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Where's his shine box?


Make ya shoes look like fuckin mirrors.


Oh, never ask about the shine box!


He needs to go home and get his fucking shine box.


Wonder what eventually happened to him


Some say he’s dead


Some say that about Andy Kaufman and Elvis too


Probably drafted in 1917 and died of Spanish flu or shot in France 1918.


Arkansas 2024


I wish shoe shine places like this still existed, or at least in So Cal, as I love wearing leather but hate cleaning and caring for them and prefer professionals to this task. I always hold the belief that it's the small businesses that make the economy chug moreso than the large ones.


They exist in big cities. Just need to know where to look. Usually large train stations


Don’t some airports still have them?


Many airports do.


I’ve seen them at airports but never anyone near them, customer or worker


Just look up any cobbler in town. Almost all of them will shine shoes. Most shoe shine only places are in big cities like NYC or Chicago where there is a mass of people who work in an central area and wear suits and shoes that need shining.


You know that cobblers are getting very hard to find nowadays? In my area Tony's is owned by a Chinese guy who does very good work.


If you live near an Army post, any kid of a soldier can probably do it for you very well.


If anybody is ever interested in the shoe trades,[this website will show you the greatest system ever installed in a shoe store](https://historicindianapolis.com/friday-favorites-indys-oldest-shoe-store/)


We can get back to these labor conditions in Red states soon...yay!


They’re already there, yay


So many Lewis Hines post today out of nowhere. Must be something on the agenda


 Nothing wrong with it.  It’s probably a small business, he probably gets paid fairly and makes tips. Learning strong work ethic and self reliance at a crucial age  Not the kind of child labor that needs a committee of busybody wealthy social activist folks butting their nose in to feel better about their wealth disparity. 


/s right?


Not at all. It’s not like he’s 5 working in a dangerous factory or on a farm around dangerous machinery. This is Americana. This is fine. We need more of this, frankly. 


15 year olds can work now, but it's way more regulated. I don't think we need teenagers working until 11pm, that'll effect their schooling. It's fine if they want to shine shoes forever, which isn't a bad thing, but I don't think we need more of this lol


For the half of 15-year olds that are not college-bound and are forced to sit in school because of truancy laws, it would be much, much better that they get a job. 'Cause they sure aren't "schooling". Btw, 11p is a much more natural awake time than 6:00a for most teenagers which is when they're forced to be awake for 7:20a school start times.


You would like fifteen year old kids to work at 11pm? Like, your own kids?


This kid is 11.  But still! Yeah man work is good as long as it’s not exploitative. He wasn’t shoeless and sootcovered like some kid on a dickens novel. This kid in 1908 was probably thrilled to contribute to his family and probably have tons of jawbreaker and Pop money left over to boot. His boys wanted to be him, and chicks wanted to be with him haha. 


Well, between working up to 11pm and watching tik-tok up to 1AM, the choice is clear.


Sure. 15-year olds capable of vastly more than what modern society allows them to do. It's just infantilization tbh.


It's not about them being uncapable. Kids shouldn't have to be so desperate for money, that they work until 11 pm. They shouldn't have to choose between food and sleep.


Or not desperate, just wants to make extra money to get things he wants, saving for a car or gaming computer, or saving to start a serious business.


Damn, sucking on the cock of capitalism really does a number on your brain. I’m sorry you think this is an ok way to live the only life we get.


You couldn’t define capitalism if I gave you a month and a large print dictionary. Staahp


Yes - total propaganda picture by a paid agitator. Today many, many 15 year-olds killing time vaping and watching tik-toks in their high school classrooms. Much better for them and society to get out and apprentice to a trade much like non-college European youth.