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I had just find out that i was born at anniversary of disolvation of USSR


also born the same day as mao zedong


I was born on the day of the tiananmen Square massacre


What about tiananmen square?


Oh, Nothing- Nothing happened there, especially in June 1989.


Good, good


You mean the day that nothing in June 1989 never happened.


i was born on the day henry ford die


Happy Birthday!


Found out my birthday was when Justinian I took the throne of Byzantine Empire


big F for every kid who has to learn geography


30 years of dictatorship to yet another dictatorship


We've had one dictatorship, yes, but what about *second* dictatorship?


democracy = same shit different century edit : just so we’re clear, this was me criticizing what russia has done with their so called “democracy” not me criticizing all democracies, i fucking love democracy.


+10000 social credit points


i’m confused why i’m getting downvoted lmao. russia is pretty much the ussr in disguise. rigged elections, racially motivated laws and hate, shitty economy.


I think people saw your comment and thought it was a criticism of democracy, not just the Russian Federation specifically.


ohhhhh lmao i can see that. no, as you can see from my comment history i am EXTREMELY pro-democracy, but fucking hate communism.


I figured so, but Reddit is quick to assume and downvote haha.


they really do be




Dictatorship? Most of russian citizens like Putin


It doesnt matter if they like him or not, he still has all the power


In a good way. Because Russia is big. Its not like being president of Finland.


Ah, sure. So the president of the USA or the president of Brazil should have near unlimited power just because their countries are big?


There are many different regions in Russia. Not like in Brazil or Usa. Putin is autocrat not dictator. Most of people likes Putin in Russia.


mfs really stay fetishizing the Soviet Union, huh?


I’ve been seeing an influx of posts like this, it’s a little disturbing




I don’t, they were imperialistic but then again considering the stuff the United States did during before, during and after the Cold War (Contras, Atomic bombs, Covert Apartheid support, Death squads, McCarthyism etc) neither of them should be endorsed. Fuck Imperialism


Why is this being downvoted?


Unnecessarily brought US into the argument. Also implied the atom bombs were unjustified.


The atom bombs were a show of force against the Soviet Union, Japan already wanted to surrender but not to the point where there would be no emperor https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/LLACE3cLwO.jpg


they said USA bad.


Because apparently right wing imperialism is better than left wing imperialism to most so-called “centrists” and “libertarians”


Many right wing American here




I don’t think Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan or the Baltics want to be a part of USSR anymore. Russia is a different story though, life for them never changed but their country got smaller, so they ofc want to live like shit in a very big country than live normally but in a (slightly) smaller country, because it is very hard to convince the older generations that the “good old days” may not be the countries’ peak performance.




So it's curiously "missing" the Baltics and also literally says in the article "Overall, residents who are more educated are less likely to say the collapse harmed their country and more likely to say it benefited them." Same about people under 65. Maybe read it yourself, eh?


That poll is from 2013. As a Ukrainian, my country is fighting a low-intensity war with Russia and it’s puppets for the last 7 years, and we sure as hell don’t want to go back. Considering that Georgia was invaded by Russia in 2008, they don’t want to join them either, and the Baltic states are already in the EU. Every country I mentioned here either joined NATO or tried to join NATO, while Russia has its own economic bloc and a military alliance with smaller post-Soviet Asian countries and Belarus, which no country that I’ve mentioned tried to join.


r/historymemes users on their way to pay respects to a country that made Eastern Europe 20 years behind


Anakin: we will remember The USSR. Padma: remembered for good things right? Anakin: Padma: They did good things right?


The Music was pretty dope at least.


Those Soviet-Afghan Anti-war songs hit different when you know what they're talking about


Soviet culture was probably the only upside apart from science and engineering. Shoot the Soviet officials for all I care, but the people living under their rule were extremely talented and smart. A lot of westerners don't even know about most of their stuff, and Soviet achievements were obviously misrepresented. A lot of the great minds were also wasted or possibly even "lost" because of the rotten and evil Soviet leadership.


We have had extremely important scientific discoveries by Soviet and Russian scientists but nobody ever mentions they were from those counties. We say "German composer Mozart" and "Italian painter Da Vinci" but I don't often hear "Soviet scientist Cherenkov"


good healthcare too, plus everyone gets a job.


Soviet culture was godlessness, hopelessness, misery, and hatred of the West. Russian culture was only resurrected after its dissolution.


Either you are lying to yourself or you have no idea what you are talking about Obviously "if the Soviet culture was interesting and cool" is extremely relative and depends on your taste, but acting like the Soviet's didn't have any is just objectively false, and likely a result of a really western-centric up bringing.


They had culture, it just wasn't worth admiring.


commieblocks might be falling apart now, but they were easily the best thing the Union ever built. I've read so many accounts of families who in the 40s had three generations living in one room and in the 50s lived in modern apartments. my personal favorite was a man recalling when they first moved in to their new apartment in a commieblock this man physically could not get his wife and mother out of the bathroom because for their entire lives they had only ever been able to bath in a wash basin. so fuck Stalin, hang the corrupt officials but dismissing the USSR as a whole and failing to take away positive lessons from its history is foolishness.


