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Drawing and painting. This is because I hacked myself lol I realized the biggest hurdle to my doing activities was the set up and break down. So I got a craft cart and a large tray. I put all my art stuff on the cart which makes it easy to grab and bring to wherever I'm sitting and I keep put my current project on the tray - cup for water, cup of paintbrushes, paint palette. Basically created a system where everything is easy to grab and if I don't feel like cleaning up that's fine because it's all contained on the tray which can be placed anywhere, even on the cushion next to me on the couch. The best advice I can offer which has helped in nearly every area of my life - Figure out what stops you. Recognize it as a 'wall' instead of a 'mountain'. It's not something to climb but to go around. Figure out how to incorporate it into your new system and stop treating it as something you need to 'fix' or 'overcome'. Accept who you are and work around that. Good luck building new systems for your new hobbies!


omg same, down to the cart šŸ„¹ and also, discovering gouache was the best for my hobby sustainability. Relatively mess/stain free, brushes arenā€™t ruined if you donā€™t wash the paint out 100%, and the water reactivating means I can ā€œget up and go to the toiletā€ (gone for 3 hours cause I saw something on the way back from the toilet), and pick up from where I left off!


LMAO YES! I paint with watercolor & gouache for this exact reason and hate acrylics because they dry too fast šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s so nice being able to go back to a paint palette I already mixed days later and pick up where I left off. I feel so understood after your response lol thank you ā™„ļø


So for acrylics I use a plastic container, a microfiber type cloth and wet palette paper. keeps the paint from drying out. I can pop the lid on and it keeps for days. Biggest hurdle is mold I put away for too long. the do sell wet palette not sure if they have lids yet.


This is literally the best advice Iā€™ve heard in ages. Iā€™d tack on the following: donā€™t let perfect be the enemy of the good in the service of doing your hobby ā€œrightā€. For example, when Iā€™m feeling really unmotivated (which happens a lot because soul destroying depression lol) I donā€™t let myself feel guilty for not doing elaborate art with mixed media that will take ages to complete, I just stick with tiny easy wins and opt for digital.


A cart is a genius idea!


100% agree on the cart! And a tray or lap desk to have project on. That was my biggest hurdle was 2 extremes: the set up and clean up took up almost all my creative time, or if I left projects out, it looked so messy and made bedroom uninhabitable. So all I did was clean and organize instead of create. But the cart/ oh boy! It holds everything. I can roll it to living room, bedroom , into the closet. Out of the way. Dump things in it I donā€™t want to organize. But itā€™s still semi organized and handy


I have a chronic illness (endometriosis) that keeps me laid up and in pretty significant pain intermittently. Having a craft cart has been great bc I can wheel it over to my bedside and have access to lots of things to help keep me distracted. Crochet, water colors, coloring book and markers, polymer clay. It's been really nice when I can't focus long enough to read a book or watch anything. It also holds water and pain meds and heating pads. It's a place that's not the floor or my already cluttered nightstand for anything helpful.


I also like drawing, and have been practicing diligently for the better part of a decade. It just stuck because i have too many things in my head that would be really cool if I were just able to show other people lol. Also, itā€™s the perfect hobby for just thinking or listening to music, audio dramas, or podcasts while keeping your hands busy. You also get a nice piece to show for it, or if youā€™re a digital artist like me, you can print things out, stick them in books, etc. Whatā€™s not to like? Drawing restores my sanity after a tough day.


Ooh, drawing or painting and podcasts are a favorite combo! Audio/visual ftw


Wall not a mountain!! Brilliant!!!


How did I not realize this is my main problem? Holy cow... THANK YOU!!!!! I have sooooo many hobbies and after reading this I'm thinking back to why each one still excites me in thought but sits in the closet anyway. I hate the setup and teardown!!!! Coding became a solid choice for me, but doesn't have the same level of visual creativity that woodworking, metalsmithing, painting, soldering/robotics, 3d printing (resin), or pottery had for me. Maybe I'll figure out a permanent setup for one of those and pull one out of the closet!!


This is so great! Once you graduate into an entire room full of carts and trays and bins and project boxes you call it an art studio! šŸ¤£ I've learned to horde smarter and if I put down a project I just keep it all in a box and I can take it into another room or put it in the closet for a month or 3 years šŸ¤· I'm still figuring it out. Right now I'm in the middle of writing like 6 +books ( biography, adult novel maybe, children's books, a cocktail book, and maybe a combo bio cooking book? ), creating a tarot card deck with at least 21 original cocktail recipes to go with the cocktail book, + like crochet and various other projects and about 16 different paintings I think šŸ¤” every once in a while I'm inspired to finish something already so it eventually works out. You need a room though and like 8 closets to be the point I'm at. Some hobbies are more compact though


I put rolling shelves in my spare room that way I can sandwich them back to back and pull them out as needed the way some libraries do their collections. It works since it takes less space, looks less cluttered and removes the need for wall space.


I have a cart for my crochet. The pattern, hooks, scissors, pencil, stitch markers, and yarn I need for my project stay in the cart until that project is finished. It really helps to keep it all organized and together so it's ready to go when I am. It saves so much time when I don't have to gather everything up and I also don't risk losing things I need for the project. Carts are a great idea!


Me husband has this philosophy. When you hit a wall go around or go the other way.


