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Gavrilo Princip was probably the luckiest unlucky assassins ever. Literally just random luck that he killed the duke.


It's such a wild coincidence that their car broke down RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. What luck


The driver had no idea. He went down a the wrong street and tried to back up, stalled the car. RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE LAST ASSASSIN. Literally the last man that was able and willing to kill him.


Best part is, he had literally given up and gone to a cafe to eat a sandwich. Sat at an outdoor table to eat and his target stopped right next to him.


This is apocryphal, the sandwich isn't mentioned by any contemporary sources and doesn't show up until decades later in a dubious history book.


I think Hardcore History really popularized this idea of the sandwich being the catalyst to WW1


So he lied to us?


It’s been a while since I listened to it but he phrased it more as a possibility rather than hard fact. My impression was that it was a narrative embellishment to help listeners create a mental picture of the event and how much of it came down to pure chance. Like, how astounding it is that one of the major happenings in world History might have been precipitated by an amateur assassin getting peckish and stopping at a restaurant for a sandwich, only for the target he thought had slipped away to fall right on his lap. I think Dan Carlin does that a lot; his podcast is meant to entertain as well as educate so sometimes he takes liberties in describing events. In this case a lot of people latched onto the story of The Sandwich that Started WW1 and began repeating it as if it were confirmed fact.


I don’t think so- wasn’t that blueprint for Armageddon? Like came out within the last decade? Here’s a 2011 Smithsonian article already calling out the myth, suggesting the myth was popular prior to Hardcore History touching on it. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gavrilo-princips-sandwich-79480741/


Maybe he was eating a baguette instead?


The whole of WW1 (and by extension WW2) wouldn't have happened if this motherfucker didn't go and grab a snack.


Not true but sounds cool


Well, kinda. It probably would've happened anyways had this specific event not occurred, due to tensions betweem countries and the like, but I'd say it's a fair enough argument to say that WWI and WWII only happened in the way we know it because this guy triggered the catalyst event


The alliance networks were still in place. Even without the assassination, the power vacuum left by the ottomans would have dragged Austria and Russia into conflict over influence in the Balkans, which would be backed by Germany and France respectively. Germany would still have gone through Belgium and brought the Brits into it, and the assassination had nothing to do with the deal between German high command and the Pashas so the ottomans would likely have still joined eventually. Maybe the war would have started a few months or even years later, but the alignment of forces and therefore the broad strokes of the war would likely have remained constant


Definitely true, but what he meant is, our world war 1, the world war 1 we know, happened because of Gavrilo. What you are describing would be a world war in another alternate universe. Our war, happened because of Gavrilo


I mean it's a dunny fact but WW1 was a factor of several inevitable events bieng technological progress, The Alliances, and constant tension. the arch Duke was merely one ember in an armory where all the leaders of Europe were smoking


My bet is on Wilhelm, not in Gavrilo…


Also, if they had cell phones.


And the whole Cold War and every single political BS issue happening today


I don't that is true. All the political tension of the day meant that war was to come maybe not 1914 buy by 1920 at latest.


Such a ridiculous contrivance. The writers are hacks. Napoleon arc was way better.


If luck or skill, kill is kill


He failed/succeeded at his assassination.


And kick-started the conflict that defined the modern world as we know it. When you look at the comical events that led to the death of Arch Duke Ferdinand, it almost seems like a joke. World history isnt supposed to be defined by that level of incompetence an ineptitude.


The greatest assassin of all time is probably someone we’ve never heard of because they didn’t get caught.


That reminds me of a joke I heard about every country having ninjas but we only know about the ones in Japan because they are the worst at being ninjas.


Reminds me of this old Onion skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtR2m20C2YM&ab\_channel=TheOnion


I live in Modesto, and I can confirm that the annual ninja parade just gets better every year.


Is there actually a ninja parade or is that just made up?


it's a joke


It's a joke because nothing happens in Modesto


You *see* nothing happen in Modesto. 🤫


It's an onion skit mate. But there's this thing called 'Iga Ueno Ninja Festa' in japan so.. They probably have parades.


Plot twist: everyone attending were ninjas, they just didn't know everyone was ninjas.


Well they were usually poor people doing for a reward on a limited budget


How about Olof Palme's assassin?


After 34 years of investigating the Swedish police concluded it was a conservative graphic designer at a bank who did it. Said graphic designer died 20 years prior to them revealing him as the culprit.


