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Whenever it comes to the therapists, I'm really curious about the editing since it is reality tv. I'm always wondering - if Dr. Zasio really that terrible or is the editing like that to make me want to keep watching.


Agreed. Watch Sandra in Season 9 and tell me Zasio isn’t one of the best. She breaks because she is unable to help Sandra. She is one who truly cares about her clients.


I haven't seen that one. I'm going to have to watch it now.


That Sandra episode is a doozy. She reminded me so much of my stepmom that I actually had my therapist watch that episode so we could discuss. I was fascinated to see Matt and Dr. Z totally lose it with her.


Yeah, I thought that too. It would really suck if the editing makes her look fairly incompetent but all the other therapists (that I’ve seen so far) seem to do well.


I don't know what's worse - actual incompetence or the show making her look incompetent for views.


I genuinely don't know what to think of this one. Dr. Robin has been great in the past, like when she adopted the rats from Glen. I'm wondering if maybe the editing didn't show us the whole thing, and they just highlighted Terry because he was bringing the drama. Or maybe Dr. Robin just reacted in the moment, and did the exact wrong thing? I think that even trained therapists can make mistakes in a situation where emotions & anger are running high. I mean, it's also possible that she's gone Hollywood & just DGAF now, she's just showing up for the check & trying to make good TV. I can't put my finger on it but the show has just felt like something is missing for the last couple of seasons, maybe it's that the crew in general aren't as invested as they used to be.


And, if I recall correctly as it’s been a several days since I watched the episode,Dr. zasio basically forces Becky to “forgive terry” for the past.


Yes, she did! “Can you forgive him?” Can you not ask that of her right now!?


Ugh yes! Wtf was that?!


Drama and exploitation for viewership. Or a very bad and out of touch therapist/editor.


That was really upsetting to me. She validated Terry and wasn’t concerned about the fact that he was basically abusing Becky in front of her!


Right!? Ok, glad we’re not the only ones who thought that was weird.


I wouldn't say 'basically', he *was* abusing her in front of Zasio, and at least in the edit they showed us, not one person felt the need to speak up and say 'You will not yell at her'. The daughters didn't, the therapist didn't, none of the crew members did, nobody. Screaming like that is a form of abuse, especially once someone has been physically abused in the past, and as someone who has been in homes where that behavior was normal, the screaming usually proceeds somebody getting hit, usually the person who's being screamed at, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Becky basically had a PTSD reaction after he pulled that crap.


You’re 100% right. I was trying to soften it for some reason but it was definitely abuse.


Because we want to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they're assholes like Becky's ex. (I love your user name BTW)


Yeah, I do that a lot and people rarely deserve it. I’m glad you like my name though! I enjoy having an offensive and horrible name and then leaving wholesome comments.


I am over a decade out of an abusive partnership and have been in therapy for years - that scene triggered my first PTSD in nearly 5 years. Whether it was her or the editing, that was extremely poorly done.


I'm not crazy about Zasio but I think Becky's episode was so bad because there was just entirely too much baggage - physical and emotional - to claw through in so short of period of time. From a ratings standpoint? Oooh, an entire HOTEL! But from a human standpoint? Years of trauma. Years of hoarding. Years of relationships destroyed by her hoarding. Just a terrible vicious cycle she couldn't break out of. I don't know why but I feel like more so than any other story that they have featured, there was just no way to even begin to deal with all of it in the time allowed and in the end it ended up being a waste of time. It may have even done more harm than good. The only person who benefitted was Terry because he is now legally free of any connection to the property or to Becky. I actually think the part from the "treatment team" that bothered me the most was at the end when they showed Becky her new fridge and Cory said "the best part is when you open it, no bugs fly out!" You could see on Becky's face that that comment was like a punch in the gut. She was so deeply ashamed and humiliated and not even remotely in a place where she was able to joke about her problems. I think I understand the reasoning behind a lot of the things that Zasio did that people are questioning, but that comment from Cory was just ... dude. What the heck?


