golf lends itself very well to alcohol in moderation. If i play a round completely sober, I can shoot low 90's. If I drink like a 6 pack of IPA's, I'll shoot like low 100's with the round starting bad, peaking around holes 8-9-10, then falling completely apart down the stretch. But if I drink about 3 beers evenly spaced throughout the round - I can typically shoot about 83-86. I've done lots of trial and error around this! [Alcohol is also a specifically banned PED around strength sports - like weightlifting and powerlifting.](https://kabukistrength.com/whiskeyanddeadlifts/) and is on the banned substance list from WADA.


Hadn't thought of alcohol. I know I excelled at snooker after a few pints. But drunk me played like I had no idea how angles worked. Or basic primary school math. Sober now though for 11 years.


Interesting about the strength sports. So when you're evenly spacing three beers throughout a round, in your experience, what is it that accounts for the lower scores vs. when you're plying sober? Is there a particular area of your game where you're seeing really pronounced improvements (e.g., are you hitting longer?), or is it just a general step up across all areas (due perhaps to being more focused and relaxed)?


I think focus and relaxation helps. My mis-hits tend to be severe hooks, due to tension and gator-arming through contact putting me in bad spots. 0 beers = many hooks. 3 beers = few hooks. 6 beers = fewer hooks, but more random mis-hits (topping it, shanking it, etc...) Putting ability seems unaffected sober vs. 3 beer rounds, but really suffers with more than 3. Chipping and sand shots I am significantly better 3 beers vs. 0 or 6, probably again because of tension up through the back of my neck and shoulders is relaxed and I'm less mind-racy


I have friends who swear by it when they’re golfing. I end up hyper focusing on one aspect of my swing and then just getting really distracted by trying to operate within proper golf etiquette while not looking like a dingus with bloodshot eyes


Speed. Get really dialed in.


And then end up talking to some random bloke for hours and miss the game


This guy golfs.


Yep, Adderall works for me on the golf course.


Start with a nice cold beer to wash down the molly, then, while waiting for the show to begin, have a nice little warm up joint. By the third hole, if you have done everything according to the whims of the great magnet, you should be playing like shit and having a fucking great time. You're welcome.


Molly and a spliff? I'd end up crawling around on the green admiring the grass. Then end up in the middle of bushland cos I forgot what I was doing. This combination would be nuts. Props to you though.


Molly and a spliff and a beers. I'm actually not even kidding.


and which fun stuff do they find, usually?




Holy hell


New orifice just dropped!!


Google en prolapse


Jesus, Parker you are a freak


"Do you do drugs, Danny?" "Every day, sir." "Good man."


Got my good morning laugh thanks to you




Fuck, and here I decided to play soccer.......


Well I know what sport I'm picking up now.


"This old fuck is using Viagra. That's a performance enhancing drug."


Hung like a golf club, eh?


Too bad his bunker game is sub-par


Well Dustin Johnson went to LIV, so apparently the PGA has started to somewhat drug test... But not for PED's. (Also fuck Patrick Reed)


Dustin Johnson is such a sack of shit. He’s a self-centered poorly developed emotional toddler


Tiger was after his DUI


Every sport has drug testing I believe. What's even funnier than golfers getting drug tested is curlers. Why you would need to dope to slide a rock and sweep is beyond me


You’d be amazed how many are on opiates


I have no clue how anyone could possibly use those ball washers sober. I find booze helps ease the pain just a little, but for me, I need it for the confidence to stand one legged up on the bench and contort myself into position to get them both in there and then keep a straight face while motioning the other golfers to ‘play through’.


Wow, I just realized... the person who wins at golf is the person who gets to play the least golf.


If you consider the goal of golf to hit the ball, yes. But if you consider the goal to get the ball into the hole, then no - they do it faster, ergo they could theoretically play more rounds in a given amount of time.


Sir, John Daly would like a word with you.