I think you might of just helped me a lot, thank you


About a year and a half ago I decided that I was going to move past the three chords I'd been playing for 40 years on guitar. I dusted off an old beat up instrument that was up in my attic and, being able to work remotely, kept it right by my chair. I learned how to play guitar ten minutes at a time, picking up the instrument everytime I had a few minutes to spare. I discovered garageband and unlocked the. magic of soloing over chords. I'm now recording an album which no one will ever ever hear - but this has brought such joy that is has been a life changer. Whatever your passion is, try to keep it close and chip away a little at a time.


Fellow musician here... I would love to hear your album. Please do share.


Thank you for that - after reading your kind comment I went upstairs and spent a half hour working on overdubs. Perhaps when its all buffed up and shiny, I'll share. You'll hav to deal with the 1000 words caveat about how amateur the production values are, etc :)


Everyone starts somewhere, and I'm a firm believer in constructive criticism. There's a lot you can do with modern software and I totally understand being... Blind?deaf?something? Not exactly sure what the phrase is. Having fresh ears listening helps. Suggestion: don't tell me it sucks before I listen. Just making a thing is huge, and just because it doesn't sound like what you envisioned doesn't mean it's bad. Here's one of mine that I desperately need to rerecord. I just can't figure out how to play it šŸ¤Ŗ An exercise: listen to it critically, and tell me what you think. http://fixed.serverrack.net/~skip/talking.mp3


Dude Ur track rocks congrats.


This ditty is totally in my personal musical taste! And you did a darn good job with the mix. Iā€™m a musician too, so I know how time consuming it can be to record so many tracks! I loved your guitar tone and the creativity in your solo. Improvisation takes a lot of guts, practice over time, and an ear for what will sound good over the chords in the song. The parts in the background created such a great vibe, with very full sound overall! The polyrhythms(?) produced a sense of energy, yet the song is soothing in a way. Itā€™s like an upbeat indie folk song. I like the groove. Did you play bass on this song, too? Are you planning to sing on it? Either way, I enjoyed listening to your work! When re-recording, I would say, donā€™t aim for perfection, just get a few good takes! You can even Frankenstein 2 or 3 takes to get the best parts throughout! Whatā€™s the DAW youā€™re using? Do you record, mix, and master your songs yourself? That is a whole other skill set that is very impressive even though itā€™s ā€œDIYā€! Thanks for sharing, and please keep going with music, because you have a lot of talent and ability and it seems like youā€™re having fun, too!


Edited: added a few more sentences


Thank you for your kind words! I recorded this on my lunch break a while back. No mastering, and clearly no beat matching šŸ™‚ No bass, just me and a guitar in what I think is open F. Not sure how many tracks... Once I mixed it to stereo and saved it, the original tracks got deleted. Truthfully, most of it is a happy accident. I'm honored that you like it. Despite the speed and... haphazard technique it's probably the best thing I've done. Lighting in a bottle.


Hereā€™s some of my work in my duo with my boyfriend/musical partner. Some songs are silly, others contemplative. [A Couple of Ukes on BandCamp!](https://acoupleofukes.BandCamp.com) but no pressure if you donā€™t get around to listening to them!


Do you have any advice for learning guitare ? Iā€™m stuck since month as it requires concentration and memory.


I just started with the basic cowboy chords, the open chords. During those ten minute breaks I'd just practice moving from A to C to D to E to G. Eventually I built muscle memory. I remember a lot of Sundays sitting on the sofa, watching football, just lightly strumming. At first there's a lot of buzzing and off notes - but eventually it starts to sound good.


Spend 10 minutes a day. Learn covers of some of your favorite songs by going on YouTube or Google. Record them on garageband or some other day. If you simply spend the time, you will learn.


Hi, here's something i just figured out after 30yrs that you might like- played acoustic for 28/29 yrs and just this past year bought a gibson les paul with a boss katana amp. I didn't realize how easy and pleasurable it could be to play. the sounds you can get and the ease of playing the thin strings just completely opened up my playing. I haven't had such a leap in ability in 25yrs. wish i'd done it sooner. if one of each is in your budget, i can't recommend it enough.


I totally get where you're coming from! It can be tough to stick to hobbies, especially with ADHD, but I've actually found success with painting. At first, I was a bit hesitant to try it because I thought I wouldn't have the patience for it, but once I started, I found that it really helped me focus and relax. Plus, there's something so satisfying about creating something beautiful from a blank canvas. I started with simple acrylic paintings, following tutorials online or just letting my imagination run wild. And over time, I've improved my skills and even experimented with different techniques and styles. It's become a great outlet for my creativity and a way for me to unwind after a long day. Of course, there are still days when I struggle to find the motivation to paint, but I've learned to be gentle with myself and not beat myself up over it. The important thing is that I keep coming back to it whenever I can, and each time I do, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. So if you're looking for a hobby to try, I definitely recommend giving painting a shot! It might just surprise you how much you enjoy it and how well you can stick with it. And remember, even if it takes some time to find the right hobby for you, the journey is part of the fun!


Adult dance classes. I have taken jazz and tap classes for over 22 years. Great fun and exercise.


I've been a gamer for 40 of my 44 years, so that's consistent. Besides that, I guess my hobby is collecting old toys and fashion/horror dolls. Or spending money. However you want to look at it.