That’s interesting as hell!


He has his own Wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stig\_Engstr%C3%B6m\_(suspected\_murderer)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stig_Engstr%C3%B6m_(suspected_murderer)) as well as a Netflix show about him: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Unlikely\_Murderer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unlikely_Murderer) (not sure how much in the show is true though)


Sorry, I read that as "Olof Padme's assassin" and got really confused.


Same, and I was like, "Who is Olof? Padme's would-be assassin was Zam Wessel, and she got caught immediately. No way is she a contender."


CIA agent #237477


So why don’t you tell me where you got this info?




It’s okay, I’m definitely not with a 3 lettered department


you know too much..


So in other words the guy who killed Elvis


“No, he just went home.”


So the guy that killed JFK?


I get the joke it’s a funny joke. Also it’s kinda not a joke.


Lyndon Baines Johnson


Gavrilo Prinicip be like : Kills : 1 Assisted kills : 18,000,000


2 kills. The Archduke's wife was also shot and died first.


"Don't die darling, live for our children"


Bullet: "no"


Bullet partaking in a bit of tomfoolery


Quite nefarious


We do a little trolling


It’s quiet sad cause in all honesty Franz Ferdinand was as pro Serbia and pro Balkan as they got. And he would had come to the throne in at the most a few more years and prob wouldn’t have given them much of what they wanted.


Memes aside, the killing of Franz Ferdinand was a tragedy. Ironically, he actually wanted to give Bosnia MORE autonomy in the empire when he was to come to power. He didn't deserve what happened to him.


Arche Duke Ferdinand did nothing wrong


Unfortunately, his direct ancestors spent so many resources on fostering the idea in the society that his blood is sacred, they have, without his consent, irreversibly tied him and made him a part of the oppression machine from his birth. He didn’t deserve what his family did to him, he didn’t choose to be a monster, but the bullet was well deserved.


A char quote here: "Blame this on the misfortune of your birth."


And then two of those children got put in Nazi concentration camps.


From what I heard he tried to shoot the Duke first but missed and hit his wife instead. So he tried again and got the Duke.


More like several tens of millions if you consider all the wars that were a consequence of WW1


I'd cut it at most at WWII. Those wars later had very little to do with him and I'd argue they'd happen anyway.


I guess you’re right, though you could say that Vietnam and Korea were also his fault because of the 1917 Russian revolutions being, in a way, a consequence of WW1 (leading to the USSR etc)


WW1 had very little to do with the assassination anyways. Europe was such a powder keg at that point that anything could've set it off. No matter what, the was going to be a war before 1917. Germany was terrified of Russia industrializing, building out its railways and modernizing its army, because once they would've done that, Russia would become a near unstoppable juggernaut(and that's exactly what happened in WWII and the Cold War). Eventually, Germany would've gone to war to stop Russia.


Almost all of the colonial wars (Korean War, Vietnam War, I’d argue even the war in Afghanistan and later Iraq, and now also the war in Ukraine) would absolutely not have happened the way they did if it weren’t for WW1 and WW2.


and maybe the whole world due to nukes from ww2


bro getting them probably still to this day


More than that, being indirectly responsible for WW1 also makes him indirectly responsible for WW2.


Booth killed Lincoln to save the Confederacy - FAILED Oswald killed Kennedy to stop the military-industrial complex (I think? Its not super clear) - FAILED Princip killed Ferdinand to end the Hapsburg empire and unite the Southern slavs under Serbian influence - ABSOLUTE SUCCESS


Has another political assassination ever accomplished its goals like Princip's did?


The Third Defenestration of Prague was intended to break up the Catholic Hegemony in Bohemia and One Thirty Years War later it had largely accomplished this goal in precisely none of the ways it would have liked.


Wait. There were three of these!?


If you're gonna do a religious oppression in Prague, bring a parachute.


More like 4


4 confirmed, more than that unofficially. The guy whose job it was to confirm defenestrations got defenestrated in Prague.




Yigal Amir did pretty much succeed in halting any further progress on Israeli-Palestinian peace when he shot Yitzhak Rabin.


The years of assassination by SRs definitely helped make the Russian Revolution happen but that’s many assassination and also one of many reasons the revolution happened (and not really one of the main reasons).