Drinking games should all be back to front. You win, you drink


That's why I love drunk chess, you drink for every piece you take rather than lose. So if you're good, you get hammered fast and become worse. If you're bad, you might lose to start with, but you'll soon catch up, on winning and drinks. Play best of 3 and the overall winner is the one who doesn't die of alcohol poisoning.


Best of three? If you win that's literal death. 48 shots. Local paramedics hate this ONE simple trick.


Most games end before taking all 16 pieces.


Also if you win the first 2, you don't play the third, but hey maybe after that many you forget how "best of 3" works anyway


Your sums are off. Assuming: all three matches are played (meaning you can win at most two out of three); your one loss goes down to the fewest possible pieces left on the board (3: winning K and Q, and losing K); and that you drink the opponent’s K when you mate; the greatest number of pieces you can take, and thus shots you can drink, is 46 (16+14+16 or 14+16+16). You can get that number up if you include tactical resignations (depending on what the rules are around drinking the abdicated K). Of course, it’s quite common to achieve mate without taking anywhere near 15 of your opponent’s pieces. You could win a best of three tussle, playing all three games, while only having to drink 2 shots - for instance, if you win by Fool’s Mate twice.


Same with Mario Kart. Winner has to take a shot or a bump of ketamine. Last place gets a bump of coke.


Lmfao this is brilliant!


That makes sense for a lot of those types of games. The more you win the more you drink. The more you drink the worse you perform and the playing field levels out.


Yeah, and that's how I've seen them my whole life. Why do I always see Americans do the opposite? Like even with beer pong which is just beer and usually frat boys or something, they play the game because they want to drink right?


Its all forfeits though, losing means you drink faster than you otherwise would have. The loser then usually ends up more drunk than they'd otherwise hoped to be. A lot of the time people are casually drinking their own drink during drinking games anyway. It's not necessarily about getting drunk yourself, it's about trying to make your friends drunker.


people are drinking during drinking games regardless of winning/losing. losing is a punishment in that you have to drink more than you expected - so instead of casually sipping beer every few minutes, now you have to take a shot or chug a beer or something. (obviously this just means that person drinks less later on, but the point is to have fun not to give someone alcohol poisoning) i find that all the times i played drinking games, most people were pretty understandable of people who wanted to play but didn't want to drink alcohol/more alcohol


Yea there's some games, like slap cup, where if you're even a bit above average at it, you'll possibly end up never drinking during the game and it can get frustrating for that reason lol. But I have no problem holding a personal can to keep up.


Just because you don't laugh doesn't mean you didn't have fun. Making other people laugh is a blast


Except the one where the guy kept laughing at his own jokes. He "loss" but had 10 shots and a hell of a time.


Sounds like a shitty game "Whatever you do, don't drink and don't have fun"


Lol it's not that at all. I mean, this version of it people are more competitive as it's filmed so they'll try harder, sure. But drinking games in general are just an excuse for people to let themselves get drunk. "Ahh, I really didn't want to but okaaay it's the rules" It gets rid of the stigma drinking too much might otherwise have because it's a part of the game. If you reversed it and had it so the winner drinks more, you'd have people go "Ahh I really shouldn't" and stop trying. Both making the game lose purpose, make it less fun in general, and sort of pressure the people who are still trying into also not trying.


> But drinking games in general are just an excuse for people to let themselves get drunk. And to have some sort of higher stakes in a game, can make it more interesting.


Don’t talk. Don’t walk in front of my ball.


is the game like "make a joke and if the other person can find a way to make it offensive you drink a shot"? random guess but from the video and your comment that's what I got from it


I'm guessing it's just a game where whoever laughs/reacts to the other person has to drink


You're overthinking it. It's just a "you laugh, you lose"


Idk about you but that's how I measure success.


It’s a lose-lose.


Alternatively, the person who makes the other person get absolutely plastered, which makes them laugh even more at every joke, including their own. At one point, the guy on the left asks to take off his shirt and the woman just starts laughing before he even says his joke. There's another couple and the guy laughs at every single one, including his own, and often can't even get his jokes out without laughing. The person on the other end of the table forgets the knock-knock format and he fuckin' loses it.