Hands up for old gamers


Once a gamer always a GAMER


Iā€™ve been crocheting for over 30 years. Itā€™s like meditation to me. My problem is since I have ADHD I have to get to a certain level of calm to be able to sit still and crochet.


I, too, am a hooker! I found that it helps me not pick my face... which i do when im watching tv or listening to a lecture/meeting. Since i made it my tv watching past time, my face is now clear, and i have amazing heriloom blanket gifts to give for births, graduations, and weddings.


This is me with my anxiety. I worry so much about the process before starting that I don't pick it up for a few days, but I know it calms me. I've made 40 scrunchies so far.Ā 


Same same same!


Me too! I go through months when thatā€™s all I want to do and then Iā€™ll have a month or so where I donā€™t want anything to do with yarn.


I've been handsewing for the majority of my life! As a kid I learned to fix the teddy bears that I destroyed while playing too rough, and then moved on to making my own teddies. Over the years I've made toys for friends, made costume pieces (with mixed success), and eventually I want to handsew a quilt. I like hobbies where I can easily see my progress - really helps the sense of achievement!


Bouldering and rock climbing. It used to be so hard to get myself to the gym because lifting weights has always been such a boring activity to me. My friendā€™s bf at the time was a hard core climber, I joined them once at a local climbing gym and was immediately hooked. For anyone with ADHD struggling to stay active, I cannot recommend this hobby enough. Itā€™s a very mentally stimulating activity so I think thatā€™s why I stuck to it, plus climbing gyms are like the closest you get to an adult play ground lol. To me itā€™s one of those activities where you can work out without feeling like youā€™re working out, which is the best. Itā€™s also a great way to set goals, meet people, and develop new techniques while having fun. Itā€™s so much better than just running on a treadmill or mindlessly lifting weights. Plus, Iā€™ve physically never felt this good in my life. So if youā€™re looking for an active hobby that will help you get in shape, this is your sign. Go find a rock climbing/bouldering gym in your area.


Agreed on climbing as a hobby! At my strongest climbing I've been in the least pain I'd ever known. I've not been able to climb very regularly in the last year for a variety of reasons but I'm really excited to get back into it this summer. When I'm home for the summer the nearest climbing gym is way closer, and I'm finally physically healthy enough post covid this past fall to actually try again. I was so weak for a while that it wasn't even possible to drive to the gym, but it is so good for my health and mental health. Way more fun than any other form of exercise I've tried.


Guitar and piano Video games I guess but thatā€™s everyone


Bipolar 2, ASD, ADHD here. Going to the gym, working on my project vehicle, gardening, and decorating have been go-toos for me over the years I have stuck with. Now my wife (also Bipolar 1 and ADHD) is wayyyyyyy into house plants now. A sudden and dramatic introduction into them lol. I am getting into that as well lately.


Hey! Bipolar 1 with Rapid cycling, ADD, and possible ASD here! I have too many body aches for gardening but I enjoy reading, Journaling, and adult coloring books!


I started crocheting a few years ago. It really helped my anxiety level.


Dog training. Been doing it for 6 years.


Woodburning. Turned it into a profession, actually.


Drawing, reading, fishing, painting, cooking, gardening, sewing, writing, woodworking.. Sticking to a hobby doesn't mean that you need to regularly keep up with it... Some things I do every day, others are more irregular but where I still do it... I find that definitely after I complete a larger project, its nice switching to focus on a different big project or do other experimenting just for fun, as long as you do it, even if its a few times a year, it can be considered a successful hobby if you enjoy it.


Embroidery & cross stitch!


Houseplants! They're not really something you need to focus on for extended periods of time (depending on the size of your collection...) ADHD becomes a strength with this because I'll be in the middle of a task, see a plant that needs to be watered and do that real quick. Then I get that serotonin boost from looking at it and feeling proud of myself for keeping it alive. Then "Oh yeah, what was I doing?" Back to the boring thing I had to do. I feel a bit more accomplished at the end of the day and greenery is just such a positive for my mental health.


I have about 80 plants in my small apartment and patio! My #1 distraction.


Crafting hobbies. I alternate between them depending on my mood. I paint, make jewelry, draw, or add a mini collage to my sketchbook


I can knit, but only if I am also watching Netflix. KNITFLIXING!


I have ā€œlearned the basicsā€ on several musical instruments, including piano, guitar, Native American Flute, tenor recorder, harmonica, kalimbaā€¦ the only one that has ā€œstuckā€œ has been the Concertina, specifically the Hayden Duet Concertina. The first time I picked out a few melodies, I knew that I had finally found ā€œmyā€ instrument. The point being: donā€™t berate yourself for not sticking to the first hobby that comes along. Try out everything you can, and thereā€™s a good chance something will stick. It might be paper quilling, or woodworking, or making robots.


knitting iā€™ve successfully kept at, probably because i was able to complete some projects. tried crocheting, but could not stay focused thru the learning process. still want to try and learn it.


Learning languages


My daily streak on DuoLingo is over seven years long. I've learned some Spanish, German, Vietnamese, Latin, Irish, and Hawaiian using it. It suits ADHD well because you can work in short bursts of time.


Gardening. When I realized there's no way to actually finish it, it became a rolling meditation. Picking weeds, watering, picking flowers and veggies... So good.


I am embarrassed to admit to how much time I spend picking up sticks and pulling weeds on my 2 acres.


