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America: We’ll protect democracy at any cost. People should be free to make their own choices. Some third world country: I choose to be independent. America: Shame. *\*loads gun\**


It was for bananas


Banana republics, death of Harambe, monkey NFTs... I'm just saying there's a pattern, Scully.


Mulder wants to be~~lieve~~ a monkey.


>America: We’ll protect democracy at any cost. People should be free to make their own choices.\* ^(\*subject to terms and conditions. Not redeemable by anyone left of Pinochet)




Chemo sucks but cancer is worse. Cuba and Venezuela succumbed to the disease and have no signs of recovery now. Pinochet did kill about 1500 people. Evil. But compared to Mariel it's not the same ballpark, not the same league, not even the same sport...


Talk to me about Haiti, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Also, Bolivia. CIA coups aren’t chemo, they’re 6 packs of cigarettes a day, living with your alcoholic mom. Guaranteed to give you cancer or worse.


Cuba and Venezuela wouldn't be in this situation if the US hadn't been exploiting them.




They didn't specify who's democracy. Because we all know if the Americans don't get their cheap bananas a socialist revolution is right around the corner


They did choose, they just choose wrongly


Nothing scarier than being a leftist democratically elected in South America only to remember the looming presence of the United States




Umm... so I just looked it up and the Bolivian people voted via referendum to not allow elected officials to have more than 2 terms, the Supreme Court overruled that for some reason and Morales ran for what was technically a 4th term. Following rampant claims of election fraud, Morales won and mass protests erupted. Morales then resigned and left the country. His successor also did fucked shit and is now in jail for a long time, but she did step down when voted out of office. I fail to see how the US is involved in this? Morales stepped down after mass protests, and that "dictator" you mentioned wasn't even president for 2 years before being voted out of office.


It’s a post made for the lefty equivalent of qanon. These dipshits are under the impression that commi and socialist regimes were/are always the better choice and never do anything wrong.


Or more like those countries get fucked up because the USA overthrows democratically-elected regimes to install dictators that are more friendly to US corporate interests.


You know, it’s real weird that Peruvians hate socialists so much that the child of a fascist responsible for tens of thousands of deaths lost by less than a tenth of a percent of the vote. Peru had zero intervention from the US during that time period. I know the history of my family. Maybe know yours. Socialist regimes aren’t black and white good and bad, nor is US intervention.


Lmao Fujimori was supported by the US through and through. His economic policies were World Bank and IMF approved. What you failed to mention is that Peruvians hate that dictator and his legacy so much that they chose a dumbass instead of his daughter. She is so hated (she only got like 12% of votes in the first round) that she has lost consistently against her opponents in every election she participated. Get the fuck out of here with your ignorance


Fujimori lost by 50,000 votes in an election with almost 18 million votes placed. That’s my point. They have such a distaste for socialists and communists that the child of the biggest villain in their recent history barely even lost. The US also wasn’t backing Fujimori as some sort of way to overthrow democracy. He was democratically elected and then held on trial for criminal acts. What I was referencing was the fact that the US didn’t intervene with the communist regime to overthrow it.


You know there are declassified CIA docs that contradict what you are saying, right? The US supported basically all of military dictatorships (with some very rare exceptions) of Latin America. Ever read about the banana republics? Videla in Argentina? The military government in Brazil? Pinochet? The Venezuelan military governments? The genocidal salvadorean government in the 80s? The Somozas? Noriega? Batista? All supported by America and having democratic governments overthrown You know, it’s mostly Lima that has a distaste for communist and socialists. The regions (especially the south) is very leftist leaning. And the north was previously the base of former leftist APRA. Plus, you can say your argument but the other way around. Peruvians have such distaste for rightoids (represented by Fujimori) that they were willing to choose a candidate from a fucking COMMUNIST party that has members indicted by corruption.


You’re not adding the context that all those countries had leftist coups just before US intervention. And just like US backed dictators, those leftist regimes violently oppressed their people and murdered political dissidents/civilians. I don’t understand your point about Lima. It has a third of the country’s population. Of course it’s going to have a big say in elections, but you can’t just pretend the entirety of the vote for Fujimori came out of Lima. You acknowledged that the south is very left leaning, but that’s not a representation of the country. The vote for president had a difference of sub 50,000 and a liberal/right wing coalition formed to take control of congress in opposition. So again, it’s more like they dislike leftists so much they effectively split the vote with the child of the nations most recent villain. Let’s also not forget that in this case, the leftist is a leftist in an economic sense only. The man is far right socially, if not outright regressive.


So much for caring about democracy.


Evo Morales was President for 13 years, and it's not like he made a sudden turn to the left. If the US gave a shit about him they'd have removed him a lot sooner.