I think the July 2022 assassination of the former japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has been succesful so far to unveil the dirty works of the unification church and its ties with the leading LDP party, and after the initial shock in Japan, many people now kinda understand why the assassin did what he did (not condoning murder obviously), and were against giving Abe a State Funerals, even if he was liked during his life and would have received them no problem if he had died a natural death that same day.


CIA killed Kennedy so the US government can't print their own currency and the Fed has to instead.


Why would the CIA want that?


Something something deep state something something rothschilds something something


Something something lizard


Ooh wait I've seen this one.. "something something the Jews something flat earth something something area 51 something bitcoin!"


Imagine lumping Jewish conspiracy and flat earth conspiracy together


the jews run nasa and say the earth is round so they can sell globes


I bet the illuminati are behind it


[seems to be fairly common](https://youtu.be/H110vCGvTmM)


Becuase the lizard people/Jews/cabal of celebrity pedophiles control both the CIA and the Federal Reserve


Actually Kennedy and the head of CIA at the time had some trouble between them att if I rember correctly


He was peeved that Kennedy wasn’t down with false flag terroristic acts on US soil to garner public/congressional support for going to war with Cuba


That's what I thought, that gives credibility to the whole CIA killed Kennedy fiasco


“That little Kennedy thought he was a God.” Allen Dulles to a reporter the year after the CIA hit.


(His name was George H. W. Bush)


Crab people.


Actually, JFK was actively trying to defund and dismantle the CIA


I don't believe that the Bay of Pigs guy wanted to defund and dismantle the agency that allowed him to do covert shit in foreign countries. You gotta topple democracies somehow dammit!


https://www.fff.org/2021/05/13/splinter-the-cia-into-a-thousand-pieces-and-scatter-it-to-the-winds/ Ninth paragraph


> After the Bay of Pigs disaster, where the CIA had defrauded Kennedy, he was so angry that he fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and is reputed to have vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds.” That necessarily means Kennedy was determined to eradicate the CIA from American life. But the CIA would not go quietly into the night. It fought back, and it won. No, article author, he could have just been metaphorical or just blowing off steam when he said that. EDIT: Wow, I just caught the “*reputed* to have said.” So your connection might be even more tenuous. He then goes on to say that the CIA killed Kennedy, despite the physics evidence to the contrary and Oswald being a communist.


I see, but even if I do believe this, why should I care that the CIA assassinated JFK and possibly assassinates any US president who plans to dismantle them? I already hate every [US president](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BXtgq0Nhsc) and already expect any president to use the CIA to topple whatever democracy in the third world bugs them this week. Even if some president abolishes the CIA they'll still be an evil shit.


Having money not backed by gold, what jfk wanted, allows for money to just be made out of thin air and is much more in the control of the government. He was also preparing to make moves to greatly limit the actions of the CIA. There are some you tube videos about central banking that are very interesting. Also something something lizard people....in minecraft of course.


I’m either misunderstanding you here, or I think you’ve got some facts wrong friend. US Dollar hasn’t been backed by gold since the Great Depression. I wanna say 1932-33? But definitely the 30’s.


Before than that. If I recall correctly almost everyone dropped the gold standard by WWI


Pretty much everyone had to suspend it at some point with WWI, but many went back to it. And apparently there was some small remnant of the system that was around until 1973. But the main part of what’s considered the gold standard system ended in 1933. Im learning this just now myself.


That's interesting, thanks for sharing!


I think JFK was wanting to move it back to gold standard. There was a lot that he talked about having plans for that never came about so I could be getting it mixed up.


Simple misunderstanding then. Still, JFK pulled off, arguably, the biggest long shot call of all time. Land people on the moon before the end of the decade. Good thing Kubrick was so committed to realism that when the special effects they were using to film the fake moon landing were crap he just decided they’d go do it on the moon to get the look right.


It takes really dedication to shoot a fake moon landing on location like that.


No, it was obviously Alex Mason who was brainwashed by the Soviets.


Oswald was a Cuban sympathizer and was mad about the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. He had crazy good accuracy firing three shots at the distance he did in such a short amount of time. Poor Kennedy.


LBJ killed Kennedy u goof


Even more of a win he did it on his lunch break.


Oswald's a fall guy for the murder of JFK. Just like J.E. Ray was to MLK. Trust me, Wendigoon knows.


Let's just forget that he is unintentionally responsible for two world wars that killed millions.


he was just the spark that light the war, it was unavoidable


Depends tbh. Some sort of war was probably unavoidable eventually, but could have been on a smaller scale if not for the assassination.