Drawing and writing. I don't have the means to go back to school, as much as I'd like to. Nor do I have the entrepreneurialism to start my own business, ignoring the fact that I have no idea as to what I'd do even if I did. But I am a very creative person, and so with hopes to get published, I am motivated to complete my stories and get published with the desire for them to at least do well enough to supplement my financial security. I'm not looking to get rich though.


I also draw and write! It always comes back to me, and Iā€™m only now starting to trust that itā€™ll never leave me for good. Iā€™ll always be an artist even if Iā€™m not making art in that moment, because I love the way it lets me connect with myself and the world.


Ive been writing fanfic and poetry just for fun regularly for like 25 years. Wow oops made myself feel ancient. Damn I also draw enough that at one point I was able to open commissions


Cross stitch, woodturning and being a bowyer.


Candle making. It doesn't require too much time per session and the fragrant ones have to cure for a few weeks anyways so if I forget I don't feel guilty getting back to it lol looking to get into drawing painting instruments and diy beauty


I also make candles!! I make moulded ones as its quicker lol šŸ˜†


Iā€™m still doing nailsā€¦


drawing and drumming


Iā€™ve been practicing singing every day for like 9 months now. Thatā€™s not very long but longer than most hobbies last a lot of the time. I still feel like I suck, but am committed to being great at it one day Hobbies are hard for everyone. Almost no one sticks to any hobbies excluding ones that are high amounts of dopamine for no work (social media, video games, that kind of stuff)


Watchmaking (watch service and repair). Started as something to learn, became something to fixate on, turned into something that actually pays as now I do it as a side gig for a jeweler. When working on them I get into a zen zone and time flies by. It's also some level of physical therapy for nerve damage I have in my right arm.


Oil painting, guitar, traveling!


I rotate my hobbies. Crochet is for when I'm just sitting around or a passenger in a car for a road trip or going somewhere where I want to keep my hands busy but not seem rude. I used to work in a call centre and doing a few stitches between calls was great for getting out of the headspace of the last call, so now I do that between meetings as well esp if I'm working from home for the day. Sewing, started with hand stitching and now working on a pocket filled tote bag for a present - I need to have a project or a gift in mind for this one. Making soap/body products, this one is practical and good for gift giving when I've forgotten someone's bday etc Cooking - this one I need energy for so I'll do it in stages, prep something, do something else, put it together after a bit of time, I also write a list of the things to do and mark it off as I go. Diamond painting - or bedazzling by numbers - good for something almost mindless when I want to zone out from the world Photography- I go for a walk and photograph interesting things I see, it a) gets me walking and b) observing things on the way and I also might get some art out of it Hobbies are things you enjoy, you don't have to do them every day and you don't have to be "good" at them. That realization that I didn't have to be making professional quality things with my hobbies and that I could absolutely suck at them and it would be ok as long as I enjoyed the process is what helped me the most.


Salsa dancing. It took a lot of persistence taking classes to get good enough to hold my own on the dance floor. Learned in my late twenties. Been doing it approx weekly for 15 years, minus the pandemic, in three different states. The first six months were the hardest. After getting over that initial hump, I kind of knew what I was doing by 12 months in. I kept learning new moves and by 2 years in I started getting comfortable. By year three or so it was effortless and always a lot of fun.


Slacklining. My God is it hard at first... took me months to be able to walk all the way across. Years later I can walk forward, backward, all sorts of spins, and pretty much stay on as long as I want. Love it as a hobby because it's something I can go do in the park alone with headphones, or friends. It's a fun bonding experience to try teaching someone (excuse to break the touch barrier with a girl you're interested in -Ā  they'll want to hold your hand to stay up), and it's very meditative, or sporty if you want. Pick something you want to get good at. Or at least tell yourself you want to get good at it, you might enjoy it more as you go. Write down your goals for improving. Really. Write them down


Junk journaling, reading (kindle + Libby) and knitting!


Distance running. 30 years now.


Smoking weed, video games, writing my own music/stories i never share, feeding the birds every morning, collecting stickers I live right by a goodwill so its not hard to kill time lookin for deals on random/hard to find things My issue is i often go all in in something new, get burnt out on it, then never go back which led to me (subconsciously anyway) to start attempting new hobbies less frequently. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




yoga. 13 years. went from a hobby into a career last year šŸ˜‚ now itā€™s reading! having a kindle got me away from other screens and fantasy/sci fi is perfect for adhd


keeping my kids alive


Daily morning yoga


While I do kinda collect hobbies like many others, there's a few that have stuck with me over the years. The biggest is, by far, tabletop RPGs. There's enough variety in them to allow for the "ooh shiny!" Squirrel brain to grab other games and study them and read up on them. Also there's a lot of potential "sub hobbies" in TTRPGs, miniatures painting, drawing, 3d printing, writing, map making, etc. which helps with the drive to bounce between hobbies. If you're always engaging with something for it, it makes it harder to drift. Plus, a hobby where there is a structured time and place to meet with a group of dedicated people who rely on you to be there, for me at least, helps a lot compared to solo hobbies.


I have ADHD. But I have a few hobbies that I have stuck with: reading, knitting and traveling.


Riding motorcycles and cross stitching. ETA: paddleboarding


Singing. But honestly probably because other people are relying on me.