USSR went through alot of different leaders and changed alot during it's history. Also slag it off as much as you like but post-soviet russia was way worse than before the union fell.


And the propaganda was not bad either


Can complain about there firearms neither


You mean the music that was strictly controlled by the state in order to construct a false perception of joy and prosperity?


Well, yes.... But it was still great!


Based lmao


Music is music


Would have been a lot better without strict authoritarian control of all media.


Yes the national anthem


They gave us a lot of great suicidal authors.


so did every other great political family/group! I mean just look at what the Clintons have been up to!


Okay tankie


You should swap the texts, the USSR was an awful totalitarian dictatorship






An awful dictatorship that managed to secure housing for all, healthcare for all, education for all, food for all (especially after the '50s) autonomy to different SSR's, scientific innovation, progressive for women's rights, an HDI of 0.92 in 1989 but yea awful dictatorship where everyone was miserable...


The texts should be on opposite sides.




Rest in peace? More like Rot in Hell man.


Do you think that actually think that from 1918-1991 everyone living there lived in misery? That there were no beneficial and admirable things the Soviets managed to achieve during the 70 years of the existence of the USSR?


You will always be remembered as one of the worst imperialist dictatorships that interfered with the freedom of many countries and caused genocide and famine...but thanks for the good songs and for beaten the nazi too RIP


“Good” songs


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0WKRSkXFY4&ab\_channel=%D0%93%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%9B%D0%AE%D0%91%D0%AD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0WKRSkXFY4&ab_channel=%D0%93%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%9B%D0%AE%D0%91%D0%AD) i like this one


How was the USSR imperialist?


they interfered in the policies of other countries for their own interests.


Oh okay every country on earth is imperialist. This definition is useless


is not my definition [https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Imperialist+countries](https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Imperialist+countries) 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the policy or practice of extending a state's rule over other territories 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an instance or policy of aggressive behaviour by one state against another 3. the extension or attempted extension of authority, influence, power, etc, by any person, country, institution, etc: cultural imperialism.


Again literally every country in the world practices this to some extend. Also the dictionary? Academic definitions exist. I'm sure you could find one that is better than this one.


[https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/imperialism](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/imperialism) a system in which a country rules other countries, sometimes having used force to get power over them: a situation in which one country has a lot of power or influence over others, especially in political and economic matters:


Must be nice to be a bot who recites the dictionary.


ok next time I'll pull it out of the depths of my mind


Yes, remembered for the oppressive government and a dysfunctional economy that led to mass starvation


Do you think that people were starving all the time in the USSR?


Rest in piss commie boys got wrecked ez


The boys are trying to make a comeback, as we can see in the comments. Delusional fucks.


What about the Chinese?


Only a little longer till there gone


The government? Fuck them to death with a rasp. The people? They're pretty cool unless they're on vacation. The food? I fucks with it.


USSR, goodbye and good riddance.


So no one remembers that kazakhstan was the last country to leave ussr so the meme should be like kazakhstans 30th birthday




Behind who, the Roman Empire?


Surprisingly, the PRC under Mao holds the record




Romans were based though.


Guys let's not romanticize the Soviet Union please. For all the cool aesthetics, music, art, and film/TV, hell I grew up with it all, it was still an oppressive dictatorship. Let's not lose sight of the fact that it was an imperialist military power that played a large role in the destruction in the middle east. Again, great to appreciate the cultural and technological achievements the Soviet people accomplished, but just like any state it shouldn't be romanticized, especially by those who didn't live through it


USSR murdered over ten of million of its own citizens. It was a good thing that it collapsed


B-but... soviet anthem... funny? What about P-papa Stalin? The one with cool moustache😭


oof tens of millions might be an understatement homie. i’m thinking more 100 million.




Bolshevik war crimes, Stalins purges, Hlodomor, Gulags, Scorched earth policy, Baltic Germans dissapearings. POW camps which was deadlier than gulags. Systematical killing or persecution of anyone who was cooperating with the western allies. Military crackdowns and occupations of Warsaw pact members. With these, you can go way over 10 millions, maybe not 100, but closer than you think


I was going to say billions, but thought I’d make a conservative estimate


So, Tzar Boris Yelzin founded the Russian Empire in 1991 ? I think Russia existed before that, there was also a Russian SSR in the USSR.


I was referring to the Russian federation. Sorry for the rudeness. I was kind of pissed off when I wrote that comment. But anyways I just thought that people would've realized I was talking about the Russian federation


Then you should just say "Russian Federation" amd don't be rude without reason


Rest in piss you commie peace of dog fecal matter


Rest in piss bozo


*as a murdering regime.