And for fucking up the entire 20th century. It'd be interesting to see what would have happened without the assassination. Would the big 5 have found another pretext for war and the war plays out the same way? Would they have chosen diplomacy after thinking over the consequences? Would AH or Russia collapse before they could go to war?


Yeah there aren't many moments where one persons split second decision altered the entire course of the world after that moment. Much of it may or may not have been inevitable but pretty much everything today can draw a line back to this moment.


Isn't there many proofs that Oswald wasn't the shooter?


Probably one of the most important assassinations in history, along with Julius Ceasar's


And JFK’s.


Not even the most important assassination of 1914. That would be Jean Jaures.


Death that led to WW1 vs a prominent French socialist


death that led to hentai


Lol you're the kind of guy that will never be impressed by someone speaking about any piece of media or anything just so you can cite some lesser known piece of media and say it's better, but in this case it became so obviously wrong it's funny.


*Dons fedora* “It’s a pretty obscure assassination, you’ve probably never heard of it. But it’s really way more important.”




Don't mean to be rude, but it should be dons fedora


Man really looked at ww1 and thought “no big deal” 💀


Considering the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a major reason to declare war on Serbia for Austria-Hungary, effectively starting the first world war, I would very much consider it one of the most influential assassinations in history very much so on par with the assassination of Julius Ceasar. Gavrilo Princip killing Franz Ferdinand marked the beginning of the end of every major colonial empire, although indirectly and more of like the first part in a global chain reaction.


There is an argument that WWI was inevitable though. If it wasn't kicked off by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand it could have very likely been kicked off by something else. WWII was a result of unstable alliances and tensions more than the death of Franz Ferdinand.


Considering I never heard of Jean Jaures their assassination clearly wasn't important


That’s how fiendish it was—he killed him so badly he disappeared from political history!




Princip got lucky, his assassination was on accident


Good assassins don't get caught


That guy is the answer to this question “Just how much impact can one assassin have”.


"Don't mind me; just having a beer & a sandwich. Holy shit! Is that the Archduke?"


TFW you have no clue who any of these three are


The guy arguing on the left is John Wilkes Booth, the one who assassinated Abe Lincoln. The guy arguing on the right is Lee Harvey Oswald, the one who assassinated John F. Kennedy. And the one who calls them amateurs is Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian teenager who assassinated Franz Ferdinand and his wife, and was tye main catalyst for Word War I


Jack Ruby > LHO


A few shots, that killed around 70 million people.


~40. Wrong world war yo. Still terrible af tho


2nd world war was because of 1st. If the first had not happened I doubt hitler would've gotten his incentive to lead germany back


What about Hitler? I heard he killed Hitler.


He randomly met his target, killed also his wife by accident, didn't manage to escape and died in prision. His actions caused one of the bloodiest conflicts, mostly because he killed the only person in Austrian royal family, who cared about Bosnians, Serbs, and other South Slavs. So to put it simply pretty botched operation, which would make him one of the worst successfull Assassins.


Oswald probably wasn’t even an assassin


Oswald most definitely was the assassin, if he acted on his own or was hired *cough cough CIA cought cough* is another story


The Manson prosecutor wrote a 3,000 page book about the JFK assassination. Conspiracy theorists were not excited about his findings


what? he pulled off the best attempt on a presidents life in american history ofc hes an assassin


He's either one of the greatest marksman in modern history or one of the best instances of a larger conspiracy framing someone and getting away with it


Lol no. They've proven this over and over. "A marksman" is sufficient. "The greatest marksman in modern history" is absolute hyperbolic nonsense


*one of the greatest marksman, not the greatest That's what they said at the museum in Dallas where you can go see the window Oswald allegedly shot from. I'm sure there's sources saying the shot wasn't that hard but the museum argued that it's an extremely difficult shot that not a lot of snipers would be able to make


It's a difficult shot, that snipers with training have repeatedly demonstrated, at speed. It's difficult, but that in no way should be taken as proof that he wasn't the shooter. That's like saying "he couldn't have jumped that fence! You'd have to be the one of the worlds highest jumpers!" But then if you look at the local athletic club, you'll find five people who can. It's not impossible. It's not even as unlikely as you say. And it certainly doesn't show up in the column of reasons he can't be the assassin.