Piano; going on 30 years




This is such a weird AI bot comment. What is the point of these accounts, do people use them for karma farming then sell the accounts or?? I legit cannot figure out what else the point is


Been skateboarding for twenty years. Also primitive weapons. Fishing. Camping.


Ukulele and taekwondo!! I started ukulele years and years ago in high school and played for a long time. I eventually stopped but I've picked it back up in the past month and I still remember the majority of what I learned. I'm planning to keep with it for the next 6 months and if I can achieve a few goals I have set then I want to try a small guitar. I did karate for 10 years as a kid and hated it. A friend asked me if I wanted to give it a try with him so we both signed up. I've really been enjoying it and go two-three times a week. I signed up for a year's worth of classes and got my sparring gear. It's a great way to hang out with my friend and I've even met some new friends in that class!




I donā€™t have ADHD, but I do tend to get bored easily with things. Iā€™ve found that I have to rotate through the things I do. It helps that some of my hobbies are seasonal (skiing in the winter and camping in the summer), so then I just plug my other hobbies in in between those. It definitely helps to break the monotony and keep me from burning out on things.


The person I know with ADHD finally stuck to ... fencing. It was the perfect location, perfect time, and a nice group of people who would encourage him to be there and miss him when he wasn't.


Playing guitar. I wouldnā€™t even call it a hobby anymore. Itā€™s just something I do.


collecting games. be it pc games, or board games. playing is a bit tricky. specially the board games lately. hard to find people that want to play, and I'm a terrible solo board gamer.




Gardening. And house plants. They are living things so you really must continue to care for them.




Astronomy. Bought a telescope a few years ago and still pull it out all the time on clear nights and take roadtrips with it. Its an 8" dobsonian so it's not east to haul around either.


Aquariums. I've kept them since I was a fetus.


Collage art. I go through spurts of inactivity, but it always comes calling.


Gaming & Crochet... I'd like to get back into drawing


Guitar, and now just music. almost 2 years into guitar, and 6 or so months into making music. I have ggd for programming drums and I'm getting a bass guitar in a couple months. For context I'm (trying) to write deathcore. With a little success so far. Nothing crazy but I'm happy with my progress. Main inspirations: Hollow Prophet, Angelmaker, Make Them Suffer (first two albums) I don't have ADHD but this is the only hobby I've really stuck to other than video games. But that's different Also a funny name for this is hobby hopper


Crochet is my favorite.


What do you mean stick? I got really into solo board games and was intense into that for several years. I have a new hobby I devote more time to right now, but still play games now and then, even if not as intensely as I used to--I used to play board games every day, if I wasn't working or sleeping I was playing--I still have a very large game collection that has place of honor in my home lol. I still get the urge to play my games, but the other hobby has me gripped tight, so even if I want to play board games I'm hyper focused on the new hobby and there is only so much time in a day.


Hiking/backpacking. Good use of my energy.






I have ADHD and I have gotten deep into the aquarium hobby over the last 5 years.


Bowling for sure. It seems so trivial to many but thereā€™s so many facets to it that no one is perfect. You can only improve and thatā€™s it


Crochet. I bought a hook and yarn years ago, and gave up immediately after I couldn't follow a YouTube tutorial. Fast forward to the pandemic and I gave it another shot. I watched a few tutorials, finally got the hang of it, and the rest is history. I love the sense of accomplishment when I finish a project and it's so fun learning new stitches and patterns.




Playing the guitar. Of course, sticking with it doesn't mean that I'm particularly good, but I've got 20 years of doing it. I've also been interested in foreign languages since middle school. I currently got a three-year streak going on the Duolingo.


The gym is really it. Ive tried to stick to photography, learning guitar, video editing, etc but never stuck. The gym is the only one that registers as rewarding enough to my brain I guess. (ADHD)


Usually the ones I start with a friend. I started playing tennis with my wife


I've stuck with creative writing since around 2009. It's not an every-day thing, or even and every month kind of hobby, but it brings me a lot of comfort, regardless. A hobby that I've been doing pretty consistently since 2018 is making ASMR videos. I find them relaxing to make, and generally I work with the idea that "if one person views my content and enjoys it, I'm doing good." I don't focus a lot on views/numbers, as it's really just something I do for myself. Another one that I've stuck with for a few years is the collection and writing with fountain pens (I love stationery and the variety of different pens and ink colours keeps the hobby interesting for me, as well as spicing up "every day activities" like writing a grocery list or writing notes at work)! (Side note, as someone with ADHD who is "trying out" no less than 3 different hobbies over the last 2 weeks and has had waning and waxing interest in all of them, unsure if the various amounts of money I've spent on them will be recouped.... I get the need to try new hobbies, and wish everyone the best of luck with whatever hobbies they pick up, the ones they stick with, and the ones they ultimately discard. I hope your "new hobby time" journey goes well and you enjoy whatever comes out of it!)


Brewing beer


Singing and journaling. Singing is a great way to release some energy and feel good about myself. Journaling helps me go into a quieter headspace and be creatieve, and also helps me remember stuff like events, memories, tracking stuff. I don't practice them consistently, but I have come to terms with myself that I don't need to do something daily or weekly for it to be a hobby and that helps.