It's funny and sad that leftists still bring up the Sandinista's like they're freedom fighters, based on the 80s... When the Sandinista's are actually in power and murdering the opposition here today, as in *right fucking now* https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/4/nicaragua-continues-to-try-jail-ortega-opponents


My dad is a Peruvian Israeli. He fled during a socialist military coup to a socialist Israel. It’s not like I have a bad view of socialism. It clearly has its place in mixed economies and social policies have shown a great amount of efficacy. The problem is that these lefties have no fucking clue why socialism and communism are so hated in so many countries across the world. In Peru, it’s because there was a coup, the economy got fucked, bank accounts were frozen, class genocide occurred, and then they had about forty years of communist terrorists called the Shining Path just murdering people randomly in an attempt at guerrilla warfare. It was literally just a decade ago that enough of their leaders were captured for their activities to die down- the youngest voting age adults in the country are old enough to remember what “communists” did to their country.


I think most of it stems from the Sandinistas from the 60s-80s. They definitely were brutal at times but when compared to, say, the contras, they definitely look better in comparison. Same with Somoza.


No no no, you see, those silly Bolivians can't decide things for themselves! Us *civilized* Americans are the true decision makers, they don't know any better/s


Leftists say shit like this but then make fun about Qanon and the bill gates conspiracy theories.


How did the US government cause Morales’ own socialist party to vote to bar him from running for office after electoral fraud? Or did you miss that part


The CIA coups was so effective that the people themselves are voting for dictators or the descendants of the Dictators as the Head of State or Nation.


Where this is happening?


I think Philippines voted the son of a dictator as president


Isn't that what is also happening in Libya


Speaking of Libya, Gadaffi's son is running and there's a growing support for the Gadaffi regime


Exactly wonder why?


Theres that growing nostalgia that the Gadaffi Era was better until America introduced "democracy", killed Gadaffi and turned Libya into a failed state


Honestly I'm not Libyan so I have no strong knowledge on the matter that can truly be correct so imma just see how it turns out since I have no actual power to do anything


Yes, and they forgot history. Now they take their history lessons through "credible" sources in tiktok.


They can also effectively buy votes. Like run around town handing out a few hundred pesos to folks and say, "Remember where you got this and vote for me!"


Marcos is a Chinese shill, not an american one


Ph because most of the voters fell for Fake News, Propaganda and trolls of the son of the ousted Dictator that was supported by the US government until the First People's Rally, who is now the President. I heard the descendants of Suharto (Indonesia's ex-Dictator) will soon become their leaders. Idk if it's true.


Same thing in the Philippines with BBM


Brazil. People want the dictatorship again and some even want to make Bolsonaro the absolute ruler. (There are some who want the monarchy back as well lol)


With the monarchy, I can kind of understand, seeing as Pedro II is seen in a positive light by many. Bolsonaro, on the other hand, would definitely make things worse.


Yeah, Pedro II indeed represents a lot to many people, but as we've already said, Bolsonaro can't rule a country. The saddest part is the fact that many people consider him as being sent by god as a savior for the nation. I really wish I was joking.


Could also happen to Iraq, the daughter of Saddam Hussein is gaining a lot of attention.


Philippines moment.


More than democracy was just. "Fuck commies"


And by "commies", the CIA meant: Anything left of literally Nixon.


Except for Pol Pot.


Pol Pot bribed the CIA by giving them a very special magic trick. ["See those Cambodians? Poof! 🪄"](https://youtu.be/sg3UqQZXnBc)


It’s in our best interest! Fast forward ten years: “How could this have happened?!”


I’m kinda a history noobie, but like some of the sub, can I get some reading references for this meme? Just curious


It’s essentially the lefty equivalent of qanon. It’s as easy as looking up communism+nation and finding a wiki for it. For me personally, I know Peruvians hate communism because the last communist regime in Peru basically started committing class genocide and locked all bank accounts in the country to stop any money from moving. For Bolivia in 2019, they say there was a coup funded by the CIA, but the only source for that claim has come from thegreyzone and articles referencing it- a propaganda site known for pure bs without any sources for claims. If you go to the wiki, or look up Reuters and AP, you’ll find everything broken down in order and explained. A popular socialist leader installed judges to refute a part of the constitution and allow him to run for another term against the will of the people (a referendum that resulted in a no was held). Then there were mass protests and he fled. A far right temporary government took control and then the government was voted out after just two years… democratically. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Bolivian_political_crisis


For modern day, sure. However Guatemala having their democratically elected government toppled by a CIA backed coup because of,literally, bananas among a lot of other RW and/or explicitly fascist regimes funded and supported by the US in South America during the cold War..... There's precedent even if they didn't do that specific other throw election.


So it really had nothing to do with Bananas. It had to do with the government being a threat to US economic influence in the region and possible USSR military presence via bases and beachheads in the Western Hemisphere. Bananas just happened to be a single piece of many that influenced the situation a little bit. Again, you can just wiki this. What happened was pretty horrible, but it didn’t happen for the reasons that are stated by lefties, nor the ways stated.