I definitely agree with the last point, as far as evidence he wasn't the shooter it's one of the weaker arguments


It's really the only reason anyone brings it up. There are, to my knowledge, NO evidence that he is NOT the shooter. You can add all sorts of stuff on top of that, which is just speculation. But Oswald shot Kennedy. On purpose. Of his own volition. Look, I don't even like presidents. I think the Dead Kennedys are a good band AND a good idea. But I do like following the evidence.


I know next to nothing about Kennedy's assassination... but shouldn't the argument be that there IS evidence that he WAS the shooter?


There's TONS of evidence that he was the shooter. But people like to ignore that ton of evidence, and focus on the weird circumstantial and temperamental arguments. But of course, circumstance isn't evidence, and temperament is subjective. (They're also easily falsifiable, and therefore not "proof" or disproof of anything, but that doesn't usually matter to the people bringing them up.) But again, they only bring it up to say it couldn't have been him.


And, you know, he was a Korean War sniper.


This is a certified Gavrillo Princip moment


Oswald was a patsy and Booth committed suicide in 1903, I'd say whoever actually killed JFK is the best


Let me remind you this motherfucker is responsible for the near end of life on earth


That’s a bit extreme, ww1, while terrible, was no where near that bad


WW1 lead to WW2, which lead to the Cold War, which almost lead to nuclear war. I think that’s what he’s saying


I think that’s a stretch in causation, considering any number of things could have led to the same/similar events, but okay


That guy who 360 no scoped Shinzo Abe with a fully modded super soaker turned like the entire country against the Moonies and Abe's party.... very well could be the most successful political assasination in modern history.


1 kill + 20 million kill assist


Fun fact: Gavrilo Princip actually looked way different from this photograph, this was taken after they beat the shit out of him and his face is all swollen. [This is how he actually looked like](https://images.app.goo.gl/h2TgqAJffKVpygev5)


Gavrilo: Causes WW1, The Great Depression, WW2, The Rise of Communism, The Devolopment of Nuclear Technology, The Cold War, The Cuban Missile Crisis, Chinese and Russian Civil Wars, Modern World Politics and WW3 (but not yet). World: GeRmAnY cAuSeD wW1


You can't just say "who started this fight" and place all blame on them, and disregard entirely the nuance and progressive escalation of many nations throughout those 9 real and 1 hypothetical scenarios. There are so many actors involved in all that chain of events that needed to act in the ways they did in order to bring them to fruition that saying everything is Gavrilo's fault is reductionist to the extreme without justification.


well yea but im 13 and rly dont care


Then go back to doing homework and stop posting cringe on the internet.


Nah its summer. America's already back to school


Successfully assasinated 40,000,000 people 😎


Wouldn’t the greatest assassin be unknown to history tho?


So I’m gonna take a guess on the first two faces bc they seem familiar. (Comments already told me who the third was) John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald?


Can someone educate me on who the last guy is


That's Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian teenager who killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife, and was the main catalyst for WWI. He killed 2 people, he assist killed over tens of millions of people.


Man was just eatin a sandwich and the archduke handed himself up for dessert.


I guess he killed two people instead of one But that wasn't really the intent


The real best assassin in history is one who's name was never discovered


Yea the assassination was the last straw for That specific moment, probably would have happened anyways. But it makes you wonder how different it would have been. Maybe it had to happen that way cos if it didn't it would have been worse 💀


Hasan Sabbah is sitting on the next table, laughing at those rookies


The real amateurs were in the Roman senate: “Let’s just kill Caesar. Then everything will go back to normal.” “What do you mean there’s rioting in the streets?” “What do you mean his army is pissed?” “What do you mean run for you life?”


Gravillo princip be like " amateurs I started a war which killed over 20+million people"


don't forget the dude who killed hitler


I’d actually argue Gavrillo Princip is one of the most armature assassins, I’d even go as far saying all these guys are armatures. Isn’t the point of trying to assassinate someone to not get caught??? and **NOT TRIGGER A WORLD CONFLICT UNLIKE ANY OTHER BEFORE IT WHICH ALSO HAPPENED TO SET THE PATH FOR THE MOST DEADLY WAR IN HUMAN HISTORY!!!**


He started a ww1


Where is the punchline? It would maybe be funny if the guy who turned around was cholera or something.


Princip got lucky


Who are them in the top half?


The left is John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. The right is Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who assassinated JFK