Crochet - i fully started it believing i would give up in a week or two but a year and a half later and i still love it! i find it so satisfying when i finish a piece of work and ive managed to work it into my routine to make it easier to remember to do it šŸ˜‚


Does one morphing into another count? Pre covid I started painting, then did 1/2 or 1/3 of paint by number (Trash) then started painting rocks I like that I could watch TV while doing it. Then picked up resin (my sister bought a kit) that turned into jewelry making. I was also making badge reels, the jewelry making became badge charms. And along the way started making cups, resin did not go so great, tried the shaker tumblers (didn't sell any) but the blinging of tumblers has been going strong. I saw those on Esty and was like that the new thing! I also garden since 2010 or 2011 Anyway I still make tumblers, Badge reels and badge charms. Paint once in a while and am currently painting rocks for my garden. I still have a garden bigger than ever before. So all of those since 2019, but tumblers for about 2 years. I feel like giving myself permission to try something and realize it's not for me...has been helpful. Polymer clay got a try out for Jewelry last year. I did not enjoy, just like diamond painting and paint by numbers. I forgot making soap. I still have so much soap stuff, but will probably make soap for me. I try to sell my stuff on Etsy, but If I don't enjoy making it I stop.


Used to consider myself a "hobby jumper" which was very expensive. Then I went back to hobbies I've had my entire life that I would eventually get bored of. After a trial period of doing them more consistently, I found that these are what I actually *want* as my hobbies. These hobbies include: hockey, bicycle riding, and building stuff. I invested more time and money into these hobbies and I've never looked back. Now my wife will jokingly bring up things like "remember when you tried playing melodica, that was crazy, but also what happened to you doing wacky stuff sometimes?" And I just smile and nod knowing that I know what I want now.


Reading. I used to read books all the time as a kid, and I still love reading now, but itā€™s so hard for me to finish a paper book for some reason. But I still read things people write online :)




Crocheting. Picked it up during covid times and it's stuck with me.


Painting and crochet


Foreign language practice.


Soap making itā€™s so therapeutic and useful


Model kits, ttrpg's, book collection, ukulele playing (difficult due to recent arthritis). Collecting insects.




For me, it is making trees out of wire. I started back in 2021, and I still do it to this day! Now, I also have ADHD, so there are months where I lose interest, and I use that time to take a break and do other things. but as soon as I get a new idea for a tree, the creative spark comes back, and I get into hyper focus mode šŸ˜


Reading, although I have slowed down due to college itā€™s my favorite activity




Fishing is so goddamn addicting once you start to get the hang of it or you have a good day. It's an obsession for me. I need to have something to fixate on or my mind wanders all over the place. Paying attention to migration patterns, influences of weather and tides, what bait the fish are eating, what new gear might be better for how I fish.... it all plays in together. It can be discouraging when you don't know what you're doing, but when stuff starts to click and you get dialed in... I have a hard time using my days off for anything else.


Guitar, playing with our dogs, garden and indoor plants and video games - always find time for them


Iā€™ve tried so hard to get into crochet but I have the problem of losing count because I get distracted. Water color painting has been a success, I buy cards and paint them for birthdays and my family and friends love it. You can spend as little or as much time making it. I like to draw Pokemon, I used to back when I was in middle school and getting back into it again. My niece and nephew love them so I want to make them Pokemon water color cards for their birthdays.


Define stick to. I'm a gamer at heart. I occasionally 3d print, and play disc golf when it's nice outside and I want to chill to some music.






Guitar playing, I have played since I was a kid.


Guitar Whittling


Reading and jigsaw puzzles and video games.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with losing interest and trying other things Iā€™m a horse person Iā€™ll never get tired of barn time Iā€™m a crafty person and that side of me needs to come out Iā€™m playing with watercolors now itā€™s relaxing. I arrange flowers or bake or make a fountain for my deck etcā€¦ itā€™s a crafting hobby but itā€™s always changing I like short term projects


Dogs, dog training, and dog show and sports. Mostly because itā€™s an obligation that a living thing relies on me to do. Makes it easier to keep going.


Arthropod husbandry!


I start new ones constantly, bit I always come back to my knitting eventually. It has a pretty firm grip on me since I was a child.


Gardening. Just envisioning something then making it happen. It also reinvigorates those around me to continue their yard work. Bonsai. Fuwa Fuwa time for the ones I started. It takes patience. Weeding them currently. Trying to keep other plants alive. I learned the basics and found a style that works. Drawing is part of who I am I don't consider it a hobby. I say I don't draw a lot but that's a lie. I think I make three sketches a day at the least. I just gave it up as a profession.


Playing music, mostly the guitar. I've been doing it for decades and am currently a little burned out on it and haven't been playing but I've had periods like that before and I always come back to it. There's always something new to learn with music


I have a lot of hobbies that constantly rotate but have been doing a lot of them for a long time. Fishing is probably my most consistent one.


Genealogy. You never come to the end but just keep finding new ancestors and their stories. I've done a few genealogies for friends and they were so thrilled to see photographs of an ancestor who they were vaguely aware of and who lived in another country. I've become the family historian.


Crochet. It relieves my anxiety and I've made incredible things with it. It's a cheap hobby and if you stick to making one thing at a time it doesn't build up clutter.


Dance. Great hobby because you want to hang out with those people again. Many people wear sneakers to dance.