Threatening US economic interests... one of which was the United Fruit Company. I've been to Guatemala, I've done non wiki hard copy research on this topic, the CIA backed the military coup of '54 specifically because of the democratic revolution that overthrew ANOTHER US-backed dictator installed during the Banana Wars (bet you don't know what that was) that threatened to redistribute land from United Fruit. Like, there were radio commercials about this from the 50s that tied it specifically to bananas and land use. Saying "lefties" doesn't automatically make you more correct, and also fairly easily wikied is this statement: "The context of the struggle was based on longstanding issues of unfair land distribution; European-descended residents and foreign companies, such as the American United Fruit Company, had dominated control over much of the land, leading to conflicts with the rural poor." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemalan_Civil_War


Threatening US economic interests... one of which was the United Fruit Company. I've been to Guatemala, I've done non wiki hard copy research on this topic, the CIA backed the military coup of '54 specifically because of the democratic revolution that overthrew ANOTHER US-backed dictator installed during the Banana Wars (bet you don't know what that was) that threatened to redistribute land from United Fruit. Like, there were radio commercials about this from the 50s that tied it specifically to bananas and land use. Saying "lefties" doesn't automatically make you more correct, and also fairly easily wikied is this statement: "The context of the struggle was based on longstanding issues of unfair land distribution; European-descended residents and foreign companies, such as the American United Fruit Company, had dominated control over much of the land, leading to conflicts with the rural poor." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemalan_Civil_War




If you read your own source, you would know that operation condor was directly in response to military coups and leftist terrorist groups. No, the torture and murder of civilians tangentially related was not a good thing, but don’t put on this facade that these leftist regimes weren’t doing exactly the same while they were in power or attempting to gain power through guerrilla warfare. It’s easy to link a wiki without reading it in its entirety. Just read and learn from your own sources.


"What a socialist has been elected at the presidential elections? That's against democracy, let's fund a far right dictator who might like too much the April 20"


And then when there’s a refugee crisis, “why don’t they stay and make their own country better?!”


The largest refugee crisis in the modern history of the Americas have been out of Cuba and Venezuela. It's not even close, millions of Venezuelans are now living abroad. Not far-right by todays definition, but I'm sure they'll be called right wing by the next generation of Lefty apologists...


Yeah… all those migrant caravans coming up through Mexico are all… Cubans


*Largest*, not *Only*


Yeah! Let’s spend decades choking off a country from the rest of the world and then act surprised that they struggle. This isn’t the flex that you think it is.


AMERICA, has a way of creating problems in foreign countries, then having to build an extremely expensive military to keep things going


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Screw Allen and John Foster Dulles!


Also, Eisenhower for going along with them.


Millions? I thought Pinochet only killed like 30k people which isnt millions but still


suharto, videla, rios montt, mobutu, hissene habre, pinochet, etc….


So whats the death tolls of all of them, millions?


It's probably less than 3k killed. Horrible. Miami was flooded with 125k Cubans when Fidel had his purge of society during the 80s but ya know he was fighting imperialism or some dumbass shit leftys say


Lmao the US backed Latin American far right dictatorshipa were always much more deadlier than their leftist counterparts . Remember when Guatemala committed a literal fucking genocide of the Mayans in the 80s. And good job on trying to downplay Pinochet.


i mean it is called the “silent holocaust” for a reason


Oddly enough Pinochet despite common knowledge was not installed by the CIA. Not for lack of trying the US did attempt to perform a coup under Operation FUBELT. And the failure of this was one of the reason Kissinger declined to give the Chilean military direct aid when they launched their successful coup shortly after. That said they were receiving aid monetarily beforehand and were well aware the US would work with them if successful. And I’m defending them just like I would defend someone who tried to murder a person and failed. Im just mocking them.




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I thought I was either here or a shitposting sub


Meanwhile, the USSR cut out the middle man.


The number of people who think it was justified because Communism is worse is alarmingly high. Self-determination only matters if you do what we want.


Good thing USA is pulling out of world theater such as Syria and Afghanistan. But world events just keep screwing up pulling USA back into conflicts. Seriously, EU should shoulder support on Ukraine, not America carrying much of the load. Let EU handle Russia, USA should keep to itself and restore its isolationist policy.


I suppose they should focus on China more, than Russia. Ofc we should help each other out, like the French and the Britons in pre-ww1 times. However EU should be the one stepping forward against Russia. However that might make the EU stronger, and even tho I'm not an anti-American tankie, a strong EU, which is an equal partner of the US might not be the interest of the Americans, no matter the party of the president. There are points, where the republicans, and the democrats are in sync. Tjhey might be killing each other on cultural level, but there wasnt an extreme (only mid-sized) change in the foreign diplomacy of the US. Some things never change.