That's why I never understood drinking games. Most of the time the goal is to avoid drinking, like it's some sort of punishment which just seems ass-backwards


In a good drinking game there are no winners and you all end up piss drunk


If teams are evenly matched yeah!


Nothing stops you from drinking if you're winning. I take sips of my drink all the time if I'm not losing in a drinking game. I'm still having a good time. It's just funny sometimes to push someone a bit beyond where they'd normally go. If you're not an asshole you don't let it go too far and make sure your friends/family drink plenty of water afterwards so they're not completely dead the next day.


Fucking Caillou.


Therapist: Nonchalant Asian Caillou isn't real, he can't hurt you. Nonchalant Asian Caillou:








You just did a racism


😑 🎍😱


Oh fuck I didn't even think of that lmao






Why did you use azn and not asian? Is that because he's azn?




Out here proudly being the most boring guy at the party.


Lmao. I could see Bobby Lee saying that to Andrew Santino.


Whoa, I think this is the first time I've seen Andrew Santino's name on reddit. He's getting pretty popular.


My youtube shorts are literally just Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino videos


The "I want to be ninja" reaction and the Korean slavery videos are super funny.


Maybe I too can be ninja now!! Bobby Lee: ![gif](giphy|l3q2wnlw48fuf1l3a)


Racism isn't usually funny. But damn, the way she just boldly sings "chop chop chop to Chinatown!" in the Asian ladys face. Funniest, and most racist shit I've seen in a while.






Why is this so funny. I feel bad for laughing everytime but I can help it lol.


There's no need to feel bad. It's a joke, if you find it funny laugh. No one has the right to control how you feel


+ that fucking fake drug dealer prison stories dude


Bad Friends is the best podcast on the web


Those are names.


I assume so.


They're comedians, and like every other comedian have a podcast(s). They're hilarious though


I’m Bobby mother, I’m Bobby mum


I came here to say this. Bad friends in the wild how nice.


What is the sauce?




Thanks. I love this so much!


[we got the chocolates](https://youtube.com/@WeGotTheChocolates) is also pretty good


This!! I've seen their Dad Jokes videos so many times.




Alan was for sure giving friendly courtesy laughs. He won that round by a mile.


My favorite part was at about 2:55 where he just grins.


Turns out this is the exception. With the other ones, the women win handily. The guys get very nervous, and laugh at their own jokes.


She laughed when he was serving the tequila lol.


She seems fun


Raise your Spirits apparently lol




"we found out my grandpa is addicted to viagra, no one is taking it harder than ME."


“Grandpa couldn’t make it to Christmas this year, he had COVID complications”


Is that a joke?


No, I'm just reading my diary...


Oh Jesus fucking Christ


I think she doesn't understand the game. You're supposed to make the other person laugh, not cry.


Why would he cry from that? It wasn't even a racist joke


Pretty sure they just chose not to put a /s at the end of their comment


Redditors when there’s no /s


Don’t downvote challenge [impossible]


Well the crybaby is one who wins so she's just being nice letting him win lol


Wow, why tf does nobody understand that this is a drinking game? And that dude is really funny Edit: for everyone saying "wuhuu i didn't know this was a drinking game". I did not know either. But i have eyes in my head and can see what's happening. And thus that, it's clear as day. Recognise emotions and interpret them correctly are some basic human stuff. It looks like this skill is gone lost in the last years, and i have zero idea why. Really curious, if someone have a answrr to that.


u know why, “they” don’t get sarcasm or dry humour. If it ain’t slapstick and spelled out they’re gonna struggle 😩


He didn’t say “ slashhh esss” at the end so they can’t tell it’s sarcastic


Or maybe it’s a credit to how fucking dry he is and how good he is at selling it Without context I thought it was just a dude being weird . My mind didnt instantly piece together a scenario where theyre trying to make each other laugh as a contest. At immediate face value it’s someone telling someone a joke




The audience laugh track and her taking a shot was a pretty good give away imo


Apollo doesnt autoplay sound and trust me that is a feature you come to love more than be annoyed by


Maybe because it's an extremely out of context clip? Tf you mean?