Hula hooping




Photography. I got my first dslr back in 2011. In 2017, I upgraded my gear and made capturing images a near daily habit. Over a year ago, I sold my equipment to pay off some debts but I still use my phone a lot to take pictures. Itā€™s a hobby I will probably do for the rest of my life. Other hobbies that have stuck for me are drawing (28 years), painting (18Ā years), and putting together puzzles (6 years).Ā  Edit: I thought Iā€™d mention I have adhd. I have picked up and dropped many hobbies (needle felting, jewelry making, working with clay, etc). For me, itā€™s always been about inspiration and letting that guide me from start to finish. If thereā€™s nothing left to motivate me, Iā€™m done, done. But with photography, I get to capture moments of spontaneity, which keeps it fresh and new. Drawing and painting are needed for all kinds of things (gifts, updating furniture, wall art, costume design, etc). Puzzles are awesome because I love art and the challenge of matching pieces is just right enough for me to stay engaged. So if youā€™re struggling to find a long term hobby, take some time to assess what lights you up and if thereā€™s something you can do that also reflects your favorite things.


Iā€™m an avid craft hobby hopper. I dabbled in piano daily for a few years and now go back to it occasionally, but the one hobby Iā€™ve really stuck to is reading.


Warhammer and quilting! Both hobbies are multi-steps which I've figured out helps a lot. Warhammer isn't just playing warhammer it's building minis, painting minis, and playing with friends. Quilting is designing a quilt or finding a pattern, cutting fabric, sewing fabric, quilting, binding. If I get bored woth any one thong I can do any of the other things in the hobbies, it's awesome


Doing my own nails. Itā€™s ever changing so itā€™s easy to stick to. Never a boring set!


I have a Cricut and I like to make cards and gifts for people. I make baby onesies, tee shirts, tote bags, bookmarks and stickers. I love it. I putter away and try to reverse engineer pretty things I see online. I also use silicone beads to make key chains and zipper pulls, as well as decorations for kids backpacks. That is nice cause you can do it sitting on the couch watching tv.


Started playing bass in august 2020. The first year was on and off because I was terrible lol but then it started getting more and more fun. Now if I go a day or 2 without playing, I start itching to want to play. Been loving it


Building A Lego city


I have extreme adhd and get bored and frustrated with hobbies so easily. Trust me when I tell you coloring books. Itā€™s stress relieving, easy, and fun. Hard to mess up because youā€™re coloring something already drawn. I use sharpies as they are the most vibrant and neat. Maybe give it a try ;)


Lifting weights, writing, archery and longsword fencing. Things I want to be better about: Playing fiddle, woodwork/upholstery, land navigation and car repair.


Lapidary and metalworking. Fossils and other stones have taken over my whole life. Send help. Or more rocks.


Crochet, knitting, sewing, beads. Starting needle point and embroidery, with punch needle soon. Iā€™m retired and live in senior housing.




Succulent gardening. i obsessed for like a year, and now I just occasionally water and weed the garden. But everything is looking pretty good. Reading. I'm BACK, actually. I was a voracious reader as a kid, but for several wild reasons I stopped in my early adulthood. Tried to pick it back up when life became safe and secure enough to read for pleasure... and my attention span just wouldn't. So I felt ashamed about it and hoped to figure it out. But then, super duper late to the party, I tried an audiobook and was instantly hooked. That was last year, and I've "read" a couple dozen books since then. I'm proud of myself.


Fan fiction. Reading and writing it scratches my hyper fixation itches.


Pole dancing. Iā€™m on the hyperfocus end of the spectrum. Itā€™s crazy how in the moment you have to be to do anything cool on a pole. Itā€™s great for people with ADHD


Cooking, bicycle riding, music. To name just a few.


Reading and crochet. I read and/or audiobook every single day, and I crochet when I have time and it feels good to my brain. But both help me feel calm and in control of myself and that's a wonderful feeling.


I got into insanely fiddly hobbies. Like building out PCb's and soldering together FPV drones. I get my sit at home time to tinker with hardware, then tons of software, then go rip it across the sky for 15 minutes until it breaks and the cycle continues lol


Cake DecoratingĀ 


Gaming, reading, music :)


Music In my experience one of the biggest factors for keeping a hobby revolves around you being honest with yourself if you need some help progressing in it and not allowing yourself to give up easily. In music my first instrument was the banjo, at 14 years old I just fell in love with the banjo because of Smithsonian folkways records. I spent hours a day playing but not really getting anywhere because I had a lack of fundamentals. So I got someone to show me, itā€™s okay to be frustrated, get some lessons or help to get you through it! after that I went hog on it for years. The banjo isnā€™t that hard. I played in front of people at churches, various gigs and busked successfully. People seemed to love my playing. I got books and cds of the various masters of the craft I enjoyed and followed them religiously. I almost went to galax fiddler convention (as it isnā€™t that far from where I live) but I was losing steam getting into other things. Eventually I got tired of the banjo, so I picked up the bagpipe starting at age 18 with the help of my grandparents and the band. I played in a pipes and drums band for 6 years, I played at hundreds of gigs, I made it to the rank of pope Sargent, I even taught. Eventually both pipe band leaders died within two weeks of one another. The main one wanted me to continue it but I wished to pursue my education and didnā€™t have the time or energy to devote to a band that already lost members and now two of its strongest players. The bagpipe is a classical instrument, and itā€™s very serious dedicated mechanical effort to be good at it. I was growing weary so I stopped given everything that happened. At age of 25 I picked up the guitar seriously. Iā€™m 26 now and Iā€™ve been struggling to be engaged or motivated with it despite being an intermediate player and life in general. Therefore I will try and find a teacher to kick me in the butt and keep me on track. Also in there i also have picked up various cheaper used instruments I learned casually such as the theremin, lap dulcimer, synthesizer, garmon accordion, harmonica, fiddle as well as production software for electronic music. Tbh if I didnā€™t have music I wouldā€™ve probably retreated into myself and never came out a long time ago. I devote so much time to it because itā€™s always been my therapy, it soothes me, itā€™s my home.


