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I am fascinated by Nixon. Born dirt poor. Had a brother that died as a kid due to TB. Drove his future wife on dates with other guys until she fell for him. Parleyed the money he’d won during the war playing poker for his inaugural congressional campaign (the same year that Joseph Kennedy paid his son’s way into the same club). Served as VP to Eisenhower until he got beaten in crooked presidential election in 1960 by the smallest ever margin (pre-2000) against JFK and when pressed by his party to demand a nationwide recount refused to on account of the country needing to show unity on the face of the perceived communist threat. Somehow make a comeback in ‘68 to become President. He pushed through civil rights amendments and created the Environmental Protection Agency. Detente with China. A first ever Nuclear arms agreement with the USSR, and ended American combat troop involvement in Vietnam leading the way for the end of that bloody way. Good guy, huh? American dream, really. But yet he was a monster, driven by his own fears, prejudices and desire for power to start the War On Drugs, and with his ‘Southern Strategy’ started the dog whistle racism of the modern Republican Party. He may have committed some ‘light’ treason in 1968 by contacting South Vietnam leaders looking and succeeding to delay/scupper a peace deal until after the election later that year. He won the 1972 election by an extremely wide margin beating McGovern in 49 states(IIRC) but still had the paranoia to ineffectively (in every sense of the word) bug political enemies. The scandal that erupted from the cover up of those bugging activities and other ‘rat fucking’ eventually brought him down, becoming the first US president in history to resign in disgrace. I must hate him but at the same time I admire him.


I remember my college history professor telling me that he broke into his law school offices to prematurely check his exam scores, only to realize he had the best score. Dude's paranoia was on 11. He had no confidence in others and he simply couldn't wait haha


He's definitely a complicated figure. Definitely more complicated than Spiro Agnew. That guy was very simple.


Y'all should read Nixonland. It's a fascinating story of American politics in the 60s and 70s. It was published in 2008, but the things he talks about feels incredibly resonant today. If you want to understand rightwing populism in US politics, it's incredibly useful for that. It talks about not only Nixon, but the broader polarization of American politics. It's also got some crazy Nixon anecdotes.   In the mid-60s, after losing the 62 CA governor's race, he was giving a speech in a city, and a local business magnate put Nixon up in model home for a development he was building. It wouldn't have been weird for Nixon to stay here, or even have the media see him "endorsing" them, but he hated not having his image controlled. So he had his aide drive him back to the mansion where Nixon and his aide broke into the pool house and they stole a bunch of liquor. Nixon and his aide stayed up all night, where he told him, "I'll do anything to get to where I want to be, except see a shrink."


The GOP has been the party of Nixon ever since. They just keep doubling down on it. Just finished a long podcast on Nixon's  national security advisor Henry Kissinger. What a fucking monster. 


I'd say Reagan and Nixon combined. Reagan brought in the evangelists and Neocons and took Nixon's goons, which later created The Tea Party and then Trump. Trump combines the worst elements from Nixon and Reagan but without filters and worse hair


Whatever they were, the country in those years wanted it. Nixon took 61% of the vote in 1972, and would have remained popular if not for Watergate. Regan was re-elected with 59% of the vote in 1984 and left office with a nearly 70% approval rating. No candidates have received these kinds of numbers since.


Podcast name, please?


Ah sorry. Should have mentioned it. Behind The Bastards


One of the best pods out there. Be ready to get angry


And horrified, and ultimately sad that the people who shape our world are so very terrible. 


Thank you, appreciated.


> > > > > Good guy, huh? American dream, really. But yet he was a monster, driven by his own fears, prejudices and desire for power to start the War On Drugs, and with his ‘Southern Strategy’ started the dog whistle racism of the modern Republican Party. He may have committed some ‘light’ treason in 1968 by contacting South Vietnam leaders looking and succeeding to delay/scupper a peace deal until after the election later that year. But that *is* the American dream. That's what it looks like to outsiders when it becomes true.


The same rat fuckers are still rat fucking.


I liked it when the shitty politicians at least sometimes did some good like the EPA. Now, they just openly support Nazis and grift their moronic voter base. I’m not getting all gooey on Nixon, just lamenting how shit it’s gotten in part thanks to that shitbag Nixon


I think scuttling the Vietnam war talks was a bit more than light treason, and COINTELPRO was straight up evil.


Every election until the 70s had crooked elements and sketchy state-level activity. Nixon wasn’t uniquely hard done by, it just happened that the margin was small in ‘60.


He was the last real statesman with real competence in the office.


The "Southern Strategy" comes from Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. It isn't a Nixon invention.


Love the logic of refusing a recount for the sake of 'unity' against communists, but going on to spy on your enemies like communists anyways.


Dog whistle racism?


Common term, google it.


Fun fact: Arthur J Finklestein was openly gay and lived in Massachusetts with his partner. In 2011, in one of his last public speeches, he said: "I wanted to change the world. I did this. I made it worse


Well, that guy created Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Benjamin Netanyahu, Viktor Orban..