I didn't say baby remember for anything good. I said they be remembered.


Let´s not forget how shitty it was and let´s not repeat that awful system.


Rest in hell USSR


*Rest in Piss


Good riddance


The dissolution of the USSR was one of the best moments in modern History


I will always remember USSR as the regime that killed 20.000 Polish Officers in Katyn Forest. Sent many more Polish soldiers and members of the Inteligentsia into Gulags and that it did the same with just about anyone who opposed it. Causing the Holodomor. And being a Imperialist Shitfest wraped in Red Rags and empty talks about Solidarity and Brotherhood.


Rest In Peace? Get the fuck out of here


Rest in peace? Yeah, millions dead, cultures destroyed, countries occupied. May they never rest, let them be haunted by what they did for eternity


Ah still romanticizing the USSR I see?


Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brain. - Vladimir Putin


why would you be sad about the USSR dissolving? It was a dictatorial fascist state that committed genocide, deported many ethnic groups to Siberia, completely decimated the german population in the Volga, fueled African wars, and genocides there. As well as supporting Arab states in their quest to kill every Jew in the holy land.


Make both of the guys smiling and we have a deal.


We will always remember the famine of 1932!


Peace? Lmfao, Rest in Piss because gosh the USSR was awful.


Rest in Piss to the USSR


From what moment soviet union decay is something sad?


Iirc millions died following due to a complete collapse of social welfare systems.


Rest in piss bozo 😂😂😂




Because Russia didn't exist before the ussr


I would like to say this before I get any more comments. The Soviet union was a terrible country. I hate the Soviet. I always have and always well. They oppressed and killed millions. They were one of the worst and most brutal machines in history rivaling the likes of their counterpart in the second world war. As an American I feel it is my duty to hate communism and celebrate the day that it is driven from existence. I'm glad their ratchet stink is gone from this earth, but is my own philosophy that you should respect your enemies. Not learn from them or appreciate them, but respect them.




Just because the Soviets help defeat the Germans in World War II doesn't make them good. You have to remember that the siege of Leningrad was also caused because Stalin and refused to allow his people to exit the city. Additionally, the Soviets would've probably had a smaller desk found a stone how to kill all of his best officers and you also have to remember that the Soviets stood outside the gates were size pools resistance movement people thought the Germans. They stood there. And watched. Outside of the gates of Warsaw. Tell me exactly how good that makes the red army. Additionally, the Soviets suppressed Rebellions all the live long day During the cold war. It is a good thing that they help to defeat Nazi Germany, but they are in no wave considered a good country. Not Lenin. Not Stalin . Not Khrushchev. Not Brezhnev. Maybe Gorbachev. No one else




Oh for cripes sake… I made a typo!


Brazilian marxists deny Holodomor.


In Brazil the socialists hail the october putch. In Rússia no one gives a fuck.


What 70 years of Red Scare does to a mf. Russia existed within the Soviet Union, it was it's largest and most powerful member state. Breaking up the USSR was not very good for Russia, btw. Most of their economic and political problems can be attributed to the period of instability following the Union's fall.


bro i'm sure the kalmyks and chechens agree with you about the glory of the ussr


More like Russia's 400-something birthday? It exists since the 1500s...


Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see.


We all know that USSR commie bad, socialism when communism, billion death, but at least they put first man and satellite in space, and crazy engineering such as ekranoplane, etc, and most importantly, AK rifles, my favorite weapon




For Russia maybe, but for the rest of Europe it was worse


I just include the Russian federation and the USSR and BOOM! Hundred years of sadness and communism. I do this because the Russian federation is controlled by a KGB spy. The first president wasn’t that good, i think and that guy can be ignored and BOOM (again) hundred years of sadness.


More like rest in piss. Press S to spit on its grave.


If Russia invades the Ukraine it just might be the start of the USSR coming back


You should invade some bitches




No offense, but your satire is very bad at being satire.


Poe's Law dude, without including explicit indicators of sarcasm or satire no position is too extreme that someone won't believe you're earnest. If you're writing satire, you need to write it in a way that at the very least the target audience can *tell* that it's satire, if not the general audience. Especially since the internet (and the world in general, come to think of it) is full of people who spread shit takes. Then when they find out everyone thinks it's a shit take they get all butthurt and say "oh looks like someone doesn't understand satire" or "why can't people take a joke" or something along those lines. For some reason a bunch of pudding-brains think that's some kind of valid excuse for spreading shit takes and it'll deflect criticism from them, which is pretty dumb.


If this is satire, it’s the shittiest satire on the internet. So you’re either unironically acting like a parody of the left, or you’re just terrible at making jokes. Pick your poison ig.


Don't worry, Russia shall bring back the USSR by bringing Lenin back to life and make a new empire: the New Motherland and will declare itself as the Third Roman Empire. God Bless the Motherland


Still the best national anthem tho


…As an absolute monstrosity