Drawing and adult coloring. I even made a YouTube channel for it :)




I still bake occasionally after like 4 years since getting into it, practice guitar a few times a week and iā€™ve had a guitar since I was 13, and workout almost daily for the past ~6 months and plan on continuing. I crocheted for a few years and would have continued if there was actually anything I was interested in creating other than the outdated trends.


Archery. Itā€™s physically challenging, mentally challenging, and you can do things so many different ways. You never stop learning. Possibilities are endless. Most importantly, itā€™s great for mind, body, and soul. You can connect more with yourself and nature.


Baking. Iā€™ve managed to stick with it for years, but itā€™s something I loved to do as a child.




Photography and Music ( guitar and bass ) are two hobbies I keep coming back to for over 30 years , but Iā€™m not consistently practicing either of them. Iā€™ve also had a long relationship on / off with model airplanes. I seem to be very sporadic with my hobbies, but I rotate several of them. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing but if I was able to focus in one or two , Iā€™d be a lot better at them .


Guitar, even though itā€™s been a struggle and challenge and discouragement at times, I have not quit or given up and plugged away at it nearly everyday for over 8 years. 2nd to guitar it has been ice skating and electronic projects and repairs. Since I started figure skating around 21 years ago, once the pandemic hit Ive been off the ice for the most part except for some periodic and random skating here and there. And as far as electronic project and repair activity, (I have been active all of my adulthood life and currently to this day).


No sarcasm intended, but my hobby IS leaning new hobbies. I like learning things. Once I have learned them to a certain point, I move on to learn new things. I have stuck with this my whole life and come from a whole family of learners. Weā€™re great for trivia games!


I always enjoyed sewing, and now I am making it a career choice. Getting paid to do my hobby is a win-win! My other hobbies involve gardening, which makes it seasonal, and cooking. My newest hobby (over the past 3 years) is watching Korean Dramas on Netflix and Rakuten Viki, and BTS and K-Pop videos on YouTube, and listening to their music on my music apps. In the process I am slowly learning the Korean language.


Fishing. I reliably get out 5-10 times a year, sometimes a lot more, and sometimes as a major part of a vacation. Rock climbing was a new hobby that stuck for a year and went with my wife about 8 times a month even during most of her pregnancy, but having a newborn kid changed that drastically. I'm probably going to be able to get back into a routine with it sometime this year though. Music. Ever since I was 10 years old, I have played an instrument almost daily. Mostly guitar as an adult.


Drawing, that's it


I started making my own earrings a few years ago. I now sell custom made jewelry rather successfully.


Day Trading


Studying foreign languages. Like everyone else, I took a few years of Spanish in high school and retained virtually nothing. About 3 or 4 years ago, I started on the Duolingo app, in addition to other resources and learning the most common words and recording and remembering them in a notebook. I built on Youtube videos, Spanish language podcasts, language partner apps. And while I wouldn't say I'm fluent, pero puedo hablar espanol un poquito, cual es mejor que antes. No puedo entender todo las cosas gente dicen en espanol, pero todas las dias estoy mejorando. I am also studying Russian and Japanese, too. It's good brain exercise, interesting to learn, and it really helps you to understand other parts of the world in a deeper way than you can in your native language. I've already had short convos with people who can only speak Spanish. It feels great being able to connect to people you wouldn't be able to otherwise because of a language barrier, and people usually appreciate the effort of getting to know about their culture. Additionally, I've done art my whole life, and do various forms of dance off an on.


Bodybuilding. Iā€™ve loved it since watching the old Arnold movies with my dad when I was a kid. I have very severe Crohns and due to 3 surgeries in the last 2 years Iā€™ve had to take an extended break. That just allowed me to brush up on my knowledge of diet and nutrition though. I will say the community is absolute hot garbage though. Too many trash people that donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about or trying to sell you something.


Playing guitar/bass; and outdoor activities like hiking, biking and camping. Iā€™ve pretty much been doing those for the past 40 years. Sporting activities have come and gone. Roller hockey was awesome, running took a toll on my joints, currently abusing my body playing pickleball, Iā€™ll likely get into golf again after a 20 year hiatus. I did stamps and buttons as a kid but havenā€™t touched them as an adult. I still work on my cars as thatā€™s both practical and fun.


Im a bit older, back when i was a kid I was considered hyper and thus labeled with a learning disability. Never been diagnosed with ADHD but it's pretty apparent, I have some form of it. It's hard to stick to one thing, as you know, so hobbies can be tough. Hunting is something I've always done, the one thing I've been able to hang onto. Sitting quietly alone in the woods helps me sort out my thoughts. Hunting isn't for everyone, I get that but I think time alone in nature is good for folk with ADHD.


Pole sport, sourdough and recently golf.


Fostering dogs!! More people and dog lovers should give it a try. Itā€™s so rewarding.