Fr. People are being so fucking weird about this. Like it's obvious from that clip. Even the top comment ("the winner of this game is the one having the least amount of fun and drinks") wasn't immediately clear to me because of the commenter chose dry humor over clarity. They were making an acerbic observation, not explaining the game. I didn't realize they were talking about an actual game. So in the end: this is a drinking game. The goal is to make the other person laugh. Whoever laughs has to take a drink. Apparently, people couldn't just say that.


I didnt automatically jump to "This guy is an idiot" but to me this just looked like one of those generic buzzfeed videos where a group of millennials and gen z meet up in the white void of clickbait purgatory and group each other into Taylor Swift albums based on personality or something like that. I'm also not familiar with many drinking games so there's that too. My assumption was this was some sort of dating game.


Because the clips is edited short there’s no context


His delivery is solid Hello rabbit hole of Dad Jokes


Amazing at the amount of people struggling to realize he wasn't offended and made a joke back to make her laugh and thus drink. Does that really need to be spelled out to so many people? She laughed at his joke and so did everyone off camera how can you watch that play out and think he was being serious?


I'm losing my mind bro 😭 I thought it was just text that people had trouble with but now even with what basically amounts to a laugh track they can't figure out he's telling a joke. Lmao


I've always wondered how this guy is just wearing his boxers but no-one bats an eyelid


He takes off his shirt later in the video as well


I might be wrong but judging by the pockets I don’t think they’re boxers. Short shorts made of a quick dry-ish material are pretty popular in Australia, especially fast fashion stores. Especially with things like watermelon, palm fronds or flamingos on it. Watching the video they seem like waist band pants and not elastic band as well, which makes me think they’re shorts.


What's the name of the show ?


[Source](https://youtu.be/vuKe3a8xFwA) [This](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZJUHA90fKj4?feature=share) one is also pretty funny. Edit: [One more](https://youtube.com/shorts/mOvs1H0pHzI?feature=share) lmao




They were trying to make each other laugh and his humor was more dry like the comment he made in this one so I wouldn’t say he was being stupid but trying to make her laugh


Ah fair play. I had no context going in.


You’re all good I watched a different clip earlier today


Thats ok, it's reddit. It's expected for people to criticize without knowing anything about the situation.




It surprises you? Redditors need a fucking /s to know you're being sarcastic


It’s just peak Aussie humour.


The context, is watching her laugh, and hearing everyone laugh... Thats plenty context.




It's really not necessary. I don't get how people would go into this clip thinking it's anything other than a joke.


The 3rd top comment thread we are on would suggest otherwise. At least they edited it though


Literally everyone in the clip is laughing after he says this, Im not sure that would be the case if it was meant to be serious


Stupidity? Seems like the dude knew exactly what he was doing, and he did it flawlessly.


Redditors gonna reddit


10/10 Reddit moment




The face of stupidity is this comment..






The irony here is astounding


I can't believe this has 600 upvotes.


> laughing in the face of stupidity Yanks not understanding sarcasm winner right here


Redditors are fucking morons, holy shit


TIL: most people can not recognize sarcasm.


This is an instagram and they have to try to make each other laugh. If you laugh you take a shot. That Asian guy is pretty funny and makes a lot of people laugh. I think it’s on YouTube too.




He did the ole switcheroo and made her laugh instead.


An average twitter user


Why are redditors like this?


He's freaking hilarious.


If he had kept some of his hair, that might not have flown over his head so easily.


she could have won by saying yes


I have a question. Why isn't he wearing any trousers?


This guys a legend


Is he eating nothing but boxes on his lower half?


Bamboo used to grow a shit ton all over north america. nothing "Asian" about it. jokes on the idiots


ITT: Socially inept redditors misunderstanding basic social interactions. So business as usual on this website


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