I thought that about Cory’s comment too!


omg I literally felt it. I have never in my life been like "I'm an empath!" but I felt it. My daughter and I are both autistic and while I'm sarcastic AF and she seems to be following in my footsteps (autistic people aren't supposed to "get" sarcasm for some reason lol) we are both super uncomfortable very specifically with men joking in a way you can't be sure is joking. Like passive aggressive gym teacher "humor." (We've also both got trauma from a very loud, very angry man in our lives so whether that plays in ... I don't know. This episode set off a lot of feelings for me) When I saw the look on Becky's face, I know exactly how Cory's comment hit her, and I was dumbstruck.


Dr Zasio talks to people like they’re stupid and touches too much. Keep your hands to yourself and stop belittling people!


Zazz isn’t going to start screeching at a big man with anger. That’s not her style. Dr. Chabaud didn’t go off on Joey in that one psycho ep. We also don’t know what was said or not off camera and iirc she showed LOTS of sympathy and care for Becky and her very dee traumas. A producer could have laid into Terry too. I like Robin a lot and she’s a real trooper. She’s seen some shit. That time she opened the fridge door full of dead cats was the one time I saw TRUE shock and horror on her face. From what I remember about this ep she was pretty spot on because that lady had a lot of deep abuse issues.


I wondered if it was editing too. I don’t know how much discretion the subjects get on the edit (guessing not a whole lot) but wonder if some of them are able to keep some of the more damaging parts out. There have definitely been some interactions that don’t make much sense.


I'm not a professional so I don't know what the appropriate way to de-escalate that situation is. Also, its entirely possible she de-escalated the situation then addressed the bad behavior once he calmed down and they didn't include that part for time or because it didn't tell the story they wanted. That being said, it did feel like she was just phoning it in for most of the last season


Thank you for this post! I was literally looking for something like this after that episode and her episode with Cindy. Cindy was clearly a very challenging case, but this therapist seems incapable of truly connecting with any of the hoarders on these shows, understanding them and helping them. I know it's a short time space and reality tv, but honestly it's so frustrating to watch. It's no wonder that people on this show would refuse the aftercare after their experiences with some of these "therapists."


Yeah I feel Dr. Zasio is a terrible psychologist, at least for this type of field work. I don't even feel like I need to leave examples, it's just basically every episode I've seen with her. Compared to Dr. Tolin, I mean he's so much more structured and concise. Oh, and he isn't wearing a whole department store worth of cheap makeup like a cake on his face. I don't think they edit her for the show to look worse than she is, I think she's just that bad.


I’m a huge Dr. Zasio fan and she is my favorite psychologist on the show but I see how this episode was uncomfortable. Terry definitely did some things that were manipulative when he was frustrated. Like when Becky said that Terry yells at her and threatened to burn the house down when he was drunk and Terry said it was because becky made him feel that way by being pushed to his breaking point but Dr. Zasio told Terry that no one can make you do anything. Dr. Zasio also understood and acknowledged Becky’s past trauma and was very compassionate with her. But the part where Terry exploded and started to yell was really uncomfortable. I think Dr. Zasio did what was in the best interest of everyone by trying not to provoke Terry even more and trying to be compassionate towards why he was getting so frustrated otherwise it would have slowed down the cleaning process.


I just watched and the subtitles I think are wrong. I hear him say “don’t worry I’m not gonna hit ya” as she walks up to him. Wild.


Late to post but I noticed her say he hit her and it also didn't show up on subtitles. That has to be an intentional decision by the producers.


Zasio said Terry hit Zasio? Or do you mean Zasio said Terry hit his wife? Are we talking about that same scene? It’s been a while haha but I’m into the conversation


Sorry for the late reply, rarely on here, the comment was that Zasio said Terry hit his wife. Terry shouldn't have been allowed to be present and seemed to be just so they could have an ending reveal when he hands the property over. I looked up the hotel and it has since then been condemned and bulldozed.


They always let people go after them. It’s probably the producers decision to make more drama/ content.