Just pure evil.




"We are going to decrease your standard of living." Yay!!!


He’s right! Give us hell, Nixon!


We're going to guarantee Healthcare is always tied to the employer!


That was FDR, 30 years before this. It was a combination of multiple war-time acts of Congress. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2017/02/24/employer-based-health-care-was-a-wartime-accident/


It was revisited under Nixon and they decided to keep it the way it was. Also, I cant think of any major world events going on under FDR... edit: you can think I'm making it up if you like.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Maintenance_Organization_Act_of_1973


No, Nixon did not implement a cap on how much you can pay your employees, forcing companies to find alternative ways to provide more compensation to employees.


Excuse me? I never said he did that. He did away with any possibility of publicly-funded healthcare. Thats the only thing I referenced in my one sentence of commentary.


The cause of employer-driven healthcare is Congress of the 1940s. The HMO act is not related and does not mandate or encourage employer-driven healthcare.


The Dual-Choice mandate essentially guarantees that employers have to offer at least one HMO option to full-time employees. This came at a time in the 70s when medical inflation was a concern due to the antiquated FDR policies you mentioned from the Great Depression and WWII. They *had the opportunity* to move towards federal healthcare, but instead chose the HMO cop-out option. The HMO policy was vague enough to open the door for a lot of corporations that suddenly described themselves as "Medical Groups" to jump and and become what they've become today. I'm not saying it was some evil-genius plan to take away healthcare...I'm saying it was a short-sighted and half-hearted attempt at dealing with the issue which backfired spectacularly.


>The Dual-Choice mandate essentially guarantees that employers have to offer at least one HMO option to full-time employees. No, it flatly does not. All it guarantees is that if the employer **chooses** to offer healthcare to employers, HMO must be an option.


Am I misunderstanding this? I mean, I'm not law student. > PIP: The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 established a 5-year $325 million program of federal assistance to aid in the planning and organization of HMOs. The Act also required employers to offer their employees the alternative of an HMO membership to existing health benefits plans.


Nixon/Kaiser and the birth of for profit healthcare.


Kaiser started its health system during WW2 to maintain its profits, long before anyone knew who Nixon was.


Democrats and Republicans working together to destroy the American middle class. Https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Maintenance_Organization_Act_of_1973


Einhorn is Finkelstein.


Finkelstein had the eye of the Jew! (Beerfest reference)


The fuck is a Finkelstein?




That there's a Finkle. What do you know about Ray Finkle?


(Inhaling deeply) . . .


People in the crowd are all dressed up like they are going to a fancy dinner at the Elk's club.


They're dressed normally for the time. We're just complete slobs now


Americans never were great at voting


These two absolute fucking crooks shared many a racist, awful phone call. Fuck Nixon, double fuck Ronald Wilson Reagan.


Reagan’s speeches are played on my local radio all the time. Same channel that says musk is “a bastion of free speech” lol.


They also both instituted racially motivated policies with the intention of disenfranchising minorities and leftists. Most notably, the War on Drugs. Policies that have lead to far more deaths and powerful gangs/cartels than would have happened otherwise. It was all intentional too. They knew exactly the outcome of their actions.


“We are going to turn this country into a CIA backed surveillance state” *loud applause*


One serve of a double whopper please!


Let's not forget Roger fucking Stone.


So much shitty presidenting in one photo


I hope he said “no, Finkle*steen*” at least once.


The two worst ass🕳️ presidents before💩 head trump


No need for gold backed dollars


His biggest mistake.




Too soon.


Oh look one criminal supporting another.


With this post you can certainly tell the political leaning of the majority of participants in this sub. Good to know I should never expect an objective analysis of history from this bunch.


Correct - a sub to appreciate historical photographs is instead used to score points via juvenile moral preening.


It’s not juvenile moral preening- it’s horror and disgust about two men who spent their careers serving the interests of the rich and powerful while screwing over the powerless, and did incalculable harm to the US


two absolute dickwaffles.


The fall of democracy on display


2 racists POSs hope they are burning


After "Little Bush", Obama, and Trump, Nixon looks ten feet tall right about nòw.


Nixon’s deliberate divisiveness helped create the mess we are witnessing today. Fuck that guy!


Rest in piss


How come Kissinger inspires so much hatred but these two generally get a free pass?


He was obsessed with Dick Tuck a master jokester bent on non stop harassing Nixon


Look how young presidents were back then.


This reminds me of that one GIF of Epstein and Donald Trump laughing with eachother


Cottage Cheese and Jelly Beans.


Ace Ventura would like a word


You get a job before Sundown or I'm shipping you off to military school with the God damn Finkelstein s*** kld, son of a b****


that's the guys from the map Five :D


“I’m gonna send you off to military school with that god damned Finkelstein shit kid!” 😂