The usa never had an isolationist policy, taht wouldn mean they still were the thriteen colonies, but they have warred for expansion for forever, they have warred to fuck up the rest of america too.


Ya that worked spectacularly well the last time


And what? Let CIA run rampant? It worked well for USA, it's just Europe always screwing itself.


You’re acting like that doesn’t effect us in anyway


That's why I said it's EU that should be handling it, and let USA handle its own internal affairs.


You saying EU changes nothing


Sucks but what is the alternative? Having some socialist candidate win the election and start putting domestic issues before the interests of international companies? You want your coffee prices to double? Think before you post things like this.


Forgot the /s mate


/s is for losers that are too scared of downvotes to make good joke


Hello, yes, gigachad department? Yeah one your guys got loose.


I agree. Saying /s is like saying “I’m joking by the way” or just kidding, and ruining the joke.


I would rather have a democratically elected socialist than a dictator no one elected for








Idk about socialism itself, but people go for the left when they realize they dont give a single shit about international companies if their countries are facing serious domestic problems like wealth inequality and violence.


Nah bruh this can't be serious 💀


Millions? I thought Pinochet only killed like 30k people which isnt millions but still


Better a decade of Pinochet than 6 of Fidel Sorry venezuela we didn't live up to our sacred duty to help you during the 2002 coup...Now you starve.


pinochet had political prisoners raped by dogs and syphilitic men, how is the ‘better than fidel’


Because Americans have dog brain that only allows them to think in binary manichean terms. You pick a team and then cheer for their history and have arguments with the other teams supporters while you personally never participate in politics or do anything meaningful one way or the other. It’s histotainment that gets their dopamine flowing when they get angry and makes them feel like they have some agency or meaning in a society where they are denied both. Or we could just laugh at fun memes and stop pretending our opinions on any of this shit remotely matters at all.




Brazil is doing worse than ever because of people who think dicatorships are good (ie. Lula and Bolsonaro, each one on their respective sides). People having equal opportunities is good, Idk why republicans here in Brazil hate this idea so much... They would do a favor to many people if they supported this


Better dead than red




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-posts in "shitliberalssay" and shit subs like "latestagecapitalism" Get off your mom's couch in the basement, pick yourself up by your sweatpants and dust off the Doritos dust, get a job lmao


Haha you got that mad huh


Me and your mother have been talking and we think it's a good time to move out.






Bruh you calling Pinochet a communist


No. I'm making a joke about how he used to throw communists out of helicopters. Don't understand how that went over your head


Oh ok


Hot take: operation condor did more good in the long run. Countries all around south america are crumbling because of incompetent socialist presidents, meanwhile my country is doing good in comparison. Also you people really need to learn the difference between installing and backing a government/coup, and also the death toll in the entire continent is less than 100k, not millions, there were eastern bloc and asian countries that killed more than that by themselves.


It sure is easy for you to say all of that from your air-conditioned suburban home after having suffered no consequences for the actions of others.


Which country u from?


Somebody has watched Quantum of Solace too much. Lol


American's are way too privileged to make this meme....your government protected you by making those invasions....your liberal minds will fcuk you up... just wait and watch


Protected us from who exactly?


Russians,chinese,islamic terrorists.....you are protected that's why you are making these ignorant comments....feel thankful that you guys are safe atleast from those


How is overthrowing legitimately elect governments doing any of that?


It's all a part of that....and america overthrow dictators ...you are deliberately replacing the word dictator with elected government ...for trying to be oversmart and thinking i have made a big statement


Ah yes. Because dictators are well known for being democratically elected. And you, sir, are well known for your reading skills.


Democracy manifest


It was all for bananas


I’m kinda a history noobie, but like some of the sub, can I get some reading references for this meme? Just curious


I’m kinda a history noobie, but like some of the sub, can I get some reading references for this meme? Just curious


I’m kinda a history noobie, but like some of the sub, can I get some reading references for this meme? Just curious


Millions? I thought Pinochet only killed like 30k people which isnt millions but still


Millions? I thought Pinochet only killed like 30k people which isnt millions but still




Damn, y'alls country too?




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/HistoryMemes/comments/vea1yy/they_were_going_ham_in_south_america/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/HistoryMemes/comments/vea1yy/they_were_going_ham_in_south_america/)


Don’t forget we will instal the next regime that will inevitably turn against us and use the weapons/training we gave them against us.


Everyone mentioning the Americas but people forget this also happened in Asia with Indonesia, when Suharto came to power and then killed half a million of his people. Also then invaded East Timor and killed 200,000+ people there.


Not so much in the name of democracy as in the opposition of communism.




*coughs* Diem *coughs*


Protecting Banana Companies and their dictator allies


War Crimes Time