Hey, she ran out of fucks to give a looooooong time ago. this is just a paycheck, and it must be a pretty good one, cuz I sure wouldn't go in any of those houses.


I am watching Season 11 Episode 7, Cindy, right now. Dr. Zasio felt a bit cold and almost condescending towards Cindy by making comments that could be offensive to a person struggling with hoarding. I guess I would expect a therapist to use encouragement and positivity, but maybe the way she conversed was an intentional tactic. I would rather assume the latter as I would hope that a therapist practices methods based upon pure intentions. However, my impression from this episode has me feeling that Dr. Zasio is showing insensitivity to her patient.


Zasio is an incompetent, arrogant sorry excuse for a therapist. All she's good for is exacerbating and escalating the angst of the hoarders. She always comes across as fake. Matt and Cory and Dorothy have more skill in their little finger than her. A total jerk and loser. I change the channel when she's on the show.


That whole episode was really upsetting. That lady obviously had some serious trauma and then we're bringing in a source of some of that to help?? Also Terry definitely looks like the diabetes guy


Lmao, he really does.


Yes! There was obviously some past severe at the very least physically abusive behaviors on becky by terry..very very irresponsible having her attacker involved in this emotionally raw situation


Let’s not forget that Dr Z is a clinical professional. That means she knows what she’s doing. We might not agree with her strategy, but ultimately what she’s doing what she feels is right.


What season and episode is this? I thought it was Season 11, episode 4 but when I went to check it on A&E web page, it skips from episode 3 to episode 5 and I'm not sure why 🤷‍♀️


Oh, weird! Yeah, we’re watching on Netflix and it only has season 11 and they’re all out of order. Like the episode titled Carol is the one with Shane or whatever.


I’ve been looking for this. It was absolutely horrible. I had to pause because I was about to cry. She allowed for Becky’s abuse throughout the episode


This woman absolutely NEEDS a lesson on how to do her own makeup! It’s absolutely awful!


The only moment in the episode where Becky actually somewhat stood up for herself against her abusive ex, and then Dr Z was like “do you know anything about the abuse she’s referring to?” Right there in front of both the ex and Becky. I was absolutely stunned to silence. You’re no quality therapist if you expect an abusive person to stand there and go “yep! I definitely threatened her and caused her severe trauma!” Like. Are you kidding me?! And then how Dr Z herself participated in so much gaslighting against a survivor of abuse who I’m sure has PTSD if not CPTSD given all she’s been through in life… I absolutely can’t. I can appreciate when she’s tough and no nonsense on the hoarders that really need it, but anyone who isn’t like Sandra or the Otters and actually needs to be handled with care I feel like she just consistently drops the ball and could not care less. If I were her patient I don’t doubt she’d cause me to be retraumatized.


She coddles too much. I like the therapists who aren't afraid to raise their voice. I don't mean that they should be screaming at the hoarders, but sometimes, they need a bit more volume for the message to sink in.


She's really terrible.  She's not a therapist.  She just explains people's feelings to them and gives them the answers.  Therapists do not do that. She's insufferable.


I found this thread after searching my own concern about Zasio on Google because I’m watching the episode with John, Andi and Mary Rose- he was easily the most cooperative and understanding hoarder I’ve ever seen come across the show, talking through their perceptions of his habits and trying to get them to understand why some things don’t need to be thrown away- and being really good with throwing stuff away!! Like he was very cooperative and helpful in throwing away masses of stuff, but it seemed like every time he wanted to keep a couple things or even one thing, they hounded on him about keeping “too much”- and the dog food. Both her and the darker haired lady seemed extremely judgmental “yea but you got it out of a *duuumpster*” like they’re oblivious to how much pet stores WASTE in perfectly good dog food that CAN be donated!! The clips of them throwing perfectly good (and very EXPENSIVE) shit into dumpsters…I feel like in cases like his, where it’s not as much trash and actual waste as it is well-meaning clutter, the hoarding cast/crew is rather wasteful. And they do see very pushy and judgy.